Official USMB Mafia Game #9: Battle for Cityville

Fuck this nonsense.

If Nutz isn't lynched, I'm going to replace out because there is no way I'm putting up with this garbage for an entire game.
:lol: If I can't get my way...I quit!


It's a game...that you routinely lose. Try winning for once and listen to logic and quit being the VI.

^ This last line is not newbtown posting. Anybody that can't see that is wilfully ignorant.
Fuck this nonsense.

If Nutz isn't lynched, I'm going to replace out because there is no way I'm putting up with this garbage for an entire game.
:lol: If I can't get my way...I quit!


It's a game...that you routinely lose. Try winning for once and listen to logic and quit being the VI.

^ This last line is not newbtown posting. Anybody that can't see that is wilfully ignorant.
Actually, I just read that in the forum. Wake defined it for you...I think.
Fuck this nonsense.

If Nutz isn't lynched, I'm going to replace out because there is no way I'm putting up with this garbage for an entire game.
:lol: If I can't get my way...I quit!


It's a game...that you routinely lose. Try winning for once and listen to logic and quit being the VI.

^ This last line is not newbtown posting. Anybody that can't see that is wilfully ignorant.
Actually, I just read that in the forum. Wake defined it for you...I think.

Quote it.
I am a quick study, bubba. I can see through you and your manipulation. I have you pegged as scum.
Fuck this nonsense.

If Nutz isn't lynched, I'm going to replace out because there is no way I'm putting up with this garbage for an entire game.
:lol: If I can't get my way...I quit!


It's a game...that you routinely lose. Try winning for once and listen to logic and quit being the VI.

^ This last line is not newbtown posting. Anybody that can't see that is wilfully ignorant.
Actually, I just read that in the forum. Wake defined it for you...I think.

Quote it.
Mafia Discussion Thread: Keep Your Torches and Pitchforks at Home!
And know I am not scum...just a dick. Avi, you know that too.
We won game 5 and 6 and game 7 wasn't a mafia game but please keep repeating that same tired line while accusing everyone who opposed you of being scum.

I believe you have now said Wake, House and myself are scum. You have zero interest in working with town and town has zero chances of winning with you in the game.

I will just keep voting you until one of us is dead.
We won game 5 and 6 and game 7 wasn't a mafia game but please keep repeating that same tired line while accusing everyone who opposed you of being scum.

I believe you have now said Wake, House and myself are scum. You have zero interest in working with town and town has zero chances of winning with you in the game.

I will just keep voting you until one of us is dead.
You say I have no interest in working with town, but the case is that I am working for town. You are blindly following a liar. You have changed your vote how many times in the past 24 hours?

Yes, I believe the scum is between Wake, you and House. You, because you refuse to listen to any reason and do whatever House or Wake tell you to do. House, because as soon as the heat was on, he has tried to point the finger at me. Wake...I have explained many a time...and you all agree he is you wanted to lynch FA_Q2 ?? You are too emotional and take everything too personal. You know I am not scum...yet you want me gone because you can't handle anyone disagreeing with you.

The three of you have ignored the opinions of RosieS , AyeCantSeeYou and FA_Q2 and have told them what they should do this entire game. Why do YOU represent town. Why aren't THEIR opinions valid? Why do we sacrifice a town to hope a lie is true? Even if Wake's role is doesn't mean he is telling you the truth. It was actually quite interesting to read through some of the threads and see how Wake was proud of his lies and how he won as a Serial Killer. It was interesting to read through the threads to see how much he manipulates you. It makes absolutely no sense to follow the game plan of someone who is clearly lying.

So now, YOU want to sacrifice town by getting rid of me? It was FA a couple of hours ago. Seems to me, you guys want to get rid of anyone who doesn't toe your line. You want to get rid of anyone who dares to disagree with flawed logic from people with a losing percentage.

Who is anti-Town again?
BS-I've never told anyone what to do. That would be you Nutz. You are doing your best to make sure things go your way and only your way only and refusing to listen to anyone else. You are playing against town's wincon and dividing town. Scum will win because of you if you are not one of them. Town wins as a team united against scum. You've done nothing but divide us. You are right about one thing. I'm very loyal to my friends. That's a personality trait of mine. But if one of them gives me reason not to be and I think they are scum, I won't hesitate to lynch them.
Fuck this nonsense.

If Nutz isn't lynched, I'm going to replace out because there is no way I'm putting up with this garbage for an entire game.
:lol: If I can't get my way...I quit!


It's a game...that you routinely lose. Try winning for once and listen to logic and quit being the VI.

^ This last line is not newbtown posting. Anybody that can't see that is wilfully ignorant.
Actually, I just read that in the forum. Wake defined it for you...I think.

Quote it.
Mafia Discussion Thread: Keep Your Torches and Pitchforks at Home!
Fuck this nonsense.

If Nutz isn't lynched, I'm going to replace out because there is no way I'm putting up with this garbage for an entire game.
:lol: If I can't get my way...I quit!


It's a game...that you routinely lose. Try winning for once and listen to logic and quit being the VI.

^ This last line is not newbtown posting. Anybody that can't see that is wilfully ignorant.
Actually, I just read that in the forum. Wake defined it for you...I think.

Quote it.
Mafia Discussion Thread: Keep Your Torches and Pitchforks at Home!

That is not at all what you said.
[QUOTE="Nutz, post: 10792178, member: 47651"
The three of you have ignored the opinions of RosieS , AyeCantSeeYou and FA_Q2 and have told them what they should do this entire game. Why do YOU represent town. Why aren't THEIR opinions valid? [/QUOTE]

Well gee, let's think about this...

RosieS: Calls me scum because I'm being myself. Not a lot that's noteworthy there.
Aye: Scumread. Why would I consider her opinion valid?
FA_Q2: Where have I discounted his posts?

More shameless doubtcasting & lies from your resident Nutz.
VI stands for Village Idiot, and is a player who routinely behaves in a stupid way which disrupts the Town's efforts to catch the Scum.

I'll let you guys fill in the blanks as to who is doing this. Scum are loving this divide right now. They are sitting back, sipping tea on the beach, soaking up the sun, laughing to themselves while we sit here an bicker.

Just like politicians in Washington who let us fight their battles while they scheme for their own gain.

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