Official USMB Mafia Game #9: Battle for Cityville

Wake is not going to be lynched today. FA is the only viable wagon. The only other I see with a vote is house. Of you three I find him the least scummy.

if you want to try to start another wagon be my guest. I find it unlikely to take shape though
They are ONLY viable if you believe Wake...and you and everyone else already don't believe him.

Are you the type of person to spend your last dollar on a lottery ticket as opposed to food?
Rosie, House, Wake-Can you three please help us avoid a NL in less than 6 hours? Nutz is being scummy but I think he's just clueless on why it's a bad idea to NL on D1.

The rest of you know better.
Nutz-town has won twice, game 5 and 6 were both town wins. You are contributing to a town loss here though with your anti-town play right now.
AyeCantSeeYou RosieS FA_Q2 we don't have to NL...we can vote out the obvious scum. You can stand up and lead instead of follow. You were told to not vote for Wake. You were told what wagon to choose from, you have been told to vote for FA. Your opinions have been ignored and tossed aside so 2 or 3 people can make all of the decisions.

You do have a voice. You can join me in lynching wake...or if you feel strongly about someone else, I will listen. But don't make the mistake of allowing these people to make the decisions for you...Town will never win that way.
If we lynch Wake and he's telling the truth, you will be turbolynched so fast your head will spin for not even bothering to see if he's telling the truth and yes town will lose-because of you and your anti-town, scummy, bullshittery.

Fuck, this is stupid.
Don't look at me.

I never said I would vote for FA and I will not be bullied into it now.

There is no good reason for lynching FA and a big bunch of manipulative ones from both Wake and House.

This always happens and you don't remember: some Scum fool plants seeds of doubt and everyone starts changing votes left and right -

And we always lynch town D1.

Not me this time.

No way.

I will move my vote off House to put it on Wake.

But that is the only change I am willing to make.

There is no reason at all for lynching FA.

If he gives one soon, then that is different.

If not, not.

I am not gonna get derailed by Scum.


Regards from Rosie
Your reasons for saying House is scum are that he's being snotty. Nutz wants to lynch someone who claimed a PR. Both of you would rather NL than compromise with the rest of town and are contributing to a town loss with your stubborn foolish play.

I'm done dealing with this.
Don't look at me.

I never said I would vote for FA and I will not be bullied into it now.

There is no good reason for lynching FA and a big bunch of manipulative ones from both Wake and House.

This always happens and you don't remember: some Scum fool plants seeds of doubt and everyone starts changing votes left and right -

And we always lynch town D1.

Not me this time.

No way.

I will move my vote off House to put it on Wake.

But that is the only change I am willing to make.

There is no reason at all for lynching FA.

If he gives one soon, then that is different.

If not, not.

I am not gonna get derailed by Scum.


Regards from Rosie

um house isn't voting for FA. neither is wake. How can they be manipulating us into voting FA?
Great, your contribution to a town loss is also noted Rosie. I'm done trying to reason with people who can't see logic.

relax wolf. It's day 1. We haven't lost anything yet.
If we lynch Wake and he's telling the truth, you will be turbolynched so fast your head will spin for not even bothering to see if he's telling the truth and yes town will lose-because of you and your anti-town, scummy, bullshittery.

Fuck, this is stupid.
I am willing to take that chance.
Vote: Wake

I think I am maxed out with dealing with people who only want things their way and are unwilling to compromise and are doing things that have the potential to screw town.
Vote: Wake

I think I am maxed out with dealing with people who only want things their way and are unwilling to compromise and are doing things that have the potential to screw town.
I will interpret that as you seeing the light.
Don't look at me.

I never said I would vote for FA and I will not be bullied into it now.

There is no good reason for lynching FA and a big bunch of manipulative ones from both Wake and House.

This always happens and you don't remember: some Scum fool plants seeds of doubt and everyone starts changing votes left and right -

And we always lynch town D1.

Not me this time.

No way.

I will move my vote off House to put it on Wake.

But that is the only change I am willing to make.

There is no reason at all for lynching FA.

If he gives one soon, then that is different.

If not, not.

I am not gonna get derailed by Scum.


Regards from Rosie

um house isn't voting for FA. neither is wake. How can they be manipulating us into voting FA?
Great, your contribution to a town loss is also noted Rosie. I'm done trying to reason with people who can't see logic.

relax wolf. It's day 1. We haven't lost anything yet.

Dunno why you get hung up on my English, Avatar.

I have been given no reasons to vote for FA.

Both Wake and House have given me big fat manipulative reasons.

So my vote is for one of those two.

It stays on House unless we are dumping Wake now.

Just like everyone else, my vote is all I have and I refuse to throw it away on lynching town D1.

Nope. Not voting FA unless FA himself says I should.

Capishe now, Avi?

Regards from Rosie
Don't look at me.

I never said I would vote for FA and I will not be bullied into it now.

There is no good reason for lynching FA and a big bunch of manipulative ones from both Wake and House.

This always happens and you don't remember: some Scum fool plants seeds of doubt and everyone starts changing votes left and right -

And we always lynch town D1.

Not me this time.

No way.

I will move my vote off House to put it on Wake.

But that is the only change I am willing to make.

There is no reason at all for lynching FA.

If he gives one soon, then that is different.

If not, not.

I am not gonna get derailed by Scum.


Regards from Rosie

um house isn't voting for FA. neither is wake. How can they be manipulating us into voting FA?
Great, your contribution to a town loss is also noted Rosie. I'm done trying to reason with people who can't see logic.

relax wolf. It's day 1. We haven't lost anything yet.

Dunno why you get hung up on my English, Avatar.

I have been given no reasons to vote for FA.

Both Wake and House have given me big fat manipulative reasons.

So my vote is for one of those two.

It stays on House unless we are dumping Wake now.

Just like everyone else, my vote is all I have and I refuse to throw it away on lynching town D1.

Nope. Not voting FA unless FA himself says I should.

Capishe now, Avi?

Regards from Rosie

Because your english makes no sense. Why else would I ask for a clarification?

Why on earth would FA say vote for him?

And I made the case on FA before this wake claim shook everything up. little has changed other than wake, if he is being honest is telling that 1 of 3 of the off wagoners is his partner(s) and if he is lying his butt off there are still good odds that his partner is among those three.

I don't see house being house a really good argument that he is scum. But even a house lynch makes more sense than a wake lynch at this point.
Yes, lets stick with loser logic and keep the scum so he can lie to you again. I hate playing on losing teams...just bend over...I am sure he will tell you he is using a little lube. Give him your wallet, I am sure you will get all of it back.

Logic...believe a guy that was backed into a corner. Great logic! 1 and 8...winning!

Based on this post, you would hammer any PR claim. That's scum.

Appeal to ridicule. That's scum.

Super happy with my vote.

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