Official USMB Mafia Game #9: Battle for Cityville

Then lets just vote no lynch and end the day. Why risk voting off a townie because you believe this incredible lie Wake has manufactured?

Why no lynch when we have good odds of hitting scum. 1/3 at least if we go off wagon. 1/4 on?

Normally day one is a much lower chance of hitting scum. Whether wake is telling the truth or not we have good odds.

What makes it even better is that it's 1/3 odds even if Wake is scum because I don't think his buddy is on the Wake wagon. Not on D1.

And I think that's why Nutz wants a NL so bad, since he can't get Wake lynched.

And Nutz needs to die because he's obv-freaking-scum.

Vote: Nutz
No, I am just not a gulliable dope slurping up everything wake has to say. He is clearly lying...take advantage of gulliable dopes that have one 1 game as townies...playing with flawed logic and second, thrid chances for obvious scum. Vote for me...the town is fucked anyhow when you listen to Wakes nonsense. You would think, after losing over and over and over might want to try something differnet.

And first choice is Wolf...but I am sick of the fucking crying whenever I mention her name.

Even if Wake is lying, it is still to town's benefit to let him play it out because the benefit is simply too great if he is telling the truth.

You are completely disregarding any possibility of Wake telling the truth when you simply don't know enough about the game to be so certain about anything regarding game mechanics.

The only way you can be so ignorant yet so certain is if you are scum, because you already have the answers, and an agenda to push.

Q.E.D, bitch.
No, it is not Mr 1 and 8.

Whatever Q.E.D means, bitch.

Far, Far outside of the city limits we've got this piece of work. You won't find many straight up castles in the U.S. but who says Cityville is in the U.S.? (ok it's in the U.S., but that castle is still legit)

Vote Count~1.10

Nutz-House, Wolfsister (L-3)
FA_Q2-AyeCantSeeYou, Avatar4321 (L-3)
No Lynch-Nutz (L-4)

Not Voting: Wake, Avatar4321, FA_Q2,
With 8 Alive It's 5 to Lynch
Deadline is: Thursday, February 19th @8pm

MOD NOTE: Deadline is in less than 24 hrs.

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Oh, and my agenda...get this game moving faster than molasses trying to travel uphill.
Oh, and my agenda...get this game moving faster than molasses trying to travel uphill.

Yeah, but you're wanting to move it towards a scum win.

To accomplish that, you're wanting to sacrifice a powerful PR on the chance that he's scum.

That's got scum written all over it. There is zero harm in letting Wake be until d2 to lynch him, but you've been railing against it until it became obvious that you weren't going to get rid of your pet lynch target.

If town derps and lets you live, don't expect to live long if Wake flips the PR he's claimed.

You know, on second thought I think we should let Nutz live for now and hunt the scum on the wagon. After Wake flips, his reveal will say much about Nutz' alignment. If Wake is the Sensor like he claims, it makes Nutz obvscum. If Wake flips scum, then Nutz is obvtown because there's no way that scum would bus this hard on d1.
Oh, and my agenda...get this game moving faster than molasses trying to travel uphill.

Yeah, but you're wanting to move it towards a scum win.

To accomplish that, you're wanting to sacrifice a powerful PR on the chance that he's scum.

That's got scum written all over it. There is zero harm in letting Wake be until d2 to lynch him, but you've been railing against it until it became obvious that you weren't going to get rid of your pet lynch target.

If town derps and lets you live, don't expect to live long if Wake flips the PR he's claimed.

You know, on second thought I think we should let Nutz live for now and hunt the scum on the wagon. After Wake flips, his reveal will say much about Nutz' alignment. If Wake is the Sensor like he claims, it makes Nutz obvscum. If Wake flips scum, then Nutz is obvtown because there's no way that scum would bus this hard on d1.
Makes no difference...I am town. Either way...its the losing team when you allow obvious scum to run the game.
We either let the game NL or we vote the largest wagon right now. Sorry FA. I think a lynch would be informative and helpful more so than a NL right now and you are one of the 3 off the wagon. We've got less than 24 hours and this is the 3rd vote out of 5.

Vote: FA_Q2
Oh, and my agenda...get this game moving faster than molasses trying to travel uphill.

Yeah, but you're wanting to move it towards a scum win.

To accomplish that, you're wanting to sacrifice a powerful PR on the chance that he's scum.

That's got scum written all over it. There is zero harm in letting Wake be until d2 to lynch him, but you've been railing against it until it became obvious that you weren't going to get rid of your pet lynch target.

If town derps and lets you live, don't expect to live long if Wake flips the PR he's claimed.

You know, on second thought I think we should let Nutz live for now and hunt the scum on the wagon. After Wake flips, his reveal will say much about Nutz' alignment. If Wake is the Sensor like he claims, it makes Nutz obvscum. If Wake flips scum, then Nutz is obvtown because there's no way that scum would bus this hard on d1.
What will be revealed on D2? Another lie?
D1, you want to sacrifice a townie because you want to believe in Wake's magical power that he manufactured when he was about to get lynched.

After D2, if scum doesn't NK him...guess what...HE IS STILL GONNA LIE and control you again. Yeah...its important to lynch him on D1. It makes no sense not to. The reward is not worth the let an obvious scum play on...AND to let him control the game. Hell, he added 3 days to D1 alone by manipulating you.

It makes absolutely no sense for you to be so gung ho on keeping him around. Unless of course, you are his scum partner...or he is telling the truth and you are scum...realizing that it is still a coin flip - even with this magical power.

No Lynch is simply a compromise to idiotic play. If you guys can't wise up and vote out obvious scum...that you guys think is lying...then why risk voting off a town when you can wait for his manufactured powers on D2 and have a better odds of sniffing out the scum. Worst case scenario - lose only 1 town instead of 2. Best case scenario...lose no town if someone has a power to save the NK...then NO Town is lost, right? No mistakes, no townie killed...with better odds of finding the scum on D2 with this manufactured ability...if you truly believe it.
There's so many logical inconsistencies in that post that I don't even need to bother with a response.
Yes, lets stick with loser logic and keep the scum so he can lie to you again. I hate playing on losing teams...just bend over...I am sure he will tell you he is using a little lube. Give him your wallet, I am sure you will get all of it back.

Logic...believe a guy that was backed into a corner. Great logic! 1 and 8...winning!
I don't particularly want FA_Q2 lynched today, but what would be even worse is having a NL. That, and I'm sure we'd reap a lot of information with his flip. If FA goes to L1 I will hammer.
I do feel wary of both House and Avatar moreso than others at the moment.
I don't particularly want FA_Q2 lynched today, but what would be even worse is having a NL. That, and I'm sure we'd reap a lot of information with his flip. If FA goes to L1 I will hammer.

We have 12 hours. Unless everyone gets online and votes for someone else, it's him or we go to NL. I really feel like no one is really working together atm to avoid a NL so meh............................

Let's see what happens.
I don't particularly want FA_Q2 lynched today, but what would be even worse is having a NL. That, and I'm sure we'd reap a lot of information with his flip. If FA goes to L1 I will hammer.

Can we trust wake for a hammer here?
We'll find out soon enough. If it's close to the day closing and he hasn't voted, I suggest someone be the hammer.

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