Official USMB Mafia Game #9: Battle for Cityville


Let's see what happens.
Good morning Aye. You are making an error in judgement. Aren't you tired of losing and being on a losing team? Wake should be voted off. If not, NL.

Lemming mentality - following this group without question - is ridiculous. Stand on your own, sweetie...quit following only to be part of a losing team.


Let's see what happens.
Good morning Aye. You are making an error in judgement. Aren't you tired of losing and being on a losing team? Wake should be voted off. If not, NL.

Lemming mentality - following this group without question - is ridiculous. Stand on your own, sweetie...quit following only to be part of a losing team.


Morning back! What's left of it anyway.

Nutz, the votes for Wake aren't going to happen today. They just aren't there. If he is in fact town, scum will take care of him during the night phase unless someone has a protective role they use on him. If, by some odd chance scum doesn't 'off' him, 2 possibilities come into play:
1) He's scum.
2) He's town and scum are counting on us to lynch him Day 2.

To have a NL this early in the game is a bad idea. If this was several lynches in, I'd say yes, go for the NL. Right now, we need info from whoever winds up being lynched today as far as their alignment goes.

With that being said, I do not trust Wake. He said himself he had no interest or time to play the game. He gets a warning from the mod and comes in to be all gungho for playing with a claim of a wild ability that could be good or bad for either side depending on how it's looked at. Where was the interest before that? Why wait until he's close to being lynched to actually put forth any effort in the game? Makes no sense.

Let's see what happens.
Good morning Aye. You are making an error in judgement. Aren't you tired of losing and being on a losing team? Wake should be voted off. If not, NL.

Lemming mentality - following this group without question - is ridiculous. Stand on your own, sweetie...quit following only to be part of a losing team.


Morning back! What's left of it anyway.

Nutz, the votes for Wake aren't going to happen today. They just aren't there. If he is in fact town, scum will take care of him during the night phase unless someone has a protective role they use on him. If, by some odd chance scum doesn't 'off' him, 2 possibilities come into play:
1) He's scum.
2) He's town and scum are counting on us to lynch him Day 2.

To have a NL this early in the game is a bad idea. If this was several lynches in, I'd say yes, go for the NL. Right now, we need info from whoever winds up being lynched today as far as their alignment goes.

With that being said, I do not trust Wake. He said himself he had no interest or time to play the game. He gets a warning from the mod and comes in to be all gungho for playing with a claim of a wild ability that could be good or bad for either side depending on how it's looked at. Where was the interest before that? Why wait until he's close to being lynched to actually put forth any effort in the game? Makes no sense.
Exactly...but you are voting FA-Q2? It makes no sense to keep Wake and let his lie define the rest of this game. Nip the problem in the bud...don't allow it the fiction and indecision to continue beyond today so he and House/ Wolf can muddy the waters for another week?

Just makes no sense to know that Wake is lying, but buy into the fiction by not lynching case he is telling the truth. Do you really think he will tell the truth D2?

I mean...NL makes more sense that voting off a random person for no valid reason. A Wake Lynch makes most sense. But if we are gonna vote off someone besides Wake, it should be House or Wolf....if for no other reason than leading the town into idiotic decisions.

Let's see what happens.
Good morning Aye. You are making an error in judgement. Aren't you tired of losing and being on a losing team? Wake should be voted off. If not, NL.

Lemming mentality - following this group without question - is ridiculous. Stand on your own, sweetie...quit following only to be part of a losing team.


Morning back! What's left of it anyway.

Nutz, the votes for Wake aren't going to happen today. They just aren't there. If he is in fact town, scum will take care of him during the night phase unless someone has a protective role they use on him. If, by some odd chance scum doesn't 'off' him, 2 possibilities come into play:
1) He's scum.
2) He's town and scum are counting on us to lynch him Day 2.

To have a NL this early in the game is a bad idea. If this was several lynches in, I'd say yes, go for the NL. Right now, we need info from whoever winds up being lynched today as far as their alignment goes.

With that being said, I do not trust Wake. He said himself he had no interest or time to play the game. He gets a warning from the mod and comes in to be all gungho for playing with a claim of a wild ability that could be good or bad for either side depending on how it's looked at. Where was the interest before that? Why wait until he's close to being lynched to actually put forth any effort in the game? Makes no sense.
Exactly...but you are voting FA-Q2? It makes no sense to keep Wake and let his lie define the rest of this game. Nip the problem in the bud...don't allow it the fiction and indecision to continue beyond today so he and House/ Wolf can muddy the waters for another week?

Just makes no sense to know that Wake is lying, but buy into the fiction by not lynching case he is telling the truth. Do you really think he will tell the truth D2?

I mean...NL makes more sense that voting off a random person for no valid reason. A Wake Lynch makes most sense. But if we are gonna vote off someone besides Wake, it should be House or Wolf....if for no other reason than leading the town into idiotic decisions.

why are you so against an FA lynch?
I'm wondering why Nutz is blowing so much smoke.

He wants Wake dead who has a chance of being a PR, he wants a NL which denies town info. He complains about the game moving slow but seems to be contributing to it.

And Rosie, House, or Nutz needs to vote for FA or we NL and at least House and Rosie should know better, especially since Rosie came into this thread and said as much but didn't change her vote even though we NL in less than 7 hours...............................WTF people?

Let's see what happens.
Good morning Aye. You are making an error in judgement. Aren't you tired of losing and being on a losing team? Wake should be voted off. If not, NL.

Lemming mentality - following this group without question - is ridiculous. Stand on your own, sweetie...quit following only to be part of a losing team.


Morning back! What's left of it anyway.

Nutz, the votes for Wake aren't going to happen today. They just aren't there. If he is in fact town, scum will take care of him during the night phase unless someone has a protective role they use on him. If, by some odd chance scum doesn't 'off' him, 2 possibilities come into play:
1) He's scum.
2) He's town and scum are counting on us to lynch him Day 2.

To have a NL this early in the game is a bad idea. If this was several lynches in, I'd say yes, go for the NL. Right now, we need info from whoever winds up being lynched today as far as their alignment goes.

With that being said, I do not trust Wake. He said himself he had no interest or time to play the game. He gets a warning from the mod and comes in to be all gungho for playing with a claim of a wild ability that could be good or bad for either side depending on how it's looked at. Where was the interest before that? Why wait until he's close to being lynched to actually put forth any effort in the game? Makes no sense.
Exactly...but you are voting FA-Q2? It makes no sense to keep Wake and let his lie define the rest of this game. Nip the problem in the bud...don't allow it the fiction and indecision to continue beyond today so he and House/ Wolf can muddy the waters for another week?

Just makes no sense to know that Wake is lying, but buy into the fiction by not lynching case he is telling the truth. Do you really think he will tell the truth D2?

I mean...NL makes more sense that voting off a random person for no valid reason. A Wake Lynch makes most sense. But if we are gonna vote off someone besides Wake, it should be House or Wolf....if for no other reason than leading the town into idiotic decisions.

why are you so against an FA lynch?
I am not......I think it is idiotic not to lynch wake...there is a difference. Besides, FAQ doesn't come off scummy to me the same as Wake, Wolf, and House.
I'm wondering why Nutz is blowing so much smoke.

He wants Wake dead who has a chance of being a PR, he wants a NL which denies town info. He complains about the game moving slow but seems to be contributing to it.

And Rosie, House, or Nutz needs to vote for FA or we NL and at least House and Rosie should know better, especially since Rosie came into this thread and said as much but didn't change her vote even though we NL in less than 7 hours...............................WTF people?
I am not gonna vote for FAQ. I don't buy into the fantasy that wake is telling the truth. Stupid is stupid and I won't take part in it.
You are playing a part in being stupid by allowing a NL to happen and insisting on voting for Wake which isn't going to happen.

You are contributing to town losing right now Nutz and it's scummy.
The other option, of to vote Wake.

Rosie, Aye, FAQ...why are you following these guys blindly. They give you no respect and order you what to do. You agree...Wake is lying and scum. Get rid of the threat now. It is the only sound strategy.
If Rosie, House, or Wake stall this into a NL along with Nutz, then I'm throwing my hands up. FA isn't the best choice but it's an informative lynch and the only one that knows his alignment for sure is FA and/or scum. He's one of the 3 off the wagon, there's one in three shot here. Otherwise we have zero chance of hitting scum and they get a shot at us and guess who dies then? That's right, a townie. Unless they are protected by a PR.
We have all already decided we are going to test if Wake is telling the truth by letting him take his shot and lynching him tomorrow to test his claims. You are being scummy as shit by insisting on killing a claimed PR right now when he can help us catch scum if he's telling the truth.

I really can't believe this is even a discussion. Town is going to lose at this rate.
You are playing a part in being stupid by allowing a NL to happen and insisting on voting for Wake which isn't going to happen.

You are contributing to town losing right now Nutz and it's scummy.
You mean town know show to win with a 1 and 8 record?

Well golly gee...let me jump on that wagon...can I pay extra for a front seat when it rolls off the cliff?
We have all already decided we are going to test if Wake is telling the truth by letting him take his shot and lynching him tomorrow to test his claims. You are being scummy as shit by insisting on killing a claimed PR right now when he can help us catch scum if he's telling the truth.

I really can't believe this is even a discussion. Town is going to lose at this rate.
No, you, Wake, and House decided. Not the town. There are 5 other peeps.
Day 1 especially at the end of the day is always about compromise. We need the lynch for informational purposes.

wake may be scum, but even if he is there is at least another
Day 1 especially at the end of the day is always about compromise. We need the lynch for informational purposes.

wake may be scum, but even if he is there is at least another
Ok...then let's offer up a viable option. Why is FA scum? I don't see it. House and Wolf look WAY scummier to me...but everyone is afraid of them for some reason and letting them make team decisions.

I will not vote FA. I see no reason to sacrifice her when House and Wolf look much more scummy. I would even vote you, Avi, before I would vote FAQ.

If it makes me look scummy...oh well. I am not scum and I think it is idiotic to allow scum to control this game. That is why town never wins.
Wake is not going to be lynched today. FA is the only viable wagon. The only other I see with a vote is house. Of you three I find him the least scummy.

if you want to try to start another wagon be my guest. I find it unlikely to take shape though

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