Official USMB Mafia Game #9: Battle for Cityville

AyeCantSeeYou RosieS FA_Q2 we don't have to NL...we can vote out the obvious scum. You can stand up and lead instead of follow. You were told to not vote for Wake. You were told what wagon to choose from, you have been told to vote for FA. Your opinions have been ignored and tossed aside so 2 or 3 people can make all of the decisions.

You do have a voice. You can join me in lynching wake...or if you feel strongly about someone else, I will listen. But don't make the mistake of allowing these people to make the decisions for you...Town will never win that way.

This is not newbtown posting. This is newbscum posting. The only way Nutz can be so certain in his read is if he's scum, and he's trying to do exactly what he is accusing others of doing.
AyeCantSeeYou RosieS FA_Q2 we don't have to NL...we can vote out the obvious scum. You can stand up and lead instead of follow. You were told to not vote for Wake. You were told what wagon to choose from, you have been told to vote for FA. Your opinions have been ignored and tossed aside so 2 or 3 people can make all of the decisions.

You do have a voice. You can join me in lynching wake...or if you feel strongly about someone else, I will listen. But don't make the mistake of allowing these people to make the decisions for you...Town will never win that way.

This is not newbtown posting. This is newbscum posting. The only way Nutz can be so certain in his read is if he's scum, and he's trying to do exactly what he is accusing others of doing.

is he scum busing or scum mislynching?
AyeCantSeeYou RosieS FA_Q2 we don't have to NL...we can vote out the obvious scum. You can stand up and lead instead of follow. You were told to not vote for Wake. You were told what wagon to choose from, you have been told to vote for FA. Your opinions have been ignored and tossed aside so 2 or 3 people can make all of the decisions.

You do have a voice. You can join me in lynching wake...or if you feel strongly about someone else, I will listen. But don't make the mistake of allowing these people to make the decisions for you...Town will never win that way.

This is not newbtown posting. This is newbscum posting. The only way Nutz can be so certain in his read is if he's scum, and he's trying to do exactly what he is accusing others of doing.
No, I am refusing to allow you and Wolf from making all of the decisions in this game. I don't take orders well...especially when they devalue common sense.
I have a game question...are Scum allowed to PM each other?
AyeCantSeeYou RosieS FA_Q2 we don't have to NL...we can vote out the obvious scum. You can stand up and lead instead of follow. You were told to not vote for Wake. You were told what wagon to choose from, you have been told to vote for FA. Your opinions have been ignored and tossed aside so 2 or 3 people can make all of the decisions.

You do have a voice. You can join me in lynching wake...or if you feel strongly about someone else, I will listen. But don't make the mistake of allowing these people to make the decisions for you...Town will never win that way.

This is not newbtown posting. This is newbscum posting. The only way Nutz can be so certain in his read is if he's scum, and he's trying to do exactly what he is accusing others of doing.

is he scum busing or scum mislynching?

He's scum mislynching. He's obviously dying to get a powerful PR out of the game, even if that means he has to die as a result.

Even if I'm wrong, which I seriously doubt at this point, I'd rather lose a scum as fuck townie over a claimed PR on d1 that has limited shots that will be expendable d2 anyway.

Lynching Wake today is retardulous and you should all fee bad.
AyeCantSeeYou RosieS FA_Q2 we don't have to NL...we can vote out the obvious scum. You can stand up and lead instead of follow. You were told to not vote for Wake. You were told what wagon to choose from, you have been told to vote for FA. Your opinions have been ignored and tossed aside so 2 or 3 people can make all of the decisions.

You do have a voice. You can join me in lynching wake...or if you feel strongly about someone else, I will listen. But don't make the mistake of allowing these people to make the decisions for you...Town will never win that way.

This is not newbtown posting. This is newbscum posting. The only way Nutz can be so certain in his read is if he's scum, and he's trying to do exactly what he is accusing others of doing.
No, I am refusing to allow you and Wolf from making all of the decisions in this game. I don't take orders well...especially when they devalue common sense.

Yeah, you are the one trying to manipulate everyone in this game by forcing us to lynch Wake or forcing us to NL. You are now wanting to lynch House because he's going after you. You refuse to listen to logic or sound reasoning and you refuse to work with town or compromise on anything.

I'd like to utility lynch you meaning it's a PL but has a chance of flipping scum since your entire play is anti-town, scummy, and wrong on many levels. You are the one trying to bully everyone and won't play to town's wincon.

Vote: Nutz
I'm not moving my vote off Nutz. If the rest of you guys refuse to work together and want to screw town, then I will votepark this anti-town scummy player until the cows come home.
AyeCantSeeYou RosieS FA_Q2 we don't have to NL...we can vote out the obvious scum. You can stand up and lead instead of follow. You were told to not vote for Wake. You were told what wagon to choose from, you have been told to vote for FA. Your opinions have been ignored and tossed aside so 2 or 3 people can make all of the decisions.

You do have a voice. You can join me in lynching wake...or if you feel strongly about someone else, I will listen. But don't make the mistake of allowing these people to make the decisions for you...Town will never win that way.

This is not newbtown posting. This is newbscum posting. The only way Nutz can be so certain in his read is if he's scum, and he's trying to do exactly what he is accusing others of doing.
No, I am refusing to allow you and Wolf from making all of the decisions in this game. I don't take orders well...especially when they devalue common sense.

Yeah, you are the one trying to manipulate everyone in this game by forcing us to lynch Wake or forcing us to NL. You are now wanting to lynch House because he's going after you. You refuse to listen to logic or sound reasoning and you refuse to work with town or compromise on anything.

I'd like to utility lynch you meaning it's a PL but has a chance of flipping scum since your entire play is anti-town, scummy, and wrong on many levels. You are the one trying to bully everyone and won't play to town's wincon.

Vote: Nutz
How am I forcing anything. I simply stated early on, I will not vote FA. You are the ones who have refused to compromise...ordering everyone to vote FA.

Go ahead, lynch me. I am town, the scum - Wake - will continue to lie to you and you will lose as usual.

I am pro town...I am refusing to allow poor leadership to make loser decisions for me.
AyeCantSeeYou RosieS FA_Q2 we don't have to NL...we can vote out the obvious scum. You can stand up and lead instead of follow. You were told to not vote for Wake. You were told what wagon to choose from, you have been told to vote for FA. Your opinions have been ignored and tossed aside so 2 or 3 people can make all of the decisions.

You do have a voice. You can join me in lynching wake...or if you feel strongly about someone else, I will listen. But don't make the mistake of allowing these people to make the decisions for you...Town will never win that way.

This is not newbtown posting. This is newbscum posting. The only way Nutz can be so certain in his read is if he's scum, and he's trying to do exactly what he is accusing others of doing.
No, I am refusing to allow you and Wolf from making all of the decisions in this game. I don't take orders well...especially when they devalue common sense.

Yeah, you are the one trying to manipulate everyone in this game by forcing us to lynch Wake or forcing us to NL. You are now wanting to lynch House because he's going after you. You refuse to listen to logic or sound reasoning and you refuse to work with town or compromise on anything.

I'd like to utility lynch you meaning it's a PL but has a chance of flipping scum since your entire play is anti-town, scummy, and wrong on many levels. You are the one trying to bully everyone and won't play to town's wincon.

Vote: Nutz
How am I forcing anything. I simply stated early on, I will not vote FA. You are the ones who have refused to compromise...ordering everyone to vote FA.

Go ahead, lynch me. I am town, the scum - Wake - will continue to lie to you and you will lose as usual.

I am pro town...I am refusing to allow poor leadership to make loser decisions for me.

Your alternative is to follow logic that is completely absent of any knowledge of working game theory or mechanics.

Newbtown would look for town and try to follow their logic & be asking questions about mechanics, roles, and theory that they didn't understand.
I have a game question...are Scum allowed to PM each other?

Who are you wanting to PM?
I am just curious how you...who has been pretty much absent...all of a sudden showed up at this point. I am thinking your Scum partner sent you a PM.

Aw, Nutz is mad because I'm shaking up his push.
Not really...finally entertained, but not mad. I am good one way or the other. I am town...lynch me, you get screwed as a town...but you benefit as scum. Lynching you is simply my compromise.

It just makes me shake my head when people blindly follow you simply because you are arrogant.
AyeCantSeeYou RosieS FA_Q2 we don't have to NL...we can vote out the obvious scum. You can stand up and lead instead of follow. You were told to not vote for Wake. You were told what wagon to choose from, you have been told to vote for FA. Your opinions have been ignored and tossed aside so 2 or 3 people can make all of the decisions.

You do have a voice. You can join me in lynching wake...or if you feel strongly about someone else, I will listen. But don't make the mistake of allowing these people to make the decisions for you...Town will never win that way.

This is not newbtown posting. This is newbscum posting. The only way Nutz can be so certain in his read is if he's scum, and he's trying to do exactly what he is accusing others of doing.
No, I am refusing to allow you and Wolf from making all of the decisions in this game. I don't take orders well...especially when they devalue common sense.

Yeah, you are the one trying to manipulate everyone in this game by forcing us to lynch Wake or forcing us to NL. You are now wanting to lynch House because he's going after you. You refuse to listen to logic or sound reasoning and you refuse to work with town or compromise on anything.

I'd like to utility lynch you meaning it's a PL but has a chance of flipping scum since your entire play is anti-town, scummy, and wrong on many levels. You are the one trying to bully everyone and won't play to town's wincon.

Vote: Nutz
How am I forcing anything. I simply stated early on, I will not vote FA. You are the ones who have refused to compromise...ordering everyone to vote FA.

Go ahead, lynch me. I am town, the scum - Wake - will continue to lie to you and you will lose as usual.

I am pro town...I am refusing to allow poor leadership to make loser decisions for me.

FA was the leading wagon. He was one of the three off the Wake wagon which means there's a one in three chance he's scum. We could of lynched Wake tomorrow to test his claims after using his ability again and could use that to either confirm town or scum. You refuse to listen to why a NL denies town important info. and why lynching a claimed PR is a bad idea. You tried to manipulate everyone into doing what you want and refused to listen or work with anyone else. Your play is anti-town and directly hurts town's chances of winning.
AyeCantSeeYou RosieS FA_Q2 we don't have to NL...we can vote out the obvious scum. You can stand up and lead instead of follow. You were told to not vote for Wake. You were told what wagon to choose from, you have been told to vote for FA. Your opinions have been ignored and tossed aside so 2 or 3 people can make all of the decisions.

You do have a voice. You can join me in lynching wake...or if you feel strongly about someone else, I will listen. But don't make the mistake of allowing these people to make the decisions for you...Town will never win that way.

This is not newbtown posting. This is newbscum posting. The only way Nutz can be so certain in his read is if he's scum, and he's trying to do exactly what he is accusing others of doing.
No, I am refusing to allow you and Wolf from making all of the decisions in this game. I don't take orders well...especially when they devalue common sense.

Yeah, you are the one trying to manipulate everyone in this game by forcing us to lynch Wake or forcing us to NL. You are now wanting to lynch House because he's going after you. You refuse to listen to logic or sound reasoning and you refuse to work with town or compromise on anything.

I'd like to utility lynch you meaning it's a PL but has a chance of flipping scum since your entire play is anti-town, scummy, and wrong on many levels. You are the one trying to bully everyone and won't play to town's wincon.

Vote: Nutz
How am I forcing anything. I simply stated early on, I will not vote FA. You are the ones who have refused to compromise...ordering everyone to vote FA.

Go ahead, lynch me. I am town, the scum - Wake - will continue to lie to you and you will lose as usual.

I am pro town...I am refusing to allow poor leadership to make loser decisions for me.

Your alternative is to follow logic that is completely absent of any knowledge of working game theory or mechanics.

Newbtown would look for town and try to follow their logic & be asking questions about mechanics, roles, and theory that they didn't understand.
1 and 8...your logic isn't sound. SOmeone you believe him hook, line and sinker? Why...a hope and a that what you consider to be logic? That is nonsense...1 and 8 nonsense. Loser mentality doesn't all of a sudden change...that change has to be forced.
AyeCantSeeYou RosieS FA_Q2 we don't have to NL...we can vote out the obvious scum. You can stand up and lead instead of follow. You were told to not vote for Wake. You were told what wagon to choose from, you have been told to vote for FA. Your opinions have been ignored and tossed aside so 2 or 3 people can make all of the decisions.

You do have a voice. You can join me in lynching wake...or if you feel strongly about someone else, I will listen. But don't make the mistake of allowing these people to make the decisions for you...Town will never win that way.

This is not newbtown posting. This is newbscum posting. The only way Nutz can be so certain in his read is if he's scum, and he's trying to do exactly what he is accusing others of doing.
No, I am refusing to allow you and Wolf from making all of the decisions in this game. I don't take orders well...especially when they devalue common sense.

Yeah, you are the one trying to manipulate everyone in this game by forcing us to lynch Wake or forcing us to NL. You are now wanting to lynch House because he's going after you. You refuse to listen to logic or sound reasoning and you refuse to work with town or compromise on anything.

I'd like to utility lynch you meaning it's a PL but has a chance of flipping scum since your entire play is anti-town, scummy, and wrong on many levels. You are the one trying to bully everyone and won't play to town's wincon.

Vote: Nutz
How am I forcing anything. I simply stated early on, I will not vote FA. You are the ones who have refused to compromise...ordering everyone to vote FA.

Go ahead, lynch me. I am town, the scum - Wake - will continue to lie to you and you will lose as usual.

I am pro town...I am refusing to allow poor leadership to make loser decisions for me.

FA was the leading wagon. He was one of the three off the Wake wagon which means there's a one in three chance he's scum. We could of lynched Wake tomorrow to test his claims after using his ability again and could use that to either confirm town or scum. You refuse to listen to why a NL denies town important info. and why lynching a claimed PR is a bad idea. You tried to manipulate everyone into doing what you want and refused to listen or work with anyone else. Your play is anti-town and directly hurts town's chances of winning.
No, believing an obvious lie and basing your strategy on that lie (pretending it is truth) is anti-town - whether done out of manipulation or idiocy.
Fuck this nonsense.

If Nutz isn't lynched, I'm going to replace out because there is no way I'm putting up with this garbage for an entire game.
Fuck this nonsense.

If Nutz isn't lynched, I'm going to replace out because there is no way I'm putting up with this garbage for an entire game.
:lol: If I can't get my way...I quit!


It's a game...that you routinely lose. Try winning for once and listen to logic and quit being the VI.

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