Official USMB Mafia Game #9: Battle for Cityville

Knowing how powerful my ability is, wouldn't it be in Scum's best interest to stir up as much doubt as possible to prevent me from using my last shot?
Town has far more to gain keeping me alive until Day 2 than squandering my chance to use my ability the second time.

Let me use my 2nd shot. Then after I reveal the result, you can do whatever you want.
Town has far more to gain keeping me alive until Day 2 than squandering my chance to use my ability the second time.

Let me use my 2nd shot. Then after I reveal the result, you can do whatever you want.
Town has nothing to gain from keeping you alive if you are scum. But hey, if you guys can garner enough votes...I will be the hammer. If you are telling the truth, you will be night killed anyway. If you are lying...and the scum thinks you have this fictional ability...then you will be night killed.

You are making a last ditch effort. I might be able to get on board with a House vote if we are playing Avi's strategy. I don't think FA is scum at this point.

I would even consider Rosie...but my spidey senses tell me she is town. Other than that, we all know who I think the other scum is...I won't say the name to avoid drama.

But in the end...the smart move is to lynch Wake and rid ourselves of this manufactured narrative.
Wake will not necessarily be NK'd if there is a protective ability in the game unless he is completely not believed by anyone.
I thought I was pretty clear. So should we look for one scum among the four on the wagon or one or two in the three Off wagon choices?

There can't possibly be more than two scum in this game with only 8 people. If Wake is being honest, there is one on the wagon and one off. If he's lying, it doesn't really matter.
Town has far more to gain keeping me alive until Day 2 than squandering my chance to use my ability the second time.

Let me use my 2nd shot. Then after I reveal the result, you can do whatever you want.
Town has nothing to gain from keeping you alive if you are scum. But hey, if you guys can garner enough votes...I will be the hammer. If you are telling the truth, you will be night killed anyway. If you are lying...and the scum thinks you have this fictional ability...then you will be night killed.

You are making a last ditch effort. I might be able to get on board with a House vote if we are playing Avi's strategy. I don't think FA is scum at this point.

I would even consider Rosie...but my spidey senses tell me she is town. Other than that, we all know who I think the other scum is...I won't say the name to avoid drama.

But in the end...the smart move is to lynch Wake and rid ourselves of this manufactured narrative.

Normally in games of Mafia, when a player makes a Power Role claim, the other player back off and wait with lynching that player. In this case I've claimed an extremely powerful ability. This ability is far stronger than the Cop ability, which is typically seen as the strongest role in typical Mafia games. If some of you have unique roles also, you may have an understanding that we're playing with what is basically a theme game, and not a normal or balanced game in the slightest. I don't begrudge your inexperience, because this is your very first game and you don't have knowledge of all the nuances involved in Mafia.

I am telling the truth, but you can't say with certainty that I will be killed Night 1, because you can't know whether or not there are also protective power roles in this game, either. When a player makes a claim like this, the last thing you do is rush to kill it, because then once you (Town?) discover I've been telling the truth all along, you've basically sawed off your feet with a rusty hacksaw.
Town has far more to gain keeping me alive until Day 2 than squandering my chance to use my ability the second time.

Let me use my 2nd shot. Then after I reveal the result, you can do whatever you want.
Town has nothing to gain from keeping you alive if you are scum. But hey, if you guys can garner enough votes...I will be the hammer. If you are telling the truth, you will be night killed anyway. If you are lying...and the scum thinks you have this fictional ability...then you will be night killed.

You are making a last ditch effort. I might be able to get on board with a House vote if we are playing Avi's strategy. I don't think FA is scum at this point.

I would even consider Rosie...but my spidey senses tell me she is town. Other than that, we all know who I think the other scum is...I won't say the name to avoid drama.

But in the end...the smart move is to lynch Wake and rid ourselves of this manufactured narrative.

Normally in games of Mafia, when a player makes a Power Role claim, the other player back off and wait with lynching that player. In this case I've claimed an extremely powerful ability. This ability is far stronger than the Cop ability, which is typically seen as the strongest role in typical Mafia games. If some of you have unique roles also, you may have an understanding that we're playing with what is basically a theme game, and not a normal or balanced game in the slightest. I don't begrudge your inexperience, because this is your very first game and you don't have knowledge of all the nuances involved in Mafia.

I am telling the truth, but you can't say with certainty that I will be killed Night 1, because you can't know whether or not there are also protective power roles in this game, either. When a player makes a claim like this, the last thing you do is rush to kill it, because then once you (Town?) discover I've been telling the truth all along, you've basically sawed off your feet with a rusty hacksaw.
Again, what is town's record against scum on USMB...1 for 8. But yeah...let's form our strategy around a lie...that should increase that awesome winning percentage.
It really comes down to believing ALL of Wake's tale and letting him live, or believing NONE of it and dispatching him sooner rather than later.

Believe him now and he can get THREE more chances. One by avoiding D1 lynch, another by a PR role protecting him from NK1, and the third when everyone hunts whomever he names so that he avoids a D2 lynch.

Say he names me. So whomever we lynch in his stead counts as the first body count. Then whomever else that Scum certainly since they know who town are. Then me on D2.

Then ANOTHER for sure townie killed on NK2!!

Can town come back from being down FOUR town on D3?

I am not willing to roll the dice on being strung along and ultimately suckered so badly.

Do whatcha all want, but don't fall for Wake's ruse.

There will be no winning from such a hole that we would let Scum put us in.

Don't let Scum do it.

Regards from Rosie
Wake will not necessarily be NK'd if there is a protective ability in the game unless he is completely not believed by anyone.
Hasn't everyone gone on record saying they don't believe him?

House hasn't and I'm 50-50.
DO you have an ability?

This is considered role-fishing and very scummy. If you weren't new to mafia, this would be a good reason to scumread you.
It really comes down to believing ALL of Wake's tale and letting him live, or believing NONE of it and dispatching him sooner rather than later.

Believe him now and he can get THREE more chances. One by avoiding D1 lynch, another by a PR role protecting him from NK1, and the third when everyone hunts whomever he names so that he avoids a D2 lynch.

Say he names me. So whomever we lynch in his stead counts as the first body count. Then whomever else that Scum certainly since they know who town are. Then me on D2.

Then ANOTHER for sure townie killed on NK2!!

Can town come back from being down FOUR town on D3?

I am not willing to roll the dice on being strung along and ultimately suckered so badly.

Do whatcha all want, but don't fall for Wake's ruse.

There will be no winning from such a hole that we would let Scum put us in.

Don't let Scum do it.

Regards from Rosie

OK, Do you advocate lynching Wake today then?
Wake will not necessarily be NK'd if there is a protective ability in the game unless he is completely not believed by anyone.
Hasn't everyone gone on record saying they don't believe him?

House hasn't and I'm 50-50.
DO you have an ability?

This is considered role-fishing and very scummy. If you weren't new to mafia, this would be a good reason to scumread you.
Good to know.
Actually, I advocate no PR help N1.

Scum could kill him or let him live.

If he is town, he dies.

If he is Scum, he lives.

And then we lynch him.

If we can't trust town PR to play strongly town, who can we trust?

Let Scum get first shot at Wake without protecting him.

Regards from Rosie
All I am asking is that the rest of Town allow me to use my 2nd shot Day 2.

That's it.

What's so difficult about it?
We have no way of knowing whether a protection role will be used to save wake or not. Lets not lynch him today. If he isn't scum I'm not doing their job for them. Of he is it will be much easier to determine tomorrow.
All I am asking is that the rest of Town allow me to use my 2nd shot Day 2.

That's it.

What's so difficult about it?

Check me again if you are telling the truth. Maybe with FA. Does the wagon have to be a certain size?
No. It can be any wagon.

And I can also target those who either no-lynch or are currently not voting.

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