Official USMB Mafia Game #9: Battle for Cityville

And why should my willingness to lynch one of my scum reads make me tomorrows wagon?

and why do you keep insisting to be in the wagon wake searches tomorrow? Your eagerness is just for show because it won't prove you are town unless the wagon consists solely of you and comes back negative.

Great idea!! I'd willingly volunteer to be on a wagon by myself and have Wake check it. That would be like a cop check on me and would clear me as town. Hell yeah, I'd happily volunteer for that.

Alternatively, we could do that to the most suspicious person in the game, and find out if that person is scum or town. It sure would be better than checking several people to just cop check one person.

So yeah, let's do it. If you want to make me the person who is checked and have a confirmed town, I'd happily volunteer.
This is why I specifically asked to be tested with just you on a wagon. 2 clear townies.
And why should my willingness to lynch one of my scum reads make me tomorrows wagon?

and why do you keep insisting to be in the wagon wake searches tomorrow? Your eagerness is just for show because it won't prove you are town unless the wagon consists solely of you and comes back negative.

Great idea!! I'd willingly volunteer to be on a wagon by myself and have Wake check it. That would be like a cop check on me and would clear me as town. Hell yeah, I'd happily volunteer for that.

Alternatively, we could do that to the most suspicious person in the game, and find out if that person is scum or town. It sure would be better than checking several people to just cop check one person.

So yeah, let's do it. If you want to make me the person who is checked and have a confirmed town, I'd happily volunteer.
This is why I specifically asked to be tested with just you on a wagon. 2 clear townies.

your assuming wake is telling the truth. What if you are both town and he lies?
For wolf and fa

who is more likely to be scum, house or Nutz?
I am still very weary of house.

Nutz has not done anything that is particularly scummy for a new player so I would not peg him as scum yet.

This just leads back to the original problem though - do we hang house after such a powerful claim or do we nail him on day 2 when the claim is irrelevant. I think that the delay is worth it. Day one almost always ends up nailing a townie - this is going to be no different.

Have you ever modded a mafia game before?
Tantrum is getting old, SW.

It's not like Nutz has any credibility whatsoever. idk why you're so fussed about the bleatings of a noob.

I'm not SW here BTW.
No, you clearly are not because I have not seen SW throw a hissy fit over nothing like you seem to do on this site.

I don't know why you have the need to do so over here but you should understand that it is just as aggravating for the rest of us when you act like this as it is for you because of nutz.

It does not seem like you give a shit if you damage the fun in mafia for anyone though - just when others are doing it for you. There is no reason for you to let nutz get to you in this manner - hell, house has been FAR worse in other games here.

Sadly, I had you for town. Take your vote off yourself and play. Ignore nuts if you must but don't torpedo the game because things are not working out as you want them to.

This is a fair post and makes sense. I apologize to EVERYONE for acting like a spoiled brat not getting my way. Not that this is an excuse but I'm having a shit day in RL. But FA is right, I should think about other people besides myself and actually have ONE game where I don't threaten to quit. He's also right, I don't act this way on MS. I think I still have toxic memories from how bad some of the games have gotten at times, that it puts me in a bad mindset when I play here which is stupid on my part. I'll try to keep it in check. Especially since it makes things difficult for the rest of you who don't like it and this is a TEAM game. Team town vs team scum so I'll try to keep that in mind and stop acting like an idiot.

That said I don't think FA is scum. He's being very reasonable and makes sense in all his posts and not just this one. He tried to lynch me for this behavior when he was scum. I think he's town this game.
And why should my willingness to lynch one of my scum reads make me tomorrows wagon?

and why do you keep insisting to be in the wagon wake searches tomorrow? Your eagerness is just for show because it won't prove you are town unless the wagon consists solely of you and comes back negative.

Great idea!! I'd willingly volunteer to be on a wagon by myself and have Wake check it. That would be like a cop check on me and would clear me as town. Hell yeah, I'd happily volunteer for that.

Alternatively, we could do that to the most suspicious person in the game, and find out if that person is scum or town. It sure would be better than checking several people to just cop check one person.

So yeah, let's do it. If you want to make me the person who is checked and have a confirmed town, I'd happily volunteer.
This is why I specifically asked to be tested with just you on a wagon. 2 clear townies.

your assuming wake is telling the truth. What if you are both town and he lies?
His lynch will show that.

It will also vindicate/revoke his findings.
I'm not up for lynching Wake today. If you want to do it tomorrow after he's used his ability to verify or refute his findings, that's fine. I think we should give him a chance to use it because if he's being truthful, the findings could give us confirmed scum or town.

I don't think FA or Aye is scum this game. Rosie is acting like Rosie and not scummy and Nutz is annoying but not scummy. House isn't really looking like his scum game but if it isn't Wake then he becomes PoE. Avi is scum due to being on the wagon with scum on it and none of the others being scummy plus him trying to change the narrative to anyone but him and casting doubt on Wake.
For wolf and fa

who is more likely to be scum, house or Nutz?
I am still very weary of house.

Nutz has not done anything that is particularly scummy for a new player so I would not peg him as scum yet.

This just leads back to the original problem though - do we hang house after such a powerful claim or do we nail him on day 2 when the claim is irrelevant. I think that the delay is worth it. Day one almost always ends up nailing a townie - this is going to be no different.

Have you ever modded a mafia game before?

Why shouldn't we be going with the higher probability group for a day one lynch?
For wolf and fa

who is more likely to be scum, house or Nutz?
I am still very weary of house.

Nutz has not done anything that is particularly scummy for a new player so I would not peg him as scum yet.

This just leads back to the original problem though - do we hang house after such a powerful claim or do we nail him on day 2 when the claim is irrelevant. I think that the delay is worth it. Day one almost always ends up nailing a townie - this is going to be no different.

Wake made the claim, not House.
Damn those avatars - I am always mixing the two names up because the house avatar.

Speaking of house, he has been AWFULLY quite lately.

Also, are we entirely abandoning the times stamp discrepancy that Aye pointed out? I still have not seen an equitable reason for this nor can I think of one.
I can't read, apparently. I thought you were voting Wake.

Somebody slap me.
Damn those avatars - I am always mixing the two names up because the house avatar.

Speaking of house, he has been AWFULLY quite lately.

Also, are we entirely abandoning the times stamp discrepancy that Aye pointed out? I still have not seen an equitable reason for this nor can I think of one.

Oh stfu, I'm posting plenty enough.

I have half a dozen games on MS, this one, and far more important things to do IRL.

Consider it fortunate that I'm posting more than prod dodges.
I'm not up for lynching Wake today. If you want to do it tomorrow after he's used his ability to verify or refute his findings, that's fine. I think we should give him a chance to use it because if he's being truthful, the findings could give us confirmed scum or town.

I don't think FA or Aye is scum this game. Rosie is acting like Rosie and not scummy and Nutz is annoying but not scummy. House isn't really looking like his scum game but if it isn't Wake then he becomes PoE. Avi is scum due to being on the wagon with scum on it and none of the others being scummy plus him trying to change the narrative to anyone but him and casting doubt on Wake.

So it's scummy to play the odds? Why are you opposed to the group that has better odds of scum for?
Wolfsister77 I drew you a flower as a peace offering. I am sorry if I annoy you. It took me hours to draw this, so I hope you appreciate it. Just don't tell Aye...I don;t want her to get jealous.


Now, back to business. I still cannot understand why we are not lynching Wake. To me, it is ridiculous to bank the entire game on the hope he is telling the truth and the hope that he will tell the truth after day two. If we vote to lynch someone tonight...I will go with the flow...although with prejudice as I think it is idiotic not to remove Wake immediately on the hope that he is and will continue to tell the truth after his fantastic revelation of this power role.

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