Official USMB Mafia Game #9: Battle for Cityville

Damn those avatars - I am always mixing the two names up because the house avatar.

Speaking of house, he has been AWFULLY quite lately.

Also, are we entirely abandoning the times stamp discrepancy that Aye pointed out? I still have not seen an equitable reason for this nor can I think of one.

Not abandoning it at all. In fact I think it's highly likely wake is lying through his teeth.

I still think it's a wiser move to vote with the three off wagon then then four on wagon.

The main question is: would scum wake Incriminate his partner or a wagon without his partner?

Second question: would his partner bus him day 1?

Rosie might but the others?

I still think odds are better for you house or Nutz.
Now is Nutz the type of person who would be bussing wake right now if he were his partner?
Good morning AyeCantSeeYou

Did you dream about me?

No, but apparently, you did about me.
My dreams are always full of beauty, excitement and happiness....but no, I did not specifically dream about you. My dreams were filled with tacos and nachos at a Mexican fiesta.


Why is it I get in from work and supper isn't ready? Get to it!

I was busy drawing a flower for Wolf. I thought you were taking me to Ruth Chris
Good morning AyeCantSeeYou

Did you dream about me?

No, but apparently, you did about me.
My dreams are always full of beauty, excitement and happiness....but no, I did not specifically dream about you. My dreams were filled with tacos and nachos at a Mexican fiesta.


Why is it I get in from work and supper isn't ready? Get to it!

I was busy drawing a flower for Wolf. I thought you were taking me to Ruth Chris

Sure I can. I'll have it charged to your account.
Wolfsister77 I drew you a flower as a peace offering. I am sorry if I annoy you. It took me hours to draw this, so I hope you appreciate it. Just don't tell Aye...I don;t want her to get jealous.


It's beautiful and thank you Nutz.

Aye has no reason to be jealous. I'm a happily married woman and it's obvious you only have eyes for her. :biggrin:
Good morning AyeCantSeeYou

Did you dream about me?

No, but apparently, you did about me.
My dreams are always full of beauty, excitement and happiness....but no, I did not specifically dream about you. My dreams were filled with tacos and nachos at a Mexican fiesta.


Why is it I get in from work and supper isn't ready? Get to it!

I was busy drawing a flower for Wolf. I thought you were taking me to Ruth Chris

Sure I can. I'll have it charged to your account.
That's pretty scummy of you.

FA_Q2 Why is Avi targeting us?
My take on Wake's saga:

I am having a difficult time believing his claim. If it was only a one shot modified sensor, where he could monitor/check one voting wagon, I'd be more inclined to believe it. I think it was 4 scenarios he told us he could choose from twice. That's just way out there for me to see happening for one player in a game this small. Let's say he isn't lynched today...... For whatever reason, scum doesn't kill him ...... Either scum is playing dumb at that point, or he's one of them and there was no way he'd be NK'd.
Aye-You are forgetting about protective roles that could protect Wake. Should they leave him open for the NK then?

I did forget. We don't know if there are any, though. If someone does have one and decides to protect Wake, they need to tell us come Day 2 if the NK wasn't successful. In the off chance that a protective role has more than one use, they need to stay quiet about using it.
If we have a Town Cop or other investigative type role, can that person please check Wake tonight?
No, but apparently, you did about me.
My dreams are always full of beauty, excitement and happiness....but no, I did not specifically dream about you. My dreams were filled with tacos and nachos at a Mexican fiesta.


Why is it I get in from work and supper isn't ready? Get to it!

I was busy drawing a flower for Wolf. I thought you were taking me to Ruth Chris

Sure I can. I'll have it charged to your account.
That's pretty scummy of you.

FA_Q2 Why is Avi targeting us?
Because wake claimed one was on the wagon. That means, if he is telling the truth, that there is at least one OFF the wagon as well. We are the players that are off the wagon.

His logic is sound though. With 4 on the wagon and three off, there is a BETTER chance of randomly nailing scum off the wagon then there is on it. It does not appear that there is a lot of ummph behind Avi's point though.
Aye-You are forgetting about protective roles that could protect Wake. Should they leave him open for the NK then?

I'm sure that is what he is betting on. That way he and his partner have open season on the rest of us townies.
So Avi, you think we should lynch one of FA, House, or Nutz today. The problem is, I'm not finding any of them scummy so I don't know how to pick there.
No, but apparently, you did about me.
My dreams are always full of beauty, excitement and happiness....but no, I did not specifically dream about you. My dreams were filled with tacos and nachos at a Mexican fiesta.


Why is it I get in from work and supper isn't ready? Get to it!

I was busy drawing a flower for Wolf. I thought you were taking me to Ruth Chris

Sure I can. I'll have it charged to your account.
That's pretty scummy of you.

FA_Q2 Why is Avi targeting us?

I thought I was pretty clear. So should we look for one scum among the four on the wagon or one or two in the three Off wagon choices?
Basing the entire town strategy on a lie is a mistake. Basing the entire town strategy on the strategy of scum is a mistake. It is a mistake to allow scum to control the game.
My dreams are always full of beauty, excitement and happiness....but no, I did not specifically dream about you. My dreams were filled with tacos and nachos at a Mexican fiesta.


Why is it I get in from work and supper isn't ready? Get to it!

I was busy drawing a flower for Wolf. I thought you were taking me to Ruth Chris

Sure I can. I'll have it charged to your account.
That's pretty scummy of you.

FA_Q2 Why is Avi targeting us?

I thought I was pretty clear. So should we look for one scum among the four on the wagon or one or two in the three Off wagon choices?
But makes sense...only if you believe Wake 100%

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