Official USMB Mafia Game #9: Battle for Cityville

Aye's paranoia doesn't feel particularly contrived.

Rosie I would love to hear more from.

Avatar, however, has left me with the slightest feeling he's Scum. A twinge?

Here is the problem I see. If you are scum, you are essentially asking us to give control to you in making our lunches based on the fact that we should blindly trust you and that you'd never pick a powerful role to fake claim.

If I was in your situation though I would pick a powerful role to fake claim that it would be unlikely anyone would counterclaim. The fact that it's not only powerful but modified in a way that conveniently gives you more powerful raises my skepticism

The only limit on you is the fact that it's a two shot.

Also on a circumstantial not i'm skeptical our mod has been on to pm you as he didn't bother to even stop by the game and do a vote count.

It seems to me you have one shot left. Perhaps the best option is for you to use it again and tell us the results. Then your power is useless, we can safely lynch you and if you are telling the truth, we haven't lost anything and can use the information you gave us to track the others. If you are scum we can disregard the information and keep hunting your partner or partners.

Also something to consider, if one scum is voting for wake that means either 1 or 2 are not voting for wake.

If wake is telling the truth and is town, then house, nutz, or fa is scum. 1/3 is better odds than 1/4. And that's assuming only 1 scum. If there are 2 (which we should consider if we have a power role like a modified sensor in this game) the odds are two thirds.

Until we come up with a game plan I'm up for playing the odds.

Vote FA

I figure he is the scummiest of the three
Still want to lynch off the wagon that has a scum positive result just in case, you know, Wake isn't lying.

Can we consolidate around one of these: myself, Aye, Rosie, Avi?

If you lynch me you lynch town. I don't think Aye is town. Rosie is acting like Rosie and Avi is PoE.

I'm voting here until one of you has a better idea or doesn't want to lynch off a wagon with scum on it.

Vote: Avatar

Why not vote off the wagon? The odds are seriously better.

Assuming two scum one on and one off picking one of three is better than one of four. Which are the odds if wake is telling the truth.

If he is lying do you think he would announce his buddy was on the wagon?

I am 95% certain wake is lying. But lynching him today makes little sense while testing his power does. A better test is with the off wagon group. More probability for success. And if he is lying more chance we hit his partner
On wagon possible scum: Me, Aye, Rosie Avi-there's one here, it's not me. I don't think it's Aye. It's one of Rosie or Avi. Rosie is acting like Rosie so could go with Avi here by PoE but either is possible tbh.

Off wagon possible scum: House, FA, Nutz, Wake-if Wake's lying then it's him but I seriously doubt he'd set up his scummate this way. I'm feeling House is playing his town game and Nutz is using moonlogic but is at least asking lots of good questions so I can say it's not as likely to be him as someone like FA, the problem with FA is, he seemed very willing to be checked yesterday which gives me pause. If there's scum off, it could be him by PoE I guess. It could be Nutz also due to the moonlogic I mentioned. I feel like I'm excluding House and Aye but they are at the bottom of my list.

Hmmmm...........................................Avi's willingness to lynch FA should make him the next lynch automatically if FA flips town. So that might be something to consider also.

OK, I'll vote later after looking through posts again. I don't have time right now.
And why should my willingness to lynch one of my scum reads make me tomorrows wagon?

and why do you keep insisting to be in the wagon wake searches tomorrow? Your eagerness is just for show because it won't prove you are town unless the wagon consists solely of you and comes back negative.
And why should my willingness to lynch one of my scum reads make me tomorrows wagon?

and why do you keep insisting to be in the wagon wake searches tomorrow? Your eagerness is just for show because it won't prove you are town unless the wagon consists solely of you and comes back negative.

Great idea!! I'd willingly volunteer to be on a wagon by myself and have Wake check it. That would be like a cop check on me and would clear me as town. Hell yeah, I'd happily volunteer for that.

Alternatively, we could do that to the most suspicious person in the game, and find out if that person is scum or town. It sure would be better than checking several people to just cop check one person.

So yeah, let's do it. If you want to make me the person who is checked and have a confirmed town, I'd happily volunteer.
Well, you got it correct about me. I sound like town because I AM town this time. But I will not be making up some super-duper secret PR role to claim at L-1 if I get pushed there like Wake has.

Aye is playing town, Avi is, Wolf is. Nutz has cast himself in the role of comic relief, but has made no slip ups that would drop him into the Scum category. How likely is that if he is Scum? Not very. So he is town.

Wake is lying his butt off.

Given the choice of FA, or House - I cannot go with FA because he is still making sense.

I think House is trying to throw us off by pretending to play his town game while admittedly being comfortably in the pocket as Scum.

My reads have had nothing which alter them.

Regards from Rosie
So if you think wake is lying....let's vote him out...TODAY!
Still want to lynch off the wagon that has a scum positive result just in case, you know, Wake isn't lying.

Can we consolidate around one of these: myself, Aye, Rosie, Avi?

If you lynch me you lynch town. I don't think Aye is town. Rosie is acting like Rosie and Avi is PoE.

I'm voting here until one of you has a better idea or doesn't want to lynch off a wagon with scum on it.

Vote: Avatar

Yeah, me either.
When I flip town, I hope they turbolynch your annoying ass next Nutz.
Ok. Then they will have lynched two townies (if I am wrong about you). Why not take the easy way out...let's lynch Wake.

Because if his ability is real, I want to be checked or our top scum suspect checked by themselves on a wagon. It's the same as a cop check. You get a confirmed town or a scum positive ID.

But it really doesn't seem that no matter what I suggest that anyone is listening and all I see is being called scum and need to be lynched on nothing when I sign in here and I don't have the time or energy to spend defending myself in this game when I still see the same shit every time no matter what I say. I got 3.5 hours of sleep last night and I'm going to turn into a fucking raging bitch if I have to see I'm scum and need to be lynched on absolutely nothing one more time.

Does anyone even read? I fucking hinted big time in one of my posts about how town I am. I don't know what else to say.

You guys do what you want. When I get more sleep, maybe I'll be more rational. Not really feeling this game right now and would have no problem being the D1 lynch.
So Avi should come in here and go on a for himself and throw a hissy fit for you playing the game...right?

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