Official USMB Mafia Game #9: Battle for Cityville

Why wouldn't the Scum kill Wake N1 to prevent him using his "special sauce" D2?

If they think he could find them out they will stop that for sure.

So there would not be any second shot, regardless.

We cannot lynch two Scum at even if we get one, the other would take Wake out.

His claim gets him killed tonite.


Regards from Rosie
Unless there is a defensive ability as well.
Hey Wake, here are the keys to my house....the key to my wife's
The best thing to do would be to allow me to pull the trigger on my 2nd shot tomorrow.

After I reveal my result you can do whatever you want.

I agree. How should we compose the second wagon tested?
:lol: You are gonna allow him to determine that as well.

I want EVERY single person in this game to weigh in on this so we can catch scum. Even Wake.
It is his power...why would he allow you to determine how he uses it?

Because a smart PR gets the whole town's approval for something like this. If they are working for the town.
Why wouldn't the Scum kill Wake N1 to prevent him using his "special sauce" D2?

If they think he could find them out they will stop that for sure.

So there would not be any second shot, regardless.

We cannot lynch two Scum at even if we get one, the other would take Wake out.

His claim gets him killed tonite.


Regards from Rosie

Not necessarily.........................................
Why wouldn't the Scum kill Wake N1 to prevent him using his "special sauce" D2?

If they think he could find them out they will stop that for sure.

So there would not be any second shot, regardless.

We cannot lynch two Scum at even if we get one, the other would take Wake out.

His claim gets him killed tonite.


Regards from Rosie

There is the possibility of a role with protective attributes being used to keep me safe tonight.

Whether it be some modified Doctor, Jailkeeper, Bodyguard, whatever.

I won't be able to use my second shot tonight, but I will be able to use it Day 2.
The best thing to do would be to allow me to pull the trigger on my 2nd shot tomorrow.

After I reveal my result you can do whatever you want.

I agree. How should we compose the second wagon tested?
:lol: You are gonna allow him to determine that as well.

I want EVERY single person in this game to weigh in on this so we can catch scum. Even Wake.

I'm hoping this is said with loving affection.


You can always assume that when I'm talking about you Wake. :biggrin:
Why wouldn't the Scum kill Wake N1 to prevent him using his "special sauce" D2?

If they think he could find them out they will stop that for sure.

So there would not be any second shot, regardless.

We cannot lynch two Scum at even if we get one, the other would take Wake out.

His claim gets him killed tonite.


Regards from Rosie
Good point, Rosie.

Regards, Mr. Nutz.

Thanks - not that I believe a word of this "magical power" anyway.

Regards from Rosie
RosieS got anything else to add to this bit of activity. If we don't lynch wake then who of the 4 he identified is your top pick?

My other is House.

Again, I don't believe Wake the Millenial.

It is too much to claim a special new power AND protection from the Doctor or whomever.

Wake has done zilch to change my mind about anyone.

Regards from Rosie
Hey Wake, here are the keys to my house....the key to my wife's
The best thing to do would be to allow me to pull the trigger on my 2nd shot tomorrow.

After I reveal my result you can do whatever you want.

I agree. How should we compose the second wagon tested?
:lol: You are gonna allow him to determine that as well.

I want EVERY single person in this game to weigh in on this so we can catch scum. Even Wake.
It is his power...why would he allow you to determine how he uses it?

Because a smart PR gets the whole town's approval for something like this. If they are working for the town.
If you say so.
Hey Wake, here are the keys to my house....the key to my wife's
I agree. How should we compose the second wagon tested?
:lol: You are gonna allow him to determine that as well.

I want EVERY single person in this game to weigh in on this so we can catch scum. Even Wake.
It is his power...why would he allow you to determine how he uses it?

Because a smart PR gets the whole town's approval for something like this. If they are working for the town.
If you say so.

It's true. Town will usually ask the cop, if there is one in the game, who they want them to check. It's up to them to pick but they should get the advice of town also. Same applies here.

Strategically place forests allows city and and nature to live as one in Cityville

Alright guys.

I've been told that as of 1:11pm 2/17/2015, there's only one anti-town member voting for me.

If he's telling the truth here, which I'm not sure of any more-I'm about 50/50 due to super overpowered role for one person to have and his asking for protection which just pings his scum game so much. BUT, IF he is, there is one scum between myself, Rosie, Aye, Avi. It's not me, and I don't believe it's Aye. That would leave one of Rosie or Avi.
Wake has a valid point though in that the ability he is claiming is awfully powerful. That is a hell of a fake claim to make rather than simply claiming cop or something similar. Wake has flair though and last time he claimed it was also a little more of an off beat role.

IF we are to assume that the claim is true then we need to know if Wake can activate that claim twice in one day. So far I have not seen that mentioned. If we assume a fake claim and then chose to lynch we should build another wagon and use his ability again before going through with it.

As I see it the best way to do that would be to either split up Wake's current wagon giving us a 50/50 chance at scum on day 2 (and giving us 2 confirmed townies) or, as you all seem to be so convinced I am scum, I can get on a wagon with wolfster and you can test both of us (also giving us 2 confirmed townies and a 1 of 4 scum pool day 2 assuming that wolfster is telling the truth)

It is also worth noting that protection roles are not necessarily guaranteed in this game (particularly if wake is telling the truth and we really do have a role that powerful). Using both shots might be a better option than losing one because of a lack of protection if that is really an option.

He can use his ability again until Day Two (how convenient). He will take out the entire town if you allow it.

This is bald manipulation.

Allowing Wake to live until D2 does not allow him to take out the entire town.

Scum is Aye & Nutz, and I'll lynch either of the 2 today.
Why wouldn't the Scum kill Wake N1 to prevent him using his "special sauce" D2?

If they think he could find them out they will stop that for sure.

So there would not be any second shot, regardless.

We cannot lynch two Scum at even if we get one, the other would take Wake out.

His claim gets him killed tonite.


Regards from Rosie

This is precisely why we shouldn't lynch Wake. If he's town, he'll likely be taken out tonight anyway.

Since he's an obvious NK target, find his buddy if you're so sure he's scum
Why wouldn't the Scum kill Wake N1 to prevent him using his "special sauce" D2?

If they think he could find them out they will stop that for sure.

So there would not be any second shot, regardless.

We cannot lynch two Scum at even if we get one, the other would take Wake out.

His claim gets him killed tonite.


Regards from Rosie

This is precisely why we shouldn't lynch Wake. If he's town, he'll likely be taken out tonight anyway.

Since he's an obvious NK target, find his buddy if you're so sure he's scum
His buddy is Wolf. She has been supporting him and his play the entire game.
Alright guys.

I've been told that as of 1:11pm 2/17/2015, there's only one anti-town member voting for me.

If he's telling the truth here, which I'm not sure of any more-I'm about 50/50 due to super overpowered role for one person to have and his asking for protection which just pings his scum game so much. BUT, IF he is, there is one scum between myself, Rosie, Aye, Avi. It's not me, and I don't believe it's Aye. That would leave one of Rosie or Avi.
Wake has a valid point though in that the ability he is claiming is awfully powerful. That is a hell of a fake claim to make rather than simply claiming cop or something similar. Wake has flair though and last time he claimed it was also a little more of an off beat role.

IF we are to assume that the claim is true then we need to know if Wake can activate that claim twice in one day. So far I have not seen that mentioned. If we assume a fake claim and then chose to lynch we should build another wagon and use his ability again before going through with it.

As I see it the best way to do that would be to either split up Wake's current wagon giving us a 50/50 chance at scum on day 2 (and giving us 2 confirmed townies) or, as you all seem to be so convinced I am scum, I can get on a wagon with wolfster and you can test both of us (also giving us 2 confirmed townies and a 1 of 4 scum pool day 2 assuming that wolfster is telling the truth)

It is also worth noting that protection roles are not necessarily guaranteed in this game (particularly if wake is telling the truth and we really do have a role that powerful). Using both shots might be a better option than losing one because of a lack of protection if that is really an option.

He can use his ability again until Day Two (how convenient). He will take out the entire town if you allow it.

This is bald manipulation.

Allowing Wake to live until D2 does not allow him to take out the entire town.

Scum is Aye & Nutz, and I'll lynch either of the 2 today.
Meh...I'm just speaking the truth.
Why wouldn't the Scum kill Wake N1 to prevent him using his "special sauce" D2?

If they think he could find them out they will stop that for sure.

So there would not be any second shot, regardless.

We cannot lynch two Scum at even if we get one, the other would take Wake out.

His claim gets him killed tonite.


Regards from Rosie

This is precisely why we shouldn't lynch Wake. If he's town, he'll likely be taken out tonight anyway.

Since he's an obvious NK target, find his buddy if you're so sure he's scum
His buddy is Wolf. She has been supporting him and his play the entire game.

I'd love to see the look on your face when I flip. LOL

House is supportive of Wake more than I am but I'm his buddy huh? Yeah, you will never get a lynch off on me.
Alright guys.

I've been told that as of 1:11pm 2/17/2015, there's only one anti-town member voting for me.

If he's telling the truth here, which I'm not sure of any more-I'm about 50/50 due to super overpowered role for one person to have and his asking for protection which just pings his scum game so much. BUT, IF he is, there is one scum between myself, Rosie, Aye, Avi. It's not me, and I don't believe it's Aye. That would leave one of Rosie or Avi.
Wake has a valid point though in that the ability he is claiming is awfully powerful. That is a hell of a fake claim to make rather than simply claiming cop or something similar. Wake has flair though and last time he claimed it was also a little more of an off beat role.

IF we are to assume that the claim is true then we need to know if Wake can activate that claim twice in one day. So far I have not seen that mentioned. If we assume a fake claim and then chose to lynch we should build another wagon and use his ability again before going through with it.

As I see it the best way to do that would be to either split up Wake's current wagon giving us a 50/50 chance at scum on day 2 (and giving us 2 confirmed townies) or, as you all seem to be so convinced I am scum, I can get on a wagon with wolfster and you can test both of us (also giving us 2 confirmed townies and a 1 of 4 scum pool day 2 assuming that wolfster is telling the truth)

It is also worth noting that protection roles are not necessarily guaranteed in this game (particularly if wake is telling the truth and we really do have a role that powerful). Using both shots might be a better option than losing one because of a lack of protection if that is really an option.

He can use his ability again until Day Two (how convenient). He will take out the entire town if you allow it.

This is bald manipulation.

Allowing Wake to live until D2 does not allow him to take out the entire town.

Scum is Aye & Nutz, and I'll lynch either of the 2 today.

House has obviously left his brain somewhere out in the middle of nowhere. I'm not scum this game, no matter how hard you want to think I am. When it's shown that my alignment is indeed town, you'll be the one looking like this:

Why wouldn't the Scum kill Wake N1 to prevent him using his "special sauce" D2?

If they think he could find them out they will stop that for sure.

So there would not be any second shot, regardless.

We cannot lynch two Scum at even if we get one, the other would take Wake out.

His claim gets him killed tonite.


Regards from Rosie

This is precisely why we shouldn't lynch Wake. If he's town, he'll likely be taken out tonight anyway.

Since he's an obvious NK target, find his buddy if you're so sure he's scum
His buddy is Wolf. She has been supporting him and his play the entire game.

I tried to lynch Wake and was the first one on his wagon and wanted someone to hammer. So yeah, we are scum together you caught us. We planned it all out. Wake would fake this amazing ability. I would push his wagon practically off a cliff. He'd fakeclaim. Then test the wagon which would show one scum positive-me. So that would put me at risk of getting lynched also and cast doubt on me if I'm not and the resulting lynch is town and continue if town decided to continue lynching off the wagon until I was dead and flipped scum. This is of course assuming town believed his elaborate fake claim and didn't try to lynch him straight up for it.

Yeah, that's how I play scum. I work out a plan D1 that can get myself and my scumbuddy lynched and lose the game.

Your a scumhunting God Nutz.
Still want to lynch off the wagon that has a scum positive result just in case, you know, Wake isn't lying.

Can we consolidate around one of these: myself, Aye, Rosie, Avi?

If you lynch me you lynch town. I don't think Aye is town. Rosie is acting like Rosie and Avi is PoE.

I'm voting here until one of you has a better idea or doesn't want to lynch off a wagon with scum on it.

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