Official USMB Mafia Game #9: Battle for Cityville

Aye's paranoia doesn't feel particularly contrived.

Rosie I would love to hear more from.

Avatar, however, has left me with the slightest feeling he's Scum. A twinge?
Alright guys.

I've been told that as of 1:11pm 2/17/2015, there's only one anti-town member voting for me.

If he's telling the truth here, which I'm not sure of any more-I'm about 50/50 due to super overpowered role for one person to have and his asking for protection which just pings his scum game so much. BUT, IF he is, there is one scum between myself, Rosie, Aye, Avi. It's not me, and I don't believe it's Aye. That would leave one of Rosie or Avi.
Wake has a valid point though in that the ability he is claiming is awfully powerful. That is a hell of a fake claim to make rather than simply claiming cop or something similar. Wake has flair though and last time he claimed it was also a little more of an off beat role.

IF we are to assume that the claim is true then we need to know if Wake can activate that claim twice in one day. So far I have not seen that mentioned. If we assume a fake claim and then chose to lynch we should build another wagon and use his ability again before going through with it.

As I see it the best way to do that would be to either split up Wake's current wagon giving us a 50/50 chance at scum on day 2 (and giving us 2 confirmed townies) or, as you all seem to be so convinced I am scum, I can get on a wagon with wolfster and you can test both of us (also giving us 2 confirmed townies and a 1 of 4 scum pool day 2 assuming that wolfster is telling the truth)

It is also worth noting that protection roles are not necessarily guaranteed in this game (particularly if wake is telling the truth and we really do have a role that powerful). Using both shots might be a better option than losing one because of a lack of protection if that is really an option.

Well Wake, Avi, Rosie, Nutz, and Aye think you are lying. I'm about 50-50. Have any thoughts on the fact you are not being believed?

Disbelief is part of humanity.

What you do with the information I've given you is your responsibility.

If you were to play this wisely, you would allow me to, at the very least, use my second shot. That way, should I die and from that point on, Town will have an immense advantage.
We don't want the moderator doing anything to alter the game.

I made that mistake in Simple Complexity, and I'd rather that not happen here, either.
Alright guys.

I've been told that as of 1:11pm 2/17/2015, there's only one anti-town member voting for me.

If he's telling the truth here, which I'm not sure of any more-I'm about 50/50 due to super overpowered role for one person to have and his asking for protection which just pings his scum game so much. BUT, IF he is, there is one scum between myself, Rosie, Aye, Avi. It's not me, and I don't believe it's Aye. That would leave one of Rosie or Avi.
Wake has a valid point though in that the ability he is claiming is awfully powerful. That is a hell of a fake claim to make rather than simply claiming cop or something similar. Wake has flair though and last time he claimed it was also a little more of an off beat role.

IF we are to assume that the claim is true then we need to know if Wake can activate that claim twice in one day. So far I have not seen that mentioned. If we assume a fake claim and then chose to lynch we should build another wagon and use his ability again before going through with it.

As I see it the best way to do that would be to either split up Wake's current wagon giving us a 50/50 chance at scum on day 2 (and giving us 2 confirmed townies) or, as you all seem to be so convinced I am scum, I can get on a wagon with wolfster and you can test both of us (also giving us 2 confirmed townies and a 1 of 4 scum pool day 2 assuming that wolfster is telling the truth)

It is also worth noting that protection roles are not necessarily guaranteed in this game (particularly if wake is telling the truth and we really do have a role that powerful). Using both shots might be a better option than losing one because of a lack of protection if that is really an option.

He can use his ability again until Day Two (how convenient). He will take out the entire town if you allow it.
I'm curious, though. Why would Wake's 'reply' from lulz say as of 1:11pm today and not as of the time he sent the pm?
Official USMB Mafia Game 9 Battle for Cityville Page 54 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

It's gotta be time zones, because I sent him my PM at 3:11 pm central time.

lulz Will you please confirm this?

DO NOT confirm this Lulz!

well, isn't this interesting!
I'm curious, though. Why would Wake's 'reply' from lulz say as of 1:11pm today and not as of the time he sent the pm?
Official USMB Mafia Game 9 Battle for Cityville Page 54 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

It's gotta be time zones, because I sent him my PM at 3:11 pm central time.

lulz Will you please confirm this?

DO NOT confirm this Lulz!
Hmmm...she can't confirm what is not true.
We don't want the moderator doing anything to alter the game.

I made that mistake in Simple Complexity, and I'd rather that not happen here, either.
Defending the integrity of the game, eh.

I can actually believe that.
I'm curious, though. Why would Wake's 'reply' from lulz say as of 1:11pm today and not as of the time he sent the pm?
Official USMB Mafia Game 9 Battle for Cityville Page 54 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

It's gotta be time zones, because I sent him my PM at 3:11 pm central time.

lulz Will you please confirm this?
lulz confirming would validate wake's claim and thereby alter the game. It would be nice to know but unfortunately the MOD cant do that to the game.

not kosher.
Let's see...he avoided the game entirely...claiming he was too busy. He was called out on that a number of times...even by the mod He was given 2 24hr ultimatums...only to come back with a special power. Which everyone believed without question. He hasn't mentioned since that point...that he is too busy to play...and now after not being present for a week...he is controlling the game. (With your help, I might add).

I was busy. And still am.

That some had an issue with that or gave ultimatums means absolutely nothing to me, because the priorities in my personal life come first.

Having a special power and revealing it later rather than sooner I have no problem doing.

I'm still too busy to play normally or optimally. Pulling the curtains back on an extremely powerful ability can and will shift the balance of power and control most of the time.

Were you meaning to make a point, or simply reiterate the past with a dose of Nutz's opinion?

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