Official USMB Shutdown Showdown Thread --- Week of Jan 14th, 2019

Is the political game of chicken being played by BOTH parties worth the lives of a few diabetics?

  • Yes, never give in on this wall issue

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • No, both parties should compromise and get the workers back to work

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Trump should declare a national emergency and resolve the issue

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
Their salaries and benefits an envy of most Americans working in the private sector.

Can’t get fired for poor performance.

Retirement packages that are extinct in the private sector. Most Americans have to save to be able to retire, government workers do not.

Let the shutdown continue. They don’t like it, get a job in the private sector.
Your attack on Federal workers is based on the fact that private sector workers are underpaid and lack decent pensions?

I don’t see them quitting.
Federal Employees Moonlight To Pay The Bills
Hilarious. Haven’t missed a check and they’re broke.

They have missed a check you moron.
Actions speak louder than words.

Trump: Wanted 25 Billion. now asking for 5.7 billion.

Liberals: Said they would not give him a dime. 3 weeks later, they say they won't give him a dime.

Trump invites liberals to the White House yesterday to talk. None showed up.

Who wants to negotiate and who doesn't?
And Democrats agreed to the $25 billion when Trump said no.

No, it was not for a wall. it was for generic "border protection" whatever the fuck that means.

If they offered him 25 billion why not give him 25 billion? Why not give him 5 billion? The truth is liberals won't negotiate at all yet are blaming Trump. Both sides have to give. Trump is down to a quarter of what he asked for. Liberals haven't budged at all.

This is no longer on Trump. It's all on the left. Liberals are acting like the whiney cry babies that they are. Either they get their way or they'll take their ball and go home. Sorry. It doesn't work that way.
It was for exactly what he wants to build now...

(a) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established in the Treasury of the United States a trust fund to be known as the Border Security Trust Fund (in this section referred to as the ‘‘Trust Fund’’), consisting of amounts appropriated to the Trust Fund under subsection (b) and any amounts that may be credited to the Trust Fund under subsection (c).
(b) APPROPRIATION.—There are appropriated to the Trust Fund $25,000,000,000, to remain available until expended.
(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of the Treasury shall invest such portion of the Trust Fund as is not required to meet cur- rent withdrawals in interest-bearing obligations of the United States or in obligations guaranteed as to both principal and interest by the United States.
(2) INTEREST AND PROCEEDS.—The interest on, and the proceeds from the sale or redemption of, any obligations held in the Trust Fund shall be credited to and form a part of the Trust Fund.
(1) IN GENERAL.—Subject to paragraph (2), amounts in the Trust Fund shall be available to the Secretary of Homeland Security, without further appropriation, for—
(A) construction of not fewer than 700 miles of reinforced fencing, excluding vehicle barriers;
(B) installation of additional physical barriers;
(C) construction and maintenance of access and patrol roads;
(D) lighting;
(E) an interlocking surveillance camera system;
(F) remote sensors; and
(G) the purchase from the Secretary of Defense of surplus aircraft and unmanned air- craft systems.
(2) LIMITATION.—Not more than $5,000,000,000 of the amount in the Trust Fund may be obligated and expended in any fiscal year.

Fencing is not a border wall. AND it was over an unspecified period. Too broad and he knew it. It was also tied to DACA which is unconstitutional. I don't know if he is offering DACA now, but way back almost 2 years ago when that 25 billion was offered, he was against DACA thus refused the money. He refused dirty money, I can't blame him for that.

Trump wants something that will actually work. Wetbacks are flying over our "fence." He wants a functional metal slat wall.

And if they wanted to give it to him, why not end this and put 800K people back to work and give him 25billion?

You STILL haven't explained why if they offered it once. why not offer it again?
Fencing is what trump said he wants to build now. Can’t you keep up?

these idiots dont want to keep up, if they did their talking points would be in a shitter where they belong.
I agree.

The entire Coast Guard should quit and go get jobs in the private sector along with the border patrol and the ICE folks.
If they are not getting paid, they should.

The guys who definitely should NOT be getting paid are the guys responsible for getting FedZilla funded (Congress and Trump).
Yes, that's how they start, but that meeting wsn't the start, and your post assumes that at some point Democrats will get off the "no" but it doesn't appear that's going to happen does it.

This was the FIRST meeting with the new Speaker of the House. This was the START of negotiations with her. You don't say "Give me what I want" and then leave the first meeting when the answer is "No".

Why on Earth are you Democrats so dishonest? Yes, okay this was the first official meeting since Pelosi was reelected as Speaker of the House, but no one believes she was going to suddenly say "okay I'm Speaker now, time to work with Trump" especially when she had been making public statements every day since being elected that she would never give $1 for a border wall.

If you TRULY wanted to see cvetoompromise you would be asking Nancy "Why are you not negotiating?"
She has no reason to compromise yet on the wall. She must have read Art of the Deal. Trump's job approval ratings has been falling like a rock since the shutdown started. Pelosi has given him everything else in his request except the wall.
does she want the government open or not? that is a want. in order to get that accomplished she needs to give something. again, your brainwashed mind doesn't understand negotiating 101. go fking figure.

Are you really this stupid? Nancy doesn't have to compromise at all and she has no reason to do so.

Trump walked out. Dumbest move ever but this is Trump after all. It makes him look really, really weak. You only walk out of negotiations is all else has failed and you're ready to give up on the deal. Trump walked out of the first meeting, without even asking what she would do. Trump has boxxed himself in and he doesn't have a door out. If he goes back to Pelosi and the Democrats and asks to negotiate, he's lost.

The idea of walking out is to have the other side say "Wait"! Nobody is doing that. What they're doing is to force Mitch McConnell to bring the spending bills that the House has passed, to the floor of the Senate. The Dems are assembling a veto-proof coalition with Republicans, and they're going to send a veto-proof spending bill to the White House, and the government will re-open.

And so much for the House Democrats can't do anything.
does she want the government opened? seems perhaps she does.
These people are owed their pay. That's the agreement the government made with them.

Republicans sure do like to avoid paying bills they run up.
Nobody is arguing to stiff them....But eliminating their worthless jobs would be a big help to the nation.
Their salaries and benefits an envy of most Americans working in the private sector.

Can’t get fired for poor performance.

Retirement packages that are extinct in the private sector. Most Americans have to save to be able to retire, government workers do not.

Let the shutdown continue. They don’t like it, get a job in the private sector.
Your attack on Federal workers is based on the fact that private sector workers are underpaid and lack decent pensions?

I don’t see them quitting.
Federal Employees Moonlight To Pay The Bills
Hilarious. Haven’t missed a check and they’re broke.

They have missed a check you moron.
Oh, they don’t have enough savings to live a couple of days.
Their salaries and benefits an envy of most Americans working in the private sector.

Can’t get fired for poor performance.

Retirement packages that are extinct in the private sector. Most Americans have to save to be able to retire, government workers do not.

Let the shutdown continue. They don’t like it, get a job in the private sector.
Your attack on Federal workers is based on the fact that private sector workers are underpaid and lack decent pensions?


His attack is out of pure ignorance of what the lifestyles of most federal workers are like.
Name one thing not true that I posted.

Federal workers get fired for poor performance all the time. for one thing.
There is almost no merit increases in the federal system something that does exist in the private sector for another.
Their salaries and benefits an envy of most Americans working in the private sector.

Can’t get fired for poor performance.

Retirement packages that are extinct in the private sector. Most Americans have to save to be able to retire, government workers do not.

Let the shutdown continue. They don’t like it, get a job in the private sector.
Your attack on Federal workers is based on the fact that private sector workers are underpaid and lack decent pensions?

I don’t see them quitting.
Federal Employees Moonlight To Pay The Bills
Hilarious. Haven’t missed a check and they’re broke.

Another falsehood.
seems simple put in the five bucks into the budget and hand it to the pres to sign. seems rather simple. as long as playing partisan politics isn't your thing.
I think the right compromise would be to give Trump the amount of money that the projects will need in this fiscal year. That's what normally happens in a budget.

There is no way that he needs 5.8 billion this fiscal year. He certainly is not going to build his 235 miles of wall in 7 or 8 months, probably not during his term of office. During his first two years in office, Trump has not build a single mile of the new designed wall. He has replaced 40 miles of reinforced fences and a steel barrier built using the same design used 10 years ago. Construction has not started on any of the new wall sections, no land has been acquired, no contracts have been let, no land surveys have been done, and the thousands things that are needed to start a large federal project are still undone.

Trump would hate such a compromise and so would democrats which means it's probably a good compromise. However, we haven't reached the sufficient level of national pain yet for either side to consider a compromise.

Border Patrol is who came up with the $5.8B figure. It is they who said "in order to seriously stop illegal immigration, we need $X amount of money, and some of that needs to be specifically for building new fence where WE need it most"

Trump didn't just pull that figure out of his ass, he's not a Democrat.
5.8 billion is only and initial allocation to get the project started. A document that went to congress some months ago had a figure of 33 billion. However, Homeland Security said the total would be about 40 billion over 10 years to complete their border security project, whatever that entails. If Pelosi thought 5.8 billion was all Trump really wanted for his border security project, she might be more willing to negotiation. However, I don't see her negotiating until something pretty serious happens due to the shutdown such as a major disrupting in commercial aviation which is certainly going to happen eventually with both flight controls and the TSA not being paid. And when it does, there will be a House bill sent to the Senate in 24 hours granting pay for the TSA and flight controllers, daring Trump to turn it down.
so the experts said it would take 40 billion. wow, I thought it was trump. which is it. you know more than the experts? the politicians know more than the experts? really? come on man.

Experts? What experts? Trump hasn't hired any experts to come up with ideas for reducing illegal immigration. He pulled the idea of a wall out of his ass and ran with it. Nobody ASKED for a wall. This was a talking point to remind Trump to talk about immigration on the campaign trail.

The Trump Campaign pulls this idea out of a hat to keep Trump on point on immigration, and now you're trying to spin this as a life or death necessity to save the country??? Give me a fucking break..

This is Trump having a temper tantrum, nothing more. And we don't give in to children having temper tantrums. We send them to their rooms until they smarten up. The Democrats are going to give Trump the smack down of his Presidency on this one.

What a loser!
the border agents aren't experts? how white of you shameless people. you truly are an american hater.
Your attack on Federal workers is based on the fact that private sector workers are underpaid and lack decent pensions?

I don’t see them quitting.
Federal Employees Moonlight To Pay The Bills
Hilarious. Haven’t missed a check and they’re broke.

They have missed a check you moron.
Oh, they don’t have enough savings to live a couple of days.

Which bears out another falsehood of your OP; their jobs are not all that great to start with.
Their salaries and benefits an envy of most Americans working in the private sector.

Can’t get fired for poor performance.

Retirement packages that are extinct in the private sector. Most Americans have to save to be able to retire, government workers do not.

Let the shutdown continue. They don’t like it, get a job in the private sector.
Your attack on Federal workers is based on the fact that private sector workers are underpaid and lack decent pensions?


His attack is out of pure ignorance of what the lifestyles of most federal workers are like.
Name one thing not true that I posted.

Federal workers get fired for poor performance all the time. for one thing.
There is almost no merit increases in the federal system something that does exist in the private sector for another.
0.5% are fired - for misconduct.
Wait, the government is shut down? I haven't noticed any change.
You'll notice when air traffic controllers and TSA workers decide that working for free is not a viable option and airports get shut down

Don't worry illegals will take their jobs.

damn you are fucking stupid.

both require a deep background check, something no illegal can pass
Then why do liberals want open borders and unfettered access? They obviously aren't a security risk like Trump says, right...…...
These people are owed their pay. That's the agreement the government made with them.

Republicans sure do like to avoid paying bills they run up.
The Republican solution to a government shutdown is to force people to work for nothing

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