Officials: Biden Campaign Event Canceled In Texas After President trump Supporters Surround Bus

The trump people are now following and harassing the Biden campaign.

The trump car with armed trump followers has been following the Biden bus around the nation. They surrounded and rammed the bus in Texas and blocked the road. Apparently eric trump has been on facebook inciting this violence.

Some events in Texas have had to be canceled because it's not safe due to trump followers harassing Biden people.

This is getting way out of hand.

What is with the trump people? Why do you people believe it's ok to do such things to people? Why is violence always your first reaction to everything?

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This sort of ignorance, stupidity, and hate is typical of far too many Trump supporters.

That some Trump supporters would resort to intimidation and threats of violence comes as a surprise to no one.

Trump has tapped into a dark reservoir of fear and hate, he’s facilitated and exploited that fear and hate, rendering toxic the political process.

Trump can’t be gone too soon.

2013? Oh..And here NOW...we have Trumper WITH GUNS intimidating voters outside polling places

We do? Do you have a link to armed trumpers at polling places intimidating people?
The trump people are now following and harassing the Biden campaign.

The trump car with armed trump followers has been following the Biden bus around the nation. They surrounded and rammed the bus in Texas and blocked the road. Apparently eric trump has been on facebook inciting this violence.

Some events in Texas have had to be canceled because it's not safe due to trump followers harassing Biden people.

This is getting way out of hand.

What is with the trump people? Why do you people believe it's ok to do such things to people? Why is violence always your first reaction to everything?

I assume all this happens when Biden is not on the bus..since I'm pretty sure that Biden has Secret Service protection..and those guys would not allow such a thing.
Nope uncle blow hole was not on the bus and it was in no danger of being run off the road.thats a demo wet dream a pick up even 2 or 3 couldnt force a big grey hound type bus off the road.
Shit, that is terrible.

I remember when Hillary supporters did that to Trump last cycle.

. . . and when the left shut down speakers on University campuses after Trump was elected? I was disgusted.

There is no excuse for Americans to do this, on either side. It is anti-American.

Where's the video?
Post #27.

I want the video that shows Trump supporters shutting down speakers or being violent. All I saw was a white vehicle encroach into a black pick-up's lane and cause an accident, but not stop. A great video to provide evidence of a hit and run, but no violence on the part of the Trump supporter.
Shit, that is terrible.

I remember when Hillary supporters did that to Trump last cycle.

. . . and when the left shut down speakers on University campuses after Trump was elected? I was disgusted.

There is no excuse for Americans to do this, on either side. It is anti-American.

Where's the video?
Post #27.

I want the video that shows Trump supporters shutting down speakers or being violent. All I saw was a white vehicle encroach into a black pick-up's lane and cause an accident, but not stop. A great video to provide evidence of a hit and run, but no violence on the part of the Trump supporter.
Its reckless driving.

Call them Y’all-Qaeda

The trump people are now following and harassing the Biden campaign.

LOL. You people burn down and loot cities, murder cops, terrorize the people with your Antifa, and now you want to cry about something tiny like this?

You are the quintessential bully: Someone who cannot take just a little of what they dish out.

You disgust me

Awww, is this the big harass that the iddy biddy baby is crying about?

The trump people are now following and harassing the Biden campaign.

The trump car with armed trump followers has been following the Biden bus around the nation. They surrounded and rammed the bus in Texas and blocked the road. Apparently eric trump has been on facebook inciting this violence.

Some events in Texas have had to be canceled because it's not safe due to trump followers harassing Biden people.

This is getting way out of hand.

What is with the trump people? Why do you people believe it's ok to do such things to people? Why is violence always your first reaction to everything?

About time Trump supporters adopting left-wing tactics!

Let the good times heads! An image liberals love when the heads are not their own.
The San Antonio FBI office is investigating this.
Those idiots don't realize that bragging on facebook about attacking a Vice Presidential candidate is a "problem"?

They didn't realize that their license plates were filmed along with those dangerous actions?
Pedophile Biden is a punkass bitch. If he can't take a little hmnking then he can't handle being president
The San Antonio FBI office is investigating this.
Those idiots don't realize that bragging on facebook about attacking a Vice Presidential candidate is a "problem"?

They didn't realize that their license plates were filmed along with those dangerous actions?
Nobody attacked anything
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The San Antonio FBI office is investigating this.
Those idiots don't realize that bragging on facebook about attacking a Vice Presidential candidate is a "problem"?

They didn't realize that their license plates were filmed along with those dangerous actions?
Nobody attacked anything you lying sack of crap
Yea...they did. And the FBI is going to deal with it as well as the Texas Highway Patrol
Yea...they did

No ...they didn't . You are lying through your yellow teeth. I already posted the video.
You posted a video on what...100 yards...this went on for miles. Tailgating, cutting off a bus...culminating in hitting an SUV and driving it across the highway

This was nothing short of vehicular assault
You just think that's big deal.

You're a piece of shit

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