Officials: Biden Campaign Event Canceled In Texas After President trump Supporters Surround Bus

And we'll see liberals wetting their diapers.

Whether judges say weapons at polling places are legal or not, it is clear voter intimidation which is ILLEGAL in all 50 states.
Really and what VOTER were they intimidating? Seems to me that only carpetbaggers were offended.

To normal people, seeing goons such as this at their local polling place is frightening and therefore intimidating.


Like these, where it actually did happen, vs some picture you found and say it could happen?
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Oh yeah, who could forget the guys with the billy club that your team still claims is responsible for Obama winning.
That was HORRIBLE but this isn't?
I'll take the billy club. :rolleyes:


Next maybe you could post a picture like this one...dumbass.


And we'll see liberals wetting their diapers.

Whether judges say weapons at polling places are legal or not, it is clear voter intimidation which is ILLEGAL in all 50 states.
Really and what VOTER were they intimidating? Seems to me that only carpetbaggers were offended.

To normal people, seeing goons such as this at their local polling place is frightening and therefore intimidating.


Like these, where it actually did happen, vs some picture you found and say it could happen?
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There are good people on both sides, but can't you come up with something from at least the present election?

Great question for DrLove, how about a picture from a election.

Your team is scary.
The trump people are now following and harassing the Biden campaign.

The trump car with armed trump followers has been following the Biden bus around the nation. They surrounded and rammed the bus in Texas and blocked the road. Apparently eric trump has been on facebook inciting this violence.

Some events in Texas have had to be canceled because it's not safe due to trump followers harassing Biden people.

This is getting way out of hand.

What is with the trump people? Why do you people believe it's ok to do such things to people? Why is violence always your first reaction to everything?

BLM / Biden supporters have physically attacked Trump supporters AT Trump rallies - just like Hillary paid them to do in 2016 - several times now AND physically attacking vehicles in a Trump Caravan, and snowflakes have remained silent about it...again...

...but you are whining about Trump supporters peacefully surrounding Biden's bus and escorting him out of town where he was not welcome?!


I think snowflakes are just pissed there were more Trump supporters around China/Dementia Joe's bus than there were Biden supporters planning on attending his 'wake' 'rally'.

You would think a claim like that would be accompanied by a link

Isn't this a picture of the Trump-hating 'commandos' who planned on kidnapping Whittmer in response to her oppressive, Constitutional and civil rights violating edicts?

And we'll see liberals wetting their diapers.

Whether judges say weapons at polling places are legal or not, it is clear voter intimidation which is ILLEGAL in all 50 states.
Really and what VOTER were they intimidating? Seems to me that only carpetbaggers were offended.

To normal people, seeing goons such as this at their local polling place is frightening and therefore intimidating.


Like these, where it actually did happen, vs some picture you found and say it could happen?
View attachment 410117
View attachment 410118
There are good people on both sides, but can't you come up with something from at least the present election?

Great question for DrLove, how about a picture from a election.

Your team is scary.

Your team has been committing the actual violence
The trump people are now following and harassing the Biden campaign.

The trump car with armed trump followers has been following the Biden bus around the nation. They surrounded and rammed the bus in Texas and blocked the road. Apparently eric trump has been on facebook inciting this violence.

Some events in Texas have had to be canceled because it's not safe due to trump followers harassing Biden people.

This is getting way out of hand.

What is with the trump people? Why do you people believe it's ok to do such things to people? Why is violence always your first reaction to everything?

BLM / Biden supporters have physically attacked Trump supporters AT Trump rallies - just like Hillary paid them to do in 2016 - several times now AND physically attacking vehicles in a Trump Caravan, and snowflakes have remained silent about it...again...

...but you are whining about Trump supporters peacefully surrounding Biden's bus and escorting him out of town where he was not welcome?!


I think snowflakes are just pissed there were more Trump supporters around China/Dementia Joe's bus than there were Biden supporters planning on attending his 'wake' 'rally'.

You would think a claim like that would be accompanied by a link

Oh for the love of God. THIS is why I have THAT one on IG.

BLM / Biden supporters have physically attacked Trump supporters AT Trump rallies - just like Hillary paid them to do in 2016 - several times now AND physically attacking vehicles in a Trump Caravan

Wow - Hillary paid her supporters to attack Trumpettes? :auiqs.jpg:
President Trump just mentioned Fake News and their Sleepy Joe campaign made butthurt by the American Patriots exercising their First Amendment rights while legally driving on the highway.

President Trump is rockin' it big time in Miami! The crowd was cracking up with President Trump's humor and especially when the Sleepy Joe Gaffe video was played. :auiqs.jpg:

So smashing into a car is legal?

Do you not drive? The Truck never left its lane-----not when the biden bus got over into his lane ahead of the truck and not when the white suv tailgating the bus moved into the trucks lane hitting the truck.
They didn't ram the bus.
No they rammed the SUV that was traveling with the bus...on a highway...with other people trying to peacefully get through their day
Yahoo has the video up at just the perfect points....go click on the video-----notice that the truck never moved out of its lane, not even once it was hit. The Biden bus moved over into the Trucks lane not leaving enough room for its tailgating bumper riding white SUV to get over with it-------the SUV driver just followed the bus instead of watching the road. Dems obviously can't drive. You don't follow another driver into a lane change, you have to check to your side by looking through mirrows and then over your shoulder which the SUV driver didn't do. The Truck never left its lane---the SUV did the illegal lane change hitting the bigger more powerful truck before switching back to its original lane. TEXAS HIGHWAY PATROL should be ticketing the SUV driver for illegal lane change and for being stupid----small suv's can't overpower those huge texas farm trucks.

BTW, I am not absolutely sure but I AM mostly sure that the SUV driver was that damn stupid DR something or other that had called the police whinning and the cops told him that they weren't getting involved as he was also recording and texting the incident-----ergo-------your stupid biden support was texting while driving as well. From the DR's video---you can tell that he was driving a white vehicle so I assume that it was he who hit the truck as he was throwing his HISSY sissy FIT-----
Thugs ????? Rotflmbo..... You undoubtedly don't know what that word thug generally represents in the world, because it sure don't represent everyday responsible good American Citizen's that can't stand thugs, thuggery, gangs, criminal's, trouble makers, rapist, murderers, thieves, and what not. You don't find thugs in the conservative bunch or even in the reasoned or reasonable Democrat bunch. These are specific hellion's that use everything to their advantage in life. You might find defenders of freedom, liberty, and justice among conservatives and Republican's or even among moderate Democrats once upon a time, but no not thugs.
Look at those Trumpers going Mad Max on that bus...yes...they are violent thugs

So what do you call those that beat up kids for wearing a hat? What do you call people that assault 78 and 80 year old men for supporting Trump? What do you call people that refuse service to Trump staff and then chase and harass them all through the town? A family of seven getting peppered sprayed for being at a Trump rally?

To me, it seems that both sides have a violent streak and both sides need to take responsibility for this BS.
Sidebar: Trump is up by at least 3 solid points in Texas today and climbing!
Go Texas!!!
I don't know about climbing...but RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - Texas: Trump vs. Biden

2.3 on average .

Well within the margin of error and absolutely why these thugs are so violently desperate
Thugs ????? Rotflmbo..... You undoubtedly don't know what that word thug generally represents in the world, because it sure don't represent everyday responsible good American Citizen's that can't stand thugs, thuggery, gangs, criminal's, trouble makers, rapist, murderers, thieves, and what not. You don't find thugs in the conservative bunch or even in the reasoned or reasonable Democrat bunch. These are specific hellion's that use everything to their advantage in life. You might find defenders of freedom, liberty, and justice among conservatives and Republican's or even among moderate Democrats once upon a time, but no not thugs.
Look at those Trumpers going Mad Max on that bus...yes...they are violent thugs
Oh so you are of the hypocrites that attempt to stereo type all Trump voters for the alledged actions of a few eh ??? Tsk tsk leftist, don't be guilty of the same crap you claim others are guilty of all the time. You see folks, there is no difference in these people, they talk out of both sides of their mouths yet claim the high ground all the time. LOL
Thugs ????? Rotflmbo..... You undoubtedly don't know what that word thug generally represents in the world, because it sure don't represent everyday responsible good American Citizen's that can't stand thugs, thuggery, gangs, criminal's, trouble makers, rapist, murderers, thieves, and what not. You don't find thugs in the conservative bunch or even in the reasoned or reasonable Democrat bunch. These are specific hellion's that use everything to their advantage in life. You might find defenders of freedom, liberty, and justice among conservatives and Republican's or even among moderate Democrats once upon a time, but no not thugs.
Look at those Trumpers going Mad Max on that bus...yes...they are violent thugs

So what do you call those that beat up kids for wearing a hat? What do you call people that assault 78 and 80 year old men for supporting Trump? What do you call people that refuse service to Trump staff and then chase and harass them all through the town? A family of seven getting peppered sprayed for being at a Trump rally?

To me, it seems that both sides have a violent streak and both sides need to take responsibility for this BS.
Agree, but I don't agree with both sides having a violent streak, where as their are the ones who create the violence, and then their are those who defend themselves and/or return fire with fire once provoked. The conservatives are peaceful, but the left pushes the conservatives into a place that is unbecoming of them once they respond. You can only poke at something but so many times before getting poked back. That's when the one doing the poking responds with "see how violent they are, see, see, see". They are like the dog that lay upon the porch, who then runs out and gets the other dogs fighting, while it then returns quickly to the porch to watch the action.
President Trump just mentioned Fake News and their Sleepy Joe campaign made butthurt by the American Patriots exercising their First Amendment rights while legally driving on the highway.

President Trump is rockin' it big time in Miami! The crowd was cracking up with President Trump's humor and especially when the Sleepy Joe Gaffe video was played. :auiqs.jpg:

So smashing into a car is legal?

Do you not drive? The Truck never left its lane-----not when the biden bus got over into his lane ahead of the truck and not when the white suv tailgating the bus moved into the trucks lane hitting the truck.

Must have been Bidens old ace driving.. Rotflmbo. Time to take those Key's.
And we'll see liberals wetting their diapers.

Whether judges say weapons at polling places are legal or not, it is clear voter intimidation which is ILLEGAL in all 50 states.
Really and what VOTER were they intimidating? Seems to me that only carpetbaggers were offended.

To normal people, seeing goons such as this at their local polling place is frightening and therefore intimidating.

That's not a polling place.

This is.............

And we'll see liberals wetting their diapers.

Whether judges say weapons at polling places are legal or not, it is clear voter intimidation which is ILLEGAL in all 50 states.
Really and what VOTER were they intimidating? Seems to me that only carpetbaggers were offended.

To normal people, seeing goons such as this at their local polling place is frightening and therefore intimidating.


Like these, where it actually did happen, vs some picture you found and say it could happen?
View attachment 410117

View attachment 410118

Oh yeah, who could forget the guys with the billy club that your team still claims is responsible for Obama winning.
That was HORRIBLE but this isn't?
I'll take the billy club. :rolleyes:

Once again.........that is NOT a polling place, Dummy.
And we'll see liberals wetting their diapers.

Whether judges say weapons at polling places are legal or not, it is clear voter intimidation which is ILLEGAL in all 50 states.
Really and what VOTER were they intimidating? Seems to me that only carpetbaggers were offended.

To normal people, seeing goons such as this at their local polling place is frightening and therefore intimidating.


Like these, where it actually did happen, vs some picture you found and say it could happen?
View attachment 410117

View attachment 410118

Oh yeah, who could forget the guys with the billy club that your team still claims is responsible for Obama winning.
That was HORRIBLE but this isn't?
I'll take the billy club. :rolleyes:

Once again.........that is NOT a polling place, Dummy.
If he feels he wants it to be or it should be then it is.
Another Dimwinger narrative falls apart....

A Biden-Harris vehicle might have been at fault in the apparent incident with a Biden campaign bus and a so-called “Trump train” of the president’s supporters over the weekend in Texas.

After researching the crash via online videos, the San Marcos Police Department (SMPD) said “the ‘at-fault vehicle’ may be the Biden-Harris staffer’s car, while the ‘victim’ appears to be one of the Trump vehicles,” reported KXAN News.

“The at-fault vehicle may be the white SUV and the victim appears to be the black truck,” said a statement from SMPD, KXAN reported.

“Calls to the driver of the white SUV have gone unanswered and SMPD has not been contacted by the driver of the black truck.

‘Trump Train’ Incident With Biden Bus: Police Say Biden-Harris Vehicle Likely At Fault | The Daily Wire

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