Officials: Biden Campaign Event Canceled In Texas After President trump Supporters Surround Bus

Don't Mess With Texas.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
So you condone and support political violence and intimidation? You don't think that Trump's rival has a right to peacefully campaign without be accosted by Trumps moronic minions in pickup trucks endangering the public? What the fuck is wrong with you people. Then you have the fucking nerve to bitch about left wing violence. Clearly you hate the ide of a free an d fair election campaign and want to turn this country into a banana republic.
They do indeed...and so does Trump
Trumps minions aren't endangering anyone, and they certainly do not have a right to campiagn without being "accosted" by Trump's supporters. Did the people protesting the removal of statues in Charlottesville have a right to protest without being accosted by BLM and Antifa thugs? Do Trump cabinet members have a right to eat their dinner without being harassed by Antifa thugs?

It's called felony reckless driving jerk off, and there may be evidence of attempted murder considering the Trump humper bragged about it on Twitter.View attachment 409786
If you bothered to watch the video, the white suv was playing bumper cars with the pickup which was within the traffic lane. The suv wasn’t legally in the lane and is legally responsible.
Don't Mess With Texas.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
So you condone and support political violence and intimidation? You don't think that Trump's rival has a right to peacefully campaign without be accosted by Trumps moronic minions in pickup trucks endangering the public? What the fuck is wrong with you people. Then you have the fucking nerve to bitch about left wing violence. Clearly you hate the ide of a free an d fair election campaign and want to turn this country into a banana republic.
What you fail to understand is that TEXANS, old Texas Texans, don't think criminals selling out the country and raping children have the right to be in TEXAS whether they are running for office or not.

Texans are arrogant, ignorant assholes.
I lived too many years in Houston and know what I am talking about.
These Trump fucks who did this should be arrested and charged for criminal acts, endangering lives, using a vehicle as a deadly weapon.
The FBI is on this and I hope we hear about arrests SOON.
The license plates were clearly visible in the video.
Why hasn't the SUV driver filed a complaint?
The police refused to take a complaint. I guess that even they found the suv at fault.
Just having fun in cars.
Your "fun with cars" doesn't belong on the highway

It is is illegal reckless driving and a violent political attack

If they were attacking Biden’s bus, why didn’t the secret service arrest them?
The VP was not on the bus. This was the staff

How many times has this happened? I remember Trump personnel denied service, chased through towns, people slugging 80 plus year old men just for wearing a hat. We have seen left wing riots all summer and now you are finally fed up with it all?

Your example, like all that I listed needed to be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. It is also time to stop all the excuses and Democrats and Republicans take responsibility for all that is going on. The two parties are an embarrassment to America.
What is with the trump people? Why do you people believe it's ok to do such things to people? Why is violence always your first reaction to everything?
I haven't called you stupid yet today. Here we go.

After the election... Riots are said to be a high likelihood. You think it'll be people who voted for Trump?
Might be...might just be--If Biden is elected..and the Left pours into the streets and puts in the Trump people's face.

If Trump does lose...and it is super close...I think both sides will have some issues with violence.

If there is a huge Blue won't be as bad.
Never underestimate the emotional maturity of Trumptards. They will go insane regardless of how Biden wins.
Never underestimate the emotional maturity of Trumptards. They will go insane regardless of how Biden wins.
But he's not going to win. He's not going to accept the loss either likely... But he's not going to win.
Shit like this happens on a daily basis throughout the year in blue states like Oregon where Trump rallies are attempted to be held and Leftists (ANTIFA, BLM) disrupt it.

How are the actions of Trump supporters disrupting a Biden rally different?

It's happening in NY right now.


Great point. Who can forget Jews for Trump being disrupted? The Left is so full of shit.

When I said right now, I meant at that particular point in time. Fox reported a Trump caravan going in to NYC and a bunch of anarchist decided they were going to confront them. What they got was a strong police line. I'm surprised denazio would let the police interfere.

The bus was also followed by rabid and violent Trump supporters on the road, where video caught them surrounding the bus, honking their horns and actually inciting a car accident through side swiping one of the staffers white SUV's. Hopefully the offender who caused the accident will be charged with a crime - thankfully no one appears to have been hurt, although the SUV did suffer serious damage

Trumpers are out of control street thugs now

BLM and ANTIFA have been burning down cities all spring and summer, and you have the unmitigated gall to call Trumpers "out of control street thugs?"'re seriously defending this?

Trumper thugs ATTACKED the Vice Presidential nominee's vehicle in order to prevent them from having a rally....and SUCEEDED

Shades of Hitler's Brown Shirts.


No I am not defending it, I AM EXPLAINING IT.

You, apparently, are too dumb to understand.

Let me try a different tact. If you acquired a puppy, and ever day, you kicked it, when you didn't like what it was doing.

Then, when it was full grown, it growled and snapped at you, and it got mean. . . you seem to be type of low IQ individual that would just say, "oh, it's just a mean dog." :45:

Kamala and Joe have been encouraging folks to protest, riot and burn down folks' businesses since spring, bailing them out of jail, denying realistic media coverage, lying about the truth, etc. . . . and NOW? When the chickens are coming home to roost, you have the audacity to compare the other side to Hitler's Brown Shirts?

Are you serious with that shit? :dunno:

Are you really that dumb that you don't see what is going on?

They are Brown shirts-----socialist violent brown shirts who attack burn rob rape and murder in order to create terror to get in a corrupt abusive government just as the nazis did with Hitler.
What is with the trump people? Why do you people believe it's ok to do such things to people? Why is violence always your first reaction to everything?
I haven't called you stupid yet today. Here we go.

After the election... Riots are said to be a high likelihood. You think it'll be people who voted for Trump?
Might be...might just be--If Biden is elected..and the Left pours into the streets and puts in the Trump people's face.

If Trump does lose...and it is super close...I think both sides will have some issues with violence.

If there is a huge Blue won't be as bad.
Never underestimate the emotional maturity of Trumptards. They will go insane regardless of how Biden wins.
Regardless of how Biden wins? Is this an admission that all of Bidens supporters know the only way that he can win is through massive cheating.
The bus was also followed by rabid and violent Trump supporters on the road, where video caught them surrounding the bus, honking their horns and actually inciting a car accident through side swiping one of the staffers white SUV's. Hopefully the offender who caused the accident will be charged with a crime - thankfully no one appears to have been hurt, although the SUV did suffer serious damage

Trumpers are out of control street thugs now

BLM and ANTIFA have been burning down cities all spring and summer, and you have the unmitigated gall to call Trumpers "out of control street thugs?"'re seriously defending this?

Trumper thugs ATTACKED the Vice Presidential nominee's vehicle in order to prevent them from having a rally....and SUCEEDED

Shades of Hitler's Brown Shirts.


Poor little commie, biden wasn't within a thousand miles of the bus and harriss was hundreds of miles away. So just STFU.

President Trump just mentioned Fake News and their Sleepy Joe campaign made butthurt by the American Patriots exercising their First Amendment rights while legally driving on the highway.

President Trump is rockin' it big time in Miami! The crowd was cracking up with President Trump's humor and especially when the Sleepy Joe Gaffe video was played. :auiqs.jpg:
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What makes these motherfuckers any different than the "thugs" in Portland and Seattle that these wimpy-assed Trumptoids like to point fingers at????

How about no one blinded the police with lasers, no one killed anyone, no one burned any building, no one physically attacked police with commercial fireworks, no one tried to burn a courthouse with people inside, ........ and on and on. STFU commie.

Trumps minions aren't endangering anyone, and they certainly do not have a right to campiagn without being "accosted" by Trump's supporters
"Accosting" someone ON THE FUCKING HIGHWAY...using multiple 2 ton vehicles is CERTAINLY NOT something that we have ever seen before

At least until Trump

And speaking of endangering

Trump is running around the country from super spreader event to super spreader event

A recent study noted that his rallies were responsible for 30,000 infections and 700 DEAD folks.

Way to go.

Die for Der Leader.

It wasn't a study, someone leaked a working paper that was nothing but speculation, by commie academics.

Don't Mess With Texas.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
Yeah who Texans were such a drama queens over a bus driving on a public highway?
The thing's boring in Texas..out on the plain--messing with the bus is most fun these guys have seen in a long time!

The bus should have continued to Austin..they like-em some Biden there!

You dumb fucking commie, Austin is deep blue and is in the TX Hill Country. And you wonder why we call you idiots low information voters. LMAO

You dumb fucking Trumphead, I know that..which is why the bus should have stopped there--not that knowing anything about Texas is all that me.

I do wonder..given the extensive history of your ignorance that's on constant display. For example, you wouldn't know a 'commie' if you stepped on one.

What are you losers going to do when your tin God loses?
Jesus people. This was a violent act and an attack on democracy. And you folks and Trump encourage it

Thank you. The replies in this thread are just disgusting.

The actions by these trump people can get someone hurt or killed.

This shouldn't be legal or tolerated. Much less cheered by anyone.

Yet here we have people who claim to be pro life, who claim to love law and order, who claim to love liberty, freedom and America, cheering on people who are putting other people in jeopardy only because they have a different view.

There is no low too low for these people.

I'm ashamed we have such people in our nation.
Oh but only if it happened that way
No bus was impeded, stopped, stoned , vandalized with occupants dragged out and fearing for their lives
That’s scum slime liberal tactics.

The protest was largely peaceful!
Oh Christ they were trying to run cars off the road to to get the bus. Only you idiots would defend these degenerate, red neck fucktards.
No they weren't. It's all on video, turd. You're downright lying.
Yeah it is all on video lol. Derp!

Man, I hope Texas flips blue simply to piss you off lol

It will be Trump by 11, suck on it commie.

The trump people are now following and harassing the Biden campaign.

The trump car with armed trump followers has been following the Biden bus around the nation. They surrounded and rammed the bus in Texas and blocked the road. Apparently eric trump has been on facebook inciting this violence.

Some events in Texas have had to be canceled because it's not safe due to trump followers harassing Biden people.

This is getting way out of hand.

What is with the trump people? Why do you people believe it's ok to do such things to people? Why is violence always your first reaction to everything?

The impeached president trump has easily convinced the knuckle-dragging RWNJs that illegally intimidating Biden supporters, especially African-American Biden supporters, to see him reelected is a righteous cause.

Unfortunately, the GOP spent the last five decades teaching these dimwits their racism, bigotry, xenophobia, misogyny, homophobia, coupled with their extremely limited education and their hatred for everyone non-white, non-Christian, that these character flaws are instead, virtues when found in conservatives.

The impeached president trump tapped into this staggering RWNJ ignorance and rode it into the White House in 2016. Sadly, in 2020 this massive RWNJ ignorance has been made extremely violent by the impeached president trump's repetitive, hate-filled reinforcement, validating the RWNJs' full range of animus towards everyone and everything, including themselves and their lives of being miserable failures.

The GOP's brainwashing for those decades made these RWNJs believe they were being victimized at every turn, and by everyone except, the Republican Party and the privileged upper class that owns the GOP's service.

The impeached president trump took that brainwashing of the RWNJs to levels Republican leaders never dreamed possible.

The growing violence of the RWNJs across nation is testimony to the success of Republican strategists for their decades of work, and to the impeached president trump's talent as a grifter.

President Trump just mentioned Fake News and their Sleepy Joe campaign made butthurt by the American Patriots exercising their First Amendment rights while legally driving on the highway.

President Trump is rockin' it big time in Miami! The crowd was cracking up with President Trump's humor and especially when the Sleepy Joe Gaffe video was played. :auiqs.jpg:

So smashing into a car is legal?
Don't Mess With Texas.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
Yeah who Texans were such a drama queens over a bus driving on a public highway?
The thing's boring in Texas..out on the plain--messing with the bus is most fun these guys have seen in a long time!

The bus should have continued to Austin..they like-em some Biden there!

You dumb fucking commie, Austin is deep blue and is in the TX Hill Country. And you wonder why we call you idiots low information voters. LMAO

You dumb fucking Trumphead, I know that..which is why the bus should have stopped there--not that knowing anything about Texas is all that me.

I do wonder..given the extensive history of your ignorance that's on constant display. For example, you wouldn't know a 'commie' if you stepped on one.

What are you losers going to do when your tin God loses?
Jesus people. This was a violent act and an attack on democracy. And you folks and Trump encourage it

Thank you. The replies in this thread are just disgusting.

The actions by these trump people can get someone hurt or killed.

This shouldn't be legal or tolerated. Much less cheered by anyone.

Yet here we have people who claim to be pro life, who claim to love law and order, who claim to love liberty, freedom and America, cheering on people who are putting other people in jeopardy only because they have a different view.

There is no low too low for these people.

I'm ashamed we have such people in our nation.
Oh but only if it happened that way
No bus was impeded, stopped, stoned , vandalized with occupants dragged out and fearing for their lives
That’s scum slime liberal tactics.

The protest was largely peaceful!
Oh Christ they were trying to run cars off the road to to get the bus. Only you idiots would defend these degenerate, red neck fucktards.
No they weren't. It's all on video, turd. You're downright lying.
Yeah it is all on video lol. Derp!

Man, I hope Texas flips blue simply to piss you off lol

It will be Trump by 11, suck on it commie.

11 points? Lol even if it was, it shows you how much of a failure Trumpism has become if Texas margin would become that close.
Don't Mess With Texas.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
Yeah who Texans were such a drama queens over a bus driving on a public highway?
The thing's boring in Texas..out on the plain--messing with the bus is most fun these guys have seen in a long time!

The bus should have continued to Austin..they like-em some Biden there!

You dumb fucking commie, Austin is deep blue and is in the TX Hill Country. And you wonder why we call you idiots low information voters. LMAO

You dumb fucking Trumphead, I know that..which is why the bus should have stopped there--not that knowing anything about Texas is all that me.

I do wonder..given the extensive history of your ignorance that's on constant display. For example, you wouldn't know a 'commie' if you stepped on one.

What are you losers going to do when your tin God loses?
Jesus people. This was a violent act and an attack on democracy. And you folks and Trump encourage it

Thank you. The replies in this thread are just disgusting.

The actions by these trump people can get someone hurt or killed.

This shouldn't be legal or tolerated. Much less cheered by anyone.

Yet here we have people who claim to be pro life, who claim to love law and order, who claim to love liberty, freedom and America, cheering on people who are putting other people in jeopardy only because they have a different view.

There is no low too low for these people.

I'm ashamed we have such people in our nation.
Oh but only if it happened that way
No bus was impeded, stopped, stoned , vandalized with occupants dragged out and fearing for their lives
That’s scum slime liberal tactics.

The protest was largely peaceful!
Oh Christ they were trying to run cars off the road to to get the bus. Only you idiots would defend these degenerate, red neck fucktards.
No they weren't. It's all on video, turd. You're downright lying.
Yeah it is all on video lol. Derp!

Man, I hope Texas flips blue simply to piss you off lol

It will be Trump by 11, suck on it commie.

11 points? Lol even if it was, it shows you how much of a failure Trumpism has become if Texas margin would become that close.

It was 9 last time, and I was being conservative. Don't worry you little atom sized brain, Trump has a lock on TX.

The bus was also followed by rabid and violent Trump supporters on the road, where video caught them surrounding the bus, honking their horns and actually inciting a car accident through side swiping one of the staffers white SUV's. Hopefully the offender who caused the accident will be charged with a crime - thankfully no one appears to have been hurt, although the SUV did suffer serious damage

Trumpers are out of control street thugs now

BLM and ANTIFA have been burning down cities all spring and summer, and you have the unmitigated gall to call Trumpers "out of control street thugs?"'re seriously defending this?

Trumper thugs ATTACKED the Vice Presidential nominee's vehicle in order to prevent them from having a rally....and SUCEEDED

Shades of Hitler's Brown Shirts.


No I am not defending it, I AM EXPLAINING IT.

You, apparently, are too dumb to understand.

Let me try a different tact. If you acquired a puppy, and ever day, you kicked it, when you didn't like what it was doing.

Then, when it was full grown, it growled and snapped at you, and it got mean. . . you seem to be type of low IQ individual that would just say, "oh, it's just a mean dog." :45:

Kamala and Joe have been encouraging folks to protest, riot and burn down folks' businesses since spring, bailing them out of jail, denying realistic media coverage, lying about the truth, etc. . . . and NOW? When the chickens are coming home to roost, you have the audacity to compare the other side to Hitler's Brown Shirts?

Are you serious with that shit? :dunno:

Are you really that dumb that you don't see what is going on?

They are Brown shirts-----socialist violent brown shirts who attack burn rob rape and murder in order to create terror to get in a corrupt abusive government just as the nazis did with Hitler.

You just described these Trumptards

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