Oh My God LMAO: Trump Releases Anti-Hillary Attack Ad And You Have To See It. It's Pure Genius!

everyone should be scared shitless that one of them is going to be the president....thats scary....

Since the DNC is unfairly giving Hillary the edge, Bernie is saying he'll run as an Independent. That means the Dems will be split.
Even if he doesn't run as an independent, those who support him may not vote for hillary.
There are a LOT of people who won't vote for Hillary, no Republicans will voter for her and many Democrats won't either. Many Dems I know are considering Trump (especially after they talk to me and I explain things to them).
There are hours and hours of Trump on film and on tape doing and saying stupid things. Many of which are related to his political positions.

Hillary fucked up there. Giving the children something to use. It happens.

Yeah, Hillary always fucks up, what's new?

He might do it if the DNC keeps screwing him over.
There are a large number of dedicated Sander's supporters who are trying to talk Bernie into running as a third party nominee.
Lots of nasty emails to Debbie.
We will see. Nothing should surprise us now.
Stephen Colbert is looking forward to a contested GOP convention: “The Republican campaign could start all over again, only this time it’s crammed into one week you can binge-watch the death of the GOP.”
they should make a parody ad having a dog at the podium laughing like Hillary.
. . . Over the last six presidential elections, Democrats have won 16 states every time for a total of 242 electoral votes out of the 270 needed to win. In those same six elections, Republican presidential candidates carried 13 states for 103 electoral votes. Here’s another way to look at it: the last time a Republican presidential candidate won with enough votes to be declared the winner on election night was 1988. [27 years ago ROFLMAO] No "barking like a dog ad" is gonna change it

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