Oh My God LMAO: Trump Releases Anti-Hillary Attack Ad And You Have To See It. It's Pure Genius!

THIS is why the Democrats do not want to go against Trump! A brilliant ad. Just brilliant.

Team Hillary knows that Trump will not hold his fire on any issue and that he will come after her like no Republican has ever gone after a Democratic nominee.

There used to be a GOP consultant named Lee Atwater. Trump is the embodiment of Atwater's " Democrat" side i.e. take no prisoners, give no mercy.
Remember this is why Trump will succeed is finally FINALLY someone has the guts to attack DEMS with the same ferocity that the Dems do!
Go Donald Go!
THIS is why the Democrats do not want to go against Trump! A brilliant ad. Just brilliant.

Team Hillary knows that Trump will not hold his fire on any issue and that he will come after her like no Republican has ever gone after a Democratic nominee.

There used to be a GOP consultant named Lee Atwater. Trump is the embodiment of Atwater's " Democrat" side i.e. take no prisoners, give no mercy.
Remember this is why Trump will succeed is finally FINALLY someone has the guts to attack DEMS with the same ferocity that the Dems do!
Go Donald Go!
I remember Lee. He was relentless!
Hill-Beast supporters soon to be stampeding to find a 'safe space'............:muahaha:.
Fantastic, but even Hillary had to know that speech would come back to bite her in the ass
Can see the AD now, a close up of Trump's hands, then him barking on the stage that his 'Johnson' is big and bold, while a cut of Putin is shown, with a close up of his masculine hands, saying if Trump's Soviet block wife wants a ''true'' man in her life, come and see him!

How long did it take you to come up with that? However long, it was a waste of time....yo.
There are hours and hours of Trump on film and on tape doing and saying stupid things. Many of which are related to his political positions.

Hillary fucked up there. Giving the children something to use. It happens.
Yeah. It'll be her Dukakis moment.
Perfect way to call her a bitch without using the word.
Liberals already have a replacement for Hillary if she ends up going to jail before the election:

"CoCoa" won the DNC's 'Hillary Look / Sound-Alike' competition in Ohio on Tuesday during the DNC Presidential election primary.
She said afterwards that while she thought being asked to bark like Hillary was somewhat degrading, she was honored to have won the competition and looks forward to being President.

Hillary responded only by growling, sitting down, and scratching her left ear with her hind leg/foot before walking off.

That lil pup is so much cuter....than the Hilda the Beast! :biggrin:
Cons have really taken a shining to Putin. You do know he's a murderer yes?

And this ad only works with Trump's base. In the general it won't have the traction, the production values are weak and the message is very confusing to Americans because it, for some reason, paints Putin as a hero.

The rest of America doesn't see him that way, but con-land thinks he's what Bush should have been.
Cons have really taken a shining to Putin. You do know he's a murderer yes?

And this ad only works with Trump's base. In the general it won't have the traction, the production values are weak and the message is very confusing to Americans because it, for some reason, paints Putin as a hero.

The rest of America doesn't see him that way, but con-land thinks he's what Bush should have been.
No they haven't. Republicans hate Pootin. Liberal Progressive Communist pukes love the murdering basturd. Or if you prefer - Bastard. Same thing.
LOL, wait until Hillary runs nationwide ads making fun of Donald Trump's tiny hands. Every woman in America is going to fall on the floor laughing.

LOL, wait until Hillary runs nationwide ads making fun of Donald Trump's tiny hands. Every woman in America is going to fall on the floor laughing.

I got little hands and the womens don't laff at them. They're really, really good for fisting. Gotcha!
LOL, wait until Hillary runs nationwide ads making fun of Donald Trump's tiny hands. Every woman in America is going to fall on the floor laughing.

I got little hands and the womens don't laff at them. They're really, really good for fisting. Gotcha!

Women don't laugh at the obviously handicapped, but laugh hysterically at the stupid jock who can't figure the joke is on him.

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