Oh My God LMAO: Trump Releases Anti-Hillary Attack Ad And You Have To See It. It's Pure Genius!

I read Hillary was asked last night how she would describe how it is on the campaign trail so far. She said, 'RUFF!"

There are hours and hours of Trump on film and on tape doing and saying stupid things. Many of which are related to his political positions.

Hillary fucked up there. Giving the children something to use. It happens.

Indeed. 14 minute mark

"Hillary fucked up there. Giving the children something to use. It happens."

Your Presidential Candidate is barking like a dog....and you try to insult others by calling THEM 'children'?! LOL!

On a serious note, though....

Maybe someone ought to have Hillary seen by a VET instead of a doctor for that cough - she might have DISTEMPER!

(Distemper: a viral disease of some animals, especially dogs, causing fever, coughing, and catarrh.)

Trump called to question Hillary's toughness. Everyone knows 'her bark is worse than her bite'.

"Hillary fucked up there. Giving the children something to use. It happens."

Your Presidential Candidate is barking like a dog....and you try to insult others by calling THEM 'children'?! LOL!

On a serious note, though....

Maybe someone ought to have Hillary seen by a VET instead of a doctor for that cough - she might have DISTEMPER!

(Distemper: a viral disease of some animals, especially dogs, causing fever, coughing, and catarrh.)

See? Easy heard that dog-whistle loud and clear. And *wink *wink...we all know what a female dog is called, right?

Women voters will love it!
I know Hillary was the one barking, but it is obvious to everyone that it is slick Willy who should have been 'fixed' a long time ago. Where is bob Barker when you need him? "Bad dog, Willy, bad dog! Get off that intern's leg!"

I know Hillary was the one barking, but it is obvious to everyone that it is slick Willy who should have been 'fixed' a long time ago. Where is bob Barker when you need him? "Bad dog, Willy, bad dog! Get off that intern's leg!"

*wink *wink......*female dog*....*snicker *snicker
See? Easy heard that dog-whistle loud and clear. And *wink *wink...we all know what a female dog is called, right?
Dog whistle? Sorry, I don't speak 'HILLARY'! :p

Oh, and was that the 1st threat / promise of libs pulling out the 'Gender' / 'Weaker sex' card to defend Hillary....from HERSELF?! That didn't take long...and no one could see that coming at all....

The ad is brilliant! First of all it's simple so the sheep can understand. Imagery=Strong Putin, (Judo expert); ISIS =(danger); then the underlying "Who will protect us" - cue Hillary, pantsuit and barking. Classic PsyOps!
THIS is why the Democrats do not want to go against Trump! A brilliant ad. Just brilliant.

Team Hillary knows that Trump will not hold his fire on any issue and that he will come after her like no Republican has ever gone after a Democratic nominee.
Great ad and it's only the beginning. No wonder the only candidate Hillary ever attacks is Trump. She knows he's gonna be her opponent and she's scared shitless. lol

By your logic, Trump is scared of her.

How stupid do you feel?
I told you people, Trump isn't playing by GOP establishment rules his attacks on Hillary will be epic! :laugh:

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