Oh My God LMAO: Trump Releases Anti-Hillary Attack Ad And You Have To See It. It's Pure Genius!

LOL, wait until Hillary runs nationwide ads making fun of Donald Trump's tiny hands. Every woman in America is going to fall on the floor laughing.

Maybe you are right, but look at what happened to the last candidate who made fun of "Tiny Hands" Trump

LOL, wait until Hillary runs nationwide ads making fun of Donald Trump's tiny hands. Every woman in America is going to fall on the floor laughing.

Maybe you are right, but look at what happened to the last candidate who made fun of "Tiny Hands" Trump


The eyes move. That is a pretty good graphic.
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Great ad and it's only the beginning. No wonder the only candidate Hillary ever attacks is Trump. She knows he's gonna be her opponent and she's scared shitless. lol

By your logic, Trump is scared of her.

How stupid do you feel?
I don't. Trump has attacked Bernie more than he's attacked Cankles. You should fell stupid, however, just because you are.
Sean played the ad on his show tonight, its getting free air time. Say what you want about Trump but he's been the master of free advertising thus far, they figure he's raked in a billion dollars worth.
There should be one of her saying she's putting coal miners out of business too.
Also Hillary's fierce support of 12 year old rape victims.

Hillary Clinton claims to be the defender of women’s rights but when you look at her history, well …not so much. We’ve already presented how she treated Juanita Broaddrick who claimed she was raped by former president Bill Clinton.

But lets not forget how she treated a 12-year-old rape victim when she defended the assailant in 1975. Acting as a court-appointed attorney in Arkansas, 27-year-old Hillary attacked the credibility of a 12-year-old girl to get the rapist “off” with a light sentence.

Drawing from court files, Politico’s, Glenn Thrush, then a political reporter for Newsday, described the facts of case in 2008. He explained that the victim had joined Thomas Alfred Taylor, and two male acquaintances, including a 15-year-old boy who she had a crush on, on a late-night trip to a bowling alley. Taylor drove the group around in his truck, feeding the girl whisky mixed with Coca-Cola on the way. The group later drove to a “weedy ravine” near the highway where Taylor raped the 12-year-old girl.
Hillary Clinton, Women's Rights Advocate or Rape Defender? ⋆ The Constitution
You can't hold it against her that Hillary did her job as a defense attorney. Getting him the best result possible was her ethical obligation.
everyone should be scared shitless that one of them is going to be the president....thats scary....

Since the DNC is unfairly giving Hillary the edge, Bernie is saying he'll run as an Independent. That means the Dems will be split.
everyone should be scared shitless that one of them is going to be the president....thats scary....

Since the DNC is unfairly giving Hillary the edge, Bernie is saying he'll run as an Independent. That means the Dems will be split.
i saw bernie speaking the other day on the news....he looked beat and his voice seemed strained....and the hard part is still ahead....this will take a lot out of him...
Advertising is supposed to attract new customers to a brand, a service or a product. Only a certain kind of fool would find this "prank" useful. I suspect that the childish and easily led would see this ad and that believe Trump would make a good president are already on board .

Fortunately most Americans take the election of a president more seriously than the small segment that believe this ad is "presidential'.

What is truly unfortunate is that the only remaining candidate that will oppose Trump in the November election is Clinton. Even with her faults and the constant droning about errors she may or may not have committed with Benghazi announcements and how she handled her e-mail she at least has conducted her run for POTUS in a manner we expect to see a responsible hopeful run.

Trump's core supporters have no problem with the message this ad promotes. It is obvious to all that are not smitten with Trump that there is no limit to his vulgarity. The fact that there are those that believe in him and that this ad is representative of a man that wants to be the leader of the free world is astonishing.

She will win easily.

Those of you that see this ad as good judgement had better hope her coat tails don't carry much influence because if they do and she has to do little to beat the Donald and can spend her time working for Senate and House elections she could radically change the direction of our nation.

This ad will only show how foolish Trump and his followers are. This ad will only demonstrate how foolish the republican party is now that their chosen leader has displayed his true stripes.

The saddest part of this cartoon drama is that Trump isn't done by a long shot in showing America his ass as the reason to elect him to the highest office in the world.

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