Oh My God LMAO: Trump Releases Anti-Hillary Attack Ad And You Have To See It. It's Pure Genius!

Can see the AD now, a close up of Trump's hands, then him barking on the stage that his 'Johnson' is big and bold, while a cut of Putin is shown, with a close up of his masculine hands, saying if Trump's Soviet block wife wants a ''true'' man in her life, come and see him!

There should be one of her saying she's putting coal miners out of business too.
Also Hillary's fierce support of 12 year old rape victims.

Hillary Clinton claims to be the defender of women’s rights but when you look at her history, well …not so much. We’ve already presented how she treated Juanita Broaddrick who claimed she was raped by former president Bill Clinton.

But lets not forget how she treated a 12-year-old rape victim when she defended the assailant in 1975. Acting as a court-appointed attorney in Arkansas, 27-year-old Hillary attacked the credibility of a 12-year-old girl to get the rapist “off” with a light sentence.

Drawing from court files, Politico’s, Glenn Thrush, then a political reporter for Newsday, described the facts of case in 2008. He explained that the victim had joined Thomas Alfred Taylor, and two male acquaintances, including a 15-year-old boy who she had a crush on, on a late-night trip to a bowling alley. Taylor drove the group around in his truck, feeding the girl whisky mixed with Coca-Cola on the way. The group later drove to a “weedy ravine” near the highway where Taylor raped the 12-year-old girl.
Hillary Clinton, Women's Rights Advocate or Rape Defender? ⋆ The Constitution
Another reason to support Trump is that he isn't a timid chicken shit RINO like McCain and Romney. You can bet your ass(ets) that no establishment republican would dare to bring up Hillary's support for her sleaze bag husband's abuse of women. It's OK for democrats to continue to attack the former Gov. of Alaska and her family when she isn't even a candidate but establishment republicans would rather roll over than fight.

Wrong again.

Its well known that bullies are frightened of their own shadow. That's also why Trumpery hires bullies and yes-men.

$$arah - oh please. Not the professional victim drama queen crap again.
Hillary took the 1st swing by saying, "“Our commander-in-chief has to be able to defend our country, not embarrass it.”

Didn't her momma teach her she shouldn't poke a hornet's nest if she doesn't want to get stung?!


Trump responded:

“I think she’s an embarrassment to our country. She’s under federal investigation. She doesn’t have the strength or the stamina to be president, frankly, as far as I’m concerned.

“She talks about ‘defeat our enemies.’ Where has she been the last year? We can’t even beat ISIS. She isn’t defeating our enemies. She wouldn’t know how to defeat the enemies.”

Throw in the Hillary 'Barking / Dog' Video, and he just humiliates Hillary with his 1st 'salvo'. (I said within minutes of her 'barking' that she had just delivered a 'gift' to the GOP.....'Nuff Said!)

...and this is only a TASTE of what is to come.

Hillary's attack on Trump today was a major 'tactical error'. She got her ass handed to her.

Stand by for her and liberals to try to attack Trump by claiming he is suggesting 'women are dogs' or something to try to recover for this. It's never too early for Hillary to pull out the 'Gender' card, either. She's never faced a political opponent like Trump - he isn't afraid to 'call an ugly baby ugly'.....and Hillary is carrying around a whole lot of 'ugly'!


IT’S ON! Trump takes aim at Hillary: ‘Embarrassment to our country’
There should be one of her saying she's putting coal miners out of business too.

We should all be working to put coal mines out of business and retraining miners for work that actually supports their families instead of the company stores.

But yes, looking toward the future, education, an end to pollution and black lung - that's against everything you RWNJ traitors want.
Rush just played it and couldn't maintain his composure.

Donald Trump Debuts Attack Ad Aimed at Hillary Clinton

Yeah that add made about as much sense as the rest of the bullshit he spouts off. It only appeals to a certain group of 'Lil" Einstein's.


Hillary Clinton is a HAWK. In fact, if not for her Osama Bin Laden would be alive and well today. She was the one that put the pressure on Barack Obama to do the hit, while Joe Biden and other officials said no.

Leon Panetta has a very high opinion of her, and says so in his book. She also has several Republicans in the senate & the house that speak highly of her. She and Bush 1 worked together to eradicate aids in Africa. Paul Ryan, Republican house majority leader, stated that had Hillary Clinton won in 2008, versus Barack Obama they would have already had fixed this fiscal crisis.
Hillary's secret weapon? GOP praise
There should be one of her saying she's putting coal miners out of business too.

We should all be working to put coal mines out of business and retraining miners for work that actually supports their families instead of the company stores.

But yes, looking toward the future, education, an end to pollution and black lung - that's against everything you RWNJ traitors want.
What kind of job training? All the call center jobs are held by Pakistanis and Indians and Micky D ain't hiring anyone but Mexicans. And those miners are too proud to accept welfare and EBT cards.
Rush just played it and couldn't maintain his composure.

Donald Trump Debuts Attack Ad Aimed at Hillary Clinton

Yeah that add made about as much sense as the rest of the bullshit he spouts off. It only appeals to a certain group of 'Lil" Einstein's.


Hillary Clinton is a HAWK. In fact, if not for her Osama Bin Laden would be alive and well today. She was the one that put the pressure on Barack Obama to do the hit, while Joe Biden and other officials said no.

Leon Panetta has a very high opinion of her, and says so in his book. She also has several Republicans in the senate that speak highly of her. She and Bush 1 worked together to eradicate aids in Africa. Paul Ryan stated that had Hillary Clinton won in 2008, versus Barack Obama they would have already had fixed this fiscal crisis.
Hillary's secret weapon? GOP praise

Hillary Clinton is a HAWK. . In fact, if not for her Osama Bin Laden would be alive and well today.

Hillar y ous
"“Our commander-in-chief has to be able to defend our country, not embarrass it.”
-- Hillary Clinton



"Please accept this cheap plastic 'Re-Set'
button signifying the re-setting of our

"Seriously? And look right here,
everyone. The incompetent fool has the word
'Over-charge', not 'Reset', printed in Russian
On it. Bwahahahaha!"


"Look, why don't you hold on to this for a while.
While we will be resuming our Bear bomber flights
into your airspace in and around Alaska, we will also
be invading Crimea next week."


"Yes, and later we are going to build bases in Syria,
help President Assad stay in power against your
President's will, and use our military to completely
destroy his 'proxy army'. Have nice day, comrade..."

Last edited:
Rush just played it and couldn't maintain his composure.

Donald Trump Debuts Attack Ad Aimed at Hillary Clinton

Yeah that add made about as much sense as the rest of the bullshit he spouts off. It only appeals to a certain group of 'Lil" Einstein's.


Hillary Clinton is a HAWK. In fact, if not for her Osama Bin Laden would be alive and well today. She was the one that put the pressure on Barack Obama to do the hit, while Joe Biden and other officials said no.

Leon Panetta has a very high opinion of her, and says so in his book. She also has several Republicans in the senate & the house that speak highly of her. She and Bush 1 worked together to eradicate aids in Africa. Paul Ryan, Republican house majority leader, stated that had Hillary Clinton won in 2008, versus Barack Obama they would have already had fixed this fiscal crisis.
Hillary's secret weapon? GOP praise

What???? Osama bin Laden is alive! He voted for her 3 times in Illinois yesterday.
I heard Trumpery this morning - When asked what foreign policy advisers and authorities he was or had or planned to consult so he would be prepared to 'hit the ground running' if he were elected, he answered

and I kid you not


For those who believe the right hit bottom with their adoration of
Ronnie RayGun and GWBush

Folks, we ain't seen nuthin yet.
Liberals already have a replacement for Hillary if she ends up going to jail before the election:

"CoCoa" won the DNC's 'Hillary Look / Sound-Alike' competition in Ohio on Tuesday during the DNC Presidential election primary.
She said afterwards that while she thought being asked to bark like Hillary was somewhat degrading, she was honored to have won the competition and looks forward to being President.

Hillary responded only by growling, sitting down, and scratching her left ear with her hind leg/foot before walking off.
There should be one of her saying she's putting coal miners out of business too.

We should all be working to put coal mines out of business and retraining miners for work that actually supports their families instead of the company stores.

But yes, looking toward the future, education, an end to pollution and black lung - that's against everything you RWNJ traitors want.
Yeah, like she gives a shit about anybody who doesn't vote Democrat.
Folks, we ain't seen nuthin yet.
At least the GOP didn't pick a scandalous troll who is a complete failure, 'lost' $6 BILLION as Secretary of State but, according to her, never lost a man in Libya, who barks like a dog, and is under investigation by the FBI for potential crimes under the Espionage Act.


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