Oh My God LMAO: Trump Releases Anti-Hillary Attack Ad And You Have To See It. It's Pure Genius!

they should make a parody ad having a dog at the podium laughing like Hillary.
They should have a parody ad of Trump wrestling with a Russian bear bare shirted as wrestling figures watch bemused.....and real clips of Trump as a wrestling huckster interspersed
they should make a parody ad having a dog at the podium laughing like Hillary.
They should have a parody ad of Trump wrestling with a Russian bear bare shirted as wrestling figures watch bemused.....and real clips of Trump as a wrestling huckster interspersed
how about a parody ad showing what is going on behind the podium. Being so many of us are wondering if Huma is down there with a pee bucket.
Ole Bernie is starting to get a little too big for his britches. he better watch his back ole Hillary will send out her goon squad. that's what he get for hitching his wagon to the Democrat party. which he's caucused with them 100% of time. so he's NO Independent, just another way to try and fool the voters. just another slime Democrat
Ole Bernie is starting to get a little too big for his britches. he better watch his back ole Hillary will send out her goon squad. that's what he get for hitching his wagon to the Democrat party. which he's caucused with them 100% of time. so he's NO Independent, just another way to try and fool the voters. just another slime Democrat
better give Trump what he wants other wise its riots looting the whole shee bang

Racist voters cost Trump two Illinois delegates with ‘foreign’ sounding names

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Can see the AD now, a close up of Trump's hands, then him barking on the stage that his 'Johnson' is big and bold, while a cut of Putin is shown, with a close up of his masculine hands, saying if Trump's Soviet block wife wants a ''true'' man in her life, come and see him!

Goddamn, princess. You must have really soaked your sheets.
You still don't get it, do you?
I get it Trump could put out a cigar in your eye and you would say "thank you sir and may I please have another"

Possibly. But that's POSSIBLY... What do you say when Obama told you he was going to put a cigar in your eye 3 times giving you the chance yet you said
yes sir !

Obama told you in 1995 he thought of you as he did his mother... someone to fool. To use tricks and tactics to fool.
Then Obama went on to be elected with his "Hope and Change" and stuck another cigar in your eye... by yup dividing our country between blacks and whites.
But of course Obamatrons never heard of how a Obama hireling told us that it took the Stupidity of the American Voter to allow Obama to destroy 1,400 companies
while eliminating $100 billion in annual tax revenue while eliminating 450,000 people's sources of income!
Yup you definitely asked for it several times over!
they should make a parody ad having a dog at the podium laughing like Hillary.
They should have a parody ad of Trump wrestling with a Russian bear bare shirted as wrestling figures watch bemused.....and real clips of Trump as a wrestling huckster interspersed

Great idea! Because as you phony intellectual elites and pompous dunces consider all of us Trump supporters as dunces that would probably appeal to even more
of us dunces! See there are more of us then you, you statistically challenged idiot. Your pompous attitude is what most of us "dunces" have seen has brought our
country to being laughingstocks of the world..."Another line drawn in the sand" by Obama. "Leading from behind"??? Geez this is the BEST you can proffer?
Then we have the barking dog intellectual appealing to fewer and fewer people with her shrill voice... trying to mimic southerners and all the while looking the part of
a clown as her husband continues to embarrass her and us!
Yea please let's see more of those ads as they don't seem to hurt but to HELP!
You still don't get it, do you?
I get it Trump could put out a cigar in your eye and you would say "thank you sir and may I please have another"
No, you don't get it. What you don't (and never will) understand is three words: We The People, and we the people want our country back. You'll never get it because you don't understand the Constitution and never will. You've been on the plantation for so long you're unable to think for yourself.
Ole Bernie is starting to get a little too big for his britches. he better watch his back ole Hillary will send out her goon squad. that's what he get for hitching his wagon to the Democrat party. which he's caucused with them 100% of time. so he's NO Independent, just another way to try and fool the voters. just another slime Democrat
better give Trump what he wants other wise its riots looting the whole shee bang

Racist voters cost Trump two Illinois delegates with ‘foreign’ sounding names

IOW, he's no conservative. That's what we've been saying.
And now for the final word on this thread:

Question: Why does Hillary cough so much?
Answer: Why does Michael Douglas cough so much??

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