Oh, My Trembling Heart

I don't care what you think, you old fart. Google is your friend. :D
You're a dumb fuck trolling for dick.

Just because you keep saying that doesn't make it true. Wishful thinking perhaps. :D Lol. Anyhow, how about you try to stick to the topic instead of degrading into your usual first grade level personal attacks?
We were on topic until you started trolling for attention. How desperate can you be?

I have NO idea what you are going on about. Obviously you have some kind of problem (s).
I made it clear. You aren't here for the issues so that doesn't leave many alternatives.

I am here for the issues. Do you honestly think I am interested in "hooking up" with people like yourself? Really? Ohhhh. :lol: Well, I don't where you get that impression, but don't kid yourself friend. Lol. :itsok:

There are things just too good to believe. If anything should cinch a win for the GOP next November, it's this!
I don't see what the big deal is. Police would call it a 6-pack of likely suspects.

Police wouldn't give them a second look. They are Republicans. Most criminals are Democrats.

Do you say things just to prove you are stupid? Or what?

Why? How many Republicans do you think are in our prisons today? Where do the cops have the most problems? Upper-class suburbs or the cities where they are all Democrat?
I don't agree with them on their views on many issues. So yes, that is part of discussion.
That's fine, however your previous posts on the subject suggest that your position goes beyond mere disagreement and into the realm of questioning the basis for their positions, yet you have in this thread expressed a desire to return to a state where parties are capable of compromise in pursuit of the greater good.

I would suggest that compromise is not possible if you do not grant those with whom you have disagreements the benefit of the doubt with respect to their motives (i.e. you have to assume that their positions are based on good intentions). In short you can never expect Christians to ever compromise with you if begin negotiations harboring the assumption that their motives are based on ill intentions.
Frightening! :eek: I can do without the religious extremists.

What religious "extremists"? all I see in that image is a group of politicians with a tendency to wear their Christianity on their sleeves... it's not like they're members of the Spanish Inquisition or anything.

They are religious extremists who would like to make laws outlawing things that they believe go against their religious beliefs. Of course people will deny that, but we've all heard them speak.

Yep, Trump is a real religious zealot.


He was the only one pictured who isn't. All the others are definitely religious zealots, not to mention douchebags.

Yes indeed, we simply must stop those mean and hateful old Christians at all costs. Here's a photo of those old mean and hateful Christian groups headed off to Texas to impose their will upon those poor tornado victims. I guess they'll be backed up before unloading having to wait on the Muslim and atheists assistance:

Relax, Chris. You'll have a chance to vote for Biden.

Trust The Democrat Party to not nominate Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky - she is a (putative) female and they can't have THAT! They had trying a "President Pussy" and somehow the taste in their mouths is troubling them.
I don't agree with them on their views on many issues. So yes, that is part of discussion.
That's fine, however your previous posts on the subject suggest that your position goes beyond mere disagreement and into the realm of questioning the basis for their positions, yet you have in this thread expressed a desire to return to a state where parties are capable of compromise in pursuit of the greater good.

I would suggest that compromise is not possible if you do not grant those with whom you have disagreements the benefit of the doubt with respect to their motives (i.e. you have to assume that their positions are based on good intentions). In short you can never expect Christians to ever compromise with you if begin negotiations harboring the assumption that their motives are based on ill intentions.

Christians (like most religions) don't want to compromise. They want it their way or the highway. :D
Frightening! :eek: I can do without the religious extremists.

What religious "extremists"? all I see in that image is a group of politicians with a tendency to wear their Christianity on their sleeves... it's not like they're members of the Spanish Inquisition or anything.

They are religious extremists who would like to make laws outlawing things that they believe go against their religious beliefs. Of course people will deny that, but we've all heard them speak.

Yep, Trump is a real religious zealot.


He was the only one pictured who isn't. All the others are definitely religious zealots, not to mention douchebags.

Yes indeed, we simply must stop those mean and hateful old Christians at all costs. Here's a photo of those old mean and hateful Christian groups headed off to Texas to impose their will upon those poor tornado victims. I guess they'll be backed up before unloading having to wait on the Muslim and atheists assistance:

View attachment 58363

Oh my. How poignant. Should I feel "guilty" or something? Lol.
Relax, Chris. You'll have a chance to vote for Biden.

Trust The Democrat Party to not nominate Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky - she is a (putative) female and they can't have THAT! They had trying a "President Pussy" and somehow the taste in their mouths is troubling them.

Biden? What is the matter with you? Like I told you before, just because one isn't interested in YOUR party doesn't mean one supports the other party. Now, what is it about this simple concept that keeps confusing you?
How much more of a dribbling pathetic hack can one be, with the title of this thread? Good grief. "Oh, my trembling heart?" and to post pictures of politicians of hacky politicians? :puke: Made me sick when they treated Obama that way too. Disgusting. Shameful. :slap:
I don't agree with them on their views on many issues. So yes, that is part of discussion.
That's fine, however your previous posts on the subject suggest that your position goes beyond mere disagreement and into the realm of questioning the basis for their positions, yet you have in this thread expressed a desire to return to a state where parties are capable of compromise in pursuit of the greater good.

I would suggest that compromise is not possible if you do not grant those with whom you have disagreements the benefit of the doubt with respect to their motives (i.e. you have to assume that their positions are based on good intentions). In short you can never expect Christians to ever compromise with you if begin negotiations harboring the assumption that their motives are based on ill intentions.

Christians (like most religions) don't want to compromise. They want it their way or the highway. :D

My personal observations do not support your conclusion, for the most part I've found Christians to be caring, understanding and generally speaking open minded, of course there have been exceptions but no more than with any other group people I've encountered. Perhaps you needed to broaden your sample base?

In any case you're never going to get anywhere with respect to "compromise" by assuming the worst about adherents of the largest religion in the country.
I don't agree with them on their views on many issues. So yes, that is part of discussion.
That's fine, however your previous posts on the subject suggest that your position goes beyond mere disagreement and into the realm of questioning the basis for their positions, yet you have in this thread expressed a desire to return to a state where parties are capable of compromise in pursuit of the greater good.

I would suggest that compromise is not possible if you do not grant those with whom you have disagreements the benefit of the doubt with respect to their motives (i.e. you have to assume that their positions are based on good intentions). In short you can never expect Christians to ever compromise with you if begin negotiations harboring the assumption that their motives are based on ill intentions.

Christians (like most religions) don't want to compromise. They want it their way or the highway. :D

My personal observations do not support your conclusion, for the most part I've found Christians to be caring, understanding and generally speaking open minded, of course there have been exceptions but no more than with any other group people I've encountered. Perhaps you needed to broaden your sample base?

In any case you're never going to get anywhere with respect to "compromise" by assuming the worst about adherents of the largest religion in the country.

And you've been a member of this forum for HOW long now? :lol: I'm sorry but this is a secular nation, and that is a good thing. We want to keep religious beliefs far away from government.
And you've been a member of this forum for HOW long now?
What the hell does that have to do with anything? are you under the impression that this message board constitutes any significant portion of American Society? Are you aware that the Internet and message boards existed long before USMB ever came into being?

I'm sorry but this is a secular nation,and that is a good thing. We want to keep religious beliefs far away from government.

I'm not sorry this is a secular nation, I'm also not going to pretend that adherents of Christianity aren't the majority of the population in the United States (83%) so whether you like it or not it would be impossible to keep their "religious beliefs far away from government" because the government (at all levels) is dominated by Christians. Of course you are free to continue in your reflexive attempts to marginalize Christians, however don't think that anybody that actually pays attention to detail will buy the whole "I want compromise" dog & puppet show while you're doing it.
And you've been a member of this forum for HOW long now?
What the hell does that have to do with anything? are you under the impression that this message board constitutes any significant portion of American Society? Are you aware that the Internet and message boards existed long before USMB ever came into being?

I'm sorry but this is a secular nation,and that is a good thing. We want to keep religious beliefs far away from government.

I'm not sorry this is a secular nation, I'm also not going to pretend that adherents of Christianity aren't the majority of the population in the United States (83%) so whether you like it or not it would be impossible to keep their "religious beliefs far away from government" because the government (at all levels) is dominated by Christians. Of course you are free to continue in your reflexive attempts to marginalize Christians, however don't think that anybody that actually pays attention to detail will buy the whole "I want compromise" dog & puppet show while you're doing it.

Hmm. It seems as if you are the one trying to do the "marginalizing." Even some Christians are intelligent enough to know why it is important to keep personal belief systems out of the government. Lol.

Nice to see you admit to the religious zealotry though. Thanks. *thumbs up*
Hmm. It seems as if you are the one trying to do the "marginalizing."
I'm sorry that you feel marginalized by my pointing out the flaws in your reasoning and the contradictions in your assertions.

Even some Christians are intelligent enough to know why it is important to keep personal belief systems out of the government. Lol.
Apparently you're not a student of human behavior, very, very few people can keep their personal belief systems out of things they are personally involved in, do you abandon the basis for your morality when you go to work?

Nice to see you admit to the religious zealotry though. Thanks. *thumbs up*
It would be impossible for me to "admit to religious zealotry" as I do not subscribe to any religion but thanks for the demonstration on how to attempt to construct a straw man and fail.
Hmm. It seems as if you are the one trying to do the "marginalizing."
I'm sorry that you feel marginalized by my pointing out the flaws in your reasoning and the contradictions in your assertions.

Even some Christians are intelligent enough to know why it is important to keep personal belief systems out of the government. Lol.
Apparently you're not a student of human behavior, very, very few people can keep their personal belief systems out of things they are personally involved in, do you abandon the basis for your morality when you go to work?

Nice to see you admit to the religious zealotry though. Thanks. *thumbs up*
It would be impossible for me to "admit to religious zealotry" as I do not subscribe to any religion but thanks for the demonstration on how to attempt to construct a straw man and fail.

You haven't pointed out any flaws. Lol. You simply said that Christianity was the majority religion. Does that mean you think it's okay for personal belief systems to be a part of government?
Hmm. It seems as if you are the one trying to do the "marginalizing."
I'm sorry that you feel marginalized by my pointing out the flaws in your reasoning and the contradictions in your assertions.

Even some Christians are intelligent enough to know why it is important to keep personal belief systems out of the government. Lol.
Apparently you're not a student of human behavior, very, very few people can keep their personal belief systems out of things they are personally involved in, do you abandon the basis for your morality when you go to work?

Nice to see you admit to the religious zealotry though. Thanks. *thumbs up*
It would be impossible for me to "admit to religious zealotry" as I do not subscribe to any religion but thanks for the demonstration on how to attempt to construct a straw man and fail.

You go from saying that we should expect religious beliefs to be involved in government, to saying that the claim of religious zealotry is a strawman and a fail? Lol. :D
What religious "extremists"? all I see in that image is a group of politicians with a tendency to wear their Christianity on their sleeves... it's not like they're members of the Spanish Inquisition or anything.

They are religious extremists who would like to make laws outlawing things that they believe go against their religious beliefs. Of course people will deny that, but we've all heard them speak.

Yep, Trump is a real religious zealot.


He was the only one pictured who isn't. All the others are definitely religious zealots, not to mention douchebags.

Yes indeed, we simply must stop those mean and hateful old Christians at all costs. Here's a photo of those old mean and hateful Christian groups headed off to Texas to impose their will upon those poor tornado victims. I guess they'll be backed up before unloading having to wait on the Muslim and atheists assistance:

View attachment 58363

Oh my. How poignant. Should I feel "guilty" or something? Lol.

No. You will feel as hard or as soft as your heart allows.
I don't agree with them on their views on many issues. So yes, that is part of discussion.
That's fine, however your previous posts on the subject suggest that your position goes beyond mere disagreement and into the realm of questioning the basis for their positions, yet you have in this thread expressed a desire to return to a state where parties are capable of compromise in pursuit of the greater good.

I would suggest that compromise is not possible if you do not grant those with whom you have disagreements the benefit of the doubt with respect to their motives (i.e. you have to assume that their positions are based on good intentions). In short you can never expect Christians to ever compromise with you if begin negotiations harboring the assumption that their motives are based on ill intentions.

Christians (like most religions) don't want to compromise. They want it their way or the highway. :D

That's a whole lot of judgment there. Are you certain you're qualified to speak for all people?

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