Oh, My Trembling Heart


There are things just too good to believe. If anything should cinch a win for the GOP next November, it's this!
I don't see what the big deal is. Police would call it a 6-pack of likely suspects.
Police? 6-pack? Oh, I get it, you're a drunk.
What's the matter? Not as much fun when the shoe is on the other foot, eh? If you investigate each one of them as much as the Clintons have been, I'm sure a prosecutor could find something to indict them for.
Both the Republican and Democrat parties are becoming more and more extreme with their views. I think at one time in the past, both parties were more in the middle and more "moderate" and willing to work together for the good of our country. That is NOT the case any longer. American politics has become more like a dick measuring contest. Both parties are full of nutty extremists. They lie to us, they make promises that they don't keep, they are bought and sold like prostitutes.

You are correct about neither party bringing what they promised. But both parties are not becoming more extreme, just the left has. I think the Republican party moved more to the left as well, just not nearly as much.

We don't vote because we have a favorite candidate, we vote to keep the worst candidate out. You can't do that by voting third party because nobody else would follow you.

I'm not voting for a Republican candidate this election, I'm voting to keep Hillary out.

I didn't vote for Romney, I voted to keep DumBama out.

I didn't vote for McCain, I voted to keep DumBama out.

So priority one is keeping the worst candidate out. That's why we will always be a two-party system in this country. The only way that will change is if both parties piss off their constituency at the same exact time. That's not likely to happen. The Republican party is now very divided, but the Democrats all march in lockstep and will never change.

No way, the right is also quite extreme. Goodness! We need to get rid of "party politics." That is the biggest problem and why we can't get anything done!

If you are a candidate, I don't CARE about your religious beliefs. I probably don't share them either. The right has been infiltrated by religious nut jobs!

Not really. They talk a good game but that's all it is--talk.

Let's face it, the Republicans need to hold on to as many of their groups as possible--the largest being the religious people. When Bush was President, abortion was not made illegal. We were not forced to go to church every week. Nothing changed when it comes to religion and Bush had the House and the Senate.
Both the Republican and Democrat parties are becoming more and more extreme with their views. I think at one time in the past, both parties were more in the middle and more "moderate" and willing to work together for the good of our country. That is NOT the case any longer. American politics has become more like a dick measuring contest. Both parties are full of nutty extremists. They lie to us, they make promises that they don't keep, they are bought and sold like prostitutes.
You have no historical perspective. People and politics have always been at polar opposites. All the way back to the beginning when slavery was hotly debated. Do you think Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan were on the same page?

The left has gone so far left we have a socialist running in the Democrat party and no one is surprised. And the difference between him and the front runner is minimal. The left runs left and claims the right is moving to the right.

What's new these days is a million talking heads on media, then there's the internet, etc.

Agreed. For the Democrats, they do have a Socialist in second place and first place in some areas. Their current President was endorsed by the US Communist Party. How much more left can you get than that?

The Republicans promised us that if in leadership, they will pull back the left, but so far, they've done very little pulling.

We still have a deficit budget. They have funded Planned Parenthood, they have funded Amnesty, they have funded Commie Care. They've given just about everything to DumBama that he wanted including tax increases on the more affluent among us and corporations.

Both parties are moving left.

And let me guess here . . . you are a REPUBLICAN!!! :lol:

I'm about 70% conservative and 30% Libertarian. The only reason I'm not totally Libertarian is because I don't care for their stance on narcotics or our military. The only reason I drifted Libertarian is because the Republicans don't talk much about a smaller government. I really like the ideas of smaller government the Libertarians hold.

The more government out of my life--the better life will be.
This is the problem when only "rich" people can run for an elected office. They are all fucking mega weirdos for the most part. Freaks really.

No, it's just that the only people that stand a chance at being elected are the rich. It's not the rich people's fault it is that way, it's the publics fault for not listening to anybody else.
This is the problem when only "rich" people can run for an elected office. They are all fucking mega weirdos for the most part. Freaks really.

You seem to make the argument that being rich makes one corrupt, which isn't the truth at all. Being poor doesn't make one virtuous either. Johnson went to congress stone broke, not like Mrs. Clinton broke, and came out a millionaire.
They have been all over the news with their stupid comments. I know you are a senior citizen and out of touch with reality, but please poster! :eusa_hand:
You love to sling shit and never back up anything. No, I'm not a senior citizen, you don't know much of anything besides taunting people. That avatar does have a deer in the headlights look though, it fits.

Yes you are a senior citizen. Don't lie.

I don't need to back up anything. Their silly comments are well known about. :dunno: Google it.
You're a dumb fuck trolling for dick. That much is clear.
I don't care what you think, you old fart. Google is your friend. :D
You're a dumb fuck trolling for dick.

Just because you keep saying that doesn't make it true. Wishful thinking perhaps. :D Lol. Anyhow, how about you try to stick to the topic instead of degrading into your usual first grade level personal attacks?
You love to sling shit and never back up anything. No, I'm not a senior citizen, you don't know much of anything besides taunting people. That avatar does have a deer in the headlights look though, it fits.

Yes you are a senior citizen. Don't lie.

I don't need to back up anything. Their silly comments are well known about. :dunno: Google it.
You're a dumb fuck trolling for dick. That much is clear.
I don't care what you think, you old fart. Google is your friend. :D
You're a dumb fuck trolling for dick.

Just because you keep saying that doesn't make it true. Wishful thinking perhaps. :D Lol. Anyhow, how about you try to stick to the topic instead of degrading into your usual first grade level personal attacks?
We were on topic until you started trolling for attention. How desperate can you be?
Yes you are a senior citizen. Don't lie.

I don't need to back up anything. Their silly comments are well known about. :dunno: Google it.
You're a dumb fuck trolling for dick. That much is clear.
I don't care what you think, you old fart. Google is your friend. :D
You're a dumb fuck trolling for dick.

Just because you keep saying that doesn't make it true. Wishful thinking perhaps. :D Lol. Anyhow, how about you try to stick to the topic instead of degrading into your usual first grade level personal attacks?
We were on topic until you started trolling for attention. How desperate can you be?

I'm just stating my opinions on the candidates pictured.
Yes you are a senior citizen. Don't lie.

I don't need to back up anything. Their silly comments are well known about. :dunno: Google it.
You're a dumb fuck trolling for dick. That much is clear.
I don't care what you think, you old fart. Google is your friend. :D
You're a dumb fuck trolling for dick.

Just because you keep saying that doesn't make it true. Wishful thinking perhaps. :D Lol. Anyhow, how about you try to stick to the topic instead of degrading into your usual first grade level personal attacks?
We were on topic until you started trolling for attention. How desperate can you be?

I have NO idea what you are going on about. Obviously you have some kind of problem (s).
You're a dumb fuck trolling for dick. That much is clear.
I don't care what you think, you old fart. Google is your friend. :D
You're a dumb fuck trolling for dick.

Just because you keep saying that doesn't make it true. Wishful thinking perhaps. :D Lol. Anyhow, how about you try to stick to the topic instead of degrading into your usual first grade level personal attacks?
We were on topic until you started trolling for attention. How desperate can you be?

I'm just stating my opinions on the candidates pictured.
Based on what, you won't say. You put down the religious right and when asked what religious law you're afraid of you say go Google it. That's not an answer, so no, you aren't here to discuss the candidates.
You're a dumb fuck trolling for dick. That much is clear.
I don't care what you think, you old fart. Google is your friend. :D
You're a dumb fuck trolling for dick.

Just because you keep saying that doesn't make it true. Wishful thinking perhaps. :D Lol. Anyhow, how about you try to stick to the topic instead of degrading into your usual first grade level personal attacks?
We were on topic until you started trolling for attention. How desperate can you be?

I have NO idea what you are going on about. Obviously you have some kind of problem (s).
I made it clear. You aren't here for the issues so that doesn't leave many alternatives.
I don't care what you think, you old fart. Google is your friend. :D
You're a dumb fuck trolling for dick.

Just because you keep saying that doesn't make it true. Wishful thinking perhaps. :D Lol. Anyhow, how about you try to stick to the topic instead of degrading into your usual first grade level personal attacks?
We were on topic until you started trolling for attention. How desperate can you be?

I'm just stating my opinions on the candidates pictured.
Based on what, you won't say. You put down the religious right and when asked what religious law you're afraid of you say go Google it. That's not an answer, so no, you aren't here to discuss the candidates.

I don't agree with them on their views on many issues. So yes, that is part of discussion.

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