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"Oh Say Can You Seethe"

Btw.. your winger site's little 'contributor' is as much of a winger as you can get...

Paul Buchheit

Paul Buchheit is a college teacher, an active member of US Uncut Chicago, founder and developer of social justice and educational websites (UsAgainstGreed.org, PayUpNow.org, RappingHistory.org), and the editor and main author of "American Wars: Illusions and Realities" (Clarity Press). He can be reached at [email protected].
Why aren't you able to refute any of the "winger's" arguments?

"The trillion EXTRA dollars a year taken by the richest 1% (by TRIPLING their cut of the income pie since 1980) would provide a $50,000 a year job for every college student in the United States."

Did you have trouble choosing between those scholarship offers from MIT and Harvard?

Oh Say Can You Seethe.. | Common Dreams
Btw.. your winger site's little 'contributor' is as much of a winger as you can get...

Paul Buchheit

Paul Buchheit is a college teacher, an active member of US Uncut Chicago, founder and developer of social justice and educational websites (UsAgainstGreed.org, PayUpNow.org, RappingHistory.org), and the editor and main author of "American Wars: Illusions and Realities" (Clarity Press). He can be reached at [email protected].
Why aren't you able to refute any of the "winger's" arguments?

"The trillion EXTRA dollars a year taken by the richest 1% (by TRIPLING their cut of the income pie since 1980) would provide a $50,000 a year job for every college student in the United States."

Did you have trouble choosing between those scholarship offers from MIT and Harvard?

Oh Say Can You Seethe.. | Common Dreams

To refute an opinion piece.. all you have to do is give the opposing opinion.. and it is all this winger did

Now.. care to stop avoiding and state fully where in law or in the constitution where any one person has any more right or freedom to success or failure than any other person.... I am still waiting, since this was your assertion
Oh... and his other bullshit claims have been debunked on here numerous times... especially the 'negative taxes paid" fraud that is oft perpetuated by winger trolls such as yourself and Chris
In the same way Ann O'Connor didn't deserve Medicare?

"Her books provided wide-ranging parables of 'parasites,' 'looters' and 'moochers' using the levers of government to steal the fruits of her heroes' labor. In the real world, however, (Ayn) Rand herself received Social Security payments and Medicare benefits under the name of Ann O'Connor (her husband was Frank O'Connor)."

Ayn Rand Railed Against Government Benefits, But Grabbed Social Security and Medicare When She Needed Them | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

Nothing wrong getting your own money back from your legal looters whenever possible.

Also Ayn Rand had no problem at all with charity.

The fact that a man has no claim on others (i.e., that it is not their moral duty to help him and that he cannot demand their help as his right) does not preclude or prohibit good will among men and does not make it immoral to offer or to accept voluntary, non-sacrificial assistance.

It is altruism that has corrupted and perverted human benevolence by regarding the giver as an object of immolation, and the receiver as a helplessly miserable object of pity who holds a mortgage on the lives of others—a doctrine which is extremely offensive to both parties, leaving men no choice but the roles of sacrificial victim or moral cannibal . . . .

Charity — Ayn*Rand Lexicon
Why the name deception?
Ann O' Connor?

Why the name obsession?

fwiw she was born Alissa Zinovievna Rosenbaum.

And Robert Zimmerman is the great and talented Bob Dylan. Who cares? It's the ideas that matter.
Idiot georgiepordgie fell for an internet myth.... fucking laughable

Myth #5. ”Ayn Rand hid her use of Social Security under the name Ann O’Connor”

Fact: That is not even in the 100 Voices interview with the social worker. Her name on the Social Security payout and death records is Ayn Rand. And the insinuation that if she had used something equal to or similar to her legal married name (which would probably be “Alice O’Connor”) that it was for concealment purposes is speculative and unfounded. See immediately below for why she had no reason to conceal.

Internet Myths About Ayn Rand « Fuguewriter

And Rand also spoke about social security before her death...
Say Anything » Liberals Call Ayn Rand A Hypocrite For Collecting Social Security And Medicare Benefits

The key is, little asswipe, getting rid of this forced contribution scheme by the government, so people don't have to be ridiculed for taking their own money back (less than their own contributions, usually)...

An interview recently surfaced that was conducted in 1998 by the Ayn Rand Institute with a social worker who says she helped Rand and her husband, Frank O’Connor, sign up for Social Security and Medicare in 1974.

Federal records obtained through a Freedom of Information act request confirm the Social Security benefits. A similar FOI request was unable to either prove or disprove the Medicare claim.

Between December 1974 and her death in March 1982, Rand collected a total of $11,002 in monthly Social Security payments. O’Connor received $2,943 between December 1974 and his death in November 1979.

According to a spokesman in the Baltimore headquarters of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Rand and O’Connor were eligible for both Part A, which provides hospital coverage, and Part B, medical. The spokesman said their eligibility for Part B means they did apply for Medicare; however, he said he was not authorized to release any documentation and referred the request to the CMS New York regional office. That office said they could not locate any records related to Rand and O’Connor.

The couple registered for benefits shortly after Rand, a two-pack-a-day smoker, had surgery for lung cancer in the summer of 1974. Medicare had been enacted nine years earlier in the Social Security Act of 1965 to provide health insurance to those age 65 and older.

google it up yourself teatard

Rand encourage her followers to smoke as testimony to man's conquest of fire.
The linkage between heavy tobacco consumption and lung cancer was a "communist plot" in her "mind."
How different would today be if Ayn Rand and Milton Freedman had died at birth?
Oh FFS. I've been trolled.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kE7CEycI7nc]YouTube - ‪Successful Troll Song (with lyrics)‬‏[/ame]
Rand encourage her followers to smoke as testimony to man's conquest of fire.
The linkage between heavy tobacco consumption and lung cancer was a "communist plot" in her "mind."
How different would today be if Ayn Rand and Milton Freedman had died at birth?

Ayn & Milt were both self enlightened mammonists George. The Cato institute ( a Koch is it machination) lauds both as their star libertopians,

Ayn, educated in Russia, who's objectivist stance rejected all religon, faith, or individual rights , was, in short, a libertarian cloaked in communist rantings

Milt, believe it or no, was a diehard Kenyesian , up until the 50's, then went over to the dark side

These people didn't aquire fame because they were right, they aquired it because it sold

vast chasm there

"The American Heritage Dictionary now says a cynic is someone who 'believes that all men are motivated by selfishness.' If that were true, then Milton Friedman, Ayn Rand, Alan Greenspan and the whole sick cult of Objectivists who wrecked everything that was good about America would be cynics. And they are not."

Charles M. Young: More Cynicism

Milt and Ayn have plenty of company.
Just turn on any television and watch a parade of sycophants willing to say anything they are paid to say.
That chasm isn't getting less vast.
"(1) The financial maneuverings of a single hedge fund manager made him enough money in one year to give a $30,000 per year job to every one of the 168,000 unemployed people in Louisiana.

"(2) One year of Bush tax cuts would pay ALL U.S. unemployment benefits.

"(3) If the median household income had kept pace with the economy since 1970, it would now be nearly $92,000, not $50,000.

"(4) The trillion EXTRA dollars a year taken by the richest 1% (by TRIPLING their cut of the income pie since 1980) would provide a $50,000 a year job for every college student in the United States.

"(5) According to Citizens for Tax Justice, 12 of our largest corporations paid an effective tax rate of negative 1.5% on $171 Billion in Profits.

"The oil industry paid only 4% in U.S. federal income taxes over the past three years."

Oh Say Can You Seethe.. | Common Dreams

Explain to me why those who profit most from "government-funded research, national security, infrastructure, and untaxed financial speculation opportunities" should feel victimized when they're asked to repay the system that made them rich?

I can explain that.

Because GREED knows no limit.

Greed is, after all, a mental disease.

Yeah that's right, folks.

We have given over control of society to the philosophy of mentally disturbed people.
"In their newly released study, the Northeastern economists found that since the recovery began in June 2009 following a deep 18-month recession, 'corporate profits captured 88 percent of the growth in real national income while aggregate wages and salaries accounted for only slightly more than 1 percent' of that growth."

This GREED is ancient.
I'm tempted to say it's biblical.
The God of the Collection Plate serves as the moral bedrock of our society.

There is an inflection point coming, and I don't think it will be painless for anyone.

The Wageless, Profitable Recovery - NYTimes.com
Cynicism ?George, Editec...

oh well i suppose it many elements could be in that primival stew Gentlemen
scepticism, pessimism, sarcasm, misanthropy, sardonicism , the list of self aquired fobiles goes on forever

how's about whore (let's keep it simple)

being a contractor, i'm often viewed as one, and trust me i've been privy to the best the profession can offer up

that said, even whores have an ethical stance, don't they?

even whores know enough to eshew what would be destructive to the collective

so i challenge your prognosis of pure simple greed or cynisicm

even that could not so blind to be self defeating, all consuming, as the general modus opernadi we're living

no no...

this is much more muchenhousen, masochist....


Surely you are not implying that many of the political and economic leaders of this Great Nation are psychopaths?

Do you actually believe it's insane to base an economic system of infinite growth on a planet of finite resources?

Have you not heard of Camp FEMA?

Your bus will be arriving shortly.
Please have the exact fare ready.
Don't forget to include the cost of the bullet that will end your whiny existence.

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