Oh well, I suppose the U.S. will always remain to daily gun shooting

We've been over this... the murder rates are just as bad in rural Jesusland than in the big cities... The Big cities just have more media.
No they aren't.

The murder rate is not homogenous across ALL states cities or towns
Because they have relatively few people.
That doesn't change the murder per capita of any one area. The reason we use murder rates rather than total murders is so that we can compare places with different populations objectively.
So tell me what law is on the books that is really that strict.
The law against murdering people. It is not enforced as stringently in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes but is pretty well enforced in the rest of the country.

The crime should never be the possession of the firearm. The crime should be what is illegally done with the firearm.
The law against murdering people. It is not enforced as stringently in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes but is pretty well enforced in the rest of the country.

The crime should never be the possession of the firearm. The crime should be what is illegally done with the firearm.
That is such an elementary and simple concept to me that I can not even believe it had to be spelled out, but the fact it that it has been, hundreds if not thousands of times on this forum, and read and repeated to the same freakishly stupid bed wetting window licking genetic disasters is the reason I encourage liberals to get abortions.

In fact they all need to move to or stay in utopian nanny states like NY,NJ,CA and consolidate their power. That way they can exterminate meat eating Christian patriots, abort all the fuckin kids and there won't be a gun left to be found.
Not sure. There are tens of thousands of town and cities in other nations too. Somehow they avoid the weekly bloodbaths.

Feel free to move.

I grew up in a shithole inner city where the murder rate was over 10 times the national average. Now where I live the murder rate is ZERO in the last at least 10 years.

Like I said we all know where the most murders occur and using a mass shootings that account for about 1% of all murders as a yardstick for the entire country is not only dishonest but moronic.
SOLVED the problem? Oh Cornhole, the FACTS laugh at you.

View attachment 777924

Here are the words of a man living in the UK, where they were talked into giving up their guns . . . .

View attachment 777925
Then you have countries where there are 1000's of intentional homicides on a chilling regularity however it's classified as "criminal justice". All of those countries have a population that has been totally disarmed.
That would be the United States. 1/2 the nation is trying...1/2 the nation doesn't see a thing wrong with the weekly bloodbaths in our schools.


So I guess we should do away with folks like this.


Think that would solve the problem?


Oh well, I suppose the U.S. will always remain to daily gun shooting

WTF does that even mean?

Then this pathetic excuse for a stupid cum dumpster has the audacity to expect anyone even wastes time with a rebuttal? After thousands of insipid cut/paste agitprop troll threads where the foundation of whatever regressive agenda item bullshit this worm was peddling has been shat upon and ridiculed into oblivion where they belong, it continues to waste Soros' money making a fool of itself. There are whores in the internet porn industry with far more dignity and virtue.

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