Oh well, I suppose the U.S. will always remain to daily gun shooting



Literacy. It's a thing.

It's a posting bot, there may also be a glitch.


That's another one of that stupid mother fucker's dumbass troll thread titles.

The problem is guns, and the easy access to guns.
Nope. Not even close. The problem is the idiots that use guns for crime. Mostly street thugs, druggies and gang bangers in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes where crime is not enforced very much.
No, if you removed American blacks, our crime rates would be lower than most nations. We would be on par with nations like Scandinavia.

Absolutely. 50% of our murders are committed by just 7% of our population which are black males. Take them out of the mix and then start making comparisons to other nearly all white countries.
Shot for going to the wrong house, shot for pulling into the wrong driveway, shot for opening the wrong car door…

“It’s about a country with more guns than people, where whatever inspires the 30% of Americans, who are most likely to be men, who own firearms has converged in dangerous and deadly ways with whatever fear, frustration or paranoia leads someone to shoot at a stranger or a car that’s driving away.”

Unwarranted, baseless fear and frustration.

And the solution is to blame the guns instead of the people. Do we blame the internet when some weirdo lures a child for sex or sets up a robbery posing as somebody selling something? Do we blame the car when somebody has way too many drinks and kills a family of five in their minivan?

The Chicago police in the past have posted disgust about busting some guy in the street with an illegal gun and seeing him out on the same streets the next day. You have people like Fat Alvin in NYC renown for letting violent criminals go or dropping their charge to a misdemeanor. You have leftists politicians and judges that believe we have a disproportionate amount of blacks in prison and the solution to that is to stop sending more of them to prison.

But guns are the problem?
Maybe, maybe not. This country has its share of kooks but one has to wonder why we’re seeing such an explosion of people going off like this over trivial shit.

It goes right back down to the basics: not a strong enough deterrent. This guy was arrested before for assault when he threatened his then GF with a hammer and prevented her from leaving his apartment. Assault. Big deal. What about a kidnapping charge that would have kept him behind bars for several years thus preventing him from committing this crime?

One day in prison would probably kill me, but I'm a productive law abiding citizen. However for lowlifes, our prison system is nothing but a playground: three square meals a day plus snacks if your family contributes to your prison account, cable television, workout room, pool room, limited internet, field outside to play sports, working is an option............

Until we make our prisons prisons again, these criminals have little to fear, and the only way we can make prisons prisons again is if we get rid of all the liberal judges. If you ever seen the classic movie Cool Hand Luke, that's the way prisons are supposed to be; a place nobody wants to go to.

"In the span of a single week, three separate shootings that occurred after victims mistakenly approached the wrong home or vehicle are raising questions about the proliferation of guns in American society."

Gun control is not a takeaway from firearms from all of us; most of the kooks are supporters who state it is. The four words - "shall not be infringed" - is a failure do to the facts that guns can be taken away from some felons, some who are a danger to themselves or others, and misdemeanor crimes of violence.

The current iteration of the Republican Party support the four words in COTUS. It is a wedge issue, one that these four words are used by the kooks to lie. Some of those who profit from the sale of guns and ammo and those who carry firearms without a license to do so.
Gun control is not a takeaway from firearms from all of us; most of the kooks are supporters who state it is. The four words - "shall not be infringed" - is a failure do to the facts that guns can be taken away from some felons, some who are a danger to themselves or others, and misdemeanor crimes of violence.
The enshrinement of constitutional rights -- necessarily and intentionally -- takes certain policy choices off the table.
Somehow folks with dark skin in other nations are not going on murderous rampages so skin color isn't a factor.

I think you've got to remove the the "American" out of the equation...since that seems to be the difference...not skin color.

Keep digging.
No, if you removed black crime, the US would have one of the lowest murder rates in the world.
Or: “Let’s do the easy thing and just ban or restrict firearms and pretend there is no cultural problem.”

We had a divisive and controversial presidential election, some police shootings that sparked riots and a pandemic that divided us even more over mask mandates and vaccines while at the same time being forced to lockdown, all in the span of five or six years.

We then get a sudden spike in mass shootings and myriad other crimes and a marked increase in general bad behavior such as road rage and attacking flight attendants.

And you people think gun control is going to solve this problem?
What makes you think that this has anything to do with the election, covid, or mask mandates?

We didn’t have mass shootings and bad behavior prior to 2020?
It goes right back down to the basics: not a strong enough deterrent. This guy was arrested before for assault when he threatened his then GF with a hammer and prevented her from leaving his apartment. Assault. Big deal. What about a kidnapping charge that would have kept him behind bars for several years thus preventing him from committing this crime?

One day in prison would probably kill me, but I'm a productive law abiding citizen. However for lowlifes, our prison system is nothing but a playground: three square meals a day plus snacks if your family contributes to your prison account, cable television, workout room, pool room, limited internet, field outside to play sports, working is an option............

Until we make our prisons prisons again, these criminals have little to fear, and the only way we can make prisons prisons again is if we get rid of all the liberal judges. If you ever seen the classic movie Cool Hand Luke, that's the way prisons are supposed to be; a place nobody wants to go to.
These three paragraphs ^^^ are fiction.

Definitely could be a problem of ignorant leftist programmers.

In Turd Catcher's delusional little fantasy world he probably IS A "Programmer". He probably believes that he has posted a single fucking thing that made a reader reconsider an opinion or even fully embrace a stupid one they were leaning towards.
...and weve had guns for centuries. It wasnt a problem until democrats became violent and they defended the violence.
It has been a problem. We didn’t just suddenly start having people killing each other for no reason.

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