Oh well, I suppose the U.S. will always remain to daily gun shooting

Maybe, maybe not. This country has its share of kooks but one has to wonder why we’re seeing such an explosion of people going off like this over trivial shit.

Too many people told that they're special before they truly accomplish something.
Everybody gets a trophy!!
I agree! Just look at ow a small percentage of queers and tyranny's have taken over government. Seems the inmates are running the asylum.
Once I trust my government I will be willing to turn in my firearms.

However since I am an American, I doubt if I ever will trust my government.

Plus why should I trust any government who doesn’t trust its citizens enough to allow them to own firearms?


Which is the story much of the time. The funny thing is, if the left kept these dangerous people locked up, they would get their wish, because there wouldn't be so many guns everywhere, because they wouldn't be needed. The way to cut down on the number of guns out there is to not let these people run around loose. Hell, even democrats are buying guns to keep themselves safe from the people wandering around who shouldn't be wandering around. Every time Democrats talk about gun control legislation, more guns are bought. You'd think they would catch on at some point but they never do.

That's because Democrats (in spite of their claim of higher education) have little to no common sense. They don't want to solve any problems, just make it look like they are. If they wanted to solve their problems, they wouldn't be here. They would be putting pressure on their politicians, judges and DAs that are giving criminals a slap on the hand.

How about this: caught with a stolen gun, minimum 10 years in prison. Use an illegal gun in a crime, minimum of 15 years in prison. Kill somebody with an illegal gun, death penalty.

That's common sense. That's why Democrats won't support things like this.
GREAT story, BRAVE ONE!!! I love reading your well-written stories. Gosh, Hossfly, when I think of what the total man should be like, you check ALL the boxes! I would LOVE for my hubby and me to be your next-door neighbor! You two would have mutual respect and some good things in common. :)
Well, I'm no hero or crime stopper and I seldom act out on things like I saw. The lady in the car did nothing wrong and the slick dude was totally wrong. But I feel it is my duty as a citizen to intervene in this type of nonsense. She was terrified and the dude saw it and let it all out.

One thing will get me to lose my cool and that is if I ever see an attack and I see the phones coming out to record, I will go through the crowd and see how many cameras I can destroy with my cane.
Well, because “our diversity is our strength” ofcourse.
London is one of the most diverse cities on the planet with 8 million inhabitants and 40% of them are non-white. The city had 136 murders last year. How do our cities compare?
London is one of the most diverse cities on the planet with 8 million inhabitants and 40% of them are non-white. The city had 136 murders last year. How do our cities compare?

And not that long ago it was different.

Sure I see it.

They have the same cultural influences in Europe, Asia, Australia, Canada. But they don't have the massacres.

Are you arguing they don't have the same movies, books, video games, television, etc...?
I said nothing about books, video games, movies or anything else. In fact, I think if these things are a factor at all, it’s not enough to explain the sudden spike in crimes
Do your own research. I don't get paid to spoon-feed / educate you.

If you really want to know you will look it up. If you want to stay ignorant you won't.
Duly noted you couldn't answer the question.
No, I don't wonder that at all.

You don’t wonder anyting.
The Gun industry has fought to strike down every sensible gun law in the country and marketed their wares to the craziest people in our society.

Sorry, crime hs spiked too fast and in too short a time to blame gun manufacturers.
So of course, you have some senile old codger shooting a black kid on his porch or some idiot shooting a family in his yard trying to get a basketball back.

Apparently the guy was not legally permitted to own a gun in the case of the wayward basketball.
Tragic incidents involving firearms are suddenly propelled into media focus. Is it something new? Mostly lefties seem interested in paranoid old (white) shooters who pull the trigger while ironically they support a doddering old fool who has his trembling finger on the ultimate weapon. Is it a political issue? Almost everyone involved in random tragic shootings was in violation of existing laws but that doesn't seem to be a problem for the left. Maybe Soros Media Matters non stop search for tragic incidents related to firearms is intended to deflect interest in the new crop of mass shooters who target Christian schools and kill little kids sitting at their desks? Let's see the manifesto of the real terrorist who shot and killed little kids before we go on a rant about a maniac. Show us the manifest.
I said nothing about books, video games, movies or anything else. In fact, I think if these things are a factor at all, it’s not enough to explain the sudden spike in crimes
Okay...how did one set of people avoid cultural influences in every other advanced nation on earth but somehow another set of people in the US didn't?
Tragic incidents involving firearms are suddenly propelled into media focus. Is it something new? Mostly lefties seem interested in paranoid old (white) shooters who pull the trigger while ironically they support a doddering old fool who has his trembling finger on the ultimate weapon. Is it a political issue? Almost everyone involved in random tragic shootings was in violation of existing laws but that doesn't seem to be a problem for the left. Maybe Soros Media Matters non stop search for tragic incidents related to firearms is intended to deflect interest in the new crop of mass shooters who target Christian schools and kill little kids sitting at their desks? Let's see the manifesto of the real terrorist who shot and killed little kids before we go on a rant about a maniac. Show us the manifest.
The latest shooting of note was some 24 y/o gun nut shooting. 6 y/o girl whose basketball rolled into his yard.
What makes you think that this has anything to do with the election, covid, or mask mandates?

We didn’t have mass shootings and bad behavior prior to 2020?
Don’t pretend you haven’t noticed that these crimes have escalated exponentially in just the last few years.

As I already mentioned to someone else, the rise in crime and mass shootings has been to fast in too short a time to just chalk it up to the availability of firearms or to firearm manufacturers.
Don’t pretend you haven’t noticed that these crimes have escalated exponentially in just the last few years. As I already mentioned to someone else, the rise in crime and mass shootings has been to fast in too short a time to just chalk it up to the availability of firearms or to firearm manufacturers.

What exactly do you mean by “these crimes”? Do you have any empirical data showing that ”these crimes” only started escalating exponentially in the last few years?

Mass shootings have been an ongoing problem that I have been discussing for years. Maybe you just recently noticed them being an actual problem but the rest of us have been saying this for a while now.
Every other advanced nation on earth has solved the problem. We choose not to.

The countries of Europe murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children in just 6 years........we are not talking killed as collateral damage in the war...these were innocent people, rounded up, marched into forests and camps and murdered....

In the entire 246 year history of the United States.......total gun murder number?

About 2,460,000

Those are the number that candy and the left don't want you to think about.......because the Europeans gave up their guns on the same promises candy and her leftist friends are making now.....give up your guns and you will be safe.............Europe gave up their guns and they murdered 15 million people.............in just 6 years......

Meanwhile, every year, Americans use their legal guns to save lives from rape, robbery, murder, beatings, stabbings, and even mass public shootings.......to the tune of 1.2 million times a year according to the Centers for Disease Control....

This is another fact candy and her leftist friends don't want you to know....since those 1.2 million represent lives saved from violent criminals.....

Lives saved....based on research? By law abiding gun owners using guns to stop criminals?

Case Closed: Kleck Is Still Correct

that makes for at least 176,000 lives saved—


A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....

The name of the group doing the study, the year of the study, the number of defensive gun uses and if police and military defensive gun uses are included.....notice the bill clinton and obama defensive gun use research is highlighted.....

GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

Field...1976....3,052,717 ( no cops, no military)

DMIa 1978...2,141,512 ( no cops, no military)

L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,68 ( no cops, no military)

Kleck......1994...2.5 million ( no cops, no military)

2021 national firearm survey, Prof. William English, PhD. designed by Deborah Azrael of Harvard T. Chan School of public policy, and Mathew Miller, Northeastern university.......1.67 million defensive uses annually.

CDC...1996-1998... 1.1 million averaged over those years.( no cops, no military)

Obama's CDC....2013....500,000--3million



DMIb...1978...1,098,409 ( no cops, no military)

Hart...1981...1.797,461 ( no cops, no military)

Mauser...1990...1,487,342 ( no cops,no military)

Gallup...1993...1,621,377 ( no cops, no military)

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million ( the bill clinton study)

Journal of Quantitative Criminology--- 989,883 times per year."

(Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.[18])

Paper: "Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment." By David McDowall and others. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, March 2000. Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment - Springer




Tarrance... 1994... 764,036 (no cops, no military)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..

2021 national firearms survey..

The survey was designed by Deborah Azrael of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and Matthew Miller of Northeastern University,
The survey further finds that approximately a third of gun owners (31.1%) have used a firearm to defend themselves or their property, often on more than one occasion, and it estimates that guns are used defensively by firearms owners in approximately 1.67 million incidents per year. Handguns are the most common firearm employed for self-defense (used in 65.9% of defensive incidents), and in most defensive incidents (81.9%) no shot was fired. Approximately a quarter (25.2%) of defensive incidents occurred within the gun owner's home, and approximately half (53.9%) occurred outside their home, but on their property. About one out of ten (9.1%) defensive gun uses occurred in public, and about one out of twenty (4.8%) occurred at work.
2021 National Firearms Survey

Clinton's study by the DOJ....


Applying those restrictions leaves 19 NSPOF respondents (0.8 percent of the sample), representing 1.5 million defensive users. This estimate is directly comparable to the well-known estimate of Kleck and Gertz, shown in the last column of exhibit 7. While the NSPOF estimate is smaller, it is statistically plausible that the difference is due to sampling error. Inclusion of multiple DGUs reported by half of the 19 NSPOF respondents increases the estimate to 4.7 million DGUs.

n the third column of Table 6.2, we apply the Kleck and Gertz (1995) criteria for "genuine" DGUs (type A), leaving us with just 19 respondents. They represent 1.5 million defensive users. This estimate is directly comparable to the well-known Kleck and Gertz estimate of 2.5 million, shown in the last

While ours is smaller, it is staistically plausible that the difference is due to sampling error. to the when we include the multiple DGUs victim. defensive reported by half our 19 respondents, our estimate increases to 4.7 milli

While ours is smaller, it is statistically plausible that the difference petrator; in most cases (69 percent), the is due to sampling error. Note that when we include the multiple DGUs reported by half our 19 respondents, our estimate increases to 4.7 million DGUs.

As shown in Table 6.6, the defender fired his or her gun in 27 percent of these incidents (combined "fire warning shots" and "fire at perpetrator" percentages, though some respondents reported firing both warning shots and airning at the perpetrator). Forty percent of these were "warning shots," and about a third were aimed at the perpetrator but missed. The perpetrator was wounded by the crime victim in eight percent of all DGUs. In nine percent of DGUs the victim captured and held the perpetrator at gunpoint until the police could arrive.

Obama's study...

Defensive Use of Guns

Defensive use of guns by crime victims is a common occurrence, although the exact number remains disputed (Cook and Ludwig, 1996; Kleck, 2001a). Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million (Kleck, 2001a), in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008 (BJS, 2010).
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2013. Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence |The National Academies Press.

Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence | Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence |The National Academies Press
Don’t pretend you haven’t noticed that these crimes have escalated exponentially in just the last few years.

As I already mentioned to someone else, the rise in crime and mass shootings has been to fast in too short a time to just chalk it up to the availability of firearms or to firearm manufacturers.

The rise in gun murders are a direct result of the democrat party policies of attacking the police, and releasing violent gun offenders over and over again.....the rise began in 2015, after the democrats decided to wreck local police....and stepped up as democrat party prosecutors in major cities decided not to prosecute violent gun criminals....
London is one of the most diverse cities on the planet with 8 million inhabitants and 40% of them are non-white. The city had 136 murders last year. How do our cities compare?

Dipshit.....gun crime is increasing there and the British police now say they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into the country....

You guys think that criminals remain the same over time.....they evolve...and the immigrants now running the drug gangs in Britain need more and more guns to protect their drugs and money......

Two in three police force areas in England and Wales are experiencing rising gun crime, with one force facing levels six times higher than a decade ago, Guardian analysis of Home Office data has found.

Concerns are now being raised about the growing availability of firearms in parts of the north of England and the Midlands as some police forces are struggling to tackle rising gun crime with fewer officers than they had a decade ago.

The sharpest rise is in the north-east, where gun crime has more than tripled from an average of 91 firearms offences a year between 2009 and 2012, to 294 a year between 2019 and 2022.

In the Cleveland police area, firearms offences have risen almost sixfold, from a yearly average of 22 to 127. Durham, Sussex, Lincolnshire, Northumbria, South Yorkshire, Norfolk and Kent police have all seen numbers more than double in 10 years

Gun crime rising in two-thirds of police force areas in England and Wales

County lines

Peter Squires, professor of criminology at the University of Brighton, told The Guardian that so-called “county lines” – a form of criminal exploitation where urban gangs persuade young people to take drugs to rural areas of the country – are probably behind the rise in gun crime in places such as Sussex, Kent and Cheshire.

Gun smuggling

The prevalence of firearm offences is also partially to do with gun smuggling, experts say. Firearms can now be hired for as little as £100 around the UK and can be acquired in “less than a day”, reported the i news site’s investigations correspondent Dean Kirby.

According to Dr Robert Hesketh, a criminology expert at Liverpool John Moores University, it is “relatively easy” to get hold of a firearm in many cities.

“A MAC-10 will cost about £3,000, an MP5 £3,000,” Hesketh said. “These are automatic weapons. Another gun doing the rounds a few years ago and possibly now was a Desert Eagle, for about £500. It isn’t hard, put it that way.”

There is also an option to rent a weapon – with criminals borrowing firearms for short periods. “You can get one possibly for £100 to £150 if you know the right people,” Hesketh said.

While it is working to cut off supplies to the UK, the National Crime Agency has seen a “gradual increase” in the use of fully automatic weapons.
Some of the weapons used are deactivated or blank-firing devices, which are being bought in eastern Europe, where they are legal and unrestricted. They are then illegally reactivated by criminals before being transported to the UK, Kirby said.
Guns can also be bought on the dark web, and stolen, lawfully bought guns have also ended up being used in shootings. On the messaging app Telegram The Sunday Times found firearms advertised for sale from £400.
In 2019/20, the National Crime Agency seized 552 illegal firearms in the UK and abroad. The UK Border Force, meanwhile, picked up 2,600 lethal and non-lethal firearms in the year to September 2020.

Why is gun crime on the rise? | The Week UK


Gun offences had been increasing since roughly 2015 across England and Wales, according to figures from the Office of National Statistics. But then came the pandemic.

Are gun crimes on the rise again?

Dr Robert Hesketh, from the School of Justice Studies at Liverpool John Moores University, thinks the incidents will increase because of the cost of living crisis.
"People are getting desperate and desperate times call for desperate measures," he said.

Dr Hesketh disagreed with senior police officers, who say it is hard for a criminal to buy a gun in Britain.

The academic instead suggested in Liverpool a cheap firearm can be obtained for as little as £150 with a bit of asking around.

Gun crime is closely linked with drug dealing. At the top of the criminal tree drug gangs arrange imports to sell in the UK.
The retail arm of the market has become dominated by a relatively new business model.
County lines gangs, using dedicated mobile phones for customers to make orders, shift drugs around the country and have been blamed for increasing the risk of violence involving guns and knives.
Liverpool is an important part of the UK's drug gang infrastructure.


Police struggle to stop flood of firearms into UK

and border officials are struggling to stop a rising supply of illegal firearms being smuggled into Britain, a senior police chief has warned.

Chief constable Andy Cooke, the national police lead for serious and organised crime, said law enforcement had seen an increased supply of guns over the past year, and feared that it would continue in 2019

The Guardian has learned that the situation is so serious that the National Crime Agency has taken the rare step of using its legal powers to direct every single police force to step up the fight against illegal guns.

The NCA has used tasking powers to direct greater intelligence about firearms to be gathered by all 43 forces in England and Wales.

Another senior law enforcement official said that “new and clean” weapons were now being used in the majority of shootings, as opposed to guns once being so difficult to obtain that they would be “rented out” to be used in multiple crimes.

Cooke, the Merseyside chief constable, told the Guardian: “We in law enforcement expect the rise in new firearms to continue. We are doing all we can. We are not in a position to stop it anytime soon.

“Law enforcement is more joined up now than before, but the scale of the problem is such that despite a number of excellent firearms seizures, I expect the rise in supply to be a continuing issue.”

The increasing supply of guns belies problems with UK border security and innovations by organised crime gangs. Smugglers have increasingly found new ways and innovative routes to get guns past border defences.

Cooke said that the dynamics of the streets of British cities had changed and that criminals were more willing to use guns: “If they bring them in people will buy them. It’s a kudos thing for organised criminals.”

Simon Brough, head of firearms at the NCA, said: “The majority of guns being used are new, clean firearms ... which indicates a relatively fluid supply.”

He said shotguns were 40% of the total, with an increase in burglaries to try and steal them.

Handguns are the next biggest category, most often smuggled in from overseas, with ferry ports such as Dover being a popular entry point into the UK for organised crime groups:



Concerns are now being raised about the growing availability of firearms in parts of the north of England and the Midlands as some police forces are struggling to tackle rising gun crime with fewer officers than they had a decade ago.
The sharpest rise is in the north-east, where gun crime has more than tripled from an average of 91 firearms offences a year between 2009 and 2012, to 294 a year between 2019 and 2022.
In the Cleveland police area, firearms offences have risen almost sixfold, from a yearly average of 22 to 127. Durham, Sussex, Lincolnshire, Northumbria, South Yorkshire, Norfolk and Kent police have all seen numbers more than double in 10 years.
While big cities dominate the headlines, the rise in gun crime in places such as Sussex, Kent and Cheshire is probably down to what has become known as “county lines” – urban organised crime groups pushing out into rural areas – said Peter Squires, a gun crime expert and professor of criminology at the University of Brighton.

Gun crime rising in two-thirds of police force areas in England and Wales

Gun crime rising in two-thirds of police force areas in England and Wales


Powerful automatic guns are being smuggled into Britain for use by organised crime gangs.

The National Crime Agency and police seized weapons in raids on the homes of previously untouchable “Mr Big”s after receiving intelligence from European detectives who broke an encrypted phone network used by drug dealers and gun traffickers.
Gangs bring rapid‑fire guns to Britain’s streets


Matt Perfect, the crime agency’s firearms threat lead, said that new Skorpion and G9A automatic pistols, which fire at a speed comparable to an AK47 assault rifle, were found.


cotland Yard today said police are seizing more deadly automatic weapons from criminals in London as detectives revealed that an innocent bystander was gunned down with a suspected Skorpion sub-machine gun last month .
Revealed - The deadly cache of guns taken off West Midlands streets
A former undercover cop who snared members of the Burger Bar Boys has warned violent gangs are in an “arms race” to control the West Midlands’ illegal drugs trade.
Neil Woods, now a campaigner to legalise recreational drugs for rehabilitation benefits, said criminals are willing to use “extreme violence” to gain an upper hand on their competitors.
That includes “importing” illegal firearms from places like the “Balkans” region of south eastern Europe onto the streets of the West Midlands, ready for combat.

Illegal weapons in the city have been increasing over the last few years, figures show.
Diana Fawcett, the charity's chief executive, told Sky News: "At a time when the number of homicides has been falling, deaths related to gun crime are showing significant increases which is incredibly concerning.More than 600 children in the UK were arrested for suspected firearm offences last year amid the coronavirus pandemic, new figures reveal.
A Sky News investigation has found children as young as 11 were among more than 2,000 youths detained for alleged crimes involving guns, imitation firearms and air weapons between 2018 and January 2021.
Simeon Moore, who carried a gun aged 15 when he was a member of a notorious Birmingham gang, said young people arming themselves often believe they are doing "the right thing".
"From knives, we started to carry guns. For me, at the time it was a means of protection.
"I was walking around and at any point I could get beat up, stabbed or have my head blown off.

The number of shootings in London is on the rise, despite the capital being in lockdown for significant parts of last year.

Scotland Yard figures reveal 288 incidents in 2020 where a lethal firearm was discharged, compared with 266 shooting incidents the year before.
The second call of the day brought into sharp focus the concerns police have around the number of criminals apparently now willing to carry firearms.
The officer said criminal gangs were increasingly targeting vehicles for the small amounts of precious metals in the catalytic converters.

"It is only worth a few hundred pounds to them, but for that, the criminal gangs are willing to threaten lethal force."


Sharp rise in knife and gun attacks outside London as austerity bites

Across the West Midlands, violent crime has become unnervingly common. Despite knife crime in the capital making the headlines, it has risen by 103% since 2014 in this region compared with 48% in London, with 14 knife crimes a day so far this year often targeting children of school age. Meanwhile, gun crime is up by a third in the West Midlands,

and murder, GBH and other violent crimes increased by 17% in the last year alone. In London, the rises were about 10% and 6% year-on-year, respectively.
The gangs and violence commission report found “crucial links” between the black market for illicit substances and serious violence, and much of the rising violence is blamed locally on disputes between gangs, many of whom deal drugs, increasingly being settled with guns and knives.

Britain, 10/17/19 gun crime up 4%


drugs need them to hold their territory...


Organised criminal gangs from Liverpool have risen to the summit of the UK underworld and “dominate” the firearms and drugs-trade outside London, the latest intelligence from senior officers at the National Crime Agency (NCA) reveals.
Analysis of encrypted messages from a communications system used by criminals has shown that the city has become the preeminent location for top-tier gangs sourcing high-volume importations of drugs and automatic weapons.

Analysis by the NFTC found that Merseyside and the broader north-west corridor was home to a network of gun factories converting low-calibre weapons such as the Czech-made Škorpion and Slovakian Grand Power into deadly automatic firearms.

Perfect said that converting weapons was seen by some in the region as a viable business.

A low-calibre Glock handgun bought for £135 in eastern Europe could be converted in just 90 seconds to a 9mm weapon that could be sold for up to £5,000.
nalysis of the intelligence from EncroChat has revealed other surprises to firearms officers. Perfect said:

“If you’d asked me before Venetic what was the firearm of choice for an organised crime group, I’d have absolutely said the Glock handgun.
Venetic showed that the Škorpion SMG and the Grand Power are now becoming that weapon of choice.”
Police struggle to stop flood of firearms into UK

and border officials are struggling to stop a rising supply of illegal firearms being smuggled into Britain, a senior police chief has warned.

Chief constable Andy Cooke, the national police lead for serious and organised crime, said law enforcement had seen an increased supply of guns over the past year, and feared that it would continue in 2019

The Guardian has learned that the situation is so serious that the National Crime Agency has taken the rare step of using its legal powers to direct every single police force to step up the fight against illegal guns.

The NCA has used tasking powers to direct greater intelligence about firearms to be gathered by all 43 forces in England and Wales.

Another senior law enforcement official said that “new and clean” weapons were now being used in the majority of shootings, as opposed to guns once being so difficult to obtain that they would be “rented out” to be used in multiple crimes.

Cooke, the Merseyside chief constable, told the Guardian: “We in law enforcement expect the rise in new firearms to continue. We are doing all we can. We are not in a position to stop it anytime soon.

“Law enforcement is more joined up now than before, but the scale of the problem is such that despite a number of excellent firearms seizures, I expect the rise in supply to be a continuing issue.”

The increasing supply of guns belies problems with UK border security and innovations by organised crime gangs. Smugglers have increasingly found new ways and innovative routes to get guns past border defences.

Cooke said that the dynamics of the streets of British cities had changed and that criminals were more willing to use guns: “If they bring them in people will buy them. It’s a kudos thing for organised criminals.”

Simon Brough, head of firearms at the NCA, said: “The majority of guns being used are new, clean firearms ... which indicates a relatively fluid supply.”

He said shotguns were 40% of the total, with an increase in burglaries to try and steal them.

Handguns are the next biggest category, most often smuggled in from overseas, with ferry ports such as Dover being a popular entry point into the UK for organised crime groups:

“We’re doing a lot to fight back against it,” Brough said, adding that compared to other European countries, the availability in the UK was relatively lower.

Two shot dead on London's streets amid warnings 'fluid supply' of guns is increasingly difficult to control

The violence came as police warned that the “fluid supply” of gunswas becoming increasingly difficult to control, with gangs using new and innovative ways of smuggling them past border defences.

Simon Brough, head of firearms at the National Crime Agency (NCA), also warned that the “sheer volume” of firearms coming into the UK represented a “pernicious threat” that urgently needed to be addressed.

“The scale is really challenging, he told the Telegraph. “We are doing everything we can but criminals are operating in a lucrative business where they can be increasingly innovative and operate in a highly effective way.”

Last week, an Irish man found with 60 firearms in his car in Dover, en route from Calais, admitted gun smuggling.

Robert Keogh, 37, was stopped on August 2 by Border Force officers who found the weapons concealed deep inside the vehicle’s bumper and both rear quarter panels.

The number of shootings has been on the rise since 2013 and has in part being linked to the 2,000 drug supply chains identified as part of the country lines network.

Mr Brough said hand guns were being smuggled through eastern Europe, across nexus points in Belgium and the Netherlands and then onwards into the UK.

“Some of the methods criminal groups are using are incredibly sophisticated, for example, they are built into the interior of vehicles,” he said.

“The challenge at the border is the sheer volume of the operation.

“When a gun is coming in as a fast parcel, how can we find that? It’s a needle in a haystack.”

Shotguns lawfully held are being diverted into the criminal market via burglaries while other weapons are purchased blank and then converted.

Mr Brough said there was a trend towards “new and clean” guns being used for the first time that did not link to previous crimes.

“The source of them and availability leads to incidents such as we’ve seen this weekend,” he added.

Crime will continue to rise until us bobbies are released from the shackles of the PC police

The national crime figures released this week confirmed what my colleagues and I have known for some time. Violent crime is out of control and criminals now see certain cities and towns across the country as places where they can act with impunity.

This is not just about gangland battles in the likes of Brixton or Tottenham. What we are facing is a national crisis, fast spreading across the provinces.

In the West Midlands, for example, we had a murder rate last year on a par with that of London.
Gun crime in our region is running at similarly high levels and violent thugs in my area have developed a

British crime going up...9/23/22

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