Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine vetoes bill banning gender-affirming care for transgender minors

when the egg was developing, the transition to fetus didn't occur properly. Unless you think it's normal that people are born with XYY chromosomes?
I read normal in this context as a mathematical proposition. Are XYY chromosomes the average? Of course not. On the other hand is being born with XYY chromosomes perfectly natural? The answer to that is yes.
Of course not. On the other hand is being born with XYY chromosomes perfectly natural? The answer to that is yes.
it's natural, but it's because of defect during transition. That doesn't imply a person is a defect. you fk.
it's natural, but it's because of defect during transition.
Define defect in this context. Defective in what way and how does that matter in this context? Do you mean defective from the way humans are supposed to be? That implies there's one way humans are supposed to be. Are you defective because you didn't the get the gene that made you as tall as LeBron James?
Dr Mengele was a medical expert. stop resorting to appeal to authority.
So was Dr. Salk. Do you want our governors relying on experts or randos such and you and I.
A reminder he is a Republican. He is SUPPOSED to side with the families and medical vs. government intrusion.
Republicans used to not be nannystaters, now they are worse than Democrats.
Government has the obligation of protecting children from abusive adults period.

Try again.

There is no reason a child should be able to change sex when they are not even old enough to have sex.

Sexual development is the last stage of childhood, so let them complete it before making such life changing decisions.

We have ample evidence of children who were pushed that direction who now regret it as adults and now are sterilized and want to kill themselves.

This is sick.
Sex and gender aren’t necessarily the same thing. How one is born and how one feels inside can be two different things. Of course, surgeries should not be done on any sort of whim without years of counseling and the subjective be, if not 18. close to adulthood emotionally.
So was Dr. Salk. Do you want our governors relying on experts or randos such and you and I.
A reminder he is a Republican. He is SUPPOSED to side with the families and medical vs. government intrusion.
Republicans used to not be nannystaters, now they are worse than Democrats.

I'm not the one saying "expert" = unquestionable position. you are curried goat-twat are.

He's a weak willed RINO. Sorry, but we don't let parents cut their kids arms off for no reason, why should we allow them to be drugged and mutilated for this reason?
Dr Mengele was a medical expert. stop resorting to appeal to authority.
So was Dr. Salk. Do you want our governors relying on experts or randos such and you and I - who actually are in quite a bit of agreement on the topic.
A reminder he is a Republican. He is SUPPOSED to side with the families and medical vs. government intrusion.
Republicans used to not be nannystaters, now they are worse than Democrats.
I'm not the one saying "expert" = unquestionable position. you are curried goat-twat are.
Well now I have to go there. Time for Yoda!

He's a weak willed RINO. Sorry, but we don't let parents cut their kids arms off for no reason, why should we allow them to be drugged and mutilated for this reason?
We are actually in quite a bit of agreement here. However, I am noting what his reasoning was, and that I could understand that. To have a different opinion, your side has to show more data to the governors. You would not want an executive who did not look at the opinions of their experts. it seems to work as he is a two term governor.
So was Dr. Salk. Do you want our governors relying on experts or randos such and you and I - who actually are in quite a bit of agreement on the topic.
A reminder he is a Republican. He is SUPPOSED to side with the families and medical vs. government intrusion.
Republicans used to not be nannystaters, now they are worse than Democrats.
Or just as bad. They used to maintain some pretense of libertarian values, but now they've come out of the closet as full-blown statists. So, in these debates both sides tend to agree on the central premise: government should tell us how to live. They're just bickering about the details.
So was Dr. Salk. Do you want our governors relying on experts or randos such and you and I - who actually are in quite a bit of agreement on the topic.
A reminder he is a Republican. He is SUPPOSED to side with the families and medical vs. government intrusion.
Republicans used to not be nannystaters, now they are worse than Democrats.

Well now I have to go there. Time for Yoda!

We are actually in quite a bit of agreement here. However, I am noting what his reasoning was, and that I could understand that. To have a different opinion, your side has to show more data to the governors. You would not want an executive who did not look at the opinions of their experts. it seems to work as he is a two term governor.

The "data" created by the trans idiots is mostly pseudo-scientific hogwash.
Or just as bad. They used to maintain some pretense of libertarian values, but now they've come out of the closet as full-blown statists. So, in these debates both sides tend to agree on the central premise: government should tell us how to live. They're just bickering about the details.
If you don't want government you can fuck off into the woods any time. :dunno:
Well into you do your going to have to live with some form of delegated authority. It's the thing you Bingo libertarians fail to understand.
The empty strawman shit is so tiresome. Every time libertarians suggest that government should be limited so specific purposes, statists start shrieking about anarchy. :rolleyes:
The empty strawman shit is so tiresome. Every time libertarians suggest that government should be limited so specific purposes, statists start shrieking about anarchy. :rolleyes:
Well I asked about limits you bitched out. :dunno:
When did you ask about limits??
Right here in response to you claiming in post #263 where you said you were on the side of freedom.
Ok but what does this mean? That's poorly defined as well. What are the limit if you believe in any? And if you do how should we go about defining them? Should you have the freedom to neglect your child and deny them food for instance in midst of a religious fast? What if that's medically dangerous to your child?

Do want to acknowledge limits now and define them and explain what mechanism you think should exist for us to decide them?

All I saw was the usual "my way or the highway" horseshit:
Because you're a pussy. You see what you want to see or in this case what you think you can effectively respond to.
The "data" created by the trans idiots is mostly pseudo-scientific hogwash.
Then it should be able to be debunked very quickly. Of course the extremely strong default for a Republican should be "keep the government out of it."

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