Ohio Republican says it's time to impeach President Trump

The trump admin has been throwing red meat to its detractors like a butcher on a bender and this single guy's opinion is somehow important.

or not.

I'm going with not.
Thread has been cleaned up. Stick to the topic, please
The loon obviously doesn't understand the impeachment process.....face it losers, you don't have the power

well you're assuming enough Repub reps don't cross the isle............after another few months of The People surrounding their offices and homes they just might consider it, in fact most likely will

sad really

What island are they crossing?
The article got it right about the Trumps: "As Charles P. Pierce said in Esquire last week, 'I swear, it's like we elected the Clampetts, if the Clampetts were grifters.'”
Sour grapes....really.

Get over the butthurt, you ran an old has been hag and lost

He’s a REPUBLICAN, you dolt. They ran a criminal con man and they’ve let him run amok since the election
He’s openly taking bribes from the Chinese, fracturing NATO to benefit the Russians, and selling access to Chinese businessmen at Republican fundraisers and at his golf clubs.

Republicans in the Senate are considering cancelling his tariffs and putting a leash on his ability to disrupt trade too.
The article got it right about the Trumps: "As Charles P. Pierce said in Esquire last week, 'I swear, it's like we elected the Clampetts, if the Clampetts were grifters.'”

Ousted FBI Director James Comey believes President Donald Trump’s White House operates like the mafia.

“What is happening now is not normal,” Comey wrote in his blockbuster memoir A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies and Leadership, comparing his visit to Trump Tower with New York mafia social clubs he encountered throughout the 1980s and 1990s as a prosecutor.

“The silent circle of assent,” Comey added. “The boss in complete control. The loyalty oaths. The us-versus-them worldview. The lying about all things, large and small, in service to some code of loyalty that put the organization above morality and above the truth.”

In his rise to power, Trump dominated Manhattan as a real estate developer tied to mobbed-up concrete companies; banished GOP shapeshifter Steve Bannon reportedly collected opposition research on the billionaire’s ties to organized crime.

From physical threats allegedly made against Stephanie Clifford to strong-arming D.C. players like Comey, mafia tactics followed Trump to Washington and entered national conversation thanks to investigative reporting on Trump’s financial payouts.

“This is like a secret society that calls it’s own shots,” organized crime historian Christian Cipollini told Observer. “The Trump administration, despite reaching out to demographics everyone forgot about, has taken [the presidency] to a level where parameters of ethics don’t exist anymore.”

After bulldozing into Washington through a campaign priding loyalty above all else, helmed by a former manager charged with money laundering by the FBI, Trump struggled to consolidate his influence.

One specific gangster provides insight into the president’s firings and paranoia-hyped tweets: John Gotti, the notorious ringleader of the Gambino Crime family.

“There was a mob boss who was so defiant and flashy, it was the nail in the coffin,” explained Cipollini. “Gotti was not liked by the mob for what he did. Where I think Trump is hurting himself is not just with his detractors, he’s hurting within his own world.”

A Russia controlled by oligarchs tied to Vladimir Putin has upended democracy throughout Europe and the United States, and is being investigated by U.S. intelligence agencies for colluding alongside Trump’s campaign.

“Over the past 20 to 30 years alongside the rise of globalization, there’s been a surge of transnational organized crime groups,” concluded Deitche. “Along with that comes literal gangster states where these organized crime groups have become so powerful they’re influencing national elections in other countries. The relative ease to fly around the world and transmit things electronically and technologically has only strengthened their grip.”
The Mormons call such operations like the Trump Gang as "secret combinations" working criminally to the determent of the people.

The American people are coming to the same conclusion.
It's great to see Trump driving people crazy like he does.
Until he doesn’t get re elected or gets impeached
At least we the people have a clear choice between disparate messages here... drawn all sharper by the unambiguous language of the President. Let us both strive for a fair and democratically executed election cycle and let the chips fall where they may... MAGA
It's great to see Trump driving people crazy like he does.
Until he doesn’t get re elected or gets impeached
At least we the people have a clear choice between disparate messages here... drawn all sharper by the unambiguous language of the President. Let us both strive for a fair and democratically executed election cycle and let the chips fall where they may... MAGA
A part of me is glad the gop and dnc got trumped
Sour grapes....really.

Get over the butthurt, you ran an old has been hag and lost

He’s a REPUBLICAN, you dolt. They ran a criminal con man and they’ve let him run amok since the election
He’s openly taking bribes from the Chinese, fracturing NATO to benefit the Russians, and selling access to Chinese businessmen at Republican fundraisers and at his golf clubs.

Republicans in the Senate are considering cancelling his tariffs and putting a leash on his ability to disrupt trade too.

Why not go back and edit your post and eliminate all the lies and misinformation?

Then it would look like this:

"He's a Republican, and I am a dolt".
The article got it right about the Trumps: "As Charles P. Pierce said in Esquire last week, 'I swear, it's like we elected the Clampetts, if the Clampetts were grifters.'”

Ousted FBI Director James Comey believes President Donald Trump’s White House operates like the mafia.

“What is happening now is not normal,” Comey wrote in his blockbuster memoir A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies and Leadership, comparing his visit to Trump Tower with New York mafia social clubs he encountered throughout the 1980s and 1990s as a prosecutor.

“The silent circle of assent,” Comey added. “The boss in complete control. The loyalty oaths. The us-versus-them worldview. The lying about all things, large and small, in service to some code of loyalty that put the organization above morality and above the truth.”

In his rise to power, Trump dominated Manhattan as a real estate developer tied to mobbed-up concrete companies; banished GOP shapeshifter Steve Bannon reportedly collected opposition research on the billionaire’s ties to organized crime.

From physical threats allegedly made against Stephanie Clifford to strong-arming D.C. players like Comey, mafia tactics followed Trump to Washington and entered national conversation thanks to investigative reporting on Trump’s financial payouts.

“This is like a secret society that calls it’s own shots,” organized crime historian Christian Cipollini told Observer. “The Trump administration, despite reaching out to demographics everyone forgot about, has taken [the presidency] to a level where parameters of ethics don’t exist anymore.”

After bulldozing into Washington through a campaign priding loyalty above all else, helmed by a former manager charged with money laundering by the FBI, Trump struggled to consolidate his influence.

One specific gangster provides insight into the president’s firings and paranoia-hyped tweets: John Gotti, the notorious ringleader of the Gambino Crime family.

“There was a mob boss who was so defiant and flashy, it was the nail in the coffin,” explained Cipollini. “Gotti was not liked by the mob for what he did. Where I think Trump is hurting himself is not just with his detractors, he’s hurting within his own world.”

A Russia controlled by oligarchs tied to Vladimir Putin has upended democracy throughout Europe and the United States, and is being investigated by U.S. intelligence agencies for colluding alongside Trump’s campaign.

“Over the past 20 to 30 years alongside the rise of globalization, there’s been a surge of transnational organized crime groups,” concluded Deitche. “Along with that comes literal gangster states where these organized crime groups have become so powerful they’re influencing national elections in other countries. The relative ease to fly around the world and transmit things electronically and technologically has only strengthened their grip.”
Comey is correct when he says what is happening now is not normal. What is normal is for Washington to be continuing payoffs to corrupt politicians, making under that table deals, violating the peoples rights, kissing our enemies asses and letting criminals go free, and generally doing that they want instead of what the people who elected them want. And most importantly, engaging in this disgusting witch hunt, while allowing the real criminals to go free

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