Ohio's DeWine does not crumble before the anti-gun loons

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
Gov. Mike DeWine is not calling for a “red flag law” or universal gun purchase background checks, but instead wants to improve existing systems to address gun violence that has killed more than 16,000 people in Ohio since 2007.

At a press conference Monday, the Republican governor called for a system to let people voluntarily run a background check before they sell firearms to someone in a private party deal. He also wants to mandate more timely, complete information be sent to existing background databases so that people who cannot lawfully buy a gun aren’t able to clear a background check.

DeWine is also wants a clear path for police to enforce existing laws that allow seizure of firearms from people under a “weapons disability” because of mental illness, drug use or alcoholism.
NEW DETAILS: Gov. DeWine outlines plan to tackle gun violence

I have to say I am mildly surprised by this - when I heard he had a plan for changes in Ohio's gun control laws, I figured we'd see a proposal for a red-flag law and universal background checks -- instead, he presented something I can support.

Good job, Mike!
Whatever. :eusa_hand:

Anyone who thinks they can change culture by passing laws, is an idiot. You might as well pass a law that declares it can't rain on Tuesday.
Gov. Mike DeWine is not calling for a “red flag law” or universal gun purchase background checks, but instead wants to improve existing systems to address gun violence that has killed more than 16,000 people in Ohio since 2007.

At a press conference Monday, the Republican governor called for a system to let people voluntarily run a background check before they sell firearms to someone in a private party deal. He also wants to mandate more timely, complete information be sent to existing background databases so that people who cannot lawfully buy a gun aren’t able to clear a background check.

DeWine is also wants a clear path for police to enforce existing laws that allow seizure of firearms from people under a “weapons disability” because of mental illness, drug use or alcoholism.
NEW DETAILS: Gov. DeWine outlines plan to tackle gun violence

I have to say I am mildly surprised by this - when I heard he had a plan for changes in Ohio's gun control laws, I figured we'd see a proposal for a red-flag law and universal background checks -- instead, he presented something I can support.

Good job, Mike!
It's not 'anti-gun' to support red flag laws.
Speaking of anti-gun loons.

Not only are "red flag" laws anti-gun, they're anti- 4th & 5th Amendment....So....

this seems more about using what we have as a solution, not coming up with more shit we're not going to enforce anyway.

so far from what i've read, i like it. for private sales, just agree to meet at a pawn shop and have them run it for free. the gov can pay for private sales checks, or just not charge the pawn shop for them. or a $10 fee, cheaper than normal.

but in any event, the entire background check system needs work. putting more people through it is only going to expand the problem. kinda like forcing more people to buy insurance when insurance is why medical bills are so high to begin with.
Gov. Mike DeWine is not calling for a “red flag law” or universal gun purchase background checks, but instead wants to improve existing systems to address gun violence that has killed more than 16,000 people in Ohio since 2007.

At a press conference Monday, the Republican governor called for a system to let people voluntarily run a background check before they sell firearms to someone in a private party deal. He also wants to mandate more timely, complete information be sent to existing background databases so that people who cannot lawfully buy a gun aren’t able to clear a background check.

DeWine is also wants a clear path for police to enforce existing laws that allow seizure of firearms from people under a “weapons disability” because of mental illness, drug use or alcoholism.
NEW DETAILS: Gov. DeWine outlines plan to tackle gun violence

I have to say I am mildly surprised by this - when I heard he had a plan for changes in Ohio's gun control laws, I figured we'd see a proposal for a red-flag law and universal background checks -- instead, he presented something I can support.

Good job, Mike!
It's not 'anti-gun' to support red flag laws.
it's anti-second amendment rights. w/o due process, it's wrong.

end of story.
this seems more about using what we have as a solution, not coming up with more shit we're not going to enforce anyway.
Correct - and, as noted in the story, the anti-gun loons are unhappy with it.
Why? Because it does not make it harder for the law abiding to exercise their right to arms.
Gov. Mike DeWine is not calling for a “red flag law” or universal gun purchase background checks, but instead wants to improve existing systems to address gun violence that has killed more than 16,000 people in Ohio since 2007.

At a press conference Monday, the Republican governor called for a system to let people voluntarily run a background check before they sell firearms to someone in a private party deal. He also wants to mandate more timely, complete information be sent to existing background databases so that people who cannot lawfully buy a gun aren’t able to clear a background check.

DeWine is also wants a clear path for police to enforce existing laws that allow seizure of firearms from people under a “weapons disability” because of mental illness, drug use or alcoholism.
NEW DETAILS: Gov. DeWine outlines plan to tackle gun violence

I have to say I am mildly surprised by this - when I heard he had a plan for changes in Ohio's gun control laws, I figured we'd see a proposal for a red-flag law and universal background checks -- instead, he presented something I can support.

Good job, Mike!

DeWine caved. His plan sucks. The income tax was one of those laws that started out as "voluntary." Look at what it's become. There is something inherently wrong with any law that requires a background check in order to exercise a constitutional right.

I have the ONLY plan that would reduce mass shootings by 90 percent (and significantly reduce other types of shootings) without any new taxes, tax increases, bureaucracies or gun control.

People who have mental issues bad enough to prohibit them from owning weapons have no business running around unsupervised in our society. You catch them early, BEFORE they commit an act of violence and either rehabilitate them or keep them in a supervised environment.
Whatever. :eusa_hand:

Anyone who thinks they can change culture by passing laws, is an idiot. You might as well pass a law that declares it can't rain on Tuesday.

That may very well be partially true, but we need to focus on the fact that our society creates most of the mass shooters. If we don't change our culture, the problems will continue.
this seems more about using what we have as a solution, not coming up with more shit we're not going to enforce anyway.
Correct - and, as noted in the story, the anti-gun loons are unhappy with it.
Why? Because it does not make it harder for the law abiding to exercise their right to arms.
then that alone simply proves they are not after addressing the issue itself, but controlling guns.

OF WHICH has yet to prove it will reduce violence.
Gov. Mike DeWine is not calling for a “red flag law” or universal gun purchase background checks, but instead wants to improve existing systems to address gun violence that has killed more than 16,000 people in Ohio since 2007.

At a press conference Monday, the Republican governor called for a system to let people voluntarily run a background check before they sell firearms to someone in a private party deal. He also wants to mandate more timely, complete information be sent to existing background databases so that people who cannot lawfully buy a gun aren’t able to clear a background check.

DeWine is also wants a clear path for police to enforce existing laws that allow seizure of firearms from people under a “weapons disability” because of mental illness, drug use or alcoholism.
NEW DETAILS: Gov. DeWine outlines plan to tackle gun violence

I have to say I am mildly surprised by this - when I heard he had a plan for changes in Ohio's gun control laws, I figured we'd see a proposal for a red-flag law and universal background checks -- instead, he presented something I can support.

Good job, Mike!
DeWine caved. His plan sucks.
It makes it easier to effectively enforce existing laws and gives private citizens access to the background checks, should they want it.
I don't see the downside.
Gov. Mike DeWine is not calling for a “red flag law” or universal gun purchase background checks, but instead wants to improve existing systems to address gun violence that has killed more than 16,000 people in Ohio since 2007.

At a press conference Monday, the Republican governor called for a system to let people voluntarily run a background check before they sell firearms to someone in a private party deal. He also wants to mandate more timely, complete information be sent to existing background databases so that people who cannot lawfully buy a gun aren’t able to clear a background check.

DeWine is also wants a clear path for police to enforce existing laws that allow seizure of firearms from people under a “weapons disability” because of mental illness, drug use or alcoholism.
NEW DETAILS: Gov. DeWine outlines plan to tackle gun violence

I have to say I am mildly surprised by this - when I heard he had a plan for changes in Ohio's gun control laws, I figured we'd see a proposal for a red-flag law and universal background checks -- instead, he presented something I can support.

Good job, Mike!
DeWine caved. His plan sucks.
It makes it easier to effectively enforce existing laws and gives private citizens access to the background checks, should they want it.
I don't see the downside.

A background check is plain out constitutional bull shit. If the 4th Amendment has any meaning at all, it means that you cannot presume that a person is guilty of anything just because they want to exercise a constitutional Right. There is no probable cause to think someone is nuts or a criminal just because they exercise their Rights.

Secondary to that, you waste all your time and money chasing after people AFTER they've committed a crime - of which only creates a second class of citizens. Since some people cannot be your equal, there is NOTHING your political party has to offer them, so you are creating Democrats AFTER you've created drug addicts. And you don't see a downside?

After a criminal has served their time, paid for the crime and have been rehabilitated (a step we leave out of the process) an individual should return to society with all of their Rights intact.

As for the mentally imbalanced, we create most of them with our "legal" drug culture. Instead of drugging the youth, you help them with one on one counseling, group therapy, life coaches, big brothers / big sisters, etc. An ounce worth of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Gov. Mike DeWine is not calling for a “red flag law” or universal gun purchase background checks, but instead wants to improve existing systems to address gun violence that has killed more than 16,000 people in Ohio since 2007.

At a press conference Monday, the Republican governor called for a system to let people voluntarily run a background check before they sell firearms to someone in a private party deal. He also wants to mandate more timely, complete information be sent to existing background databases so that people who cannot lawfully buy a gun aren’t able to clear a background check.

DeWine is also wants a clear path for police to enforce existing laws that allow seizure of firearms from people under a “weapons disability” because of mental illness, drug use or alcoholism.
NEW DETAILS: Gov. DeWine outlines plan to tackle gun violence

I have to say I am mildly surprised by this - when I heard he had a plan for changes in Ohio's gun control laws, I figured we'd see a proposal for a red-flag law and universal background checks -- instead, he presented something I can support.

Good job, Mike!
DeWine caved. His plan sucks.
It makes it easier to effectively enforce existing laws and gives private citizens access to the background checks, should they want it.
I don't see the downside.
A background check is plain out constitutional bull shit.
But not if a private seller makes it a condition of a sale to a private individual as DeWine's proposal makes possible.
Secondary to that, you waste all your time and money chasing after people AFTER they've committed a crime
It is illegal for a criminal to have a gun - they state should not have the capacity to find criminals with guns and take them away?
Gov. Mike DeWine is not calling for a “red flag law” or universal gun purchase background checks, but instead wants to improve existing systems to address gun violence that has killed more than 16,000 people in Ohio since 2007.

At a press conference Monday, the Republican governor called for a system to let people voluntarily run a background check before they sell firearms to someone in a private party deal. He also wants to mandate more timely, complete information be sent to existing background databases so that people who cannot lawfully buy a gun aren’t able to clear a background check.

DeWine is also wants a clear path for police to enforce existing laws that allow seizure of firearms from people under a “weapons disability” because of mental illness, drug use or alcoholism.
NEW DETAILS: Gov. DeWine outlines plan to tackle gun violence

I have to say I am mildly surprised by this - when I heard he had a plan for changes in Ohio's gun control laws, I figured we'd see a proposal for a red-flag law and universal background checks -- instead, he presented something I can support.

Good job, Mike!
DeWine caved. His plan sucks.
It makes it easier to effectively enforce existing laws and gives private citizens access to the background checks, should they want it.
I don't see the downside.
A background check is plain out constitutional bull shit.
But not if a private seller makes it a condition of a sale to a private individual as DeWine's proposal makes possible.
Secondary to that, you waste all your time and money chasing after people AFTER they've committed a crime
It is illegal for a criminal to have a gun - they state should not have the capacity to find criminals with guns and take them away?

NOBODY in the private sector should have access to information gathered about you by the government. The government is not a very reliable source. The exception to this is when people want a job. That applies ONLY because a corporation is a creation of the state. Therefore, if someone wants to drive a bus or drive someone's big rig, their driving record would be of utmost importance.

Again, I'm going to repeat this to you: once a person has paid for their crime, done the time (and we should focus on rehabilitation), then that individual should have their Rights restored. The guy down the road who served time for a crime with a 14 year old daughter in his house should be able to protect her to the same extent that you can protect your family. If he cannot be trusted with a firearm, common sense begs to ask why you let them out of prison in the first place. Then, adding insult to injury; you make innocent people pay because you're admitting that the person is not rehabilitated and poses a danger.

I will give you the ultimate compromise here. If a person does not want to own a firearm and has objections to it; if someone is present in America, but is not a citizen, but needs a driver's license and /or someone is not qualified to own a firearm, put a special code on their driver's license. That does not identify them as anything - i.e. they might be a criminal, a foreigner or someone who is opposed to firearms and wouldn't want their ID used to purchase one if their ID were stolen. Done. No background check, no registration, no more B.S.

While it might be illegal for "criminals" to own a firearm, it certainly is not constitutional. Think about it. Virtually every signer of the Constitution participated in the American Revolution. Even by today's standards, they were criminals. Founding father James Wilson was the only Justice of the Supreme Court to ever be imprisoned for owing money. He was a criminal. You do your time, pay for the crime and move on.
NOBODY in the private sector should have access to information gathered about you by the government.
Your arrest and conviction record is public, as is any record of any of the other proceedings needed to disqualify your from the right to arms - and so, everyone not only should, but does have access to this. Thus, access to the background check system by private individuals - which will only return a proceed, stop, or delay - is perfectly legitimate.
NOBODY in the private sector should have access to information gathered about you by the government.
Your arrest and conviction record is public, as is any record of any of the other proceedings needed to disqualify your from the right to arms - and so, everyone not only should, but does have access to this. Thus, access to the background check system by private individuals - which will only return a proceed, stop, or delay - is perfectly legitimate.

Look, I'm not disputing what IS. Every dumb ass here knows that your criminal history IS accessible. I'm disagreeing with you. IT SHOULD NOT BE.

My wife has a son with a lengthy criminal history. Now everybody accesses it and he can't get a job at MickeyDs. He was homeless and she moved him into my house. One day he went nuts and destroyed the place. I got a restraining order and got rid of him. I took my wife's mother in because she was 96 and had nobody to take care of her. She died a couple of months ago.

My wife wanted her son to stay here "for a couple of days" to grieve. That turned into a couple of months. About three weeks ago, he decided to assault me. So without warning or provocation he throws a belt around my neck and I reacted - I mean he was much bigger than me, choking me with a belt. I'm 63 and he's 33 with a weight and height advantage over me. When it was over, he had his wrist broken in two places and a fractured arm. Then he began yelling that one day I will be asleep and he will kill me.

My wife isn't going to let me kick him out of the house and is even willing to lie and claim that the fight was somehow my fault. So, this guy will draw $650 a month for food from the government, live in my house, and NEVER have to work a job because we do not treat the mentally ill NOR do we look past a previous record to provide jobs. We absolutely guarantee that once a person is locked out of society, they are locked out. That, sir, is wrong. The money would be better spent rehabilitating people and if they cannot be rehabilitated, they should be in protective custody and supervised.
NOBODY in the private sector should have access to information gathered about you by the government.
Your arrest and conviction record is public, as is any record of any of the other proceedings needed to disqualify your from the right to arms - and so, everyone not only should, but does have access to this. Thus, access to the background check system by private individuals - which will only return a proceed, stop, or delay - is perfectly legitimate.
Look, I'm not disputing what IS. Every dumb ass here knows that your criminal history IS accessible. I'm disagreeing with you. IT SHOULD NOT BE.
Your trial and its result not be public record?
Why do you think proceedings between the people and the state should not be open for all to see?
NOBODY in the private sector should have access to information gathered about you by the government.
Your arrest and conviction record is public, as is any record of any of the other proceedings needed to disqualify your from the right to arms - and so, everyone not only should, but does have access to this. Thus, access to the background check system by private individuals - which will only return a proceed, stop, or delay - is perfectly legitimate.
Look, I'm not disputing what IS. Every dumb ass here knows that your criminal history IS accessible. I'm disagreeing with you. IT SHOULD NOT BE.
Your trial and its result not be public record?
Why do you think proceedings between the people and the state should not be open for all to see?

IF there is some compelling reason to know something, people should be required to apply to the government and petition for the information. Again, some of it would be released to corporations that have a legitimate reason: You don't want a drunk driving a school bus nor a thief to have access to money in a business. OTOH, people run background checks and a 20 year old pot conviction keeps you from getting a job at MickeyDs is not justified.

AGAIN, secondary to that, the "record" is the government's position and does not necessarily reflect the truth as to what happened. Government and honesty are not exactly synonymous.

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