OK, I admit it....was I ever wrong


It is a reflection of your judgement.......atrocious....

Only in your uninformed opinion, but it's still irrelevant, moron.

Are you suggesting that you DIDN'T apply your judgement in deciding to cast 2 votes for the worst POTUS of the modern era?

Did you toss a coin?

Worst Potus of the modern era?

Tough call

Jimmy Carter
Barrack Hussein Obama

Honestly Jimmy as glad to see the other 2 as someone who would enter the conversation as the worst.
238 presidential scholars: Bush worst president of modern era, fifth worst in US history

case closed

You mean 238 propagandists on the government payroll said they don't like Bush? Who would ever have thunk it?


Seriously, man......you scare me.....

Did you know that there is an entire category of universities and colleges that are NOT run by the Gubmint?

Have you ever SEEN the Siena Survey?

I know you are programmed to spit out inanities at the slightest "provocation", but you can rest assured that no doubt remains...
Only in your uninformed opinion, but it's still irrelevant, moron.

Are you suggesting that you DIDN'T apply your judgement in deciding to cast 2 votes for the worst POTUS of the modern era?

Did you toss a coin?

Worst Potus of the modern era?

Tough call

Jimmy Carter
Barrack Hussein Obama

Honestly Jimmy as glad to see the other 2 as someone who would enter the conversation as the worst.
238 presidential scholars: Bush worst president of modern era, fifth worst in US history

case closed

You mean 238 propagandists on the government payroll said they don't like Bush? Who would ever have thunk it?


Seriously, man......you scare me.....

Did you know that there is an entire category of universities and colleges that are NOT run by the Gubmint?

Have you ever SEEN the Siena Survey?

I know you are programmed to spit out inanities at the slightest "provocation", but you can rest assured that no doubt remains...

They are still sucking on the government tit. All their students are receiving government loans, scholarships and grants. The professors are getting government research grants. Virtually all history professors are government subsidized.
Are you suggesting that you DIDN'T apply your judgement in deciding to cast 2 votes for the worst POTUS of the modern era?

Did you toss a coin?

Worst Potus of the modern era?

Tough call

Jimmy Carter
Barrack Hussein Obama

Honestly Jimmy as glad to see the other 2 as someone who would enter the conversation as the worst.
238 presidential scholars: Bush worst president of modern era, fifth worst in US history

case closed

You mean 238 propagandists on the government payroll said they don't like Bush? Who would ever have thunk it?


Seriously, man......you scare me.....

Did you know that there is an entire category of universities and colleges that are NOT run by the Gubmint?

Have you ever SEEN the Siena Survey?

I know you are programmed to spit out inanities at the slightest "provocation", but you can rest assured that no doubt remains...

They are still sucking on the government tit. All their students are receiving government loans, scholarships and grants. The professors are getting government research grants. Virtually all history professors are government subsidized.


Do you work with your hands?
Worst Potus of the modern era?

Tough call

Jimmy Carter
Barrack Hussein Obama

Honestly Jimmy as glad to see the other 2 as someone who would enter the conversation as the worst.
238 presidential scholars: Bush worst president of modern era, fifth worst in US history

case closed

You mean 238 propagandists on the government payroll said they don't like Bush? Who would ever have thunk it?


Seriously, man......you scare me.....

Did you know that there is an entire category of universities and colleges that are NOT run by the Gubmint?

Have you ever SEEN the Siena Survey?

I know you are programmed to spit out inanities at the slightest "provocation", but you can rest assured that no doubt remains...

They are still sucking on the government tit. All their students are receiving government loans, scholarships and grants. The professors are getting government research grants. Virtually all history professors are government subsidized.


Do you work with your hands?

Just get to your point and quit wasting my time with this game of 20 questions.

You mean 238 propagandists on the government payroll said they don't like Bush? Who would ever have thunk it?


Seriously, man......you scare me.....

Did you know that there is an entire category of universities and colleges that are NOT run by the Gubmint?

Have you ever SEEN the Siena Survey?

I know you are programmed to spit out inanities at the slightest "provocation", but you can rest assured that no doubt remains...

They are still sucking on the government tit. All their students are receiving government loans, scholarships and grants. The professors are getting government research grants. Virtually all history professors are government subsidized.


Do you work with your hands?

Just get to your point and quit wasting my time with this game of 20 questions.



You're an imbecile.......the people surveyed by the Siena Institute span the broad spectrum of political opinion......Siena has been doing this survey for decades.......

But it is not only this survey which ranks Scrub as a miserable failure.....if you weren't innumerate, you could run the data for Scrub through this


Since we both know you don't have the onions for that job, let me just tell you that Scrub finishes dead last....

And then there's

President Bush will leave office as one of the most unpopular departing presidents in history, according to a new CBS News/New York Times poll showing Mr. Bush's final approval rating at 22 percent.

Seventy-three percent say they disapprove of the way Mr. Bush has handled his job as president over the last eight years.

Mr. Bush's final approval rating is the lowest final rating for an outgoing president since Gallup began asking about presidential approval more than 70 years ago.

Bush's Final Approval Rating: 22 Percent

Only someone subject to a equine choking regimen of psychotropic drugs could possible deny that Scrub holds the title of "worst POTUS of the modern era".....​
Just remember gw's email scandal with Alberto "I don't recall" Gonzales.

You mean like this?

View attachment 64316
Don't hate the rich jealously looks bad on you

Oh I don't hate the rich. I love TRUMP!!
At least you finally admit the GOP candidates all suck.

Trump should pick Kim kardashian or Ryan seacreat for VP.

Omg you guys are nuts.

But at least you've admitted in South Carolina the GOP SUCKS. Thanks

Where did I admit that? The GOP voters in South Carolina handed Trump a landslide victory. I love the people of South Carolina.
I'm so happy every Republican is almost out. I'm just waiting for kasich and rubio to drop out. I don't fear Cruz one bit.

If it's gonna be hillary Bernie or trump I'm a happy man
Its easy to win when you tell anyone exactly what they want to hear. It won't work in the General Election.

Are you high?

Trump said Planned Parenthood wasn't all bad, that Bush lied about WMD's, that the mandate wasn't such a bad idea, the Pope is a hypocrite and 9/11 was on Bush's watch so he shares the blame.

When is he going to start the "telling people what they want to hear"? :cuckoo:

You mean like Hillary who is funded by Planned Parenthood, believed in the WMD's and voted for the Iraq War and is a chronic liar and enabler of her husband's assaults on women.
We remember how the GOP conned us into Iraq. Fact is Iraq was the greatest military blunder in military history.

A. We should have left that dictator in charge of iraq.

B. Iraq was the birthplace for Isis. Thanks bush and PNAC.

C. Republicans verify bush trashed the economy and lied us into Iraq. Only 150,000 scarolina Republicans went with bush.

D. Bush name won on 5 out 6 tickets. Only HW lost to Clinton.
You mean 238 propagandists on the government payroll said they don't like Bush? Who would ever have thunk it?


Seriously, man......you scare me.....

Did you know that there is an entire category of universities and colleges that are NOT run by the Gubmint?

Have you ever SEEN the Siena Survey?

I know you are programmed to spit out inanities at the slightest "provocation", but you can rest assured that no doubt remains...

They are still sucking on the government tit. All their students are receiving government loans, scholarships and grants. The professors are getting government research grants. Virtually all history professors are government subsidized.


Do you work with your hands?

Just get to your point and quit wasting my time with this game of 20 questions.



You're an imbecile.......the people surveyed by the Siena Institute span the broad spectrum of political opinion......Siena has been doing this survey for decades.......

But it is not only this survey which ranks Scrub as a miserable failure.....if you weren't innumerate, you could run the data for Scrub through this


Since we both know you don't have the onions for that job, let me just tell you that Scrub finishes dead last....

And then there's

President Bush will leave office as one of the most unpopular departing presidents in history, according to a new CBS News/New York Times poll showing Mr. Bush's final approval rating at 22 percent.

Seventy-three percent say they disapprove of the way Mr. Bush has handled his job as president over the last eight years.

Mr. Bush's final approval rating is the lowest final rating for an outgoing president since Gallup began asking about presidential approval more than 70 years ago.

Bush's Final Approval Rating: 22 Percent

Only someone subject to a equine choking regimen of psychotropic drugs could possible deny that Scrub holds the title of "worst POTUS of the modern era".....​

"The broad spectrum of political opinion?" Who do you think you're kidding? History professors are 95% leftwing.

I'm not claiming Bush was the greatest president there ever was. He certainly wasn't the greatest, but he sure as heck beats out Obama and Carter, unless you're some kind of pinko, that is.

Seriously, man......you scare me.....

Did you know that there is an entire category of universities and colleges that are NOT run by the Gubmint?

Have you ever SEEN the Siena Survey?

I know you are programmed to spit out inanities at the slightest "provocation", but you can rest assured that no doubt remains...

They are still sucking on the government tit. All their students are receiving government loans, scholarships and grants. The professors are getting government research grants. Virtually all history professors are government subsidized.


Do you work with your hands?

Just get to your point and quit wasting my time with this game of 20 questions.



You're an imbecile.......the people surveyed by the Siena Institute span the broad spectrum of political opinion......Siena has been doing this survey for decades.......

But it is not only this survey which ranks Scrub as a miserable failure.....if you weren't innumerate, you could run the data for Scrub through this


Since we both know you don't have the onions for that job, let me just tell you that Scrub finishes dead last....

And then there's

President Bush will leave office as one of the most unpopular departing presidents in history, according to a new CBS News/New York Times poll showing Mr. Bush's final approval rating at 22 percent.

Seventy-three percent say they disapprove of the way Mr. Bush has handled his job as president over the last eight years.

Mr. Bush's final approval rating is the lowest final rating for an outgoing president since Gallup began asking about presidential approval more than 70 years ago.

Bush's Final Approval Rating: 22 Percent

Only someone subject to a equine choking regimen of psychotropic drugs could possible deny that Scrub holds the title of "worst POTUS of the modern era".....​

"The broad spectrum of political opinion?" Who do you think you're kidding? History professors are 95% leftwing.

I'm not claiming Bush was the greatest president there ever was. He certainly wasn't the greatest, but he sure as heck beats out Obama and Carter, unless you're some kind of pinko, that is.
You guys are impossible. Carter wasn't that bad and Bush was the worse by far.

Maybe this will help you understand the brianwashing you are under.

How come 53 percent of Republicans think the unemployment rate has risen under Obama?
And Bush created ISIS. He did not defeat ISIS, he created it. Same fucking way Reagan created the Taliban. Sorry Obama hasn't cleaned up all of Bush's messes. Maybe with a better Supreme Court Hillary will do better.
And Bush created ISIS. He did not defeat ISIS, he created it. Same fucking way Reagan created the Taliban. Sorry Obama hasn't cleaned up all of Bush's messes. Maybe with a better Supreme Court Hillary will do better.
Barry has not done jack, the hildabeast is clueless...
When are we going to realize career politicians are no different, no matter the party??
Keep on trying the same shit year after year... Hope and change?? What a crock of horse shit...
And Bush created ISIS. He did not defeat ISIS, he created it. Same fucking way Reagan created the Taliban. Sorry Obama hasn't cleaned up all of Bush's messes. Maybe with a better Supreme Court Hillary will do better.
Barry has not done jack, the hildabeast is clueless...
When are we going to realize career politicians are no different, no matter the party??
Keep on trying the same shit year after year... Hope and change?? What a crock of horse shit...
Hard to take you seriously when

Reagan wasn't that great but you made him a god
Clinton was great but you never admitted it
Bush was the worst but you dare try to bring up Carter
Obama was great but you can't admit that

So no one cares what you fucking say. When you say Obama sucked but Bush was great, you can just take a flying fuck off. Ok? Stupid? Brainwashed partisan hackjob?
And Bush created ISIS. He did not defeat ISIS, he created it. Same fucking way Reagan created the Taliban. Sorry Obama hasn't cleaned up all of Bush's messes. Maybe with a better Supreme Court Hillary will do better.
Barry has not done jack, the hildabeast is clueless...
When are we going to realize career politicians are no different, no matter the party??
Keep on trying the same shit year after year... Hope and change?? What a crock of horse shit...
Hard to take you seriously when

Reagan wasn't that great but you made him a god
Clinton was great but you never admitted it
Bush was the worst but you dare try to bring up Carter
Obama was great but you can't admit that

So no one cares what you fucking say. When you say Obama sucked but Bush was great, you can just take a flying fuck off. Ok? Stupid? Brainwashed partisan hackjob?
I think they all suck ass, career politicians are the lowest of lifeforms...
Is Your politician worship not tiring??
Last edited:
I always prided myself on being able to pick the republican candidate years in advance. It was so easy, Republicans always went with the safe pick, the guy who came in second the last time, the well known candidate. There were no Carters, Clinton's or Obamas coming out of nowhere for the Republicans

I was positive Bush would win the nomination easily

I underestimated Trump and how easily he would dismantle Bush. Bush looked like a sputtering idiot next to Trump. I also overestimated Jebs charisma.......there was none. No charm, no wit.....not the guy you would want to have a beer with

I really blew this one

And now you blew it for the second time in the same election. Trump won't win. As other candidates drop out, no one is going to him. If they supported him, they already do. You can't win the nomination if you can't get out of the 30s. This isn't your year, comrade big guy.

I do agree with you though that Republicans keep going with the predictable carppy candidate while Democrats have an ability to pull crappy candidates out of your ass
I always prided myself on being able to pick the republican candidate years in advance. It was so easy, Republicans always went with the safe pick, the guy who came in second the last time, the well known candidate. There were no Carters, Clinton's or Obamas coming out of nowhere for the Republicans

I was positive Bush would win the nomination easily

I underestimated Trump and how easily he would dismantle Bush. Bush looked like a sputtering idiot next to Trump. I also overestimated Jebs charisma.......there was none. No charm, no wit.....not the guy you would want to have a beer with

I really blew this one

And now you blew it for the second time in the same election. Trump won't win. As other candidates drop out, no one is going to him. If they supported him, they already do. You can't win the nomination if you can't get out of the 30s. This isn't your year, comrade big guy.

I do agree with you though that Republicans keep going with the predictable carppy candidate while Democrats have an ability to pull crappy candidates out of your ass

I've never said Trump would win. In fact, I have said Hillary would beat him in a landslide

I still look at Trump as maybe 50/50 to win the GOP nomination as the field is down to three
And Bush created ISIS. He did not defeat ISIS, he created it. Same fucking way Reagan created the Taliban. Sorry Obama hasn't cleaned up all of Bush's messes. Maybe with a better Supreme Court Hillary will do better.
Barry has not done jack, the hildabeast is clueless...
When are we going to realize career politicians are no different, no matter the party??
Keep on trying the same shit year after year... Hope and change?? What a crock of horse shit...
Hard to take you seriously when

Reagan wasn't that great but you made him a god
Clinton was great but you never admitted it
Bush was the worst but you dare try to bring up Carter
Obama was great but you can't admit that

So no one cares what you fucking say. When you say Obama sucked but Bush was great, you can just take a flying fuck off. Ok? Stupid? Brainwashed partisan hackjob?
I think they all suck ass, career politicians are the lowest of lifeforms...
Is Your politician worship not tiring??
I never complain about the politicians. Why do they suck and not you the stupid ass voters?
I always prided myself on being able to pick the republican candidate years in advance. It was so easy, Republicans always went with the safe pick, the guy who came in second the last time, the well known candidate. There were no Carters, Clinton's or Obamas coming out of nowhere for the Republicans

I was positive Bush would win the nomination easily

I underestimated Trump and how easily he would dismantle Bush. Bush looked like a sputtering idiot next to Trump. I also overestimated Jebs charisma.......there was none. No charm, no wit.....not the guy you would want to have a beer with

I really blew this one

And now you blew it for the second time in the same election. Trump won't win. As other candidates drop out, no one is going to him. If they supported him, they already do. You can't win the nomination if you can't get out of the 30s. This isn't your year, comrade big guy.

I do agree with you though that Republicans keep going with the predictable carppy candidate while Democrats have an ability to pull crappy candidates out of your ass
If comes down to Cankles or the Donald, that would suck, but the decision is easy....the Donald is the one.
While it wasn't difficult to see the growing divisions in the GOP, I don't think anyone could have predicted this campaign season.

I think it stems from the aging demographic of the GOP. Dementia is starting to kick in for some.
I always prided myself on being able to pick the republican candidate years in advance. It was so easy, Republicans always went with the safe pick, the guy who came in second the last time, the well known candidate. There were no Carters, Clinton's or Obamas coming out of nowhere for the Republicans

I was positive Bush would win the nomination easily

I underestimated Trump and how easily he would dismantle Bush. Bush looked like a sputtering idiot next to Trump. I also overestimated Jebs charisma.......there was none. No charm, no wit.....not the guy you would want to have a beer with

I really blew this one

And now you blew it for the second time in the same election. Trump won't win. As other candidates drop out, no one is going to him. If they supported him, they already do. You can't win the nomination if you can't get out of the 30s. This isn't your year, comrade big guy.

I do agree with you though that Republicans keep going with the predictable carppy candidate while Democrats have an ability to pull crappy candidates out of your ass

I've never said Trump would win. In fact, I have said Hillary would beat him in a landslide

I still look at Trump as maybe 50/50 to win the GOP nomination as the field is down to three

I said "nominated" not elected there comrade big guy. Put on your reading glasses. Wasn't the nomination what you were talking about? l directly responded to what you said, how did that possibly confuse you?

If it's Trump and Hillary, I don't think I could possibly figure out any way to car who won

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