OK, I'll admit it, our friends on the left are correct; there IS a catch to the Trump tax cuts

Feel free to quote the Article, Section and Clause that authorize them and I'll be happy to prove you wrong. Hint, if you come up with Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 you're already a loser..

General Welfare clause.

The end.

You lost.

So our Founding Fathers in their life work of limiting federal government powers, with "general welfare clause" gave federal government unlimited powers. I don't think so.

General Welfare doesn't mean "anything you want".

Read James Madison - The Report of 1800
You actually have to work and make enough money to pay taxes to actually benefit.

That godam Trump and the evil republicans running the government fuck the little guy at every turn...

Or, you have to be screwing the govt over, in order to be making an absolute killing out of it.

We still won't know how much the rich are playing in taxes before or after, the catch must be they were paying little before, and they'll be paying fucking nothing after. In fact the govt will pay them to be rich.

We know the top 1% pay 63% of all taxes. We know the top 5% pay 91%. We know the top 10% pay 99%

Yet you claim they don't pay their fair share.

What would be fair?
These were the declarations of the founders and the public understanding of the meaning of the Constitution at the time it was written, those portions have not been amended, so the meaning is still the same. I chose the understanding of the people that were there, not 9 unelected lawyers that unconstitutionally expanded the power of the feds and thereby their own power more than a hundred years later.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
You actually have to work and make enough money to pay taxes to actually benefit.

That godam Trump and the evil republicans running the government fuck the little guy at every turn...

Or, you have to be screwing the govt over, in order to be making an absolute killing out of it.

We still won't know how much the rich are playing in taxes before or after, the catch must be they were paying little before, and they'll be paying fucking nothing after. In fact the govt will pay them to be rich.

We know the top 1% pay 63% of all taxes. We know the top 5% pay 91%. We know the top 10% pay 99%

Yet you claim they don't pay their fair share.

What would be fair?
How can a republican talk about fair when the lying vile louse in our WH is screwing blue states with his BS tax cut ? NY for example pays THE MOST to our fed and gets little back We subsidize the gd red states and now the idiot screws us??? There will be law suits
Every other country has a progressive tax system, here we don't anymore. Federal income taxes are much smaller now and the only Progressive one.

Why should I care how other countries are taxing their people?

Every other country is turning into socialist, leaning communist state. Americans don't need that.
You do know that in spite of our economic surge there are quite a few countries ahead of us Japan for one

In what way Japan is ahead of us?
You're mistakenly under the impression that I would object to that. There's no reason for money to be laundered through federal bureaucracies just to send a portion of it back to the States. Unconstitutional welfare bullshit account for 70% of federal spending and a 100 trillion in unfunded liabilities, that's not sustainable.

So you think Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid are unconstitutional? Why do you think that?

Why do you think it is?

Because they are unconstitutional. See post 919.

You actually have to work and make enough money to pay taxes to actually benefit.

That godam Trump and the evil republicans running the government fuck the little guy at every turn...

Or, you have to be screwing the govt over, in order to be making an absolute killing out of it.

We still won't know how much the rich are playing in taxes before or after, the catch must be they were paying little before, and they'll be paying fucking nothing after. In fact the govt will pay them to be rich.

We know the top 1% pay 63% of all taxes. We know the top 5% pay 91%. We know the top 10% pay 99%

Yet you claim they don't pay their fair share.

What would be fair?
How can a republican talk about fair when the lying vile louse in our WH is screwing blue states with his BS tax cut ? NY for example pays THE MOST to our fed and gets little back We subsidize the gd red states and now the idiot screws us??? There will be law suits

You can't sue for a President and Congress's tax adjustments.
You actually have to work and make enough money to pay taxes to actually benefit.

That godam Trump and the evil republicans running the government fuck the little guy at every turn...

Or, you have to be screwing the govt over, in order to be making an absolute killing out of it.

We still won't know how much the rich are playing in taxes before or after, the catch must be they were paying little before, and they'll be paying fucking nothing after. In fact the govt will pay them to be rich.

We know the top 1% pay 63% of all taxes. We know the top 5% pay 91%. We know the top 10% pay 99%

Yet you claim they don't pay their fair share.

What would be fair?
How can a republican talk about fair when the lying vile louse in our WH is screwing blue states with his BS tax cut ? NY for example pays THE MOST to our fed and gets little back We subsidize the gd red states and now the idiot screws us??? There will be law suits

So, 10% of people paying 99% of taxes is not enough for your greedy ass?

YOU don't subsidize shit, YOU don't pay taxes at all.
Since you love the truth so much how about with all his law firms keeping cases going forever no one could afford to keep the suits up ?

Would cases go forever if they could prove he's guilty as charged?
his teams of lawyers prevented the cases from being heard one excuse after another ,,those suing him couldn't continue forever,,,

Am I suppose to take your word over it?

How about you provide some links.
Every other country has a progressive tax system, here we don't anymore. Federal income taxes are much smaller now and the only Progressive one.

Why should I care how other countries are taxing their people?

Every other country is turning into socialist, leaning communist state. Americans don't need that.
You do know that in spite of our economic surge there are quite a few countries ahead of us Japan for one

In what way Japan is ahead of us?

China is the new Japan,” he added, saying that Japan should consider both liberalising its trade in the automotive industry and positioning themselves in global value chains, a measure the country has already put in motion.

As for Trump’s observation that the Japanese economy is not as good as the American one, Ottaviano said: “Generally speaking it is a fair statement when we consider the economy as a whole.”

However, he also qualified that it is important to consider what an economy can for its citizens and that there are issues in the US, such as inequality, that are not present in Japan – a recent survey of global wealth by Credit Suisse cited Japan as the MOST equal major economy in the world in terms of wealth distribution.

“Comparing countries on indicators is good for benchmarking, but which indicators we should use is really open to debate,” he concluded, “and the more indicators we use, the more difficult it is to rank them.”
No giving tax breaks to larger businesses? Where the hell have you been for the last, I don't know, 30 years?

Billions in tax breaks offered to Amazon for second headquarters

Billions in tax breaks offered to Amazon for second headquarters"

Didn't happen huh? Your boss didn't tell you about it, so you don't know about it, so it simply didn't happen.

Are you talking about local tax breaks or federal? I was talking about federal. There are no controls over what a state or city offers in tax breaks. It's all fair game and fair competition. In fact, our neighboring suburb just got an Amazon contract. There is another one about 20 miles from here as well.

Tax abatements are used to attract businesses. And who is competing with Amazon anyway? It doesn't matter if there is an Amazon next door to you or 500 miles away. Any internet business is killing small and large brick and mortar stores alike.

Oh, oh, oh, right, I forgot you were talking only about federal because.... well because you didn't fucking mention that. How silly of me to forget.

I'm talking about TAXES here Ray. I know you did it last time with the whole "rich people pay loads of INCOME TAX (and let's ignore all the other taxes)."

We're talking about ALL TAXES that a company has to pay. Why? Because that's the ONLY THING that makes sense when discussing how businesses are doing.

Excuse me. I just assumed you were talking about federal taxes since that is the theme of this thread.

As for local taxes, there is nothing anybody can do about that because small businesses don't bring in the tax revenue that large businesses bring in. We are a nation of states--not a nation of the federal government. Therefore states are free to do as they wish without interference or control by the feds.

If your state is giving breaks to big businesses to lure them in, then vote those representatives out. Tell them you don't want new businesses in your state. Tell them that you want the state to try and survive on mom and pop shop taxes and not companies that hire thousands of citizens for jobs.

Our state will be glad to take any new businesses you don't want. In fact we will welcome them with open arms. We will give them tax abatements, pave old roads, make new roads if need be. So send those businesses our way and you can remain in your one horse town.

It's bullshit Ray. We're always talking about feds here, because they're our biggest problem. "I didnt know" is excuse when there is no argument, you should know that.

Yes, we do talk about states too, but mostly as side topic to federal.

Given the fact that this topic is about federal tax cuts, I assumed we were talking about federal.

You didn't have to assume, we are specifically talking about federal tax cuts.

His / their derailment from the topic means they have no argument.
Since you love the truth so much how about with all his law firms keeping cases going forever no one could afford to keep the suits up ?

Would cases go forever if they could prove he's guilty as charged?
his teams of lawyers prevented the cases from being heard one excuse after another ,,those suing him couldn't continue forever,,,

Am I suppose to take your word over it?

How about you provide some links.
You really want to defend this vile pig? Really?
Mr Trump's companies face open cases of fraud, unpaid bills, contract disputes and sexual discrimination in the 75 lawsuits, according to USA Today.

For example, members of Mr Trump's golf course in Jupiter, Florida, are suing the businessman for $2.4m for taking fees and dues while allegedly blocking admission to the actual club.

A former employee of the same club also brought a lawsuit last month, alleging she was unlawfully fired after reporting sexual harassment by a colleague.

Mr Trump is also defending lawsuits tied to his campaign. In New York State, Republican political consultant Cheryl Jacobus filed a $4 million libel lawsuit claiming he "destroyed her career" by calling her "a dummy" on Twitter.

In another case, scheduled for 29 November in Chicago, it is alleged Trump's campaign violated consumer protection laws by sending unsolicited text messages to "Help Make America Great Again!".

Celebrity chefs, women
Image copyrightAP
Image captionThe president-elect opened Trump International Hotel in the final weeks of his election campaign
One of Mr Trump's most high-profile lawsuits is against two celebrity chefs. He is suing Geoffrey Zakarian and Jose Andres after they backed out of a restaurant deal - at his recently opened luxury Trump hotel in Washington DC - over the president-elect's inflammatory statements about Mexican immigrants.

During the campaign, Mr Trump also threatened to sue all the women who have accused him of unwanted sexual advances, saying they were lying.

He also said he would sue the media, such as the New York Times, for printing the accusations.

Analysis of lawsuits by USA Today, however, shows Mr Tr ump rarely follows through with his threatened lawsuits and almost always loses when he does.

Taxes, Trump Foundation
Before the election, New York state attorney-general Eric Schneiderman said his office was investigating whether the Trump Foundation charity is complying with state law. Washington Post reporting showed that Trump solicited charitable donations without the proper approvals, and found evidence that Trump used foundation money in ways that could benefit him personally, which is against the law.

The Internal Revenue Service, meanwhile, is auditing Mr Trump's taxes, the president-elect has said. During the election campaign, the New York Times said it had received some of Mr Trump's tax documents and found that Trump had been in a position to avoid federal income taxes for 18 years, as permitted by taking current tax law.

While most of the ongoing cases are civil lawsuits, they could increase pressure on Mr Trump to release records. In cases that go to trial, he would have to sit for a deposition, during which he would be questioned under oath.
nd you keep watching a replay over and over. You'll get used to it for the next seven years.

So, what happens when you turn out to be wrong and Trump doesn't even finish his first term?

To answer that, tell me what am I wrong about?

Until you do that, I'll tell you what I am right about. Beside having Democrats/Communists, and establishment Republicans, and #NeverTrumpers, and media, and Hollywood, and academia against him, Trump did excellent job so far. Given that leftist butthurt haven't ended yet, I enjoy it even more. I just wish he uses Twitter little more. :D
Because that's what you lefties want. Redistribution of wealth, open borders, basic income, etc.

Y'all have been waging class war with your trickle-down economics for the last 40 years...now that the chickens have come home to roost for your shit policy, you want to attack the left? Fuck you.

Class warfare, since Marx, always comes from left. It's obvious that redistribution of wealth, open borders, basic income, welfare state etc are not something that people want, despite of what you think. Otherwise, Democrats would be in power now, not Republicans, in all three branches of government.
nd you keep watching a replay over and over. You'll get used to it for the next seven years.

So, what happens when you turn out to be wrong and Trump doesn't even finish his first term?

To answer that, tell me what am I wrong about?

Until you do that, I'll tell you what I am right about. Beside having Democrats/Communists, and establishment Republicans, and #NeverTrumpers, and media, and Hollywood, and academia against him, Trump did excellent job so far. Given that leftist butthurt haven't ended yet, I enjoy it even more. I just wish he uses Twitter little more. :D
July 20, 2015
America is declining, in large and important measures, yet policymakers aren’t paying attention. So argues a new academic paper, pulling together previously published data.

Consider this:

  • America’s child poverty levels are worse than in any developed country anywhere, including Greece, devastated by a euro crisis, and eastern European nations such as Poland, Lithuania and Estonia.
  • Median adult wealth in the US ($39,000) is 27th globally, putting it behind Cyprus, Taiwan, and Ireland.
  • Even when “life satisfaction” is measured, America ranks #12, behind Israel, Sweden and Australia.
Overall, America’s per capita wealth, health and education measures are mediocre for a highly industrialized nation. Well-being metrics, perceptions of corruption, quality and cost of basic services, are sliding, too. Healthcare and education spending are funding bloated administrations even while human outcomes sink, the authors say.

“We looked at very broad measures, and at individual measures, too,” said co-author Hershey H. Friedman, a business professor at Brooklyn College – City University of New York. The most dangerous sign they saw: rising income and wealth inequality, which slow growth and can spark instability, the authors say.

“Capitalism has been amazingly successful,” write Friedman and co-author Sarah Hertz of Empire State College. But it has grown so unfettered, predatory, so exclusionary, it’s become, in effect, crony capitalism. Now places like Qatar and Romania, “countries you wouldn’t expect to be, are doing better than us,” said Friedman.

“You can become a second-rate power very quickly,” added Hertz.

To be sure, the debate over whether America is on the decline has raged for years. The US National Intelligence Council said in its global trends report a decade ago American power was on a downward trajectory. Others making the case say the US is overstretched militarily, ill-prepared technologically, at-risk financially, or lacking dynamism in the face of influential, new competitors.
You actually have to work and make enough money to pay taxes to actually benefit.

That godam Trump and the evil republicans running the government fuck the little guy at every turn...

Or, you have to be screwing the govt over, in order to be making an absolute killing out of it.

We still won't know how much the rich are playing in taxes before or after, the catch must be they were paying little before, and they'll be paying fucking nothing after. In fact the govt will pay them to be rich.

We know the top 1% pay 63% of all taxes. We know the top 5% pay 91%. We know the top 10% pay 99%

Yet you claim they don't pay their fair share.

What would be fair?

I'd like to know that too. Can we put some number on "fair" instead of muh feeling?
You actually have to work and make enough money to pay taxes to actually benefit.

That godam Trump and the evil republicans running the government fuck the little guy at every turn...

Or, you have to be screwing the govt over, in order to be making an absolute killing out of it.

We still won't know how much the rich are playing in taxes before or after, the catch must be they were paying little before, and they'll be paying fucking nothing after. In fact the govt will pay them to be rich.

We know the top 1% pay 63% of all taxes. We know the top 5% pay 91%. We know the top 10% pay 99%

Yet you claim they don't pay their fair share.

What would be fair?
How can a republican talk about fair when the lying vile louse in our WH is screwing blue states with his BS tax cut ? NY for example pays THE MOST to our fed and gets little back We subsidize the gd red states and now the idiot screws us??? There will be law suits

He's not really screwing the blue states.

He's leveling the playing field among all the states by making all states paying their fair share to the federal government.

I just don't understand why you lefties suddenly hate fairness.

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