ok is trying to alienate teachers?

Explain why there are laws about filming people in public without their permission vs walking down the street with your eyes open.

Go study FERPA then get back to me.

Nice dodge. Who said anything about not getting permission?
Why are the rules different whether watching via livestream or physically there? Are they not watching other people's children, are they not hearing what they say?

No one said anything about force other than you.

There have always been different rules for recording vs being there live. Every year both of my children went to school we had to sign a permission slip to allow their image to be used if their picture was taken at school for official reasons. We always did, but some parents did not. That was their right.

If you record every second of every class you cannot ensure that the students will not become part of the video.
Of every parent of every student in every classroom every day? Are you getting kickbacks from some law firm or something?

They do it every year for every student in every school across America for many, many different things. Are you sure you're a teacher?
It's easy enough to blur the faces of the kids or to just have the cameras focus on the teacher. Audio only might be an option as well.
Easy enough to triple your taxes to pay for every stupid idea you become obsessed with.
I doubt that.

Tell the parents they have to take it up with the administrators first and then only get the teachers involved if it is warranted. Easy solution.
The teacher should always be the first step for a parent. I had a number of great principals who would not hesitate at shutting down a parent who had not talked to me. Why? It was usually a kid's understanding of a comment not even meant for them.

Want an example? I was called out of class to meet with a parent that showed up without notice to complain that I called his son stupid.

I was teaching how to solve multistep algebraic equations on the day he was absent. I told them to ask themselves what is being done to the variable and reverse the order of operations to simplify them.

For example, given 3x + 12 = 24, solve for x. I told them that since 12 is being added to the variable, to subtract it from both sides of the equation. 3X + 12 - 12 = 24 -12, leaving you with 3x =12. Then asking yourself what is being done to the variable, it is multiplied by three, you would divide both side of the equation by 3, giving you 3x /3 = 12/3, when simplified gives you x = 4.

I related the story of one student I had at the DoD dependents school who was so frustrated by these problems, I would ask her the questions, step by step and she would easily find the answer. She became so frustrated by this, she referred to the problems, saying, "I hate those stupid questions". From that point on, every student referred to them as the "stupid questions" to solve it.

The next day as we were going over the homework, I referred to the "stupid questions" as we solved the equations. The kid assumed I was calling him stupid, since he had been absent and didn't know the background story.

I related that to the father, who asked his son if he had asked about the "stupid questions" which, of course" he had not. Dad was livid with the son, and my principal had set at his deck, smiling away! I can imagine the young man learned a valuable lesson. He was a good kid and a great student, both before and after this incident.

You want to waste hundreds of thousands of dollars because kids jump to conclusions? I have numerous examples of this, such as calling a kid "retarded" when those words would never cross my lips. That is an interesting one to address cameras because I was not in my classroom, but a computer lab that could not be configured to use cameras.
They do it every year for every student in every school across America for many, many different things. ....
To be filmed during every minute of every class? No, they do not. Parents have to sign very legally specific forms just to have a snapshot of a student on the school website.
What we really need to do is set up another free video monitoring room where teachers could (securely and secretly and freely) watch their student's parents watching them in the first room.. Seems only fair, right?
What we really need to do is set up another free video monitoring room where teachers could (securely and secretly and freely) watch their student's parents watching them in the first room.. Seems only fair, right?
But then we would need another room where other parents could watch the teachers watching the parents watching the teachers, and...
So what?

It's part of the job of public education to have to deal with the concerns of parents.

There is no good reason why any teacher should be against having parents know exactly what goes on in their classrooms.
They are more than welcome to come visit. Maybe Little Johnny or Little Susie will stop playing on their cell phone under their desk if Momma is watching.
To be filmed during every minute of every class? No, they do not. Parents have to sign very legally specific forms just to have a snapshot of a student on the school website.
:rolleyes: I didn't say they did it for that specific thing currently, I said they already do get permission for many other things, adding one more isn't a monumental task.

You guys are all arguing the logistics, but you know damn well if the logistics were figured out, you'd still be against it.

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