OK Right Wingers. Time to put your money where your mouth is on the Bathroom thing..

Dude, wear your dress and pumps into a restroom where our daughters are at.....I promise you that you will rue the day you do
History is replete with with examples of irrational fear driving people to do horrible things to innocent people. Fortunately, this gal is armed. So if you or any or your other irrational bigoted friends want to do anything, go ahead, make my day.

So is this one....now run along. I'm weary of you trying to convince me you are normal. Oh and you're not a "gal".....dude

I think I recognize him from another forum that I used to frequent. I don't know if he's come and and said so here, but on that the forum, he “came out” some time ago as a tranny. He had identified as male, then one day, he announced that he was “transitioning” to “female”. He even posted a picture of a bottle of prescription medicine, which, a quick google search revealed is indeed commonly used by pre-op trannies.

So, you're apparently correct. This is not a “gal” at all, but a seriously mentally-ill man, who has decide to “identify” as female, and is in the process of having his body mutilated to better fit with his delusions.

And he's just here announced that he is armed, and is willing to use deadly force to defend his “right” to share restrooms with your young daughters.
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None of which has anything to do with laws seeking to disadvantaging transgender Americans.

Your unwarranted fear, your authoritarianism, your desire to compel conformity, and your ridiculous bigotry is not ‘justification’ to legislate hate.

It is not “hate” to want to keep these sick freaks out of the same restrooms and dressing rooms used by our wives, daughters, sisters, and other genuine female loved ones. It's common sense and common decency.
You are accusing me, an innocent person of being a danger and a criminal because of... my penis? The thing I'm actively working to remove.
Because I, like any other human being, must need use the restroom from time to time. You threaten me, you denigrate my character, you insult my person. Based on ignorance, fear and hatred.

A man trying to get rid of a healthy body part, in order to confirm to an insane delusion. This, in itself, is all the proof that any rational person needs to know that you are mentally unstable, and possibly dangerous, and certainly not someone anyone should want around their children.
Here is a simple test.


This is Chaz. Chaz was born a female. Do you want Chaz to use the womens bathroom?


This is Laverne. Laverne was born a male. Do you want Laverne in the Mens Bathroom.


This is the guy from that commercial...whatever. This is what republicans want you to believe transgender people look. Without this over the top stereotype they literally have no objection other than to portray humans as having waves of arrousal wash over them just from being in a filthy tampon littered womans bathroom.

For some reason they believe that the guy above will attempt to use a womans bathroom and they will have to sit there sobbing to themselves in a stall as this guy grunts out his morning turd. Whats worse? They will have to sit there and take it because the new law apparently also takes away their voice too!

There is a difference between what the law does and what republicans THINK the law does

Chaz needs a colostomy bag, but Laverne can come into the men's room.
Simple? Will you be volunteering for the penis check then?
We will be relying on people like you, people without honor, to be honest. It's a dice roll, I know.

So your plan is unenforceable? Which is nothing?

Thats a pretty cool story bro
It's simply not possible to police all the liberal freaks that exist. Sadly we have to rely on your honesty.

Exactly! Now you just described why your entire plan is bullshit. Congrats on following the bread crumbs! :smiliehug:

You plan to allow these freaks to use whatever restroom they want to use is bullshit. Why do you imagine 2 kinds of rest rooms were created in the first place? We have countless laws based on having separate restrooms for men and women.
Can you cite any of these laws?

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Dude, wear your dress and pumps into a restroom where our daughters are at.....I promise you that you will rue the day you do
History is replete with with examples of irrational fear driving people to do horrible things to innocent people. Fortunately, this gal is armed. So if you or any or your other irrational bigoted friends want to do anything, go ahead, make my day.

So is this one....now run along. I'm weary of you trying to convince me you are normal. Oh and you're not a "gal".....dude

I think I recognize him from another forum that I used to frequent. I don't know if he's come and and said so here, but on that the forum, he “came out” some time ago as a tranny. He had identified as male, then one day, he announced that he was “transitioning” to “female”. He even posted a picture of a bottle of prescription medicine, which, a quick google search revealed is indeed commonly used by pre-op trannies.

So, you're apparently correct. This is not a “gal” at all, but a seriously mentally-ill man, who has decide to “identify” as female, and is in the process of having his body mutilated to better fit with his delusions.

And he's just here announced that he is armed, and is willing to use deadly force to defend his “right” to share restrooms with your young daughters.

So Dr. Baylock, please give us the actual clinical diagnosis and the recommended treatment.

You know, it's not like we all woke up today and suddenly there were transsexuals among us. We actually have entire organizations dedicated to physical and mental health. What do these respected organizations have to say?

Does anyone here who is not liberal understand that in order to transition that you must be under the care of a mental health professional? Were any of you aware that prior to transitioning that you must live as the gender you are transitioning to for at least one year? Where would you like these individuals, who must live as the gender they are transitioning to prior to getting the surgery, to pee or poop when out in public?

Let me remind you all that being an insensitive, ignorant, asshole does not change the reality of these people living their lives.

Finally, let me remind all you "it's for the children" idiots, that more children have been sexually abused by Catholic priests or Republican members of Congress than by preoperative transexuals peeing in the restroom associated with the gender they are transitioning to.
Dude, wear your dress and pumps into a restroom where our daughters are at.....I promise you that you will rue the day you do
History is replete with with examples of irrational fear driving people to do horrible things to innocent people. Fortunately, this gal is armed. So if you or any or your other irrational bigoted friends want to do anything, go ahead, make my day.

So is this one....now run along. I'm weary of you trying to convince me you are normal. Oh and you're not a "gal".....dude

I think I recognize him from another forum that I used to frequent. I don't know if he's come and and said so here, but on that the forum, he “came out” some time ago as a tranny. He had identified as male, then one day, he announced that he was “transitioning” to “female”. He even posted a picture of a bottle of prescription medicine, which, a quick google search revealed is indeed commonly used by pre-op trannies.

So, you're apparently correct. This is not a “gal” at all, but a seriously mentally-ill man, who has decide to “identify” as female, and is in the process of having his body mutilated to better fit with his delusions.

And he's just here announced that he is armed, and is willing to use deadly force to defend his “right” to share restrooms with your young daughters.

So Dr. Baylock, please give us the actual clinical diagnosis and the recommended treatment.

You know, it's not like we all woke up today and suddenly there were transsexuals among us. We actually have entire organizations dedicated to physical and mental health. What do these respected organizations have to say?

Does anyone here who is not liberal understand that in order to transition that you must be under the care of a mental health professional? Were any of you aware that prior to transitioning that you must live as the gender you are transitioning to for at least one year? Where would you like these individuals, who must live as the gender they are transitioning to prior to getting the surgery, to pee or poop when out in public?

Let me remind you all that being an insensitive, ignorant, asshole does not change the reality of these people living their lives.

Finally, let me remind all you "it's for the children" idiots, that more children have been sexually abused by Catholic priests or Republican members of Congress than by preoperative transexuals peeing in the restroom associated with the gender they are transitioning to.

So you're going to post mental health experts at every restroom door to weed out the "legit" from the perv's.

Alrighty then.........

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