OK Right Wingers. Time to put your money where your mouth is on the Bathroom thing..

Well then go piss in the restroom that your EQUIPMENT dictates, your MENTAL HEALTH is being questioned here.... BTW, what fucking scientific PROOF do you have that your mental illness is NOT mental illness... Perhaps a group of LGBTQ doctors say so?.... What's your DNA say?

The best medical science.
Biological sex and gender identity
Biological sex is determined based on the appearance of the infant usually at birth.

Gender identity, however, is the sex the person feels themselves to be.

For example, a woman may have an anatomy and physical features of a woman but may feel like a man underneath and identify herself as such.

This is not a mental illness but is a recognised condition that may need treatment. (1-4)
What is Gender Dysphoria?

Now, you are educated. So here's your chance to show you aren't a hate filled person.


Something like GLOBAL WARMING SCIENTISTS...matter of fact, the bottom line of this crap is the same....


If there was NO MONEY in it for "THE SCIENCE", this shit would disappear!

Something like GLOBAL WARMING SCIENTISTS...matter of fact, the bottom line of this crap is the same....


If there was NO MONEY in it for "THE SCIENCE", this shit would disappear!
I agree AGW is bullshit.

Transgender is not.

So you now fully admit you are willfully ignorant.
So you're going to post mental health experts at every restroom door to weed out the "legit" from the perv's.

Alrighty then.........
You are right, it's much easier to just assume all trans are actually sex offenders. Because this is America, and you're guilty if we say you might be.

We should deny black males the right to own or purchase firearms. Hey, you don't know if that's a legitimate purchase by a law abiding citizen or a gangbanger right?
Don't like the comparison, don't use that logic.

Rosa Parks is like, WTF tranny, I can't help being black!
I didn't say that. I said the ignorant mentality is the same. Deflect all you want the truth is you're no different.

You'll always be XY Chromosome, you can never be XX Chromosome, therefore you'll always be biologically a man. You can have your penis chopped off and get boobies, but you'll always be a man.
I've NEVER DENIED biologically that was not true.

But there is more to Sex and Gender then chromosomes. One day that might even change. Would you still say the same thing if 5 years from now they could alter my DNA to XX? Hmm? What then would you say?

Well altering your actual DNA. If your DNA were artifically altered to XX, then you'd be an artificial woman.
Here is a simple test.


This is Chaz. Chaz was born a female. Do you want Chaz to use the womens bathroom?


This is Laverne. Laverne was born a male. Do you want Laverne in the Mens Bathroom.


This is the guy from that commercial...whatever. This is what republicans want you to believe transgender people look. Without this over the top stereotype they literally have no objection other than to portray humans as having waves of arrousal wash over them just from being in a filthy tampon littered womans bathroom.

For some reason they believe that the guy above will attempt to use a womans bathroom and they will have to sit there sobbing to themselves in a stall as this guy grunts out his morning turd. Whats worse? They will have to sit there and take it because the new law apparently also takes away their voice too!

There is a difference between what the law does and what republicans THINK the law does
The fact remains, no one was, is or will ever be born in the wrong body...
No matter how many times you deny reality, you're still wrong.
How so?
Hey, Renee.... this is what your father should have done to you YEARS AGO...

I played for the Kansas 6A State Champion Football starting Defensive End. I spent 10 years in the military. I have two wonderful children. I have a wonderful wife.

Something tells me I've been more of a man then you'll ever achieve.

I have 7 decades of being a man through VietNam to be a police officer.... 50 years married to the same woman and have 2 grandchildren. I didn't PLAY football, I PLAYED REALITY, being shot at and shooting back.... Your shit stinks to me, BUT you are going to do whatever you want, and I couldn't care less UNTIL it effects MY FAMILY.... you use my granddaughters rest room, and it effects her, then YOU have a problem with me, and millions of other FATHERS and grandfathers!
Yes, we only want big strong future lesbians with dicks in the restroom with our daughters.

I feel sooooooooo much better now
You think I am a threat to your daughter?

You and your male lesbian types?

Yeppers Skippy
How. Seriously. You think I have some nefarious plans when I'm taking a piss?

No different than any straight male, that's why it is best we keep separate while vulnerable.

Can I be much clearer?
Read a study, chop off a body part.

Spend 20 years fighting something you don't understand. Finally sit down and learn, realize you are infact suffering. That you are not alone. That you are not mental, what you are experiencing is real. Choose to stop suffering. Man up, as it were, and realize what needs to be done.

A real "man" hehe, faces reality, a coward hides and denies it. I'm facing reality, you aren't.

Something like GLOBAL WARMING SCIENTISTS...matter of fact, the bottom line of this crap is the same....


If there was NO MONEY in it for "THE SCIENCE", this shit would disappear!
I agree AGW is bullshit.

Transgender is not.

So you now fully admit you are willfully ignorant.

I fully admit that YOU have the problem, NOT I!!!!
It's a classic case of mental illness. Nothing more and nothing else
Actually Gender Dysphoria is not a mental illness. No matter how much you click your heels and wish it be so, you are wrong.

Now that you are educated, you can either keep screaming reality is not real, or you can admit you were wrong.

I would no more allow someone with your infliction around our children than I would anyone else with an obvious mental disease
I've answered this before

We don't discriminate against ugly women or insane men

Easy enough for you?

Gotta pecker, it's in the men's room with you, got none, stay the hell out

This is the answer. End of thread.
Here is a simple test.


This is Chaz. Chaz was born a female. Do you want Chaz to use the womens bathroom?


This is Laverne. Laverne was born a male. Do you want Laverne in the Mens Bathroom.


This is the guy from that commercial...whatever. This is what republicans want you to believe transgender people look. Without this over the top stereotype they literally have no objection other than to portray humans as having waves of arrousal wash over them just from being in a filthy tampon littered womans bathroom.

For some reason they believe that the guy above will attempt to use a womans bathroom and they will have to sit there sobbing to themselves in a stall as this guy grunts out his morning turd. Whats worse? They will have to sit there and take it because the new law apparently also takes away their voice too!

There is a difference between what the law does and what republicans THINK the law does
The fact remains, no one was, is or will ever be born in the wrong body...
No matter how many times you deny reality, you're still wrong.

I don't agree with the Transgendering thing, but I wish you well and I hope it makes you happier.
No one cares about tarted up Trans. It's the predator who takes advantage of the opportunity presented by these laws. Like the guy who slapped on a padded bra and a dress so he could set up his cameras.
And they were doing that before the laws will do it after the laws changed
I'm not religious ya moron. God is as much a fraud as this is a MENTAL CONDITION.
So you're just straight willfully ignorant. You deny God, you deny Science, you go with your gut instinct.

Well have fun with that.
We have already determined you're not of sound mind or judgment so spew all the nonsense you like. I gave you links yesterday that showed you your own mental illness is just that. Not a surprise that you would ignore them. Now go worry about today's lipstick choice freak
No, you posted garbage, garbage that appeals to your mentally weak perception of the world. You, are a simpleton, a bigot and a I for one pity you.
You are a man who thinks he's a woman. You WANT to inflict self mutilation. You wear heels & lipstick. You think your brain isn't broken.....

And I'm a simpleton lol
Of course it matters.
how are you going to stop mr perv from going it?
what if he is already in there when you send your young daughter in to use the restroom at the mall?
you cant legally stop him. So you get what you asked for.

Query: Do you hold that all Trans are pervs and threats to children?
I think you're threats to society so how bout dem cookies....
Trying to force others to accept your delusions as normal behavior is unhealthy for society.
You think society "needs help" understanding you when it is you that needs help. Psychiatric help
RW'ers dont seem to understand simple bathroom behavior. Heres a quick cheat sheet.

When you enter the bathroom use the urinal. DO NOT whip out your dick for all to see. Who does that?

When you're in a stall. Close the door. There is little opportunity to see your dick when you do this step.

Women (Even Transgenders) do not pee in the sink. You'd have a better chance at picking up a turd from the clean end than that happening.

Do not walk into a stall when another person is on the toilet. That prevents any unwanted viewings of random genitalia.
Guess you've never been to a big city......they have freaks that will do anything if the idea pops into their heads. Perverts, scumbags.....ruining it for everyone else. I understand the he/she that is in transition......because all they need is a safe place to tinkle. It's the guys wearing wigs that are just peeping Tom's I worry about.

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