OK Right Wingers. Time to put your money where your mouth is on the Bathroom thing..

Well then go piss in the restroom that your EQUIPMENT dictates, your MENTAL HEALTH is being questioned here.... BTW, what fucking scientific PROOF do you have that your mental illness is NOT mental illness... Perhaps a group of LGBTQ doctors say so?.... What's your DNA say?

Defining yourself solely by your "equipment" could be perceived as a mental illness. It's decidedly pathetic.
Only under a FAG DemoRAT President.....


That one isn't really true.

The overwhelming vast majority of us have no confusion at all with regard to whether we are male or female, or which restroom to use.

What has changed is that a very small minority of sick, mentally-ill, perverted freaks have been given a voice extremely far out of proportion to their numbers, to demand that we put aside common decency and common sense in order to embrace their madness and confusion, and to treat it as if it is somehow normal, healthy, and acceptable; and too many of us are foolishly allowing ourselves to be shamed and intimidated into playing along with this madness.
Such hate, such unrepentant hate.

Hate? You don't know hate....hate is what you feel when someone HURTS your child mentally or physically!

BTW....Gender Dysphoria is ANOTHER MADE UP illness to disguise your REAL problem!

Dude, it's laughable how you preach against hatred, and for acceptance, when you refuse to accept yourself in such a hating way that you will self mutilate!

Get real before it's too damn late

You know what's funny?

This particular freak claims to be conservative, and generally supports conservative positions, but here, he's acting exactly like the most extreme liberal—putting forth a claim that any rational person can see is insane and wrong on its face, and then accusing anyone who disagrees with this claim of “hate”.

All the while, being consumed with such intense, destructive self-hatred that he feels a need to have his body chemically and surgically mutilated into a ridiculous parody of something that he can never be.

He may espouse some right-wing beliefs, but he has a solidly wrong-wing soul.
A real "man" hehe, faces reality, a coward hides and denies it. I'm facing reality, you aren't.

Reality is that you are a man, and always will be. You've even fulfilled the reproductive role of a man.

You are the one who is now trying to run away from reality, going to great extremes to hide away in an insane delusion of being something that you never will and never possibly can be.

By your own definition, you are probably one of the most extreme cowards on this forum.
Yes, we only want big strong future lesbians with dicks in the restroom with our daughters.

I feel sooooooooo much better now
You think I am a threat to your daughter?

You're a man, who is very obviously afflicted with some very serious sexual issues.

Any parent who would think that it's OK for you to share a restroom with his daughters would have to be almost as f•••ed up as you are.

Or a liberal. But then I'm repeating myself.
Here is a simple test.


This is Chaz. Chaz was born a female. Do you want Chaz to use the womens bathroom?


This is Laverne. Laverne was born a male. Do you want Laverne in the Mens Bathroom.


This is the guy from that commercial...whatever. This is what republicans want you to believe transgender people look. Without this over the top stereotype they literally have no objection other than to portray humans as having waves of arrousal wash over them just from being in a filthy tampon littered womans bathroom.

For some reason they believe that the guy above will attempt to use a womans bathroom and they will have to sit there sobbing to themselves in a stall as this guy grunts out his morning turd. Whats worse? They will have to sit there and take it because the new law apparently also takes away their voice too!

There is a difference between what the law does and what republicans THINK the law does

It's really you who doesn't understand the problem with "declaring one's self" a member of a legally protected class. You can't DEPEND on "self-declaration" when you CREATE protected classes. There ARE LEGITIMATE transgenders. Society is really BAD at sorting them out. Politicians are INCAPABLE of helping sort them out.

So -- someone who wakes up in the morning and decides they are TRANS -- INSTANTLY has legal protection.
OR -- someone who goes trans on full moons.

To do this RIGHT -- requires a filing. To change your sex declaration. Along with the proper MEDICAL sign-offs and declarations. I have ZERO problem with that. But people who expect that this legal protection won't be abused CHRONICALLY -- are the leftists that have no idea how shit works and how to DESIGN sociological systems that are solid and crank/prank free.

Not even fair to your dear CHAZ or LAVERNE if the legal protection creates problems that are reflected back on them from the clown in the commercial..
It's a classic case of mental illness. Nothing more and nothing else
Actually Gender Dysphoria is not a mental illness. No matter how much you click your heels and wish it be so, you are wrong.

Now that you are educated, you can either keep screaming reality is not real, or you can admit you were wrong.

I would no more allow someone with your infliction around our children than I would anyone else with an obvious mental disease

Mental illness, in general, has a stigma that is rather out of proportion to its reality. Some mental diseases are relatively harmless to those around the one afflicted thereby. This one, however, is not.
You are a man who thinks he's a woman. You WANT to inflict self mutilation. You wear heels & lipstick. You think your brain isn't broken.....

What is very odd is that this is clearly a case of a healthy body, but a badly-broken brain. And somehow, it has come to be seen as a valid treatment for this affliction to do nothing about the broken brain, but to mutilate and destroy a perfectly healthy and normal portion of the body, turning a functional male reproductive system into a mutilated and dysfunctional cosmetic imitation of the external parts of a female reproductive system.
I've answered this before

We don't discriminate against ugly women or insane men

Easy enough for you?

Gotta pecker, it's in the men's room with you, got none, stay the hell out
Who is going to check? Are You?
This is the most ridiculous aspect of this idiotic law: "enforcement."

No it's not, if you use your head (asking a bit much)

You obey the law, if you don't, a citizen will report the criminal activity. Only then would POLICE be involved.

It could be as simple as checking drivers license.

If the tranny attempts to hide its true identity, then police would take further steps.

It's real simple, just like any of the thousands of simple investigations Law Enforcement does daily.

Not very dramatic
It's a classic case of mental illness. Nothing more and nothing else
Actually Gender Dysphoria is not a mental illness. No matter how much you click your heels and wish it be so, you are wrong.

Now that you are educated, you can either keep screaming reality is not real, or you can admit you were wrong.

I would no more allow someone with your infliction around our children than I would anyone else with an obvious mental disease

Your children have already been in bathrooms with transgendered women.

The mental disease is trying to deny that reality.
I've answered this before

We don't discriminate against ugly women or insane men

Easy enough for you?

Gotta pecker, it's in the men's room with you, got none, stay the hell out
Who is going to check? Are You?
This is the most ridiculous aspect of this idiotic law: "enforcement."

No it's not, if you use your head (asking a bit much)

You obey the law, if you don't, a citizen will report the criminal activity. Only then would POLICE be involved.

It could be as simple as checking drivers license.

If the tranny attempts to hide its true identity, then police would take further steps.

It's real simple, just like any of the thousands of simple investigations Law Enforcement does daily.

Not very dramatic

Peeing in a public restroom is not criminal activity.
I've answered this before

We don't discriminate against ugly women or insane men

Easy enough for you?

Gotta pecker, it's in the men's room with you, got none, stay the hell out
Who is going to check? Are You?
This is the most ridiculous aspect of this idiotic law: "enforcement."

No it's not, if you use your head (asking a bit much)

You obey the law, if you don't, a citizen will report the criminal activity. Only then would POLICE be involved.

It could be as simple as checking drivers license.

If the tranny attempts to hide its true identity, then police would take further steps.

It's real simple, just like any of the thousands of simple investigations Law Enforcement does daily.

Not very dramatic

Peeing in a public restroom is not criminal activity.

It is if the law says it is. And peeing in the wrong restroom most definately is in North Carolina

But it was a dandy dramatic deflection
It's a classic case of mental illness. Nothing more and nothing else
Actually Gender Dysphoria is not a mental illness. No matter how much you click your heels and wish it be so, you are wrong.

Now that you are educated, you can either keep screaming reality is not real, or you can admit you were wrong.

I would no more allow someone with your infliction around our children than I would anyone else with an obvious mental disease

Your children have already been in bathrooms with transgendered women.

The mental disease is trying to deny that reality.

You have to wonder where SeaWytch hangs out dontcha?
It's a classic case of mental illness. Nothing more and nothing else
Actually Gender Dysphoria is not a mental illness. No matter how much you click your heels and wish it be so, you are wrong.

Now that you are educated, you can either keep screaming reality is not real, or you can admit you were wrong.

I would no more allow someone with your infliction around our children than I would anyone else with an obvious mental disease

Your children have already been in bathrooms with transgendered women.

The mental disease is trying to deny that reality.

You have no idea where my children have been, stop the BS thinking you do, slag hag
It's a classic case of mental illness. Nothing more and nothing else
Actually Gender Dysphoria is not a mental illness. No matter how much you click your heels and wish it be so, you are wrong.

Now that you are educated, you can either keep screaming reality is not real, or you can admit you were wrong.

I would no more allow someone with your infliction around our children than I would anyone else with an obvious mental disease

Your children have already been in bathrooms with transgendered women.

The mental disease is trying to deny that reality.

You have no idea where my children have been, stop the BS thinking you do, slag hag

Maybe she's the so called "pecker police"?
It's a classic case of mental illness. Nothing more and nothing else
Actually Gender Dysphoria is not a mental illness. No matter how much you click your heels and wish it be so, you are wrong.

Now that you are educated, you can either keep screaming reality is not real, or you can admit you were wrong.

I would no more allow someone with your infliction around our children than I would anyone else with an obvious mental disease

Your children have already been in bathrooms with transgendered women.

The mental disease is trying to deny that reality.

You have no idea where my children have been, stop the BS thinking you do, slag hag

Maybe she's the so called "pecker police"?

It is an annoying POS....much like another hag on here...which is interesting in itself two people can be so much alike and post alike
Man is not their identity, woman is. They are women on the inside and should be treated as such, whether they choose to surgically alter the flesh in their nether region or not.

This person believes their "true form/identity" is a dragon. They are "transitioning" into a dragon, via surgery. Going by your standards, they are, in fact, a dragon and we should treat them as such.


Feel free to explain this because seriously, I don't get it.

Like a dude who chops his dick off to become a lesbian?

Jesus, a restroom to you is just a place to check out the merchandise
You have serious issues. I use the bathroom cause I have to use the bathroom. You're off your rocker if you think I take any sort of excitement from going in there.

FTR I'm married to the same woman I was married to as a man.

I'm off MY rocker?

Your having your dick chopped off so you can..........


You can't make this shit up folks

It's called mental illness. Just think about it.... dude wants to be with women, but cuts his dick off in an attempt to become a women. So, he wants to be a lesbian?

Seriously fucked up shit. SERIOUSLY.

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