OK USMB Democrats.....Choose your poison

Which Republican do you most want to run against?

  • Total voters
Of all the Republicans

Trump, Carson and Cruz are incapable of winning a general election
Bush, Rubio or Kasich could conceivably take swing states but unlikely enough to defeat Hillary
I find it hilarious how literally hundreds of Democrat insiders have admitted that Trump is the worst candidate for the Democrats to face and you idiots are still pretending that your opinions about him matter.

Even the retards at the Huffington Post did a 360 in covering Trump's momentum.

Since he's a dem, how would that take votes away from the Rs? More dems would be inclined to vote for him wouldn't they. Y'all keep saying that he's for abortion, single payer etc....champion lib issues.
Are any Dems supporting Trump? So few no one will notice. He doesn't play to their fears like he does the GOPers.
I think Trump would do the least amount of damage to the country of the GOP nominees. The senate and congress won't let him do anything crazy, especially since at least the senate will be under Dem control. And so what if he builds a wall? Sure it makes us look bad and will be a waste of money but it won't actually affect anything.

And anyways imagine all the ammo whoever the Dem candidate is will have against him during the general election. That's the guy we want to run against.
Another fool who doesn't think Republicans don't have any ammo to use against Hillary or Bernie.
Republicans have been wasting their ammo on Hillary for 30 years. Just wait until Trumps quotes are played over and over in attack ads across the country.
They already have...
so if 100 million people vote for trump,hillery still wins?...is that what you are saying?....
well than you have no idea what you are talking about.....if i vote for trump how does hillery automatically get a vote,which is what you were telling me..."a vote for trump is a vote for hillery"......
If you vote for Trump in the Primary, you are ensuring a Hillary win in November

whistling past the graveyard. If Dims really thought Trump was so easily beatable, they wouldn't be attacking him at every opportunity.
How is Trump doing in building his coalition?
Bush backers going to jump to his support? How about Cruz?
He has staked out his coalition of batshit crazy Republicans and driven everyone else away

The coalition of the batshit crazy is not enough to defeat Hillary
Cruz's support will go straight to Trump.

The other losers will just be cucks and admit that Trump is the new Reagan.

All the sane Democrats will also vote for Trump.
I so value the opinion of someone from the party chosing between Bernie and Chillery...

I wrote it just for you.

So when you have nothing left in your empty dick ... you parrot wash america? Seriously?

:lame2: Nothing like hearing from an old repulsive GOP hack.

so your answer to Wash America calling me a liberal is that I'm a republican. Do you actually listen to your own ridiculous crap?

Let me spell out the obvious for you. If I were a democrat I would choose Carson as the GOP candidate because I believe him to be the easiest one to defeat.

Now insult some part of my anatomy!

I'm a "republican hack" who's against the government owning our bodies and the endless wars in the middle east. So do you just suck your own dick or do you go through the pretense that you're not a faggot?
well than you have no idea what you are talking about.....if i vote for trump how does hillery automatically get a vote,which is what you were telling me..."a vote for trump is a vote for hillery"......
If you vote for Trump in the Primary, you are ensuring a Hillary win in November

whistling past the graveyard. If Dims really thought Trump was so easily beatable, they wouldn't be attacking him at every opportunity.
How is Trump doing in building his coalition?
Bush backers going to jump to his support? How about Cruz?
He has staked out his coalition of batshit crazy Republicans and driven everyone else away

The coalition of the batshit crazy is not enough to defeat Hillary
Cruz's support will go straight to Trump.

The other losers will just be cucks and admit that Trump is the new Reagan.

All the sane Democrats will also vote for Trump.

You forgot the rim shot
Not the same. In the primaries the crazier a candidate comes across as the better he does with the base. That's why Sanders is doing so well too. In the general election, candidates return to sanity. And there is unlimited ammo against Trump to remind people how far from sane his Presidency would be.

I don't see Trump playing to the base...do you? Questioning W in a Republican Primary. Calling him a liar on Iraq. Not exactly what I would call red meat for the base. Yet he is winning by huge margins.

Hillary is the same old same old. A new coat sewn out of old cloth. Who is America going to trust on election day. The one who spoke the truth when he was leading and the truth could have destroyed him. Or the one who runs left to out socialist the socialist just to get the votes, and will run back to the center come the General Election?

Hillary is Romney, last seasons loser. Damn near identical. And she is going to lose to the outsider. Just like Romney did.

You guys are just too close to see it.
You don't see Trump as playing to the base? Really? He is playing to the most basic fears of social conservatism. Fear of foreigners, fear of people who look different, fear of people who think different. And he is doing it better than anyone I've ever seen save for the conservative talking heads on the radio and Fox News.
Hillary is certainly playing to your racist fears of white people....
If you vote for Trump in the Primary, you are ensuring a Hillary win in November

whistling past the graveyard. If Dims really thought Trump was so easily beatable, they wouldn't be attacking him at every opportunity.

We attack him because he deserves it

true enough. And you defend hillary and bernie why? It's sure not for the same reason...
Typical rightwing whining.....But <sob> ....you do it too

No, nobody sinks to the depravity of Trump. even his adopted party hatedps him

Let's explore yet again your lack of a functional male sexual organ.

I'm how again Republican in a way that's not libertarian .. how? Again? By "again" i mean for the first time. Limp dicked greedy bitch of the Democrat party?

Nother name for a Teapublican

Party of ...I got mine , fuck everyone else
I so value the opinion of someone from the party chosing between Bernie and Chillery...

I wrote it just for you.

So when you have nothing left in your empty dick ... you parrot wash america? Seriously?

:lame2: Nothing like hearing from an old repulsive GOP hack.

so your answer to Wash America calling me a liberal is that I'm a republican. Do you actually listen to your own ridiculous crap?

Let me spell out the obvious for you. If I were a democrat I would choose Carson as the GOP candidate because I believe him to be the easiest one to defeat.

Now insult some part of my anatomy!

You racist asshole!
whistling past the graveyard. If Dims really thought Trump was so easily beatable, they wouldn't be attacking him at every opportunity.

We attack him because he deserves it

true enough. And you defend hillary and bernie why? It's sure not for the same reason...
Typical rightwing whining.....But <sob> ....you do it too

No, nobody sinks to the depravity of Trump. even his adopted party hatedps him

Let's explore yet again your lack of a functional male sexual organ.

I'm how again Republican in a way that's not libertarian .. how? Again? By "again" i mean for the first time. Limp dicked greedy bitch of the Democrat party?

Nother name for a Teapublican

Party of ...I got mine , fuck everyone else

What makes you think you're entitled to anything I earned?
We attack him because he deserves it

true enough. And you defend hillary and bernie why? It's sure not for the same reason...
Typical rightwing whining.....But <sob> ....you do it too

No, nobody sinks to the depravity of Trump. even his adopted party hatedps him

Let's explore yet again your lack of a functional male sexual organ.

I'm how again Republican in a way that's not libertarian .. how? Again? By "again" i mean for the first time. Limp dicked greedy bitch of the Democrat party?

Nother name for a Teapublican

Party of ...I got mine , fuck everyone else

What makes you think you're entitled to anything I earned?
Anarchists are assholes
true enough. And you defend hillary and bernie why? It's sure not for the same reason...
Typical rightwing whining.....But <sob> ....you do it too

No, nobody sinks to the depravity of Trump. even his adopted party hatedps him

Let's explore yet again your lack of a functional male sexual organ.

I'm how again Republican in a way that's not libertarian .. how? Again? By "again" i mean for the first time. Limp dicked greedy bitch of the Democrat party?

Nother name for a Teapublican

Party of ...I got mine , fuck everyone else

What makes you think you're entitled to anything I earned?
Anarchists are assholes

You didn't answer the question. What makes you think you're entitled to anything I earned?
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whistling past the graveyard. If Dims really thought Trump was so easily beatable, they wouldn't be attacking him at every opportunity.

We attack him because he deserves it

true enough. And you defend hillary and bernie why? It's sure not for the same reason...
Typical rightwing whining.....But <sob> ....you do it too

No, nobody sinks to the depravity of Trump. even his adopted party hatedps him

Let's explore yet again your lack of a functional male sexual organ.

I'm how again Republican in a way that's not libertarian .. how? Again? By "again" i mean for the first time. Limp dicked greedy bitch of the Democrat party?

Nother name for a Teapublican

Party of ...I got mine , fuck everyone else

Gotcha comrade big guy. Greed is someone wanting to keep the money they earned. Generosity is wanting money someone else earned. Like you do. I mean you want their money, they are so greedy to try to stop you from taking it from them with guns. Greedy bastards.
Typical rightwing whining.....But <sob> ....you do it too

No, nobody sinks to the depravity of Trump. even his adopted party hatedps him

Let's explore yet again your lack of a functional male sexual organ.

I'm how again Republican in a way that's not libertarian .. how? Again? By "again" i mean for the first time. Limp dicked greedy bitch of the Democrat party?

Nother name for a Teapublican

Party of ...I got mine , fuck everyone else

What makes you think you're entitled to anything I earned?
Anarchists are assholes

You didn't answer the question. What makes you think you're entitled to anything I earned?

Comrade big guy doesn't take questions. Then he whines like the bitch he is when you don't answer his.
true enough. And you defend hillary and bernie why? It's sure not for the same reason...
Typical rightwing whining.....But <sob> ....you do it too

No, nobody sinks to the depravity of Trump. even his adopted party hatedps him

Let's explore yet again your lack of a functional male sexual organ.

I'm how again Republican in a way that's not libertarian .. how? Again? By "again" i mean for the first time. Limp dicked greedy bitch of the Democrat party?

Nother name for a Teapublican

Party of ...I got mine , fuck everyone else

What makes you think you're entitled to anything I earned?
Anarchists are assholes

Decent folk such as yourself don't rob people with guns. You justify armed robbery with government and send other people to rob people with guns for you
Let's explore yet again your lack of a functional male sexual organ.

I'm how again Republican in a way that's not libertarian .. how? Again? By "again" i mean for the first time. Limp dicked greedy bitch of the Democrat party?

Nother name for a Teapublican

Party of ...I got mine , fuck everyone else

What makes you think you're entitled to anything I earned?
Anarchists are assholes

You didn't answer the question. What makes you think you're entitled to anything I earned?

Comrade big guy doesn't take questions. Then he whines like the bitch he is when you don't answer his.

On issues you agree with you use the fucking government quite a bit. So don't act like you're mr. somalia.
Typical rightwing whining.....But <sob> ....you do it too

No, nobody sinks to the depravity of Trump. even his adopted party hatedps him

Let's explore yet again your lack of a functional male sexual organ.

I'm how again Republican in a way that's not libertarian .. how? Again? By "again" i mean for the first time. Limp dicked greedy bitch of the Democrat party?

Nother name for a Teapublican

Party of ...I got mine , fuck everyone else

What makes you think you're entitled to anything I earned?
Anarchists are assholes

Decent folk such as yourself don't rob people with guns. You justify armed robbery with government and send other people to rob people with guns for you

The founders that knew that we needed a government capable of collecting taxes would think you're nutz. Taking stuff by guns is the way this world works unless you want to live within a hunter gathering society.
Typical rightwing whining.....But <sob> ....you do it too

No, nobody sinks to the depravity of Trump. even his adopted party hatedps him

Let's explore yet again your lack of a functional male sexual organ.

I'm how again Republican in a way that's not libertarian .. how? Again? By "again" i mean for the first time. Limp dicked greedy bitch of the Democrat party?

Nother name for a Teapublican

Party of ...I got mine , fuck everyone else

What makes you think you're entitled to anything I earned?
Anarchists are assholes

You didn't answer the question. What makes you think you're entitled to anything I earned?

Well, we all drive on the roads, enjoy the clean air, water and police...It is all their for us all as we're one society. What makes you think you can enjoy these things without paying for them?
Let's explore yet again your lack of a functional male sexual organ.

I'm how again Republican in a way that's not libertarian .. how? Again? By "again" i mean for the first time. Limp dicked greedy bitch of the Democrat party?

Nother name for a Teapublican

Party of ...I got mine , fuck everyone else

What makes you think you're entitled to anything I earned?
Anarchists are assholes

Decent folk such as yourself don't rob people with guns. You justify armed robbery with government and send other people to rob people with guns for you

The founders that knew that we needed a government capable of collecting taxes would think you're nutz. Taking stuff by guns is the way this world works unless you want to live within a hunter gathering society.

I'm referring to the taxes specifically where government takes money from one citizen and gives it to another. I'm not an anarchist, I'm a small government libertarian. Things like roads, the police, the military are legitimate functions of government. Government taking money from one citizen and giving it to another is no difference than someone taking your wallet on the street at gunpoint. Then it's armed robbery. And no, there was none of that in the Constitution
Let's explore yet again your lack of a functional male sexual organ.

I'm how again Republican in a way that's not libertarian .. how? Again? By "again" i mean for the first time. Limp dicked greedy bitch of the Democrat party?

Nother name for a Teapublican

Party of ...I got mine , fuck everyone else

What makes you think you're entitled to anything I earned?
Anarchists are assholes

You didn't answer the question. What makes you think you're entitled to anything I earned?

Well, we all drive on the roads, enjoy the clean air, water and police...It is all their for us all as we're one society. What makes you think you can enjoy these things without paying for them?

I don't and never said otherwise. I always love how socialist when justifying socialism go right to things that even small government libertarians support.

You want ROADS you get MARXISM. Bam, now that was an argument! Bazinga!

No, it wasn't, it was inane.

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