Okay, Let's Be Honest With Ourselves Here

I wouldn’t call FBJ a gullible guppy, that’s rather pompous of you. She’s a nice person, fun, honest and humble. She can also approach a discussion with an open mind and not an absurd amount of ego like yourself.

Im not looking for your respect either… keep that all for yourself

Oh and thank you so much, I respect you and I think you're a really nice person too. I just call it how I see it and it's really disappointing when I see people in my own party acting like such an asshole just because you have different opinions than them. It's harder when it's somebody you actually like or liked up until this point because now I'm really confused. :(
Wow, really laying it on thick, ain'tcha? She eats that up. You got a good one. Within a year, you'll have her voting democrat I bet.

Hell no! Why do I have to agree with him to be friends with him? You're not making any sense at all. I'm starting to feel like a trophy that you're trying to win or something. :/
You can be angry at Biden for any decisions he makes that you don’t agree with. What the OP is referring to is the many things that people love to blame him for that he has no control over.
He has no control over anything. That’s the point. He can’t control his own bowels. He can’t control his ramblings or his fugue states. He apparently doesn’t control his own Presidential decisions. This is very unsafe for America.
He has no control over anything. That’s the point. He can’t control his own bowels. He can’t control his ramblings or his fugue states. He apparently doesn’t control his own Presidential decisions. This is very unsafe for America.
You really buy into the ol right wing propaganda talking points don’t you?!?! Haha
How long have you been saying Trump supporters are in a different universe? Constantly, is the answer. You have blamed them and Trump for everything wrong, called them racists and traitors, and said whatever else you could to demonize them.

Try again, your hate for other Americans who just disagree with you is sick and I am tired of hearing it.
America simply doesn't like you magaturds. Not one fucking bit. You will suffer. And no one outside of your ever shrinking bubble will shed a tear. This is what the dustbin of history looks like.
You really buy into the ol right wing propaganda talking points don’t you?!?! Haha
Have you seen the old man trying to talk recently? Snap out of spade. Your denials show either that you are hopelessly blind or hopelessly in denial. You chow down on absolutely foolish, brainless and utterly unconvincing libtard propaganda.
Have you seen the old man trying to talk recently? Snap out of spade. Your denials show either that you are hopelessly blind or hopelessly in denial. You chow down on absolutely foolish, brainless and utterly unconvincing libtard propaganda.
I don’t know what propaganda you think I’m chomping on. I’m out living my life. I pop on here to see what the poltinuts are talking about and get a good laugh at these absurd narrative yall drum up
Slade3200 made a really good point earlier. We take all of our anger out on Biden when we all know he isn't capable of making any of the decisions for our country, so we just pick him as a target for our anger. I'll be the first to admit he's right, but he's still an idiot though. (Biden not Slade.)
I'm not angry with Biden. I mock him and his idiot supporters because they're in denial regarding his obvious cognitive decline. I probably shouldn't be so hard on Biden personally, but he's more than just a senile fool, he's bold and strident about it.
If we don’t like the decisions made by Brandon, we should be angry at ??? Who? Those who make the decisions and then tell Brandon what to “say” and what Executive Orders to “sign?” I mean. Yeah. I’m pissed off at them too, but they are anonymous and unaccountable. Just the way they like it.

Why should you be angry at all?????? It strikes me that someone who refers to Joe Biden as "Brandon" simply wants someone to be pissed off at because his life sucks.

You don't seem very bright. Your anger and your hatred are eating YOU alive, and having no effect on anyone else. I'll bet you don't even have the first clue as to why you're angry. You're being manipulated by Republicans to vote against your own best interests, and to continue to vote for tax breaks for billionaires.
I'm not angry with Biden. I mock him and his idiot supporters because they're in denial regarding his obvious cognitive decline. I probably shouldn't be so hard on Biden personally, but he's more than just a senile fool, he's bold and strident about it.

What cognitive decline are you talking about?

You regurgitate these lies on command: The election was stolen; Hillary Clinton is a criminal; Joe Biden is senile.

None of these things are true and they never were true, but you continue to repeat them endlessly. You cling to these fantasies and deny reality.
Yes, blaming everything on anyone is silly.

I think Trump and Hillary and Hunter should be investigated if suspected of something.. If something is found, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them. If anyone helped, nail them too. Including family.

Thats easy for you to say knowing that the Deep State, aka the DOJ and FBI will not seriously investigate the dems
All true, Knob Shiner, except that:
  1. Trump is about 6 BILLION dollars richer than YOU.
  2. Trump was stronger enough to do 100X more good things in office while under attack from all sides than Biden will ever do with everyone propping him up!
  3. And Trump was smart enough to beat Hillary, beat the DNC, and beat two bogus impeachments to be a better president than Biden, Obumma, and Clinton combined.
So if only poor, weak and stupid people like a man who gave us low crime, high wages, a robust economy, secure borders and world peace, then that sure doesn't say much about YOU supporting the man who gave us $7.00 gasoline, hyperinflation, empty store shelves, rampant crime, hordes surging our borders and WWIII about to break out! :auiqs.jpg:
And somehow you didn't realize that my post wasn't about him.

Which doesn't surprise me.
Slade3200 made a really good point earlier. We take all of our anger out on Biden when we all know he isn't capable of making any of the decisions for our country, so we just pick him as a target for our anger. I'll be the first to admit he's right, but he's still an idiot though. (Biden not Slade.)

He's the president and he is responsible, and besides, he has been a leftist and a liar and a fraud and a cheat his entire life.

I don’t know what propaganda you think I’m chomping on. I’m out living my life. I pop on here to see what the poltinuts are talking about and get a good laugh at these absurd narrative yall drum up
The narratives you laugh at disagree with the propaganda you accept blindly. So, you laugh like a retard. Not a big deal. But if you imagine you’re making any particular points, you’re wrong.
Why should you be angry at all?????? It strikes me that someone who refers to Joe Biden as "Brandon" simply wants someone to be pissed off at because his life sucks.

You don't seem very bright. Your anger and your hatred are eating YOU alive, and having no effect on anyone else. I'll bet you don't even have the first clue as to why you're angry. You're being manipulated by Republicans to vote against your own best interests, and to continue to vote for tax breaks for billionaires.
Your stupidity is what’s striking. You seem to imagine you have your shit together. It’s clear that you don’t. Your opinions aren’t of any concern.

Oh, and retard, you’d be wrong in that bet too. I know I’m angry at the folks who make Brandon’s decisions for a whole array of reasons. All of which fly over your little pin head. Have you always been stupid like you are today or were you the victim of multiple lobotomies?

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