Okay Progressives, What does raising taxes on the Rich and Corporations do for you?

Dont give me shit about the debt or some other shit, the question for you Progs is, "What does raising taxes on the Wealthy and Corporations DO FOR YOU?"

Please enlighten US about how during the 8 years of the brown turd Obammy who raised taxes on the rich and corporations, how much better off you were?

It keeps them sitting at home with their new I-phones, gameplay boxes, and big screens without having to work.

Proof Capitalism cannot be trusted when it really really matters.
Proof no liberal EVER believed in self responsibility
Abolish your right wing, general warfare spending on our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror if you don't want to be taxed for them.
Oh by the way dannyboy....Some facts that you seem to be missing..

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA

Up to 2019 there was 23 trillion dollars of debt until Joe Biden working with China released the Kung Flu upon US. But notice how that war on poverty never got rid of poverty and such waste because when you pay people not to work, they wont. Take that 1 trillion away and soon everyone is working....
Only because right wingers have nothing but bigotry not faithfulness to our Constitution. We could have literally solved simple poverty in a more automatically stabilizing method than we do now, yesterday; but for right wing bigotry and nothing but Repeal of public policies that actually benefit the Poor.
Repeal of public policies that actually benefit the Poor? Please enlighten US about those policies....
Dont give me shit about the debt or some other shit, the question for you Progs is, "What does raising taxes on the Wealthy and Corporations DO FOR YOU?"

Please enlighten US about how during the 8 years of the brown turd Obammy who raised taxes on the rich and corporations, how much better off you were?

They will raise all of our taxes.
They want another lockdown that lasts for at least 3 months.
They're going to destroy the economy on purpose.
This is why they stole the election.
Right wingers are such Hoaxsters, how droll.
By droll you mean law abiding citizens who support law enforcement.....how droll.
Nothing but right wing Hoax is the droll part. And, right wingers wanting us to believe they are not really like that, afterward.
Dont give me shit about the debt or some other shit, the question for you Progs is, "What does raising taxes on the Wealthy and Corporations DO FOR YOU?"

Please enlighten US about how during the 8 years of the brown turd Obammy who raised taxes on the rich and corporations, how much better off you were?

They will raise all of our taxes.
They want another lockdown that lasts for at least 3 months.
They're going to destroy the economy on purpose.
This is why they stole the election.
Right wingers are such Hoaxsters, how droll.
By droll you mean law abiding citizens who support law enforcement.....how droll.
Nothing but right wing Hoax is the droll part. And, right wingers wanting us to believe they are not really like that, afterward.
I work, paid for my own education, and moved to better jobs. All it takes is not being a lazy dreg whiner.
Abolish your right wing, general warfare spending on our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror if you don't want to be taxed for them.
I see you deflected from my question, didnt answer it. Again let me try once again "What does raising taxes on the wealthy and corporations, DO FOR YOU?" It isnt really that hard of a question unless your IQ is 30 or below....
Begging the question for something that is irrelevant? It is about public policy not private policy.
Again, what does taxing the wealthy and corporations DO FOR YOU? You voted for the old white rich guy, who cant remember shit, who will raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations,(which they will pass that tax onto you), but why cant you answer? Is it too much for your grey matter to handle? Have you ever thought of that?
I am for raising the minimum wage as a more market friendly manner for raising tax revenue.
Okay give us a baseline minimum wage that will be more market friendly

Now when i was younger working for minimum wage at $2.10 an hour a burger, fry and small drink at McD's was 95 cents

Today McD's sells a burger, fry and small drink for $3.50 while minimum wage is around 7 dollars. 2.10/7.00 is around 3 times differnce. .95/3.50 is over 3 times difference, so the minimum wage hike didnt help those minimum wage people. Think about that.....
Dont give me shit about the debt or some other shit, the question for you Progs is, "What does raising taxes on the Wealthy and Corporations DO FOR YOU?"

Please enlighten US about how during the 8 years of the brown turd Obammy who raised taxes on the rich and corporations, how much better off you were?

It keeps them sitting at home with their new I-phones, gameplay boxes, and big screens without having to work.

Proof Capitalism cannot be trusted when it really really matters.
Proof no liberal EVER believed in self responsibility
All right wing Talk is nothing but Hoax.
Dont give me shit about the debt or some other shit, the question for you Progs is, "What does raising taxes on the Wealthy and Corporations DO FOR YOU?"

Please enlighten US about how during the 8 years of the brown turd Obammy who raised taxes on the rich and corporations, how much better off you were?

It keeps them sitting at home with their new I-phones, gameplay boxes, and big screens without having to work.

Proof Capitalism cannot be trusted when it really really matters.
Proof no liberal EVER believed in self responsibility
All right wing Talk is nothing but Hoax.
Waah waah waah uberdoof.
Abolish your right wing, general warfare spending on our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror if you don't want to be taxed for them.
Oh by the way dannyboy....Some facts that you seem to be missing..

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA

Up to 2019 there was 23 trillion dollars of debt until Joe Biden working with China released the Kung Flu upon US. But notice how that war on poverty never got rid of poverty and such waste because when you pay people not to work, they wont. Take that 1 trillion away and soon everyone is working....
Only because right wingers have nothing but bigotry not faithfulness to our Constitution. We could have literally solved simple poverty in a more automatically stabilizing method than we do now, yesterday; but for right wing bigotry and nothing but Repeal of public policies that actually benefit the Poor.
The "right wing" did not create all the welfare programs that have cost trillions and done nothing to eliminate poverty. IOW, you're complaining about the left wing's approach to the problem. Did you realize that, or were you on the bong at the time and oblivious?
Abolish your right wing, general warfare spending on our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror if you don't want to be taxed for them.
Oh by the way dannyboy....Some facts that you seem to be missing..

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA

Up to 2019 there was 23 trillion dollars of debt until Joe Biden working with China released the Kung Flu upon US. But notice how that war on poverty never got rid of poverty and such waste because when you pay people not to work, they wont. Take that 1 trillion away and soon everyone is working....
Only because right wingers have nothing but bigotry not faithfulness to our Constitution. We could have literally solved simple poverty in a more automatically stabilizing method than we do now, yesterday; but for right wing bigotry and nothing but Repeal of public policies that actually benefit the Poor.
The "right wing" did not create all the welfare programs that have cost trillions and done nothing to eliminate poverty. IOW, you're complaining about the left wing's approach to the problem. Did you realize that, or were you on the bong at the time and oblivious?
Programs for the poor are stupid like the libbers who create them.
Abolish your right wing, general warfare spending on our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror if you don't want to be taxed for them.
I see you deflected from my question, didnt answer it. Again let me try once again "What does raising taxes on the wealthy and corporations, DO FOR YOU?" It isnt really that hard of a question unless your IQ is 30 or below....
Begging the question for something that is irrelevant? It is about public policy not private policy.
Again, what does taxing the wealthy and corporations DO FOR YOU? You voted for the old white rich guy, who cant remember shit, who will raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations,(which they will pass that tax onto you), but why cant you answer? Is it too much for your grey matter to handle? Have you ever thought of that?
I am for raising the minimum wage as a more market friendly manner for raising tax revenue.
IOW, have people make just enough (hurting the economy in the process) that you can take what money they earned away from them? Here's a question for you Daniel, why not just raise the MW to $100/hour and be done with poverty altogether? See, I know what you want, and it's not being paid a high MW for working. What you want is to be paid a high welfare payment for NOT working. You have made that clear.
Not a damn thing!

Which is why after a certain point, the wealthy and corporations should be completely absolved of their tax liabilities.

After all, don’t they do enough for us already?
Abolish your right wing, general warfare spending on our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror if you don't want to be taxed for them.
Oh by the way dannyboy....Some facts that you seem to be missing..

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA

Up to 2019 there was 23 trillion dollars of debt until Joe Biden working with China released the Kung Flu upon US. But notice how that war on poverty never got rid of poverty and such waste because when you pay people not to work, they wont. Take that 1 trillion away and soon everyone is working....
Only because right wingers have nothing but bigotry not faithfulness to our Constitution. We could have literally solved simple poverty in a more automatically stabilizing method than we do now, yesterday; but for right wing bigotry and nothing but Repeal of public policies that actually benefit the Poor.
Repeal of public policies that actually benefit the Poor? Please enlighten US about those policies....
You simply appeal to ignorance of the law, like usual when it concerns the Poor and repetitions.

It is about equal protection of at-will employment laws in our at-will employment States for unemployment compensation.
Abolish your right wing, general warfare spending on our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror if you don't want to be taxed for them.
Oh by the way dannyboy....Some facts that you seem to be missing..

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA

Up to 2019 there was 23 trillion dollars of debt until Joe Biden working with China released the Kung Flu upon US. But notice how that war on poverty never got rid of poverty and such waste because when you pay people not to work, they wont. Take that 1 trillion away and soon everyone is working....
Only because right wingers have nothing but bigotry not faithfulness to our Constitution. We could have literally solved simple poverty in a more automatically stabilizing method than we do now, yesterday; but for right wing bigotry and nothing but Repeal of public policies that actually benefit the Poor.
The "right wing" did not create all the welfare programs that have cost trillions and done nothing to eliminate poverty. IOW, you're complaining about the left wing's approach to the problem. Did you realize that, or were you on the bong at the time and oblivious?
Programs for the poor are stupid like the libbers who create them.
My problem is not with helping those who cannot provide for themselves, such as the sick or handicapped, and not with providing temporary help until someone can get back on their feet, like with with Unemployment Insurance. My problem lies with those who CAN work and who have access to jobs but choose NOT to work, yet expect society to pay them for it.
Dont give me shit about the debt or some other shit, the question for you Progs is, "What does raising taxes on the Wealthy and Corporations DO FOR YOU?"

Please enlighten US about how during the 8 years of the brown turd Obammy who raised taxes on the rich and corporations, how much better off you were?

They will raise all of our taxes.
They want another lockdown that lasts for at least 3 months.
They're going to destroy the economy on purpose.
This is why they stole the election.
Right wingers are such Hoaxsters, how droll.
By droll you mean law abiding citizens who support law enforcement.....how droll.
Nothing but right wing Hoax is the droll part. And, right wingers wanting us to believe they are not really like that, afterward.
I work, paid for my own education, and moved to better jobs. All it takes is not being a lazy dreg whiner.
Special pleading is merely that. We would need no right wing alleged wars on crime, drugs, or terror since according to you, everyone should be able to do as well as You.
Dont give me shit about the debt or some other shit, the question for you Progs is, "What does raising taxes on the Wealthy and Corporations DO FOR YOU?"

Please enlighten US about how during the 8 years of the brown turd Obammy who raised taxes on the rich and corporations, how much better off you were?

It keeps them sitting at home with their new I-phones, gameplay boxes, and big screens without having to work.

Proof Capitalism cannot be trusted when it really really matters.
Proof no liberal EVER believed in self responsibility
All right wing Talk is nothing but Hoax.
Waah waah waah uberdoof.
I just showed the prog facts, and mathematics both are enemies of the left. There are planning to raise minimum wage here in Floor E. Da, from 7.00 to 15.00 by 2025. I was planning to submit for a franchise of Chic-Fil-A, but now with the idiots thinking that some stupid kid out of highschool should be paid as much as me, working on a F-15 Eagle avionics, is just plain moronic, so no, i wont be opening my own business, and those kids can just find employment someplace else , if they are lucky.

Minimum wage was originally designed for college kids or retired folks who wanted extra income, but since progs have made it a lot harder for people to be educated enough for good paying jobs, there has been a gluttony of college educated kids who know nothing, ending up as minimum wage pukes.

Abolish your right wing, general warfare spending on our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror if you don't want to be taxed for them.
Oh by the way dannyboy....Some facts that you seem to be missing..

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA

Up to 2019 there was 23 trillion dollars of debt until Joe Biden working with China released the Kung Flu upon US. But notice how that war on poverty never got rid of poverty and such waste because when you pay people not to work, they wont. Take that 1 trillion away and soon everyone is working....
Only because right wingers have nothing but bigotry not faithfulness to our Constitution. We could have literally solved simple poverty in a more automatically stabilizing method than we do now, yesterday; but for right wing bigotry and nothing but Repeal of public policies that actually benefit the Poor.
Repeal of public policies that actually benefit the Poor? Please enlighten US about those policies....
You simply appeal to ignorance of the law, like usual when it concerns the Poor and repetitions.

It is about equal protection of at-will employment laws in our at-will employment States for unemployment compensation.
You have to translate Daniel-speak. What he is saying here is he wants those who choose not to work and who have never held a job to be treated just like those who have worked for decades and have been laid off through no fault of their own. He somehow thinks the law isn't fair because one group gets paid while the other doesn't.
Abolish your right wing, general warfare spending on our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror if you don't want to be taxed for them.
I see you deflected from my question, didnt answer it. Again let me try once again "What does raising taxes on the wealthy and corporations, DO FOR YOU?" It isnt really that hard of a question unless your IQ is 30 or below....
Begging the question for something that is irrelevant? It is about public policy not private policy.
Again, what does taxing the wealthy and corporations DO FOR YOU? You voted for the old white rich guy, who cant remember shit, who will raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations,(which they will pass that tax onto you), but why cant you answer? Is it too much for your grey matter to handle? Have you ever thought of that?
I am for raising the minimum wage as a more market friendly manner for raising tax revenue.
Okay give us a baseline minimum wage that will be more market friendly

Now when i was younger working for minimum wage at $2.10 an hour a burger, fry and small drink at McD's was 95 cents

Today McD's sells a burger, fry and small drink for $3.50 while minimum wage is around 7 dollars. 2.10/7.00 is around 3 times differnce. .95/3.50 is over 3 times difference, so the minimum wage hike didnt help those minimum wage people. Think about that.....
I believe it should be factored on Valuation of production in a manner analogous to CEO compensation that is based on the valuation of the Firm.
Abolish your right wing, general warfare spending on our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror if you don't want to be taxed for them.
Oh by the way dannyboy....Some facts that you seem to be missing..

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA

Up to 2019 there was 23 trillion dollars of debt until Joe Biden working with China released the Kung Flu upon US. But notice how that war on poverty never got rid of poverty and such waste because when you pay people not to work, they wont. Take that 1 trillion away and soon everyone is working....
Only because right wingers have nothing but bigotry not faithfulness to our Constitution. We could have literally solved simple poverty in a more automatically stabilizing method than we do now, yesterday; but for right wing bigotry and nothing but Repeal of public policies that actually benefit the Poor.
The "right wing" did not create all the welfare programs that have cost trillions and done nothing to eliminate poverty. IOW, you're complaining about the left wing's approach to the problem. Did you realize that, or were you on the bong at the time and oblivious?
Programs for the poor are stupid like the libbers who create them.
My problem is not with helping those who cannot provide for themselves, such as the sick or handicapped, and not with providing temporary help until someone can get back on their feet, like with with Unemployment Insurance. My problem lies with those who CAN work and who have access to jobs but choose NOT to work, yet expect society to pay them for it.
I beg to differ, the candidate in the picture below was prime to be a welfare recipient but didnt. Only lazy progs think victims need to be taken care of.

Abolish your right wing, general warfare spending on our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror if you don't want to be taxed for them.
Oh by the way dannyboy....Some facts that you seem to be missing..

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA

Up to 2019 there was 23 trillion dollars of debt until Joe Biden working with China released the Kung Flu upon US. But notice how that war on poverty never got rid of poverty and such waste because when you pay people not to work, they wont. Take that 1 trillion away and soon everyone is working....
Only because right wingers have nothing but bigotry not faithfulness to our Constitution. We could have literally solved simple poverty in a more automatically stabilizing method than we do now, yesterday; but for right wing bigotry and nothing but Repeal of public policies that actually benefit the Poor.
The "right wing" did not create all the welfare programs that have cost trillions and done nothing to eliminate poverty. IOW, you're complaining about the left wing's approach to the problem. Did you realize that, or were you on the bong at the time and oblivious?
The right wing is wasting money on alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. There is no general warfare clause in our federal Constitution. We do have an express general welfare clause that right wingers love to complain about.
What does raising taxes on the Wealthy and Corporations DO FOR YOU?"

Makes funding available for Healthcare, Education, Infrastructure and multiple social programs.

Republicans love to cut taxes on the upper class and then when you ask for public funding they cry......we can’t afford it!

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