OMB: Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'

I agree with the Socialist Regressives that the rich aren't paying their fair share. They are paying way too much and it's time to lower the tax rates.

OMB: Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'
While half of all wage earners in america drag home less than $30K per year in an economic system predicated upon mass consumption. Yes, let us redistribute more societal wealth to the aristocracy and subsidize even further the ruling class. What could go wrong.
what is it exactly do you want?
At this point? I say let it all go down and watch what happens when this society collapses under it's own ignorance.
In case you haven't noticed, this society is thriving under it's current system.
I agree with the Socialist Regressives that the rich aren't paying their fair share. They are paying way too much and it's time to lower the tax rates.

OMB: Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'
While half of all wage earners in america drag home less than $30K per year in an economic system predicated upon mass consumption. Yes, let us redistribute more societal wealth to the aristocracy and subsidize even further the ruling class. What could go wrong.
what is it exactly do you want?
At this point? I say let it all go down and watch what happens when this society collapses under it's own ignorance.
In case you haven't noticed, this society is thriving under it's current system.

You mean we aren't talking about putting up a wall to keep people in?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! You mean when we sing America the Beautiful, we actually think it is so, including every person legally, and illegally trying to get in here?!?!?!?!?!?!

Ouch! - that's gonna shatter some painful delusions. ;)

That's what delusions are for, let the people see what this tax plan does for society, let that one die as well.

No, delusions are for denying the discomfort of reality. You had your chance - let's revisit this when we acquire another 10 Trillion in debt, wages stay stagnant and economic growth hovers around 1.5%. Until then...
We're growing the debt love, even as we speak. We've been on this path for a half century now, Don will not alter it, neither would Hilary have, your system cannot "fix" this. Empire is expensive, your version of an economy requires constant growth to sustain itself. Just a matter of time before your next revolving crash, the people's socialist bailing out of the aristocracy, and eventually the world will move away frm the petro dollar. It will get interesting.

I find this interesting. Where will the world move after the dollar? Of course eventually the dollar falls...all reserve currencies do...but I see no good alternatives. Not even any contenders.
Will be interesting.
Yup, and prolly fairly ugly, we have already used the military to take down nations and operatives to see that murders are carried out when certain actors threatened to move away from the petro dollar.

The big reason that W invaded Iraq, they were thinking of moving away from the dollar and to the Euro. W couldn't allow this to happen.
Ouch! - that's gonna shatter some painful delusions. ;)

That's what delusions are for, let the people see what this tax plan does for society, let that one die as well.

No, delusions are for denying the discomfort of reality. You had your chance - let's revisit this when we acquire another 10 Trillion in debt, wages stay stagnant and economic growth hovers around 1.5%. Until then...
We're growing the debt love, even as we speak. We've been on this path for a half century now, Don will not alter it, neither would Hilary have, your system cannot "fix" this. Empire is expensive, your version of an economy requires constant growth to sustain itself. Just a matter of time before your next revolving crash, the people's socialist bailing out of the aristocracy, and eventually the world will move away frm the petro dollar. It will get interesting.

I find this interesting. Where will the world move after the dollar? Of course eventually the dollar falls...all reserve currencies do...but I see no good alternatives. Not even any contenders.
Will be interesting.
Yup, and prolly fairly ugly, we have already used the military to take down nations and operatives to see that murders are carried out when certain actors threatened to move away from the petro dollar.

The big reason that W invaded Iraq, they were thinking of moving away from the dollar and to the Euro. W couldn't allow this to happen.

That was a part of it I believe. Iraq has announced it would sell oil for euros. The fact is though if demand for the dollar overseas ever goes away our economy will collapse. Any country offering to sell in or trade in a currency other than the US Dollar has to be persuaded either gently with handouts or firmly with bombs to rethink their efforts.
Except Russia which is too large to bully that way.
It is far better tax-wise to acquire wealth rather than income.
I agree with the Socialist Regressives that the rich aren't paying their fair share. They are paying way too much and it's time to lower the tax rates.

OMB: Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'
Oh please. That's just stupid talking.

It's the super rich that have the money to buy politicians to change laws so the rich can get even more rich. Why do you think the Republicans are desperate to give tax cuts to billionaires. These right wing A$$ Wholes don't love the country. They want to squeeze it dry.
While half of all wage earners in america drag home less than $30K per year in an economic system predicated upon mass consumption. Yes, let us redistribute more societal wealth to the aristocracy and subsidize even further the ruling class. What could go wrong.

It’s really sad how lazy you are...

The USA affords you and all our our citizens the opportunity to achieve whatever you want, yet here you are wanting to suck on the tit of bureaucracy...
No matter who pays the majority of taxes in reality, you will never convince that poor person that they don't pay taxes. They are convinced, that single mother on welfare that never worked a day in her life is convinced that she pays more taxes than anyone else and is being punished by never getting a tax cut.
No one in america gets away without paying taxes but those who can hire attorneys and lobbyists.
again, what tax do the poor pay? I can't wait to read this.

So 80% of Americans are the poor?
80% of the poor are Americans. The other 20% are illegals.
I agree with the Socialist Regressives that the rich aren't paying their fair share. They are paying way too much and it's time to lower the tax rates.

OMB: Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'
The top 20% control roughly 95% of the wealth. Oops, kinda made a silly thread, didn't you?

And even that is a travesty. Their taxes should go waaaaay up, to incentivize less wealth hoarding.
You do that, they take their jobs and their wealth and leave. Then watcha got?
I agree with the Socialist Regressives that the rich aren't paying their fair share. They are paying way too much and it's time to lower the tax rates.

OMB: Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'

The problem here is we don't know how much the rich actually pay. We know how much they claim to pay. That's a big difference.

Second, the reason the rich pay so much is because the govts of the US give them handouts on a massive scale, so they're uber-competitive which means the smaller companies are going out of business, which means they're not paying taxes, and then the large multi-nationals are sweeping up the customers and then paying less tax than the smaller companies would have been paying.

Imagine you have 10,000 small businesses paying say 30% tax, or you have on Multinational paying 5% tax, which is fairer?

What you're doing is taking something complex and making it look simple, and all the while twisting that the problem isn't a problem.
I understand that if a household is paying a fairly low amount right now, and you increase the standard deduction, and you increase the child tax credit,

their taxes could go down to zero. They might even get money back they never paid in.
But we're talking about the middle class.

The GOP and Trump are promising an average tax cut of $4000. You don't think there's any household in the so-called middle class that currently pays less than $4000?
You realize you are arguing against a middle class tax cut?

Some will, some won't. If you have to start parsing it down to make your point, you failed at your point.

I failed? You just admitted I was right and you were wrong. lol
Nope. I have and stand by the fact that the middle class doesn't pay that much and if they get a tax cut, their taxes will go lower. After all, what you asked was, "What would happen if the middle class gets a tax cut? I said, their taxes would go lower.

Now you're lying about what you said.

You said this: "No one's taxes (Those who do pay taxes) is being cut to zero."

That was clearly nonsense.
It is far better tax-wise to acquire wealth rather than income.

Except the government is holding the interest rates at 0% which makes holding any savings very unattractive.

Planning on getting wealthy by holding money in a bank at any rate of interest isn't a good plan on acquiring wealth. And tax-wise, interest is treated as income, not favorably treated as is wealth.
I agree with the Socialist Regressives that the rich aren't paying their fair share. They are paying way too much and it's time to lower the tax rates.

OMB: Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'

The problem here is we don't know how much the rich actually pay. We know how much they claim to pay. That's a big difference.

Second, the reason the rich pay so much is because the govts of the US give them handouts on a massive scale, so they're uber-competitive which means the smaller companies are going out of business, which means they're not paying taxes, and then the large multi-nationals are sweeping up the customers and then paying less tax than the smaller companies would have been paying.

Imagine you have 10,000 small businesses paying say 30% tax, or you have on Multinational paying 5% tax, which is fairer?

What you're doing is taking something complex and making it look simple, and all the while twisting that the problem isn't a problem.

This article isn't discussing corporate tax return, but yes, that needs to equal across the board.
The big reason that W invaded Iraq, they were thinking of moving away from the dollar and to the Euro. W couldn't allow this to happen.

I agree with the Socialist Regressives that the rich aren't paying their fair share. They are paying way too much and it's time to lower the tax rates.

OMB: Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'

Ouch! - that's gonna shatter some painful delusions. ;)
According to the left....the rich need to be punished.
As a matter of fact, they should just hand liberals their check book and turn over the keys to their homes and cars....because they are all ill-gotten gains.

But only in America.
The wealthy in Europe get a pass.
Since the feds return the majority of taxes paid to the States, name one fire department that doesn't receive federal funds either directly or indirectly.
That is not how fire departments are funded.

That is how every taxed based service is funded.
No. But you go ahead and think that. Buh bye.

Running away before you prove me wrong? Typical loser.
I'm not a loser who has some OCD issue about proving unimportant internet anon's wrong. I make My points, speak My opinion and move on.

If that means you get to think you have the last word, by all means, do so. Just clean up after yourself, m'kay?

It has nothing to do with 'last word,' It's the fact that I challenged your fallacy of how you think fire departments are funded.

Here is one way

Fire service grants and funding
I agree with the Socialist Regressives that the rich aren't paying their fair share. They are paying way too much and it's time to lower the tax rates.

OMB: Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'

Ouch! - that's gonna shatter some painful delusions. ;)
According to the left....the rich need to be punished.
As a matter of fact, they should just hand liberals their check book and turn over the keys to their homes and cars....because they are all ill-gotten gains.

But only in America.
The wealthy in Europe get a pass.

The middle class pays 30% of their total income in taxes, I (a rich guy) pay 3% of my total income in taxes.

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