OMG!!!! Dog is named Rommel

uproar/chaos because a dog is named Rommel
hahahahahahhahah = DUMBSHIT again

  • It’s a furor the Lake County Sheriff’s Department did not see coming: A bloodhound with the same name as a Nazi general.
also tied to a Nazi war criminal,
. He was neither
not a nazi war criminal
and he was one of the best and ''anti-nazi''
so the people THINK they know history--but they really don't
he had to commit suicide because he was in with the anti-hitlerites
Police Dog With Same Name As Nazi General Gets A Name Change | HuffPost
That's actually not universally accepted as the truth.

Was the Desert Fox an honest soldier or just another Nazi?
There are still two schools of thought on this and on the Wehrmacht under the Nazis. What is absolutely certain is at the start Rommel was an admirer and ardent supported of Hitler, towards the end he realized Hitler was destroying Germany and supported a negotiated end to the war. Whether he was part of the plot to kill Hitler is still hotly debated to this day.
The other certainty is Rommel cared primarily about his career, read what you want into that in relation to everything else being discussed.

Yes, Rommel was an early admirer of Hitler but was soon disillusioned. When he was a Lt.Colonel and a battalion commander, Hitler arrived at his garrison in Bertesgarten along with an SS battalion. When informed by his superior that he would have his battalion stand alongside the SS battalion on the parade ground, Rommel refused and said he would not have his soldiers stand alongside those"criminal bastards." When his son Manfred was 16 he wanted to join the Army so Rommel had him placed in the Wehrmacht and forbid him to join the SS.
Rommel was a lieutenant in the army in WWI he was the officer that developed shock troop strategy while fighting in the Alps....
..I have an old book With Rommel in the Desert .....I'll have to read it again sometime...I think the pre-1970 books are very ''readable'' compared to the new ones
Most of mine are from the pre-1970's. My grandmother ran a book store so we got books for presents..My son got me a recent book on the war in Eastern Europe and I have yet to crack it open.
Rommel was a lieutenant in the army in WWI he was the officer that developed shock troop strategy while fighting in the Alps....
..I have an old book With Rommel in the Desert .....I'll have to read it again sometime...I think the pre-1970 books are very ''readable'' compared to the new ones
One I have is Patton, Montgomery, Rommell masters of war one of the more interesting things in the book was that Patton and Rommell didn't really think much of Montgomery despite the battelfield success he had both thought he was way to cautious and let chances for big victorys slip away because of it.
One I have is Patton, Montgomery, Rommell masters of war one of the more interesting things in the book was that Patton and Rommell didn't really think much of Montgomery despite the battelfield success he had both thought he was way to cautious and let chances for big victorys slip away because of it.

One of the Generals everyone forgets about is Manstein. He was the one that came up with the "sickle cut" in 1940.

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