"OMG, Donald Trump is destroying the GOP!" Umm, no, Trump isn't the one destroying it.

The GOP's problem is simple. The party is on the wrong side of too many issues.
True. The Republicans tried to enact amnesty (under various guises) for illegal aliens, enacted new entitlements, and spent like drunken sailors even when they had both houses of Congress.

As I said in the OP, the Republicans who did those things are the ones destroying the Republican party. Every time they try to legislate against the will of their constituents, more normal Americans become disgusted with them, and decide to vote them out when possible.

That's why Trump and Cruz are doing so well: They promise people they will end those things. And more and more normal Americans are backing them as a result.

Most Americans support a path to citizenship.

The Senate had passed a bi-partisan immigration reform bill that could have passed the House but Boehner wouldn't allow a vote.
Which is why we have a republic rather than a democracy.

So that, when necessary (as it clearly is now), representatives can act as a buffer between the "passions of the mob" and a well planned course of what to do.
Most Americans opposed obamadon'tcare, and Republicans promised over and over again to end it if they got the power to do so. They got the power of the purse in the House and did nothing. Said they needed the Senate. They got the Senate and again did nothing. They're not even bothering to claim that they would do something if they had the White House too. They probably are afraid they'll get it.
The beltway compassionate progressive wing of the republican party (RINO movement) originated with Papa Bush, imploded as a result of abandoning core conservative principles of national defense, fiscal policy, and justice. Bob, John, Mitt, GW, along with fellow traveling Senate Republicans sign sealed and delivered the death notice on a silver platter to Reid and company. How can one support a party that is afraid of their own shadow, capitulate, fear the media, and are unwilling to make a stand that motivates constructive dialogue in addressing the issues that confront the country? The GOP fell victim to their own inabilities and abandonment of what their party represents for the sake of being reelected and accepted by the politically correct media? The result is one pissed off constituency and the Donald.
The beltway compassionate progressive wing of the republican party (RINO movement) originated with Papa Bush, imploded as a result of abandoning core conservative principles of national defense, fiscal policy, and justice. Bob, John, Mitt, GW, along with fellow traveling Senate Republicans sign sealed and delivered the death notice on a silver platter to Reid and company. How can one support a party that is afraid of their own shadow, capitulate, fear the media, and are unwilling to make a stand that motivates constructive dialogue in addressing the issues that confront the country? The GOP fell victim to their own inabilities and abandonment of what their party represents for the sake of being reelected and accepted by the politically correct media? The result is one pissed off constituency and the Donald.
The irony is, Trump is not even conservative. ALL he has is being someone who really could shake up the power structure. There are a lot of people making a lot of money who don't want that to happen, and they're not all Republicans.
Another talking head had it right:

The Trump campaign is not a hostile takeover of the Republican Party. It is a rebellion of shareholders who are voting to throw out the corporate officers and board of directors that ran the company into the ground.

You are probably right,but to carry that analogy a little further, the officers have been lying to the shareholders and promising unattainable results to the point of disconnect with reality. The recent batch who were elected promised to end healthcare and stop immigration when they knew neither of those things were possible.
Today I heard yet another talking head wringing her hands over how the GOP is "driving away major segments of its voters".

It's not just doing that with the ascendency of Donald Trump.

They were doing that when they kept pushing for amnesty and unnecessary "immigration reform", twenty-plus years ago.

And when they promised to reduce government and eliminate liberals programs, only to roll over and OK nearly everything the Democrats wanted in budget after budget.

And when they created new entitlements instead of getting rid of the ones we had.

And other such instances of pushing things their constituents didn't want.

Yes, the GOP is driving away large segments of its voters.

But there's nothing new about their doing that. They've been doing it for years, even decades. The recent ascendency of Donald Trump is merely the result, not the cause.
When marshmallows like Paul Ryan capitulate on their so-called "conservative principles" and vote to approve a $1.1Trillon omnibus budget hat includes permanent spending increases, funding for "sanctuary cities", an increase in foreign workers (despite 95 million American citizens out of work) l and not a thin penny to secure the border....."we the people" have every right to reject them.
Mitt Romney on Facebook:

It is disqualifying for a modern-day presidential nominee to refuse to release tax returns to the voters, especially one who has not been subject to public scrutiny in either military or public service. Tax returns provide the public with its sole confirmation of the veracity of a candidate’s representations regarding charities, priorities, wealth, tax conformance, and conflicts of interest. Further, while not a likely circumstance, the potential for hidden inappropriate associations with foreign entities, criminal organizations, or other unsavory groups is simply too great a risk to ignore for someone who is seeking to become commander-in-chief.

Mr. Trump says he is being audited. So? There is nothing that prevents releasing tax returns that are being audited. Further, he could release returns for the years immediately prior to the years under audit. There is only one logical explanation for Mr. Trump’s refusal to release his returns: there is a bombshell in them. Given Mr. Trump’s equanimity with other flaws in his history, we can only assume it’s a bombshell of unusual size.
Mitt Romney on Facebook:

It is disqualifying for a modern-day presidential nominee to refuse to release tax returns to the voters, especially one who has not been subject to public scrutiny in either military or public service. Tax returns provide the public with its sole confirmation of the veracity of a candidate’s representations regarding charities, priorities, wealth, tax conformance, and conflicts of interest. Further, while not a likely circumstance, the potential for hidden inappropriate associations with foreign entities, criminal organizations, or other unsavory groups is simply too great a risk to ignore for someone who is seeking to become commander-in-chief.

Mr. Trump says he is being audited. So? There is nothing that prevents releasing tax returns that are being audited. Further, he could release returns for the years immediately prior to the years under audit. There is only one logical explanation for Mr. Trump’s refusal to release his returns: there is a bombshell in them. Given Mr. Trump’s equanimity with other flaws in his history, we can only assume it’s a bombshell of unusual size.
Dude you're beating a dead horse. We don't care.

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