OMG! FOUL PLAY in the debates!

Kasich is so much god darn better than Jeb, for real....holy cow. If that dude's last name wasn't Bush he'd be standing next to Pataki.

He is too nice. The democrats will chew him up and spit him out.
People are seeing what they choose to see. Most of these post seem very biased to me.
So far...I think Walker is lacking. So is Christie. And Carson. And Huckabee. Rubio, Kasich (once he stops patting his own back), Trump poking them all in the ass....pluses. But this is just the beginning. This will make some scramblings happen. Those 7 in the first debate will climb to top 10...most in the top 10 will drop down.
Huckebee is arguing against social it is
...that's a TV talk show host..not a REAL presidential candidate
Hubby is democrat to the core and he just hollered from his room "WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY PICKING ON TRUMP???"
Why are they not asking Trump the same kind of questions they ask the others? SET UP TO MAKE HIM FALL.

He should run as an independent.

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