OMG!!! "I'm not braggadocious."


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
Today, at a speech in Ohio, Trump had the temerity to say, "I'm not braggadocious."
  • Who the hell does he think believes that?
  • Does anyone actually believe that?
  • Does Trump even believe it?
If Trump believes that, there's no way he's not lost his mind! If Trump truly believes that, folks who thought Trump suffers from NPD can now move straight to concluding he's got dementia or insanity. Hell, NPD would , in comparison, be a blessing in disguise!
Must be a slow news day (rolling eyes)

That's what happens when you weaponize stupidity. The little drones just spontaneously go off occasionally.

Remember how the meat puppet faggot said "I" a lot and liked taking credit for shit? Moonbats didn't even notice.

Trump trolls liberals daily. And he gets them day after day. Liberals talk about Trump more than Trump does!
Trumps favorite subject is Trump. Liberals favorite subject is also Trump. You’d think they would get along better.
You know, while I found that comment to be shocking and kinda funny in a sad way, that isn't what disturbed me about his speech today.

Today, he was bad mouthing Pelosi and Schumer for not doing what he wanted them to, and someone out in the crowd shouted out "treason".

Trump then said, yeah, why not, we can call it treason.

Apparently neither Trump nor his supporters understand what treason actually is.
Must be a slow news day (rolling eyes)
That's what happens when you weaponize stupidity. The little drones just spontaneously go off occasionally. Remember how the meat puppet faggot said "I" a lot and liked taking credit for shit? Moonbats didn't even notice.
Little niblets of truth posted in the hope that attention can be deflected from the elephant in the room! :laugh2:
Trump trolls liberals daily. And he gets them day after day. Liberals talk about Trump more than Trump does!
Trumps favorite subject is Trump. Liberals favorite subject is also Trump. You’d think they would get along better.

If he had run as a democrook, and he could have, they would have loved him.
Ever wonder why just in the last year we have gone from thinking that some TV, news papers & federal agency's lean left or right, or need to have there intent looked at.
to Every thing is fake corrupt & un American.
Today, at a speech in Ohio, Trump had the temerity to say, "I'm not braggadocious."
  • Who the hell does he think believes that?
  • Does anyone actually believe that?
  • Does Trump even believe it?
If Trump believes that, there's no way he's not lost his mind! If Trump truly believes that, folks who thought Trump suffers from NPD can now move straight to concluding he's got dementia or insanity. Hell, NPD would , in comparison, be a blessing in disguise!

I listened to him.
There was no braggadocios.
He asked if they liked his tax plan.
He then said, it really wasn't his and then named the guy who did put it together.
The mainstream news has never gotten his humor.
I doubt they ever will. :)
Today, at a speech in Ohio, Trump had the temerity to say, "I'm not braggadocious."
  • Who the hell does he think believes that?
  • Does anyone actually believe that?
  • Does Trump even believe it?
If Trump believes that, there's no way he's not lost his mind! If Trump truly believes that, folks who thought Trump suffers from NPD can now move straight to concluding he's got dementia or insanity. Hell, NPD would , in comparison, be a blessing in disguise!

I listened to him.
There was no braggadocios.
He asked if they liked his tax plan.
He then said, it really wasn't his and then named the guy who did put it together.
The main stream news has never gotten his humor.
I doubt they ever will. :)

can't get what isn't there

you get a gold star for being a good little trumpswab, though.


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