Once again Trump makes the right decision. Transgender cannot serve in military

Transanimals, is that the next class, that liberals will champion?

  • Yes, if someone identifies as an animal, then he/she/it should be an animal. Look at Bill Clinton

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • No, Insane people need to be put away, before they hurt themselves or someone else.

    Votes: 16 88.9%

  • Total voters
You believe everything you are told by your leaders. A man cannot be a woman.
Transgender airman: ‘I would like to see them try to kick me out of my military’


Well, if they decide to not allow them in the military, it will be done, and there will be nothing this man can do about it. Serving in the military is NOT a right.
No but not being discriminated against is a right.
When you try to change your gender, which isn't possible. It's not my job to cater to your mental illness.
Transgender is "mental illness"? What is your basis for that opinion?

Because they are men who believe they are really women? Biology determines your sex. If you are a man who likes to wear dresses, you are just a man who likes to wear dresses, IMO.
Actual mental health professionals disagree with anonymous internet guy. Color me surprised.
A man cannot become a woman, or have you forgotten that fact?
A person can mentally be a different sex than their physical body. Changing the body to match the brain. So a person transgendered from male to female has always been a female being.
You can't change your chromosomes, moron. You body will always be the same sex you were born with.
Wow, this repeated argument again. How do you explain homosexuals? Transgendered people are those born with a brain that does not align with their body. Why are you too stupid to get that?

You think that nature is perfect? Some people, most;y Trumpettes, are born stupid & easily duped.

"Science" has determined that a "man" is a "man" no matter how "he" identifies.
Thank you for so clearly demonstrating the fact that those who disparage and demean transsexuals as so willfully ignorant. The fact is that we are still in the early stages of understanding transsexuality, science has developed a number of viable theories regarding the causes:

Theories of the Causes of Transsexualism

Well, if they decide to not allow them in the military, it will be done, and there will be nothing this man can do about it. Serving in the military is NOT a right.
No but not being discriminated against is a right.
When you try to change your gender, which isn't possible. It's not my job to cater to your mental illness.
Transgender is "mental illness"? What is your basis for that opinion?

Because they are men who believe they are really women? Biology determines your sex. If you are a man who likes to wear dresses, you are just a man who likes to wear dresses, IMO.
My god! The willful ignorance!!!
Well, if they decide to not allow them in the military, it will be done, and there will be nothing this man can do about it. Serving in the military is NOT a right.
No but not being discriminated against is a right.
When you try to change your gender, which isn't possible. It's not my job to cater to your mental illness.
Transgender is "mental illness"? What is your basis for that opinion?

Because they are men who believe they are really women? Biology determines your sex. If you are a man who likes to wear dresses, you are just a man who likes to wear dresses, IMO.
My god! The willful ignorance!!!

What are you wanting to argue about. Which part of my statement do you disagree with and what logic do you use?
Well, if they decide to not allow them in the military, it will be done, and there will be nothing this man can do about it. Serving in the military is NOT a right.
No but not being discriminated against is a right.
When you try to change your gender, which isn't possible. It's not my job to cater to your mental illness.
Transgender is "mental illness"? What is your basis for that opinion?

Because they are men who believe they are really women? Biology determines your sex. If you are a man who likes to wear dresses, you are just a man who likes to wear dresses, IMO.
My god! The willful ignorance!!!

If you were born a man (XY chromosomes and a penis and balls), then you are a man. It takes MORE to be a woman than some makeup and a dress! Is that all you think we are?
If transgenders scare you, then you are a wimp

No way in hell I will trust you on my six
Wether they scare anyone usn't the issue. Whether they are compatible with an effective military is the issue. Furthermore, a lot of these freaks will join just so they can have the military pay for their operation.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
They've been compatible all this time.. but because Trump wants them gone you spring into action lying about them. You're such a good little Trump whore..
Meanwhile our brave transgendered troops are still serving. Take that you bigoted twat!

What's bigoted about this? Is that the left's go-to answer for everything?
The purpose of this so called ban is a wet kiss to the Christian Right and his merry band of ass kissers. YOU.
It's steeped in bigotry and ignorance which everyone knows is Trump's MO.

No...the purpose is to make sure the military can do it's job.....it isn't a lab for social experiments.......

Why do you want to force men into female barracks?
My thoughts on Transgender being disqualified of joining the military is no different then a diabetic , a person with thyroid medication they have to take daily, a person who has bipolar and is on medication daily to control it , or any other condition that requires you to take a medication like hormones for Transgender. If the ones above cant join because of their medication then either should transgender people. What makes them special to the ones who want to join with other conditions. Of course the liberal media has blown this out of control because its another agenda they want to push.
For the record. i can care less if you are gay , straight, trans or bi. What you do on your personal time is none of my business or anyone else including the federal government. But, that being said the transgender community should not get special treatment just because they are transgender. My nephew cant join because he is on medicine for ADHD but with medication he is perfectly fine, My niece cant join because she has type 1 diabetes but with her insulin she lives a normal life, my friend is bipolar but cant join but with her medicine she is doesnt have episodes. Why is it ok to deny these people who wanted to join but ok for transgender who have a condition and has to take hormones. They will never be able to go to war zone due to their medication (hormones) have to be in a controlled environment . We are not even touching on the female to male who decide to have children how do you accommodate them on a ship.. They are men but pregnant?
And some truth......

6 Myths About Transgender People In The Military

2. Transgenderism is not a mental illness.

The divide over this issue can be drilled down whether or not one agrees with the premise that transgenderism connotes mental illness.

The facts suggest that it is, as the medical term for transgenderism is gender dysphoria, per Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III). It was known as gender identity disorder prior to 2013.

Here are some statistics about transgenders, via Pardes Seleh:

Transgendered people are among the most susceptible to suicide in the country.

A 2011 survey by the National Transgender Discrimination Survey (NTDS) found 41% of transgender people had attempted suicide in the U.S., compared with the mere 4.6% average national attempted suicide rate.

A survey by the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America found 30% of U.S. veterans have considered suicide, and 45% said they know an Iraq or Afghanistan veteran who has attempted suicide.

Transgender veterans are found to have the highest rates of mental health problems in the U.S., data show. A 2016 study found 90% of military members who identify as transgender were diagnosed with at least one mental health disorder, and almost 50% were hospitalized after attempting or considering suicide.


Firstly, Hamblin's argument that denying gender identities is "an unhealthy situation" is false, as per Ryan Anderson, "people who have had transition surgery are 19 times more likely than average to die by suicide." Secondly, military members disagree, as James Barrett pointed outthat only 12% of military personnel viewed the ban as "helpful" to the military while 41% found it "hurtful."

To understand why, read this from Iraq War veteran and amputee J.R. Salzman explaining the grueling nature of war:

"Everyday was Groundhog Day. Wake up and do the same patrols, the same shifts, every single day. It was so damn hot. 150° in the gun trucks," he wrote. "Tracer fire would go overhead occasionally at night. IED's on the road were a daily threat. We got resupplied food every 8 days."

"The stress of being out there and doing the same job every single day eats away at you. The younger guys had problems with that overtime," continued Salzman. "Any tiny little personal issue they had suddenly became a mountain. And that shit came out on that fire base. And they snapped mentally. ... Guys would literally snap over a dear John letter. Their personal issues came out and they were instantly combat ineffective."

Salzman argued that the reality of such harsh circumstances of war make it no place for those confused about their gender.

"Now take someone confused about whether they are a man/woman. Take those psychological and emotional issues and put them in that environment," he said. "Take someone who is right off the bat not uniform or part of the same team. Give them special treatment because of their identity."

"Take that person, put them in that stressful war environment and watch what happens. It's a f***ticking time bomb," Salzman pointedly added.

When you take in consideration the fact that allowing transgenders to serve in the military also raises issues involving bathrooms, readiness standards and religious freedom, it's easy to see only 12% of military personnel view it as "helpful."
A man cannot become a woman, or have you forgotten that fact?
A person can mentally be a different sex than their physical body. Changing the body to match the brain. So a person transgendered from male to female has always been a female being.
You can't change your chromosomes, moron. You body will always be the same sex you were born with.
Wow, this repeated argument again. How do you explain homosexuals? Transgendered people are those born with a brain that does not align with their body. Why are you too stupid to get that?

You think that nature is perfect? Some people, most;y Trumpettes, are born stupid & easily duped.

"Science" has determined that a "man" is a "man" no matter how "he" identifies.
Thank you for so clearly demonstrating the fact that those who disparage and demean transsexuals as so willfully ignorant. The fact is that we are still in the early stages of understanding transsexuality, science has developed a number of viable theories regarding the causes:

Theories of the Causes of Transsexualism

I haven't "demeaned" or "disparaged" anyone, only an ignorant person would say something like that. Scientific fact, if you are born with a penis you are a man. Id you are born with a vagina you are a man. Lefty's LOVE them some science right up until it is no longer convenient for them.
If transgenders scare you, then you are a wimp

No way in hell I will trust you on my six
Wether they scare anyone usn't the issue. Whether they are compatible with an effective military is the issue. Furthermore, a lot of these freaks will join just so they can have the military pay for their operation.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
They've been compatible all this time.. but because Trump wants them gone you spring into action lying about them. You're such a good little Trump whore..

Barak the magic negro waited 7 years to "change" the rule, you people are fucked up in the head.

This is a divide and conquer tactic. Hillary's clan knows that there were a lot of them from LGBTQ and Muslims that had supported Pres. Trump. And that they knows that they has very little support from them. And they knows that every day, Pres. Trump is gaining more and more support. And I know that the heads of the Military doesn't like Pres. Trump or Russia. And so they are coming up with ways to make Pres. Trump lose his supporters. It wasn't Pres. Trump decision. They just persuaded him by lying to him. But they media are publicly announcing that it was only his decision, not the heads of the Military. They know that they can have LGBTQ working on light duty, like in communication dept or something like that until society adapt to their ways. But the heads of the Military never had any complaints about Michael Aquino working around them. They even had went to midnight events with him naked. But all of a sudden, that they cannot work around the LGBTQ community. Michael Aquino had worked in PSY-OP, which they practice to deceive. That they comes up with ways to toy with our little minds. I can still see that he is still working undercover and going to midnight parties with the government.

Cover-up: "Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Michael Aquino - Wikipedia" | Real Liberal Christian Church

John 8:44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
No but not being discriminated against is a right.
When you try to change your gender, which isn't possible. It's not my job to cater to your mental illness.
Transgender is "mental illness"? What is your basis for that opinion?

Because they are men who believe they are really women? Biology determines your sex. If you are a man who likes to wear dresses, you are just a man who likes to wear dresses, IMO.
My god! The willful ignorance!!!

What are you wanting to argue about. Which part of my statement do you disagree with and what logic do you use?
I am taking issue with the fact that you are dumbing it down to a simple matter of what they believe that they are with no appreciation or consideration of the fact that it is a lot more complicated than that as I have documented here in two recent posts . If you are a man who likes to wear dresses, you are NOT just a man who likes to wear dresses.
A man cannot become a woman, or have you forgotten that fact?
A person can mentally be a different sex than their physical body. Changing the body to match the brain. So a person transgendered from male to female has always been a female being.
You can't change your chromosomes, moron. You body will always be the same sex you were born with.
Wow, this repeated argument again. How do you explain homosexuals? Transgendered people are those born with a brain that does not align with their body. Why are you too stupid to get that?

You think that nature is perfect? Some people, most;y Trumpettes, are born stupid & easily duped.
You believe everything you are told by your leaders. A man cannot be a woman.
Transgender airman: ‘I would like to see them try to kick me out of my military’


I'll bet on him below. Oops her.

18 months in the life of Kristin Beck, the former Navy SEAL who came out as transgender https://t.co/wJq690eQ8n

If transgenders scare you, then you are a wimp

No way in hell I will trust you on my six
Wether they scare anyone usn't the issue. Whether they are compatible with an effective military is the issue. Furthermore, a lot of these freaks will join just so they can have the military pay for their operation.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
They've been compatible all this time.. but because Trump wants them gone you spring into action lying about them. You're such a good little Trump whore..

Barak the magic negro waited 7 years to "change" the rule, you people are fucked up in the head.

BHO had this transgender problem begin after he was gone from office so he wouldn't have to deal with it. Another of his plans to help ruin this country.
A person can mentally be a different sex than their physical body. Changing the body to match the brain. So a person transgendered from male to female has always been a female being.
You can't change your chromosomes, moron. You body will always be the same sex you were born with.
Wow, this repeated argument again. How do you explain homosexuals? Transgendered people are those born with a brain that does not align with their body. Why are you too stupid to get that?

You think that nature is perfect? Some people, most;y Trumpettes, are born stupid & easily duped.

"Science" has determined that a "man" is a "man" no matter how "he" identifies.
Thank you for so clearly demonstrating the fact that those who disparage and demean transsexuals as so willfully ignorant. The fact is that we are still in the early stages of understanding transsexuality, science has developed a number of viable theories regarding the causes:

Theories of the Causes of Transsexualism

I haven't "demeaned" or "disparaged" anyone, only an ignorant person would say something like that. Scientific fact, if you are born with a penis you are a man. Id you are born with a vagina you are a man. Lefty's LOVE them some science right up until it is no longer convenient for them.
That makes NO senses . Coffefe much?
When you try to change your gender, which isn't possible. It's not my job to cater to your mental illness.
Transgender is "mental illness"? What is your basis for that opinion?

Because they are men who believe they are really women? Biology determines your sex. If you are a man who likes to wear dresses, you are just a man who likes to wear dresses, IMO.
My god! The willful ignorance!!!

What are you wanting to argue about. Which part of my statement do you disagree with and what logic do you use?
I am taking issue with the fact that you are dumbing it down to a simple matter of what they believe that they are with no appreciation or consideration of the fact that it is a lot more complicated than that as I have documented here in two recent posts . If you are a man who likes to wear dresses, you are NOT just a man who likes to wear dresses.

Yes you are. You are just a man who likes to wear dresses. You are certainly not a woman.
This guy isn't going to do anything or commit any violence. If he does, then that will prove that he is mentally ill, and he will end up facing charges.

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