Once again Trump makes the right decision. Transgender cannot serve in military

Transanimals, is that the next class, that liberals will champion?

  • Yes, if someone identifies as an animal, then he/she/it should be an animal. Look at Bill Clinton

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • No, Insane people need to be put away, before they hurt themselves or someone else.

    Votes: 16 88.9%

  • Total voters
Transgender is "mental illness"? What is your basis for that opinion?

Because they are men who believe they are really women? Biology determines your sex. If you are a man who likes to wear dresses, you are just a man who likes to wear dresses, IMO.
My god! The willful ignorance!!!

What are you wanting to argue about. Which part of my statement do you disagree with and what logic do you use?
I am taking issue with the fact that you are dumbing it down to a simple matter of what they believe that they are with no appreciation or consideration of the fact that it is a lot more complicated than that as I have documented here in two recent posts . If you are a man who likes to wear dresses, you are NOT just a man who likes to wear dresses.

Yes you are. You are just a man who likes to wear dresses. You are certainly not a woman.
More willful ignorance
Because they are men who believe they are really women? Biology determines your sex. If you are a man who likes to wear dresses, you are just a man who likes to wear dresses, IMO.
My god! The willful ignorance!!!

What are you wanting to argue about. Which part of my statement do you disagree with and what logic do you use?
I am taking issue with the fact that you are dumbing it down to a simple matter of what they believe that they are with no appreciation or consideration of the fact that it is a lot more complicated than that as I have documented here in two recent posts . If you are a man who likes to wear dresses, you are NOT just a man who likes to wear dresses.

Yes you are. You are just a man who likes to wear dresses. You are certainly not a woman.
More willful ignorance

Yes, well I think you are the ignorant one, who thinks men can be women simply because they want to be. Now what?
If transgenders scare you, then you are a wimp

No way in hell I will trust you on my six
Wether they scare anyone usn't the issue. Whether they are compatible with an effective military is the issue. Furthermore, a lot of these freaks will join just so they can have the military pay for their operation.

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They've been compatible all this time.. but because Trump wants them gone you spring into action lying about them. You're such a good little Trump whore..

Barak the magic negro waited 7 years to "change" the rule, you people are fucked up in the head.

BHO had this transgender problem begin after he was gone from office so he wouldn't have to deal with it. Another of his plans to help ruin this country.

Yup he changed the rule then put a year study in place so he wouldn't have to mess with it.
If transgenders scare you, then you are a wimp

No way in hell I will trust you on my six
Wether they scare anyone usn't the issue. Whether they are compatible with an effective military is the issue. Furthermore, a lot of these freaks will join just so they can have the military pay for their operation.

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Morons like you and Trump are looking for a solution where there isn't a problem.
Bradley Manning isn't a problem?
You can't change your chromosomes, moron. You body will always be the same sex you were born with.
Wow, this repeated argument again. How do you explain homosexuals? Transgendered people are those born with a brain that does not align with their body. Why are you too stupid to get that?

You think that nature is perfect? Some people, most;y Trumpettes, are born stupid & easily duped.

"Science" has determined that a "man" is a "man" no matter how "he" identifies.
Thank you for so clearly demonstrating the fact that those who disparage and demean transsexuals as so willfully ignorant. The fact is that we are still in the early stages of understanding transsexuality, science has developed a number of viable theories regarding the causes:

Theories of the Causes of Transsexualism

I haven't "demeaned" or "disparaged" anyone, only an ignorant person would say something like that. Scientific fact, if you are born with a penis you are a man. Id you are born with a vagina you are a man. Lefty's LOVE them some science right up until it is no longer convenient for them.
That makes NO senses . Coffefe much?

LOL, I see that the typo sent it right over your head. Wait, are you Trans?
" Make America's military hard again, draft real men"

Is this their new slogan? WTF are my tax dollars going for viagra? 41 million. If one wants a hard woodie go to a doctor off base and buy it yourself, just like hormones.

I find it a little weird but if someone wants to serve their country what are these so called real he men afraid of. Falling in love?
Your tax dollars are going to producing the worlds finest fighting force that protects your freedom while you and your life partner lay in bed together at night.
Oh go fuck yourself . Just because I am not a bigoted asshole like you does not make be gay or a transgendered person.

No, it's a choice you made. Are you post op?

Why? Are you looking for a date?

I am not a transgendered person. I support their rights. You are a bigot & evidently very proud of it.

Your ignorance is overwhelming in it's scope. But hey, you having never served wouldn't have a clue about anything the Military does, or the dynamics of a unit in Combat.
You just know that anyone who is outraged by this has never been on a military base or handled a rifle.
You believe everything you are told by your leaders. A man cannot be a woman.
Transgender airman: ‘I would like to see them try to kick me out of my military’


Well, if they decide to not allow them in the military, it will be done, and there will be nothing this man can do about it. Serving in the military is NOT a right.
No but not being discriminated against is a right.
When you try to change your gender, which isn't possible. It's not my job to cater to your mental illness.
Transgender is "mental illness"? What is your basis for that opinion?

Do you believe being "transgendered" is a trait beneficial to the survival of the species?
A man cannot become a woman, or have you forgotten that fact?
A person can mentally be a different sex than their physical body. Changing the body to match the brain. So a person transgendered from male to female has always been a female being.
You can't change your chromosomes, moron. You body will always be the same sex you were born with.
Wow, this repeated argument again. How do you explain homosexuals? Transgendered people are those born with a brain that does not align with their body. Why are you too stupid to get that?

You think that nature is perfect? Some people, most;y Trumpettes, are born stupid & easily duped.

"Science" has determined that a "man" is a "man" no matter how "he" identifies.
Thank you for so clearly demonstrating the fact that those who disparage and demean transsexuals as so willfully ignorant. The fact is that we are still in the early stages of understanding transsexuality, science has developed a number of viable theories regarding the causes:

Theories of the Causes of Transsexualism
In other words, they just don't know. Yet here you snowflakes are pontificating about how they are really women trapped in a man's body.
If transgenders scare you, then you are a wimp

No way in hell I will trust you on my six
Wether they scare anyone usn't the issue. Whether they are compatible with an effective military is the issue. Furthermore, a lot of these freaks will join just so they can have the military pay for their operation.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
They've been compatible all this time.. but because Trump wants them gone you spring into action lying about them. You're such a good little Trump whore..
They are hardly compatible. Snowflake morons throw shit like that around when they actually haven't got a clue about the facts.
My god! The willful ignorance!!!

What are you wanting to argue about. Which part of my statement do you disagree with and what logic do you use?
I am taking issue with the fact that you are dumbing it down to a simple matter of what they believe that they are with no appreciation or consideration of the fact that it is a lot more complicated than that as I have documented here in two recent posts . If you are a man who likes to wear dresses, you are NOT just a man who likes to wear dresses.

Yes you are. You are just a man who likes to wear dresses. You are certainly not a woman.
More willful ignorance

Yes, well I think you are the ignorant one, who thinks men can be women simply because they want to be. Now what?

Exactly. It especially drives me nuts when talk show hosts or the media speak about people like Bruce Jenner as a she.

There is no she here. There is only he, and he wearing a dress does not make he a she. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
At most they are men who are more in tune with their feminine side. BIOLOGY determines your sex. You don't.
And environmental pollutions like pesticides and GMO's helps to determine it as well.Just imagine what a little mosquito with the Zikas virus roaming in it can do to an fetus, let alone what a chemical that can kills this mosquito, can do to a fetus. .
What are you wanting to argue about. Which part of my statement do you disagree with and what logic do you use?
I am taking issue with the fact that you are dumbing it down to a simple matter of what they believe that they are with no appreciation or consideration of the fact that it is a lot more complicated than that as I have documented here in two recent posts . If you are a man who likes to wear dresses, you are NOT just a man who likes to wear dresses.

Yes you are. You are just a man who likes to wear dresses. You are certainly not a woman.
More willful ignorance

Yes, well I think you are the ignorant one, who thinks men can be women simply because they want to be. Now what?

Exactly. It especially drives me nuts when talk show hosts or the media speak about people like Bruce Jenner as a she.

There is no she here. There is only he, and he wearing a dress does not make he a she. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

Lets face it. If Trump doesn't piss off gays, young people, blacks, women and immigrants, we aren't going to win in 2018 or 2020. So I love it each time he fucks a different demographic.
Meanwhile our brave transgendered troops are still serving. Take that you bigoted twat!

What's bigoted about this? Is that the left's go-to answer for everything?
The purpose of this so called ban is a wet kiss to the Christian Right and his merry band of ass kissers. YOU.
It's steeped in bigotry and ignorance which everyone knows is Trump's MO.

No...the purpose is to make sure the military can do it's job.....it isn't a lab for social experiments.......

Why do you want to force men into female barracks?

It's more than just in the barracks:

New Army Training Tells Female Soldiers To ‘Accept’ Naked Men
Wow, this repeated argument again. How do you explain homosexuals? Transgendered people are those born with a brain that does not align with their body.

That's why it's the brain that needs changing--not the body.
And how do you propose doing that Sparky?
The Transgender Brain

The same way you treat any other mental illness, you get a lot of professional mental help.

To be honest, not only should they not be in the military, they should not be allowed to join a police force either. If my life were on the line and in the hands of a police officer holding a gun on my attacker, I wouldn't' want anybody with those kinds of deep rooted emotional problems making decisions on my life.
What are you wanting to argue about. Which part of my statement do you disagree with and what logic do you use?
I am taking issue with the fact that you are dumbing it down to a simple matter of what they believe that they are with no appreciation or consideration of the fact that it is a lot more complicated than that as I have documented here in two recent posts . If you are a man who likes to wear dresses, you are NOT just a man who likes to wear dresses.

Yes you are. You are just a man who likes to wear dresses. You are certainly not a woman.
More willful ignorance

Yes, well I think you are the ignorant one, who thinks men can be women simply because they want to be. Now what?

Exactly. It especially drives me nuts when talk show hosts or the media speak about people like Bruce Jenner as a she.

There is no she here. There is only he, and he wearing a dress does not make he a she. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
Why are you people so threatened by this transgender issue to the point where you can even conceive of the possibility that it is a real phenomena and not just "in their head" or a pretend thing. Maybe YOU are the ones with the problem
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I am taking issue with the fact that you are dumbing it down to a simple matter of what they believe that they are with no appreciation or consideration of the fact that it is a lot more complicated than that as I have documented here in two recent posts . If you are a man who likes to wear dresses, you are NOT just a man who likes to wear dresses.

Yes you are. You are just a man who likes to wear dresses. You are certainly not a woman.
More willful ignorance

Yes, well I think you are the ignorant one, who thinks men can be women simply because they want to be. Now what?

Exactly. It especially drives me nuts when talk show hosts or the media speak about people like Bruce Jenner as a she.

There is no she here. There is only he, and he wearing a dress does not make he a she. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

Lets face it. If Trump doesn't piss off gays, young people, blacks, women and immigrants, we aren't going to win in 2018 or 2020. So I love it each time he fucks a different demographic.

So who is he fucking?

Are you married? If so, ask your wife if she agrees with Trump about not having cross dressers in the same locker rooms and showers with women in the military. Ask if she's glad Trump stopped DumBama's order that forced public schools to have weirdos in dresses going to the girls locker room and shower in school?

It seems the real war on women is coming from the left--not the right.

What has Trump done to the blacks or gays? What has he done to piss off young people? Cross dressers are fraction of 1% in our society and a fraction of 1% in our military.
Trump is a very evil man...I think he is the anti-christ as he controls the faithful and he certainly shouldn't be as his entire life is a piece of shit.
-Adulatory up the ass
-Being a fucking pig

on and on
But you don't believe in the Christ Jesus so Christ was the false fallen prophet of the OT warnings, which Christians reinvent in the NT and claim as the anti Christ. So only Jesus can be the anti Christ.=epic failed comment.
Blasting Trump who supports your right to wear your mothers underware, and doing so just because Trump has to appease his military is where you show your ill logic, intolerance, and lack of patriotism.
A person can mentally be a different sex than their physical body. Changing the body to match the brain. So a person transgendered from male to female has always been a female being.
You can't change your chromosomes, moron. You body will always be the same sex you were born with.
Wow, this repeated argument again. How do you explain homosexuals? Transgendered people are those born with a brain that does not align with their body. Why are you too stupid to get that?

You think that nature is perfect? Some people, most;y Trumpettes, are born stupid & easily duped.
You believe everything you are told by your leaders. A man cannot be a woman.
Transgender airman: ‘I would like to see them try to kick me out of my military’


I'll bet on him below. Oops her.

18 months in the life of Kristin Beck, the former Navy SEAL who came out as transgender https://t.co/wJq690eQ8n


But the only thing that I think, that Transgenders soldiers shouldn't be on the frontline, That if they are captured. That they will be automatically tortured and killed by some enemies. When the enemies' soldiers captured them, that they will be thinking that they has hit the jackpot. But once fondling the transgender soldiers between their legs, thinking that the soldier is a woman. But finds out the truth, that the enemies will be very upset and tortured them, and then brutally that they will kill them without hesitation. That there will not be any Transgender POWs, because they will be automatically killed once discovered..

Transgender Muslim woman brutally killed after being disowned by family



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