Once again Trump makes the right decision. Transgender cannot serve in military

Transanimals, is that the next class, that liberals will champion?

  • Yes, if someone identifies as an animal, then he/she/it should be an animal. Look at Bill Clinton

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • No, Insane people need to be put away, before they hurt themselves or someone else.

    Votes: 16 88.9%

  • Total voters
Lets face it. If Trump doesn't piss off gays, young people, blacks, women and immigrants, we aren't going to win in 2018 or 2020. So I love it each time he fucks a different demographic.

So who is he fucking?

Are you married? If so, ask your wife if she agrees with Trump about not having cross dressers in the same locker rooms and showers with women in the military. Ask if she's glad Trump stopped DumBama's order that forced public schools to have weirdos in dresses going to the girls locker room and shower in school?

It seems the real war on women is coming from the left--not the right.

What has Trump done to the blacks or gays? What has he done to piss off young people? Cross dressers are fraction of 1% in our society and a fraction of 1% in our military.
Cross dresser?? :lmao::lmao::lmao::lol::lol::lol:

Yes, that's what we called them years ago until the politically correct left gave them a less insulting name. After all, the biggest offense according to a leftist is hurting somebody's feelings.
They are who they are.

I'm glad you are offending them. Rile them up for 2018 and 2020.

A lot of gays voted Trump. What's Bruce Jenner got to say now?

What's he got to say? Probably made a few bucks off of his new appearance.

What makes you think all gays support cross dressers anyway?

Because in order to be considered a "lefty" you have to be ALL in.
Exactly. It especially drives me nuts when talk show hosts or the media speak about people like Bruce Jenner as a she.

There is no she here. There is only he, and he wearing a dress does not make he a she. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

Lets face it. If Trump doesn't piss off gays, young people, blacks, women and immigrants, we aren't going to win in 2018 or 2020. So I love it each time he fucks a different demographic.

So who is he fucking?

Are you married? If so, ask your wife if she agrees with Trump about not having cross dressers in the same locker rooms and showers with women in the military. Ask if she's glad Trump stopped DumBama's order that forced public schools to have weirdos in dresses going to the girls locker room and shower in school?

It seems the real war on women is coming from the left--not the right.

What has Trump done to the blacks or gays? What has he done to piss off young people? Cross dressers are fraction of 1% in our society and a fraction of 1% in our military.
Cross dresser?? :lmao::lmao::lmao::lol::lol::lol:

Yes, that's what we called them years ago until the politically correct left gave them a less insulting name. After all, the biggest offense according to a leftist is hurting somebody's feelings.
They are who they are.

I'm glad you are offending them. Rile them up for 2018 and 2020.

A lot of gays voted Trump. What's Bruce Jenner got to say now?

Bruce can always change his vote.
Exactly. It especially drives me nuts when talk show hosts or the media speak about people like Bruce Jenner as a she.

There is no she here. There is only he, and he wearing a dress does not make he a she. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
Why are you people so threatened by this transgender issue to the point where you can even conceive of the possibility that it is a real phenomena and not just "in there head" or a pretend thing. Maybe YOU are the ones with the problem

""in there head""

You meant in "their" head, right? How do you "self identify", as a woman?
Thank you for pointing out my typo. How I identify is none of you business an has no bearing on this topic.

If that's your pic I'd say you are female to male and that the tes is working.
That is fucking idiotic! Do you really believe that the only defenders of trans people are trans? Were all of the freedom riders black?

You're being stupid and illogical. You've taken the standard position every lefty takes. That being that if anyone dares think that a Hispanic should come here legally their racist. If someone has a penis they belong in the men's room their homophobic. It's a stupid position that only stupid people take.
Why are you people so threatened by this transgender issue to the point where you can even conceive of the possibility that it is a real phenomena and not just "in there head" or a pretend thing. Maybe YOU are the ones with the problem

""in there head""

You meant in "their" head, right? How do you "self identify", as a woman?
Thank you for pointing out my typo. How I identify is none of you business an has no bearing on this topic.

If that's your pic I'd say you are female to male and that the tes is working.
That is fucking idiotic! Do you really believe that the only defenders of trans people are trans? Were all of the freedom riders black?

You're being stupid and illogical. You've taken the standard position every lefty takes. That being that if anyone dares think that a Hispanic should come here legally their racist. If someone has a penis they belong in the men's room their homophobic. It's a stupid position that only stupid people take.

Liberals are not noted for their brain power.
That's why it's the brain that needs changing--not the body.
And how do you propose doing that Sparky?
The Transgender Brain

The same way you treat any other mental illness, you get a lot of professional mental help.

To be honest, not only should they not be in the military, they should not be allowed to join a police force either. If my life were on the line and in the hands of a police officer holding a gun on my attacker, I wouldn't' want anybody with those kinds of deep rooted emotional problems making decisions on my life.
Obviously you are either too lazy and incurious to follow the link that I posted, lacking the intellectual capacity to comprehend it , or too threatened by information the will challenge you preconceived ides about trans people. If you di read and understand it you would know that "professional mental help" as in psychotherapy is going to "cure" them.

Maybe not cure them, but perhaps help them with their mental problems. They have a high suicide rate, especially after they get mutilated by a surgeon.
They have a high suicide rate because of people like you. You have blood on your hands!

Not nearly as many of them are dead as the babies you scum have murdered. No contest communist murdering scum has no standing to say blood is on anyone's hands. look at how many times more have died all across the world because of liberals. Millions have died because of their programs and their ideas like the hitler Idea of government control through socialist programs, and killing off the JEWS, and the babies. And all of his experiments. Yeah liberals are out of the blame game when it comes to having caused blood to be spilled. They always want someone else to do their dirty work though.
Lets face it. If Trump doesn't piss off gays, young people, blacks, women and immigrants, we aren't going to win in 2018 or 2020. So I love it each time he fucks a different demographic.

So who is he fucking?

Are you married? If so, ask your wife if she agrees with Trump about not having cross dressers in the same locker rooms and showers with women in the military. Ask if she's glad Trump stopped DumBama's order that forced public schools to have weirdos in dresses going to the girls locker room and shower in school?

It seems the real war on women is coming from the left--not the right.

What has Trump done to the blacks or gays? What has he done to piss off young people? Cross dressers are fraction of 1% in our society and a fraction of 1% in our military.
Cross dresser?? :lmao::lmao::lmao::lol::lol::lol:

Yes, that's what we called them years ago until the politically correct left gave them a less insulting name. After all, the biggest offense according to a leftist is hurting somebody's feelings.
They are who they are.

I'm glad you are offending them. Rile them up for 2018 and 2020.

A lot of gays voted Trump. What's Bruce Jenner got to say now?

What's he got to say? Probably made a few bucks off of his new appearance.

What makes you think all gays support cross dressers anyway?
What makes you think they dont?
""in there head""

You meant in "their" head, right? How do you "self identify", as a woman?
Thank you for pointing out my typo. How I identify is none of you business an has no bearing on this topic.

If that's your pic I'd say you are female to male and that the tes is working.
That is fucking idiotic! Do you really believe that the only defenders of trans people are trans? Were all of the freedom riders black?

You're being stupid and illogical. You've taken the standard position every lefty takes. That being that if anyone dares think that a Hispanic should come here legally their racist. If someone has a penis they belong in the men's room their homophobic. It's a stupid position that only stupid people take.

Liberals are not noted for their brain power.
Neither are you known for being smart
Whatever. I don't hate them or wish them any ill will. I simply don't believe that they are women because they are not women.
You'll defend the decision because you voted for Trump so you'll defend everything he does watch
Thank you for pointing out my typo. How I identify is none of you business an has no bearing on this topic.

If that's your pic I'd say you are female to male and that the tes is working.
That is fucking idiotic! Do you really believe that the only defenders of trans people are trans? Were all of the freedom riders black?

You're being stupid and illogical. You've taken the standard position every lefty takes. That being that if anyone dares think that a Hispanic should come here legally their racist. If someone has a penis they belong in the men's room their homophobic. It's a stupid position that only stupid people take.

Liberals are not noted for their brain power.
Neither are you known for being smart
You saying my IQ of 215 ain't smart? Silly ass.
Whatever. I don't hate them or wish them any ill will. I simply don't believe that they are women because they are not women.
You'll defend the decision because you voted for Trump so you'll defend everything he does watch

I felt this way long before this election. Lol. I voted for him because the democrats and establishment republicans hated him! That says a lot.
“We all have the right to love who we want to love, live where we want to live! We must resist these idiotic ideas being spread about from this White House. I care about the inclusion of all people!! We do not live on this earth alone, let alone in America. If you don't like my opinion and you wanna spew hate just unfollow me.” - Ray Allen social media rant on Trump ban

Just as with people who make outrageous statements in public are practicing their right of free speech, there are also consequences.

You certainly have the right to love anyone you wish. That does not mean your choices are going to be without consequences. If you can't accept the consequences, then you need to reconsider your actions.

I know your opinion is foolish but I certainly don't hate or even dislike you.

I follow the quote of one of our greatest presidents ever, Ronald Reagan who said:
“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
Transgender airman: ‘I would like to see them try to kick me out of my military’


Well, if they decide to not allow them in the military, it will be done, and there will be nothing this man can do about it. Serving in the military is NOT a right.
No but not being discriminated against is a right.
When you try to change your gender, which isn't possible. It's not my job to cater to your mental illness.
Transgender is "mental illness"? What is your basis for that opinion?

Because they are men who believe they are really women? Biology determines your sex. If you are a man who likes to wear dresses, you are just a man who likes to wear dresses, IMO.

Your psychiatry degree is from where? Your peer reviewed studies on transgenderism appear in what noted medical journals?
Exactly. It especially drives me nuts when talk show hosts or the media speak about people like Bruce Jenner as a she.

There is no she here. There is only he, and he wearing a dress does not make he a she. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

Lets face it. If Trump doesn't piss off gays, young people, blacks, women and immigrants, we aren't going to win in 2018 or 2020. So I love it each time he fucks a different demographic.

So who is he fucking?

Are you married? If so, ask your wife if she agrees with Trump about not having cross dressers in the same locker rooms and showers with women in the military. Ask if she's glad Trump stopped DumBama's order that forced public schools to have weirdos in dresses going to the girls locker room and shower in school?

It seems the real war on women is coming from the left--not the right.

What has Trump done to the blacks or gays? What has he done to piss off young people? Cross dressers are fraction of 1% in our society and a fraction of 1% in our military.
Cross dresser?? :lmao::lmao::lmao::lol::lol::lol:

Yes, that's what we called them years ago until the politically correct left gave them a less insulting name. After all, the biggest offense according to a leftist is hurting somebody's feelings.
They are who they are.

I'm glad you are offending them. Rile them up for 2018 and 2020.

A lot of gays voted Trump. What's Bruce Jenner got to say now?

Yeah, I'm sure Trump is terrified about losing 0.3% of the vote, as if they ever voted for him in the first place.
My thoughts on Transgender being disqualified of joining the military is no different then a diabetic , a person with thyroid medication they have to take daily, a person who has bipolar and is on medication daily to control it , or any other condition that requires you to take a medication like hormones for Transgender. If the ones above cant join because of their medication then either should transgender people. What makes them special to the ones who want to join with other conditions. Of course the liberal media has blown this out of control because its another agenda they want to push.
For the record. i can care less if you are gay , straight, trans or bi. What you do on your personal time is none of my business or anyone else including the federal government. But, that being said the transgender community should not get special treatment just because they are transgender. My nephew cant join because he is on medicine for ADHD but with medication he is perfectly fine, My niece cant join because she has type 1 diabetes but with her insulin she lives a normal life, my friend is bipolar but cant join but with her medicine she is doesnt have episodes. Why is it ok to deny these people who wanted to join but ok for transgender who have a condition and has to take hormones. They will never be able to go to war zone due to their medication (hormones) have to be in a controlled environment . We are not even touching on the female to male who decide to have children how do you accommodate them on a ship.. They are men but pregnant?

Because unlike the conditions you describe, going without hormones for a period of time is not life threatening.
George Takei says Trump picked the wrong community and he'll regret it. Sure right, only thing more a bitch than liberal feminists is the community he speaks of. Sorry, but I can't see how to take them seriously.
Nobody takes Fruit Loops seriously - except when they try to shove their agenda down America's throat....
Military is NOT a circus for "progressive" thought.

Nobody is saying it is a circus but you and you’re using that little piece of bullshit as an excuse to discriminate. The military’s makeup reflects America’s so why would you be against American’s serving their country?
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One thing you will never read n a military history book: "The enemy trembled in fear at the approach of the shemale forces as they sashayed toward them in an assortment of seasonally appropriate attire."
So what about those (Trump) that never served who are pissed they are?

Meh, you on the left lost one, start dealing with it and cease acting like petulant children, it's old and tiresome
I'm standing against bigotry. You are supporting it. Mighty fine Christian attitude. You are one of those fake Christians. Using your religion as an excuse to be a bigot..

As you show your religious bigotry. Priceless.
Pointing out a fake Christian has nothing to do with bigotry.
So what about those (Trump) that never served who are pissed they are?

Meh, you on the left lost one, start dealing with it and cease acting like petulant children, it's old and tiresome
I'm standing against bigotry. You are supporting it. Mighty fine Christian attitude. You are one of those fake Christians. Using your religion as an excuse to be a bigot..

As you show your religious bigotry. Priceless.
Pointing out a fake Christian has nothing to do with bigotry.

Meh, nobody cares, little dude
Actual mental health professionals disagree with anonymous internet guy. Color me surprised.
A man cannot become a woman, or have you forgotten that fact?
A person can mentally be a different sex than their physical body. Changing the body to match the brain. So a person transgendered from male to female has always been a female being.
You can't change your chromosomes, moron. You body will always be the same sex you were born with.
Wow, this repeated argument again. How do you explain homosexuals? Transgendered people are those born with a brain that does not align with their body. Why are you too stupid to get that?

You think that nature is perfect? Some people, most;y Trumpettes, are born stupid & easily duped.
Homosexuals are emotionally disturbed, and so are transgenders. That's how I explain them.
They only disturb you due to your ignorance & bigotry.
Military is NOT a circus for "progressive" thought.

Nobody is saying it is a circus but you and you’re using that little piece of bullshit as an excuse to discriminate. The military’s makeup reflects America’s so why would you be against American’s serving their country?
It does not reflect America, it reflects HEALTHY America.

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