Once again Trump makes the right decision. Transgender cannot serve in military

Transanimals, is that the next class, that liberals will champion?

  • Yes, if someone identifies as an animal, then he/she/it should be an animal. Look at Bill Clinton

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • No, Insane people need to be put away, before they hurt themselves or someone else.

    Votes: 16 88.9%

  • Total voters
But Trump said he knew more than the generals. The top generals supported transgender inclusion in the military.

He based his decision on political reasons.
Maybe Obama's top generals supported the inclusion, but since Trump has been quietly removing the traitors to the country and putting in more Generals that will Make America Great again and stop the crying trannies who wont get FREE addadictamies or clip and snips.
You do realize that the military spends far far far more on Viagra. Are you saying you need a boner to fire a gun?
You have something to support that claim?

You calling me wrong?
I'll take that as a "no"

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
So, you don't know how to look up shit on the internet?
So what about those (Trump) that never served who are pissed they are?

Meh, you on the left lost one, start dealing with it and cease acting like petulant children, it's old and tiresome
I'm standing against bigotry. You are supporting it. Mighty fine Christian attitude. You are one of those fake Christians. Using your religion as an excuse to be a bigot..

As you show your religious bigotry. Priceless.
Pointing out a fake Christian has nothing to do with bigotry.
This OP is in the politics section, and the subject has nothing to do with Christianity or Christians. Do you think you could stay on topic?
Military is NOT a circus for "progressive" thought.

Nobody is saying it is a circus but you and you’re using that little piece of bullshit as an excuse to discriminate. The military’s makeup reflects America’s so why would you be against American’s serving their country?
It does not reflect America, it reflects HEALTHY America.

LGBT's aren’t part and parcel of a "healthy America?"
Military is NOT a circus for "progressive" thought.

Nobody is saying it is a circus but you and you’re using that little piece of bullshit as an excuse to discriminate. The military’s makeup reflects America’s so why would you be against American’s serving their country?
It does not reflect America, it reflects HEALTHY America.

LGBT's aren’t part and parcel of a "healthy America?"
Obviously a man who believes he's a woman is no healthier than a man who believes he is the President or JC (when he is not). For the safety of others, neither should be allowed to serve.
Military is NOT a circus for "progressive" thought.

Nobody is saying it is a circus but you and you’re using that little piece of bullshit as an excuse to discriminate. The military’s makeup reflects America’s so why would you be against American’s serving their country?
It does not reflect America, it reflects HEALTHY America.

LGBT's aren’t part and parcel of a "healthy America?"
Obviously a man who believes he's a woman is no healthier than a man who believes he is the President or JC (when he is not). For the safety of others, neither should be allowed to serve.

Except records indicate that LGBT’s serve honorably and with distinction in our services making your argument moot.

How did you come to the conclusion they’re not healthy enough not serve?
And Tilly.

Our laws are based on facts.

Not our beliefs or what appeals to our biases and prejudices.
Yes, well I think you are the ignorant one, who thinks men can be women simply because they want to be. Now what?

Exactly. It especially drives me nuts when talk show hosts or the media speak about people like Bruce Jenner as a she.

There is no she here. There is only he, and he wearing a dress does not make he a she. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
Why are you people so threatened by this transgender issue to the point where you can even conceive of the possibility that it is a real phenomena and not just "in there head" or a pretend thing. Maybe YOU are the ones with the problem

Not at all. It's just political ideology, not fear.

The left wants the minority to control the majority all the time, and we're about sick of it. Leftists won't stop until our entire country looks like a freak show from the classic television series Outer Limits. Men walking hand and hand with other men, women the same, guys in dresses, and people having physical relationships with their pets. That's what the left wants this country to look like.

It kind of reminds me years ago when a guy sued Hooters because they wouldn't give him a job as a server because he was male. Guys don't go to Hooters to have other guys serve them, they want very busty attractive women. That's why they specifically choose Hooters.

We all have our limitations.
If by "control you mean forcing the majority- if in fact you really are the majority- to stop discriminating against people because you don't like them or understand them, then yes we want to control that.

Physical relations with pets...?? Now your just pulling bull shit out of your pie hole. There goes that last vestige of any credibility that you might have had, which was not much

Give them time, give them time. It's like this cross dresser thing. It wasn't an issue with the left until they were happy with the gay thing.

Democrats always need an issue. If this cross dresser thing ever meets their satisfaction, they will come up with something new.

Oh, and don't say it won't happen. If you could go back 50 years from today, tell people you were from the future, and that men could marry men, they would have beaten the hell out of you and told you go back where you came from. If you could have told them that a person could get less time in jail for beating their wife than beating their dog, they would have said you were crazy. America will never be like that.
No , it's you people who always need an issue. Transgender was not an issue until you lost on the issue of same sex marriage. Hate mongers have to hate something . Fear mongers always have to stoke fear. Slippery slope logical fallacy promoters have to keep coming up with evermore ludicrous predictions about the sky falling. Get a fucking grip, dude.
Military is NOT a circus for "progressive" thought.

Nobody is saying it is a circus but you and you’re using that little piece of bullshit as an excuse to discriminate. The military’s makeup reflects America’s so why would you be against American’s serving their country?
It does not reflect America, it reflects HEALTHY America.

LGBT's aren’t part and parcel of a "healthy America?"
Obviously a man who believes he's a woman is no healthier than a man who believes he is the President or JC (when he is not). For the safety of others, neither should be allowed to serve.
How about a man -child who believes he is the president ?
He said he would listen to the commanders and take their advice. Obviously they thought that transgenders add nothing to military readiness or morale. Weighing the options, military ability to fight, v. trannies feeling good. Medical care for wounded vets v. sex change operations.

Trump made the right call.

none of the military leaders advised him to do this.
Our military leaders were caught completely off guard..
#Renegade president


You do realize that the POTUS is the head of all the armed services?
Then he should act like he is the head of the armed services instead of being the ass of the armed services
Transgender Troops Will Hurt The Military? People Said That About Gay Troops, Too. | HuffPost

WASHINGTON ― When President Donald Trump dropped the bombshell on Wednesday that he’s banning transgender people from serving in the military, he claimed it’s because they erode military readiness and unit cohesion.

Does that rationale sound familiar? It should ― it’s precisely what proponents of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell argued almost 25 years ago when President Bill Clinton signed the law banning gay and lesbian people from serving openly in the military. That policy, repealed in 2010, stated that the presence of openly gay and lesbian service members “would create an unacceptable risk to the high standards of morale, good order and discipline, and unit cohesion that are the essence of military capability.”

None of the warnings about gay people hurting military cohesion and morale bore out in the years after Don’t Ask Don’t Tell was nixed. Yet Trump is making the same bogus claims about transgender men and women now, with no evidence to back them up. For some veterans of Capitol Hill, it’s like 1993 all over again.

“It is exactly the same argument. It’s the same with [same sex] marriage, too: invent negative social consequences and blame the victims of discrimination,” former longtime Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) told HuffPost Thursday.
Except records indicate that LGBT’s serve honorably and with distinction in our services making your argument moot.

How did you come to the conclusion they’re not healthy enough not serve?

You mean like Bradley Edward Manning?

The purpose of the military is to break things and kill people. In assessing whether something is good or bad for the military depends on only one thing, does it make the military more lethal? Adding people with sexual disorders does not make the military more deadly, instead, it disrupts morale. That is not beneficial to the military.
Military is NOT a circus for "progressive" thought.

Nobody is saying it is a circus but you and you’re using that little piece of bullshit as an excuse to discriminate. The military’s makeup reflects America’s so why would you be against American’s serving their country?
Don't be a fucking idiot. The purpose of the military isn't to "reflect America's makeup." It's purpose is to win wars. Admitting a bunch of emotionally disturbed freaks who will incur costs of $25 billion over 10 years for their sex change surgeries is detrimental to that mission.

End of story.
Except records indicate that LGBT’s serve honorably and with distinction in our services making your argument moot.

How did you come to the conclusion they’re not healthy enough not serve?

You mean like Bradley Edward Manning?

The purpose of the military is to break things and kill people. In assessing whether something is good or bad for the military depends on only one thing, does it make the military more lethal? Adding people with sexual disorders does not make the military more deadly, instead, it disrupts morale. That is not beneficial to the military.
It will also cost $25 billion over 10 years for their sex change operations. That alone is sufficient cause to keep them out of the military.
A man cannot become a woman, or have you forgotten that fact?
A person can mentally be a different sex than their physical body. Changing the body to match the brain. So a person transgendered from male to female has always been a female being.
You can't change your chromosomes, moron. You body will always be the same sex you were born with.
Wow, this repeated argument again. How do you explain homosexuals? Transgendered people are those born with a brain that does not align with their body. Why are you too stupid to get that?

You think that nature is perfect? Some people, most;y Trumpettes, are born stupid & easily duped.
Homosexuals are emotionally disturbed, and so are transgenders. That's how I explain them.
They only disturb you due to your ignorance & bigotry.

Rejecting your leftwing bullshit isn't "ignorance." That's intelligence and reason.
Maybe Obama's top generals supported the inclusion, but since Trump has been quietly removing the traitors to the country and putting in more Generals that will Make America Great again and stop the crying trannies who wont get FREE addadictamies or clip and snips.
You do realize that the military spends far far far more on Viagra. Are you saying you need a boner to fire a gun?
You have something to support that claim?

You calling me wrong?
I'll take that as a "no"

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
So, you don't know how to look up shit on the internet?
Not my job, asshole. It's yours. Supplying old retired veterans with all the same medications that civilians are covered for is hardly the same thing as paying for trannies to get a chopadickoffame.
LOL Hollyweird be mad....:lmao:

Celebrities Melt Down over Trump’s Transgender Military Policy: ‘You Just Pissed Off the Wrong Community’

Celebrities Melt Down over Trump’s Transgender Military Policy: ‘You Just Pissed Off the Wrong Community’

After giving up watching professional sports I have also decided to stop watching Hollywood movies and entertainment TV. They're a waste of time. Better to waste my time on the Internet, USMB and Fox News. Liberals are more fun to watch than sitcoms anyhow.
I will give up movies just as soon as my 50.00 in Fandango credit is used up. If I have to pay for it myself...yep ...total boycott city.
He said he would listen to the commanders and take their advice. Obviously they thought that transgenders add nothing to military readiness or morale. Weighing the options, military ability to fight, v. trannies feeling good. Medical care for wounded vets v. sex change operations.

Trump made the right call.

none of the military leaders advised him to do this.
Our military leaders were caught completely off guard..
#Renegade president


You do realize that the POTUS is the head of all the armed services?
Then he should act like he is the head of the armed services instead of being the ass of the armed services
He is behaving like a responsible Commander and Chief rather than some social engineer.
Exactly. It especially drives me nuts when talk show hosts or the media speak about people like Bruce Jenner as a she.

There is no she here. There is only he, and he wearing a dress does not make he a she. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
Why are you people so threatened by this transgender issue to the point where you can even conceive of the possibility that it is a real phenomena and not just "in there head" or a pretend thing. Maybe YOU are the ones with the problem

Not at all. It's just political ideology, not fear.

The left wants the minority to control the majority all the time, and we're about sick of it. Leftists won't stop until our entire country looks like a freak show from the classic television series Outer Limits. Men walking hand and hand with other men, women the same, guys in dresses, and people having physical relationships with their pets. That's what the left wants this country to look like.

It kind of reminds me years ago when a guy sued Hooters because they wouldn't give him a job as a server because he was male. Guys don't go to Hooters to have other guys serve them, they want very busty attractive women. That's why they specifically choose Hooters.

We all have our limitations.
If by "control you mean forcing the majority- if in fact you really are the majority- to stop discriminating against people because you don't like them or understand them, then yes we want to control that.

Physical relations with pets...?? Now your just pulling bull shit out of your pie hole. There goes that last vestige of any credibility that you might have had, which was not much

Give them time, give them time. It's like this cross dresser thing. It wasn't an issue with the left until they were happy with the gay thing.

Democrats always need an issue. If this cross dresser thing ever meets their satisfaction, they will come up with something new.

Oh, and don't say it won't happen. If you could go back 50 years from today, tell people you were from the future, and that men could marry men, they would have beaten the hell out of you and told you go back where you came from. If you could have told them that a person could get less time in jail for beating their wife than beating their dog, they would have said you were crazy. America will never be like that.
No , it's you people who always need an issue. Transgender was not an issue until you lost on the issue of same sex marriage. Hate mongers have to hate something . Fear mongers always have to stoke fear. Slippery slope logical fallacy promoters have to keep coming up with evermore ludicrous predictions about the sky falling. Get a fucking grip, dude.
Snowflakes made it an issue, moron. As soon as they get one thing they want, they are on to the next.

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