Once again Trump makes the right decision. Transgender cannot serve in military

Transanimals, is that the next class, that liberals will champion?

  • Yes, if someone identifies as an animal, then he/she/it should be an animal. Look at Bill Clinton

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • No, Insane people need to be put away, before they hurt themselves or someone else.

    Votes: 16 88.9%

  • Total voters
Except records indicate that LGBT’s serve honorably and with distinction in our services making your argument moot.

How did you come to the conclusion they’re not healthy enough not serve?

You mean like Bradley Edward Manning?

The purpose of the military is to break things and kill people. In assessing whether something is good or bad for the military depends on only one thing, does it make the military more lethal? Adding people with sexual disorders does not make the military more deadly, instead, it disrupts morale. That is not beneficial to the military.
It will also cost $25 billion over 10 years for their sex change operations. That alone is sufficient cause to keep them out of the military.

Libs are willing to spend that on freaks, but to use that money for all Americans like building a wall? Forget about it.
Excuse me, transgenders were not allowed to serve in the military during Obama's first 7 years where's the outrage? The policy Trump is ending was only just started last year.

We were outraged until Obama reversed course.

Hey, I'm happy for trannies. Now they won't die for a needless war Trump gets us in. Let the straight white male middle class homophobes die for Trump.
Most of the time transgender soldiers aren't allowed to deploy to combat anyway...no loss...since they don't fight.
Transgender SEAL to Trump: Tell Me to My Face I'm Not Worthy | Military.com

He didn't have his dick chopped off until he retired from the service, so that example doesn't prove your point.
Excuse me, transgenders were not allowed to serve in the military during Obama's first 7 years where's the outrage? The policy Trump is ending was only just started last year.

We were outraged until Obama reversed course.

Hey, I'm happy for trannies. Now they won't die for a needless war Trump gets us in. Let the straight white male middle class homophobes die for Trump.
Most of the time transgender soldiers aren't allowed to deploy to combat anyway...no loss...since they don't fight.
Yeah but are taking the space of someone that would. But you make an excellent point though. It's kind of like revered draft dodging.
Except records indicate that LGBT’s serve honorably and with distinction in our services making your argument moot.

How did you come to the conclusion they’re not healthy enough not serve?

You mean like Bradley Edward Manning?

The purpose of the military is to break things and kill people. In assessing whether something is good or bad for the military depends on only one thing, does it make the military more lethal? Adding people with sexual disorders does not make the military more deadly, instead, it disrupts morale. That is not beneficial to the military.
It will also cost $25 billion over 10 years for their sex change operations. That alone is sufficient cause to keep them out of the military.

Libs are willing to spend that on freaks, but to use that money for all Americans like building a wall? Forget about it.
True. Spending the same amount on the wall is an outrage, but spending it on emotionally disturbed freaks to have their dicks chopped off is no problem.
Exactly. It especially drives me nuts when talk show hosts or the media speak about people like Bruce Jenner as a she.

There is no she here. There is only he, and he wearing a dress does not make he a she. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
Why are you people so threatened by this transgender issue to the point where you can even conceive of the possibility that it is a real phenomena and not just "in there head" or a pretend thing. Maybe YOU are the ones with the problem

Not at all. It's just political ideology, not fear.

The left wants the minority to control the majority all the time, and we're about sick of it. Leftists won't stop until our entire country looks like a freak show from the classic television series Outer Limits. Men walking hand and hand with other men, women the same, guys in dresses, and people having physical relationships with their pets. That's what the left wants this country to look like.

It kind of reminds me years ago when a guy sued Hooters because they wouldn't give him a job as a server because he was male. Guys don't go to Hooters to have other guys serve them, they want very busty attractive women. That's why they specifically choose Hooters.

We all have our limitations.
If by "control you mean forcing the majority- if in fact you really are the majority- to stop discriminating against people because you don't like them or understand them, then yes we want to control that.

Physical relations with pets...?? Now your just pulling bull shit out of your pie hole. There goes that last vestige of any credibility that you might have had, which was not much

Give them time, give them time. It's like this cross dresser thing. It wasn't an issue with the left until they were happy with the gay thing.

Democrats always need an issue. If this cross dresser thing ever meets their satisfaction, they will come up with something new.

Oh, and don't say it won't happen. If you could go back 50 years from today, tell people you were from the future, and that men could marry men, they would have beaten the hell out of you and told you go back where you came from. If you could have told them that a person could get less time in jail for beating their wife than beating their dog, they would have said you were crazy. America will never be like that.
No , it's you people who always need an issue. Transgender was not an issue until you lost on the issue of same sex marriage. Hate mongers have to hate something . Fear mongers always have to stoke fear. Slippery slope logical fallacy promoters have to keep coming up with evermore ludicrous predictions about the sky falling. Get a fucking grip, dude.

What Republican brought up cross dressers? Nobody. It was that big eared commie that did it.
Excuse me, transgenders were not allowed to serve in the military during Obama's first 7 years where's the outrage? The policy Trump is ending was only just started last year.

We were outraged until Obama reversed course.

Hey, I'm happy for trannies. Now they won't die for a needless war Trump gets us in. Let the straight white male middle class homophobes die for Trump.
Most of the time transgender soldiers aren't allowed to deploy to combat anyway...no loss...since they don't fight.
Yeah but are taking the space of someone that would. But you make an excellent point though. It's kind of like revered draft dodging.
They are there to have the military foot the bill for their sex change operation and therapy...not actually serve in the Military.
The purpose of the military isn't to "reflect America's makeup."

Nobody is saying it’s purpose is to reflect America’s makeup but you. The military recruits from all corners of America and all walks of life. That the LGBT community is part and parcel of America’s makeup the military can't but help recruit from that community and records show they’ve served with honor and distinction.

It will also cost $25 billion over 10 years for their sex change operations.

Where did you pull this from? If we were to follow your “reasoning” here..... the cost in medical services to our wounded veterans over their lives would preclude starting any war because they’re too expensive. Yet we’re still fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq and no closer to defeating terrorism since day 1.
Well, if they decide to not allow them in the military, it will be done, and there will be nothing this man can do about it. Serving in the military is NOT a right.
No but not being discriminated against is a right.
When you try to change your gender, which isn't possible. It's not my job to cater to your mental illness.
Transgender is "mental illness"? What is your basis for that opinion?

Because they are men who believe they are really women? Biology determines your sex. If you are a man who likes to wear dresses, you are just a man who likes to wear dresses, IMO.

Your psychiatry degree is from where? Your peer reviewed studies on transgenderism appear in what noted medical journals?

What, you need a psychiatry degree to recognize a flake?????
none of the military leaders advised him to do this.
Our military leaders were caught completely off guard..
#Renegade president


You do realize that the POTUS is the head of all the armed services?
Then he should act like he is the head of the armed services instead of being the ass of the armed services
He is behaving like a responsible Commander and Chief rather than some social engineer.

He’s playing you for fools by appealing to your baser instincts.
Excuse me, transgenders were not allowed to serve in the military during Obama's first 7 years where's the outrage? The policy Trump is ending was only just started last year.

We were outraged until Obama reversed course.

Hey, I'm happy for trannies. Now they won't die for a needless war Trump gets us in. Let the straight white male middle class homophobes die for Trump.
Most of the time transgender soldiers aren't allowed to deploy to combat anyway...no loss...since they don't fight.
Yeah but are taking the space of someone that would. But you make an excellent point though. It's kind of like revered draft dodging.
They are there to have the military foot the bill for their sex change operation and therapy...not actually serve in the Military.

When they enlist... how can they NOT serve in the military.
So who is he fucking?

Are you married? If so, ask your wife if she agrees with Trump about not having cross dressers in the same locker rooms and showers with women in the military. Ask if she's glad Trump stopped DumBama's order that forced public schools to have weirdos in dresses going to the girls locker room and shower in school?

It seems the real war on women is coming from the left--not the right.

What has Trump done to the blacks or gays? What has he done to piss off young people? Cross dressers are fraction of 1% in our society and a fraction of 1% in our military.
Cross dresser?? :lmao::lmao::lmao::lol::lol::lol:

Yes, that's what we called them years ago until the politically correct left gave them a less insulting name. After all, the biggest offense according to a leftist is hurting somebody's feelings.
They are who they are.

I'm glad you are offending them. Rile them up for 2018 and 2020.

A lot of gays voted Trump. What's Bruce Jenner got to say now?

What's he got to say? Probably made a few bucks off of his new appearance.

What makes you think all gays support cross dressers anyway?
What makes you think they dont?

I haven't seen any polls on it. I'm sure the left would have pointed out there was a consensus on it from the gays.

I'm assuming you think all gays are leftists and follow the lockstep of socialist marching songs.
Except records indicate that LGBT’s serve honorably and with distinction in our services making your argument moot.

How did you come to the conclusion they’re not healthy enough not serve?

You mean like Bradley Edward Manning?

The purpose of the military is to break things and kill people. In assessing whether something is good or bad for the military depends on only one thing, does it make the military more lethal? Adding people with sexual disorders does not make the military more deadly, instead, it disrupts morale. That is not beneficial to the military.
It will also cost $25 billion over 10 years for their sex change operations. That alone is sufficient cause to keep them out of the military.

Libs are willing to spend that on freaks, but to use that money for all Americans like building a wall? Forget about it.

Those freaks are willing to sacrifice for their country. What have you done?
Military is NOT a circus for "progressive" thought.

Nobody is saying it is a circus but you and you’re using that little piece of bullshit as an excuse to discriminate. The military’s makeup reflects America’s so why would you be against American’s serving their country?
It does not reflect America, it reflects HEALTHY America.

LGBT's aren’t part and parcel of a "healthy America?"
No. They are sick freaks.
Except records indicate that LGBT’s serve honorably and with distinction in our services making your argument moot.

How did you come to the conclusion they’re not healthy enough not serve?

You mean like Bradley Edward Manning?

The purpose of the military is to break things and kill people. In assessing whether something is good or bad for the military depends on only one thing, does it make the military more lethal? Adding people with sexual disorders does not make the military more deadly, instead, it disrupts morale. That is not beneficial to the military.
It will also cost $25 billion over 10 years for their sex change operations. That alone is sufficient cause to keep them out of the military.

Libs are willing to spend that on freaks, but to use that money for all Americans like building a wall? Forget about it.

Those freaks are willing to sacrifice for their country. What have you done?
Actually, they just want the military to pay for their educations.
Military is NOT a circus for "progressive" thought.

Nobody is saying it is a circus but you and you’re using that little piece of bullshit as an excuse to discriminate. The military’s makeup reflects America’s so why would you be against American’s serving their country?
It does not reflect America, it reflects HEALTHY America.

LGBT's aren’t part and parcel of a "healthy America?"
No. They are sick freaks.

If they were sick, the military wouldn’t take them.

And yet......

Except records indicate that LGBT’s serve honorably and with distinction in our services making your argument moot.

How did you come to the conclusion they’re not healthy enough not serve?

You mean like Bradley Edward Manning?

The purpose of the military is to break things and kill people. In assessing whether something is good or bad for the military depends on only one thing, does it make the military more lethal? Adding people with sexual disorders does not make the military more deadly, instead, it disrupts morale. That is not beneficial to the military.
It will also cost $25 billion over 10 years for their sex change operations. That alone is sufficient cause to keep them out of the military.

Libs are willing to spend that on freaks, but to use that money for all Americans like building a wall? Forget about it.

Those freaks are willing to sacrifice for their country. What have you done?

Yeah, sure they are. But now that they can't get their goofy surgeries, watch how fast they quit joining to serve their country.
Except records indicate that LGBT’s serve honorably and with distinction in our services making your argument moot.

How did you come to the conclusion they’re not healthy enough not serve?

You mean like Bradley Edward Manning?

The purpose of the military is to break things and kill people. In assessing whether something is good or bad for the military depends on only one thing, does it make the military more lethal? Adding people with sexual disorders does not make the military more deadly, instead, it disrupts morale. That is not beneficial to the military.
It will also cost $25 billion over 10 years for their sex change operations. That alone is sufficient cause to keep them out of the military.

Libs are willing to spend that on freaks, but to use that money for all Americans like building a wall? Forget about it.

Those freaks are willing to sacrifice for their country. What have you done?
Actually, they just want the military to pay for their educations.

Well. It’s not like the military doesn’t make that part of their sells pitch in recruiting.

Have you ever served? :)
Military is NOT a circus for "progressive" thought.

Nobody is saying it is a circus but you and you’re using that little piece of bullshit as an excuse to discriminate. The military’s makeup reflects America’s so why would you be against American’s serving their country?
It does not reflect America, it reflects HEALTHY America.

LGBT's aren’t part and parcel of a "healthy America?"
No. They are sick freaks.

If they were sick, the military wouldn’t take them.

And yet......


Before DumBama it was a don't ask-don't tell policy. Left to the military alone, some goof walking in with a dress and high heels would have been escorted out of the recruiting center.


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