Once again Trump makes the right decision. Transgender cannot serve in military

Transanimals, is that the next class, that liberals will champion?

  • Yes, if someone identifies as an animal, then he/she/it should be an animal. Look at Bill Clinton

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • No, Insane people need to be put away, before they hurt themselves or someone else.

    Votes: 16 88.9%

  • Total voters
You do realize that you are a fucking lunatic. Anyone who doesn't know who they are at birth, their parents need to be whipped and the doctor needs to be fired.
They know exactly who they are physically. The problem is the way they think and feel does not match their sex.
They do that because you cater to their mental illness.
We cater to mental illness because it is an illness. Most enlighten people excepted that over a century ago.
You handle the problem through therapy, not chopping their dick off. You know, the way they did it over a century ago. The way 0.3% of the population commits suicide. We let liberals handle it, they will become 0.1%.
Most people that are transgender do not have gender reassignment surgery. In fact very few do. A 2016 study of transgender military personnel by the Rand corporation bears this out.
At the time there were 2415 people that were transgender out of 1.3 million active duty personnel. During a given year, 24 would seek transgender surgery. 200 would seek some form of counseling, psychotherapy, or hormone therapy. The remaining 93% would seek no medical service related to their condition.

Using healthcare cost as a basis for excluding thousands of people who want serve their country can not be justified.
Transgender Service Members’ Medical Costs Are Not a “Burden.” They Are Valid (and Cheaper Than Viagra).
The generals in charge disagree.
I hope they are all conservatives we can put on the frontlines

Of course, most will be Republicans, Independents, Conservatives, and Democrats. Progressives won't be there. They believe we should totally disarm, destroy all our nukes and expect the rest of the world to follow. The UN Security Council will all get naked in the middle of that room, have little tom-toms and sing Kumbaya! What could go wrong?
Wouldn't that be great?

Step 1 start playing them in sports.

2. International space effort.

3. Global economy. No country will go to war when we are all trading partners.

Ultimately you have to negotiate with the enemy you've defeated. Let's cut out the war and negotiate peace?

If North Korea wants a nuke we gonna stop them? We need to practice shooting down all his test missles though. Perfect air defense of the USA from all nukes.
You said one could mentally be a different sex, even though scientifically he cannot.
So why can't a man become a dog?
Simple question, yes or no. My argument is valid.

OK I'll play your silly word game for just a little while longer. This is just several more logical fallacies

First of all I never said "one could mentally be a different sex, even though scientifically he cannot." I'm not even sure what "scientifically" is supposed to mean. If by that you mean biologically, I defiantly did not say it. What you have done here is to create a straw-man logical fallacy. You're assigning an argument to me that I did not make so that you can shoot it down. Not working pal.

In addition, I have previously documented right here the fact that there is a growing body of evidence that shows that there are underlying biological/ hormonal/ neurological and genetic factors that influence gender identity.

Obviously you didn't bother to read it but here it is again The Transgender Brain
It should also be noted that many people are not clearly 100% one gender or the other which may or may not be obvious. They are known as intersexuals and that may well be related to transsexuality

Intersex: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

The second logical fallacy stems from that fact that you're suggesting that I am being inconsistent in saying that a man can become a woman but not a dog. In effect calling me a hypocrite. This is what you're doing :

tu quoque (To kwok we )(Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy, is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This dismisses someone's point of view based on criticism of the person's inconsistency and not the position presented whereas a person's inconsistency should not discredit the position. Thus, it is a form of the ad hominem argument. To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, this does not invalidate their argument."

Lastly, this Dog thing is a red herring type of fallacy intended to distract from and derail the topic while avoiding any meaningful discussion.

If you think that you can become a dog, get your DNA tested and see how much dog you have in you. Then take some dog hormones, eat dog food, let your hair grow and try walking on all fours. This whole thing is just too fucking stupid. Get a life. For that matter get a brain
If you think that you can become a dog, get your DNA tested and see how much dog you have in you.
You do realize that if you have XY chromosomes, if you change your appearance to that of a woman, you still have the XY chromosomes, and are still a man? Just look like a girlie girl.
You do realize that not everyone is clearly male or female, and that medial gender reassignment is not about chromosomes. Educate yourself if you dare:

Intersex: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

Protocols for Hormonal Reassignment of Gender - Trans Health
You do realize that not everyone is clearly male or female, and that medial gender reassignment is not about chromosomes.
You do realize that you are a fucking lunatic. Anyone who doesn't know who they are at birth, their parents need to be whipped and the doctor needs to be fired.
They know exactly who they are physically. The problem is the way they think and feel does not match their sex.

Then that's not a physical problem, that's a mental problem.
OK I'll play your silly word game for just a little while longer. This is just several more logical fallacies

First of all I never said "one could mentally be a different sex, even though scientifically he cannot." I'm not even sure what "scientifically" is supposed to mean. If by that you mean biologically, I defiantly did not say it. What you have done here is to create a straw-man logical fallacy. You're assigning an argument to me that I did not make so that you can shoot it down. Not working pal.

In addition, I have previously documented right here the fact that there is a growing body of evidence that shows that there are underlying biological/ hormonal/ neurological and genetic factors that influence gender identity.

Obviously you didn't bother to read it but here it is again The Transgender Brain
It should also be noted that many people are not clearly 100% one gender or the other which may or may not be obvious. They are known as intersexuals and that may well be related to transsexuality

Intersex: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

The second logical fallacy stems from that fact that you're suggesting that I am being inconsistent in saying that a man can become a woman but not a dog. In effect calling me a hypocrite. This is what you're doing :

tu quoque (To kwok we )(Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy, is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This dismisses someone's point of view based on criticism of the person's inconsistency and not the position presented whereas a person's inconsistency should not discredit the position. Thus, it is a form of the ad hominem argument. To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, this does not invalidate their argument."

Lastly, this Dog thing is a red herring type of fallacy intended to distract from and derail the topic while avoiding any meaningful discussion.

If you think that you can become a dog, get your DNA tested and see how much dog you have in you. Then take some dog hormones, eat dog food, let your hair grow and try walking on all fours. This whole thing is just too fucking stupid. Get a life. For that matter get a brain
If you think that you can become a dog, get your DNA tested and see how much dog you have in you.
You do realize that if you have XY chromosomes, if you change your appearance to that of a woman, you still have the XY chromosomes, and are still a man? Just look like a girlie girl.
You do realize that not everyone is clearly male or female, and that medial gender reassignment is not about chromosomes. Educate yourself if you dare:

Intersex: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

Protocols for Hormonal Reassignment of Gender - Trans Health
You do realize that not everyone is clearly male or female, and that medial gender reassignment is not about chromosomes.
You do realize that you are a fucking lunatic. Anyone who doesn't know who they are at birth, their parents need to be whipped and the doctor needs to be fired.
They know exactly who they are physically. The problem is the way they think and feel does not match their sex.

Then that's not a physical problem, that's a mental problem.
Trump is wrong again, as usual.

There is no objective, documented evidence that transgender Americans serving in the military would have any adverse effect on the military:

Assessing the Implications of Allowing Transgender Personnel to Serve Openly | RAND

Trump’s ban is motivated solely by the fear, ignorance, hate, and bigotry common to most on the right.
I'd say loosing thousands of much needed soldiers makes us less lethal. You gonna take their place?

Soldiers with mental disorders are not needed much less "much needed" soldiers. We have an all voluntary military and we are not short of soldiers who actually join to fight and not as a social experiment.

I'm far too old to take their place. I did my part in the mid to late '60's. Airborne. You?
Cross-dressers of the Civil War: hundreds of women disguised themselves as men to fight on both sides--a century and a half before the ban on women in combat was lifted. - Free Online Library

There are about 250 documented cases* of women who hid their sex to fight for the Union and Confederate armies, according to DeAnne Blanton of the National Archives in Washington, D.C. Like male soldiers, they took up arms and died in nearly all the major battles, from the First Battle of Bull Run in 1861 to Appomattox in 1865. By poring over hundreds of Civil War letters, diaries, newspapers, and other accounts, Blanton and Lauren M. Cook, co-authors of the book They Fought Like Demons: Women Soldiers in the Civil War, recovered the stories of these secret warriors, who have received little attention.
You do realize that you are a fucking lunatic. Anyone who doesn't know who they are at birth, their parents need to be whipped and the doctor needs to be fired.
They know exactly who they are physically. The problem is the way they think and feel does not match their sex.
They do that because you cater to their mental illness.
We cater to mental illness because it is an illness. Most enlighten people excepted that over a century ago.
You handle the problem through therapy, not chopping their dick off. You know, the way they did it over a century ago. The way 0.3% of the population commits suicide. We let liberals handle it, they will become 0.1%.
Most people that are transgender do not have gender reassignment surgery. In fact very few do. A 2016 study of transgender military personnel by the Rand corporation bears this out.
At the time there were 2415 people that were transgender out of 1.3 million active duty personnel. During a given year, 24 would seek transgender surgery. 200 would seek some form of counseling, psychotherapy, or hormone therapy. The remaining 93% would seek no medical service related to their condition.

Using healthcare cost as a basis for excluding thousands of people who want serve their country can not be justified.
Transgender Service Members’ Medical Costs Are Not a “Burden.” They Are Valid (and Cheaper Than Viagra).
So what you are saying is that a man with 2 tits and a penis and balls, should be allowed to shower with many women in the military? Talk about liberals, "WAR ON WOMEN"....
They know exactly who they are physically. The problem is the way they think and feel does not match their sex.
They do that because you cater to their mental illness.
We cater to mental illness because it is an illness. Most enlighten people excepted that over a century ago.
You handle the problem through therapy, not chopping their dick off. You know, the way they did it over a century ago. The way 0.3% of the population commits suicide. We let liberals handle it, they will become 0.1%.
Most people that are transgender do not have gender reassignment surgery. In fact very few do. A 2016 study of transgender military personnel by the Rand corporation bears this out.
At the time there were 2415 people that were transgender out of 1.3 million active duty personnel. During a given year, 24 would seek transgender surgery. 200 would seek some form of counseling, psychotherapy, or hormone therapy. The remaining 93% would seek no medical service related to their condition.

Using healthcare cost as a basis for excluding thousands of people who want serve their country can not be justified.
Transgender Service Members’ Medical Costs Are Not a “Burden.” They Are Valid (and Cheaper Than Viagra).
So what you are saying is that a man with 2 tits and a penis and balls, should be allowed to shower with many women in the military? Talk about liberals, "WAR ON WOMEN"....
You seem to have a vivid imagination.
They know exactly who they are physically. The problem is the way they think and feel does not match their sex.

Which means they have a mental disorder which disqualifies them from military service, owning a gun many other things. Their problem, not mine.

True, they are not a burden so long as they are not in the military or other fighting force.

Again the purpose of the military is to kill people and break things. Since the addition of transsexuals does NOT make the military more lethal and does cause disruption. The solution is simple. This is not a place for Political Correctness or Snowflakes!
They know exactly who they are physically. The problem is the way they think and feel does not match their sex.

Which means they have a mental disorder which disqualifies them from military service, owning a gun many other things. Their problem, not mine.

I'm not it should be called a mental disorder. National Geographic had a feature article on it recently. Their brains are just wired differently, like it's actually natural is the best I can interpret what was written. Much like homosexuality, not really a choice.
They know exactly who they are physically. The problem is the way they think and feel does not match their sex.

Which means they have a mental disorder which disqualifies them from military service, owning a gun many other things. Their problem, not mine.
Transsexuals maybe sexually maladjusted or not but that's not a mental disorder. Mental disorders are defined in the DSM. Being transgender, homosexual, bisexual, or asexual are not recognized as mental disorders in the DSM which is why you can not deny them the right to serve their country on that basis. That's why conservatives are using the ruse of cost of medical care to keep them the out.
They know exactly who they are physically. The problem is the way they think and feel does not match their sex.

Which means they have a mental disorder which disqualifies them from military service, owning a gun many other things. Their problem, not mine.
Transsexuals maybe sexually maladjusted or not but that's not a mental disorder. Mental disorders are defined in the DSM. Being transgender, homosexual, bisexual, or asexual are not recognized as mental disorders in the DSM which is why you can not deny them the right to serve their country on that basis. That's why conservatives are using the ruse of cost of medical care to keep them the out.
Yeah, that's the new politically correct definition. Previously, when the world was saner, these conditions were defined as mental disorders.
I'm not it should be called a mental disorder. National Geographic had a feature article on it recently. Their brains are just wired differently, like it's actually natural is the best I can interpret what was written. Much like homosexuality, not really a choice.

Do you see the hypocrisy and humor in your post?

You say it should not be called a mental disorder and then you say "their brains are just wired differently".
They know exactly who they are physically. The problem is the way they think and feel does not match their sex.

Which means they have a mental disorder which disqualifies them from military service, owning a gun many other things. Their problem, not mine.
Transsexuals maybe sexually maladjusted or not but that's not a mental disorder. Mental disorders are defined in the DSM. Being transgender, homosexual, bisexual, or asexual are not recognized as mental disorders in the DSM which is why you can not deny them the right to serve their country on that basis. That's why conservatives are using the ruse of cost of medical care to keep them the out.

And how long has that been around, like a few years? Prior to that, no, they couldn't serve in our military.

I'll never understand why liberals feel every form of weirdo has to be accepted in every aspect of our society.
They know exactly who they are physically. The problem is the way they think and feel does not match their sex.

Which means they have a mental disorder which disqualifies them from military service, owning a gun many other things. Their problem, not mine.

I'm not it should be called a mental disorder. National Geographic had a feature article on it recently. Their brains are just wired differently, like it's actually natural is the best I can interpret what was written. Much like homosexuality, not really a choice.

It's a choice. Having odd sexual desires is different than a guy wanting to wear women's clothing and makeup. Hell, I've known women who don't even have that desire. They walk around in jeans and tee shirts with little makeup on.

Then they actually think they look like women instead of freaks which is what most of them look like. It is a mental disorder no different than a guy thinking he's a police officer or Jesus Christ.
They know exactly who they are physically. The problem is the way they think and feel does not match their sex.

Which means they have a mental disorder which disqualifies them from military service, owning a gun many other things. Their problem, not mine.
Transsexuals maybe sexually maladjusted or not but that's not a mental disorder. Mental disorders are defined in the DSM. Being transgender, homosexual, bisexual, or asexual are not recognized as mental disorders in the DSM which is why you can not deny them the right to serve their country on that basis. That's why conservatives are using the ruse of cost of medical care to keep them the out.

Why are there medical issues ? No medical issues with gay people. Right now, real people need medical stuff in the military not trannies. It's beyond medical issues. At this point a Frankie is perfectly fine being in the military. They just don't get to slap on a girl uniform and do their thing. They need to be weird off the clock. This argument is about the laziest in the thread.
Are the nutters still saying he banned transgenders when the military brass said they are ignoring the tweet?
They do that because you cater to their mental illness.
We cater to mental illness because it is an illness. Most enlighten people excepted that over a century ago.
You handle the problem through therapy, not chopping their dick off. You know, the way they did it over a century ago. The way 0.3% of the population commits suicide. We let liberals handle it, they will become 0.1%.
Most people that are transgender do not have gender reassignment surgery. In fact very few do. A 2016 study of transgender military personnel by the Rand corporation bears this out.
At the time there were 2415 people that were transgender out of 1.3 million active duty personnel. During a given year, 24 would seek transgender surgery. 200 would seek some form of counseling, psychotherapy, or hormone therapy. The remaining 93% would seek no medical service related to their condition.

Using healthcare cost as a basis for excluding thousands of people who want serve their country can not be justified.
Transgender Service Members’ Medical Costs Are Not a “Burden.” They Are Valid (and Cheaper Than Viagra).
So what you are saying is that a man with 2 tits and a penis and balls, should be allowed to shower with many women in the military? Talk about liberals, "WAR ON WOMEN"....
You seem to have a vivid imagination.
No imagination at all, just know what is going on in the military today. When I was in the Air Force back in the late 1970's and into the 1980's there were GAY drill instructors, who would watch the men shower, and when they were reported on, the higher ups turned a blind eye on the events, just wanting the gays to hurry up and retire. If it was a male drill instructor watching women, the male would of been canned in a heart beat. The left has so bullied everyone into subjugation for homosexuality, that normal people don't speak out, except there are a few who wont bend that knee.

Obama’s Military! Naked Men in Women’s Showers, Men in Women’s Clothes, Fluid Genders

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